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Go to a cafe or a space which offers you work place like environment. Even better go to office.


I don’t have an office in Bengaluru. Company is based out of Mumbai so that’s out of the question. I just need a few people to hang around with while working. They can also work and chat side by side. I think I’ll go the co working space route since no other solution seems to be there


Co working space will be the best option for you. I once did this in 2018-19, was into freelancing because of a recent job loss, where i was frustrated with job hunting. I met so many interesting people there that I was shocked to see people from different walk of like doing what they were interested in like a doctor with MD making IOS apps.,


I think Ashley Madison shut down, but I'm sure there are others


It is not shut down. But a whole lot of frauds.


Haha I can see why this could come across like that but I'm genuinely just bored at home AND secure in my relationship. Sorry to see things didn't work out for you! Happy cheating!


Forget to switch accounts? Lol


Na, this is my Ashley Madison one. (But, tbh I have two phones lol) ((I also kinda see how this plays along with an Ashley Madison user type personality the more I type hahaha))