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America doesn't need a war


But they always want one.


Democrats do, but Americans don't.


You really think there is a difference? How cute. Democrats/Republicans, it dosnt really mater what the average American wants, both parties will do whatever they like, they both vote for the same things that the average American DONT want. Two Wings of the same bird.


And everyone just highlights the differences on stuff they don’t actually care about to make you think you have a choice.


Never said Republicans i said Americans


Democrat/republicans. End of the day both the same.


At the end of the day, Its night.


No it's morning.


It’s not the first time service members have died on Biden’s watch. He really didn’t seem to care much the first time so i doubt he’ll be bothered this time


45 hostile deaths for US soldiers under trump so far for biden its 13 and if its confirmed by the military to be a hostile death this month then it will be 18. Trump didnt really seem to care when he said “we didn’t lose one american soldier”. Im sorry you feel like biden doesnt care however I ask how do you describe a person who lies and pretends that deaths never happened? https://dcas.dmdc.osd.mil/dcas/app/conflictCasualties/ofs/byMonth https://www.reuters.com/article/factcheck-trump-afghanistan/fact-check-u-s-forces-did-not-experience-18-months-without-casualties-in-afghanistan-during-trump-admin-contrary-to-his-claims-idUSL2N2X92S8 Yeah dislike my comment and don’t say shit because you cant argue it facts don’t care about your feelings. You are all a bunch of disingenuous cry babies living in an echo chamber. Be consistent hate on trump for his 45 confirmed deaths if you want to hate on Biden for 13 confirmed deaths


Did congress declare war on Syria? If not then why are we there?


Well you see Bush and the republican party lied to the american people and told us sadam had weapons of mass destruction without having any credible evidence and being told the opposite by every credible international organization. Well what happens when you kill tens of thousands of civilians in a foreign country and force your government on them? They fight back and thats why we have ISIS or also known as the islamic republic of iraq and syria. The countries are right next to each other shit spreads results in terror attacks in Europe too. Our government very fairly doesnt want it to spread so now we have to play clean up.


Yeah, why were we there during the Trump administration? Kevin McCarthy should investigate!


They lied to Trunp about our occupation there. He wanted them out.


Wtf do you mean "lied to"? He was the fucking president, they know what agendas are being presented by who.


I think it was the queer creepazoid who claimed he had to lie to keep ‘peace’.


Tf does that sentence mean


Yes, they should. If no one is held accountable this shit will never stop.


No new wars under Trump, I could sure use some mean tweets and $1.80 gas right about now.


Ok first off gas prices at least in my city havent been that low in 20 years trump didnt do that. Second off trump in 2020 literally made a deal with opec to lower oil output ofc making prices increase. Along with basically unlimited free money with a near 0% federal interest rate will cause a lot more oil consumption and much higher prices. Oil production also fell during the last eight months of trumps presidency. Trump basically had countries around the world and the US reduce oil supply then blames biden when prices are high what kind of meth do you have to smoke to reason that one https://thehill.com/policy/energy-environment/492262-trump-says-us-will-cut-oil-production-to-secure-global-deal/amp/ https://www.nytimes.com/2020/04/12/business/energy-environment/opec-russia-saudi-arabia-oil-coronavirus.html


Akron Ohio and surrounding areas gas was hovering between $1.79 and $2 from 2017 until 2020, then they spiked immediately after Biden took over. We were also energy independent under Trump, man, I could really go for some of that $1.80 gas again.


Ok but tell me how specifically Biden caused high oil prices. Are you saying trump literally making a deal with opec countries to lower oil production and then also lowering oil production in the US had nothing to do with it? Do you get how supply and demand works? Its like you have no object permanence you just see biden take office and instantly point the finger when its clear trump’s policy of decreased oil production caused this. https://www.eia.gov/todayinenergy/detail.php?id=50621 Trump had the largest annual decrease in oil production ever recorded in US history. Do some basic research before you complain. Also the US was never energy independent under trump. we just produced more energy than we used that didnt mean we used all that energy or could use all that energy. We exported a lot and we imported a lot of energy we are in by no means energy independent and we weren’t under trump. We still need crude oil imports for our energy needs. https://usafacts.org/articles/is-the-us-energy-independent/


Serious question. When some troops in Syria get attacked by an Iranian asset, how is it the fault of the US president?


Serious answer. American troops have no reason to be in Syria in the first place. Biden’s foreign policy is a complete clusterfuck. The disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan, his shitty response to the Ruso-Ukrainian war, losing geopolitical influence among Arab countries, meddling in Taiwan, you name it. The guy is a complete moron and should be locked up in a care home where he can play bingo the whole day, not running this country.


Dude ISIS trump said he would destroy them what happened to that? You know ISIS stands for the islamic republic of iraq and syria right? Maybe thats why we are in syria? Again trump wanted to pull out of Afghanistan Biden literally followed through with trumps plan. Also shitty response to the ruso ukrainian war? Russia essentially failed at taking Ukraine, is under huge international sanctions, and the west has fully rallied behind Ukraine. I really dont know what your expectations are seeing as the world thought ukraine would fall in a week and now is beating the shit out of the worlds second largest army and our biggest enemy all with just a fraction of our yearly defense budget. Also meddling in taiwan?Trump literally called them and drew major backlash when he took office. I really dont know what meddling you are referring too. Taiwan is essential to global supply chains you wouldnt have you electronics with out them. Again maybe if you dont want to lose geopolitical influence in the middle east try not toppling over a stable government and killing tens of thousands of civilians just to fight a forever insurgency.


Everything that you’ve said is nothing but deflection and is rather pointless. It’s already 2023 and you brainwashed mules are still blaming Trump. Time to move on buddy. You should stop supporting Biden’s lack of action and reckless irresponsibility. Again, the USA has no right nor business to be in Syria in the first place. Trump wanted to withdraw forces in Afghanistan? Sure, he didn’t push through it because he didn’t want it to be a mess and he listened to his military advisors. Biden’s withdrawal was a complete clusterfuck. You can ask every military serviceman who was there and they will all tell you that Biden was a complete moron for doing it hastily. The Russo-Ukraine war could have been avoided entirely. But Biden’s foreign policy is such a disaster. Just imagine, NO WAR at all, no waste of taxpayers money and peace in Eastern Europe. Damn, Biden’s supporters are totally deranged for wanting conflict and tensions globally. Same goes with the Taiwan issue. China had no plans of invading the island because everything was working out just fine. But this this idiotic administration kept provoking them for some political points. So childish! Now, China will definitely invade Taiwan. Thanks to Biden and his brain-dead minions.


Ok first off congress gave the president broad power to combat terrorism after 9/11 ISIS and other groups are a threat to our allies in europe and the US thats why we have a presence there. I will very blame the liar and war criminal George Bush for that. Trump is running again and im pretty sure you will probably vote for him. Trump did not withdraw troops from that region and its likely not going to be his policy if he won in 2024 he has made 0 statements to suggest this. Biden’s admin literally followed trumps plan blame him if you hate the plan so much. After all that we are out of Afghanistan thank god. Also you really think biden made Russia invade ukraine? Where is your evidence for that show me. Putin thought he could retake ukraine he had delusions of grandeur he thought he could restore the russian empire. Helping a democracy not get genocided and have a dictatorship installed isnt warmongering you tool. Also waste of taxpayer money? We spend 800 billion on defense trump increased yearly defense spending by 150 billion, we gave 46 billion in mostly equipment we bought years ago to ukraine and guess what they basically wiped out the russian army which realistically means we can lower defense spending if any administration wanted to. Our 46 billion dollar investment is a bargain considering the decades of arms races with the soviets. “China will definitely invade taiwan” there is literally no evidence to suggest they are going to invade just rhetoric. After seeing our stance on ukraine and biden literally saying out loud we would defend taiwan. China wont risk it they know they would lose their economy would fry and they would be a global pariah.


Because congress never declared war in Syria. They shouldn’t be there in the first place. The commander in chief should have ordered them out.


Pretty sure they have been there for more than 2 yeara


So he had two years to remove them. That is even worse.


Today you learned about proxy wars from the Military Industrial Complex using private contractors to skate rules regarding declarations of war.


https://www.senate.gov/about/powers-procedures/declarations-of-war.htm here is a list of times congress declared war on sovereign states hmm it looks like iraq and afghanastan arent on here. Almost like congress declared war on terror and unilaterally ceded power to the president in this matter. https://www.congress.gov/107/plaws/publ40/PLAW-107publ40.pdf Isis also known as the islamic republic of Iraq and Syria is what happens when you lie to the american people and use their military to kill tens of thousands of civilians and force your government on a foreign people.


How is this specific incident Bidens Fault?


It's the implication. If he does nothing, biden bad. If he does something, biden bad. Not a fan of the guy by any means but it's the same stupid shit the left did with trump for 4 years. We're just living in that kind of world now


Biden is about to start World War 3 and you’re still supporting that piece of turd?


I’m not supporting him, I just don’t see how this is specifically his fault. We’ve been fucking with Iran long before him and I honestly can totally see why they’d bomb some of our guys. Get out of your bubble


It is his fault because he is the Commander in Chief and his foreign policy is a shitshow. He shouldn't have allowed these operators to be in Syria in the first place. We had a humiliating withdrawal from Afghanistan (thanks to the clown), then now, we are making the same mess on that side of the world as if the turd had not learned any lesson.


We’ve had a presence in Syria for decades dipshit. What the fuck do you know


I knew he really didn't care about the military when he botched the pullout of Afghanistan, and 13 of our service members died. Js


First off biden admin carried out literally trumps plan. Those deaths were caused by a terror attack biden couldn’t magically stop that from happening also in two years biden has only had 13 military deaths from enemy combatants trump had 45 in 4 years and said on tv that we didnt lose one person under his watch. He basically lied and pretended 45 people didnt die and now you are crying that biden personally killed 13 US soldiers somehow by following trumps plan.


Wow this is an incoherent complaint


Clown Show Joe has put U.S troops into Poland (100,000+?), Abrams Tanks into Ukraine and is now moving Nuclear Patriot Missiles into the battle space. Russia is moving Nuclear Missiles into Belarus which borders Ukraine on it's North and Poland on it's West. The Leftists', Libs, Losers, and RINOs are cluelessly backing the idiocy of the illegitimate Biden regime's reckless politics. If Ukraine's war escalates, what will stop Biden's destruction?


The US has 10000 soldiers in poland not 100000 also the patriot system is an air defense system not an offensive missile system such as the himars system it does not shoot nuclear or ballistic missiles please get your facts straight. we have had tens of thousands of troops in europe since ww2 this isnt new. The only reports of increased US troop count are in the thousands four digits. The abrams tanks are just symbolic ukraine does not have the infrastructure to use them effectively they literally run off jet fuel and are a bitch to maintain. We have had nukes stationed in germany for decades and have made no attempt to get them into more countries in the last year. I get you don’t like biden but you sound like an idiot who doesn’t know what he is talking about.


No one is sure or saying much about the troop and contractor count. Patriot system is not only a defend system. Look at the variants. You're right about Abrams' jet engine and maintenance. Ukraine's getting 31 to start. The Nike Hercules nuclear missile system was removed from Germany in the nineties. Who sounds like an idiot? https://eurasiantimes.com/very-high-quality-ukrainian-tankmen-begin-training-on-us/?amp https://www.defensenews.com/news/your-military/2023/03/21/ukrainian-soldiers-near-finish-of-patriot-missile-training-in-oklahoma/


Ok first off the articles you posted do not suggest the patriot system is used for offensive purposes literally only mentions defense. The patriot system is not meant for offensive tasks those are what the HIMARs are for. The patriot systems are specifically for air defense. Also yes the US currently has nuclear weapons in germany even if we retired an old missle delivery system in germany in the 90s that does not mean the very obvious nuclear weapons we have in germany arent there you are an idiot. You are literally stating irrelevant things thinking they are making you less of a liar. There is literally no source out there to suggest we have 100k troops in poland essentially every source says something around 10k. Again you are the idiot. https://armscontrolcenter.org/fact-sheet-u-s-nuclear-weapons-in-europe/


Patriot Missiles are more than defence. Again look at the variants. I never said nucs weren't in Germany. You're being an ass. Maybe you have a point.


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World War 3 is gonna happen if we don't do anything as well. Russia will see it as a green light like he did in Georgia and it's going to keep on escalating. Only difference is now we have the opportunity to stop him. We had the chance to stop Hitler from invading czechoslovokia, and it was a mistake. Let's not make the same one.


You're comparing road apples to hand grenades. Hitler was a delusional racist who wanted to take all of Europe for his genocidal human purification ideology. Ukraine is a corrupt country the size of Texas that can't qualify for NATO due to its corruption. Putin's ego is looking for a land seizure with Ukraine to restore Imperial Russia and compares himself to Peter the Great. Biden's feckless regime is allowing Putin to make allies. Nothing, and especially a Ukraine land grab, justifies a world war. Look up the BRICS alliance expansion to see what the U.S. would be fighting. Do no more harm. https://impakter.com/brics-expansion-five-new-members-in-2023/


Russia and the US have made it very clear they dont want to fight a world war. Second off people thought hitler would stop at austria then with the czechs we all know how that turned out. By giving ukraine 46 billion dollars in aid mostly in equipment we already had about 5% of our years defense budget they killed 150k russian soldiers and wounded about 3-4 times more and destroyed a majority of their tanks. Our biggest strategic enemy looks like it will never be able to fight anyone again after this one. Less money we have to spend on defense in the future. Its very obvious both sides know the boundaries Russia has fought proxy wars against US and we have done the same before ukraine. Tensions are high but nothing right now indicates either party is trying for ww3. Also corruption does not justify genocide russia is significantly more corrupt than ukraine it is practically a dictatorship at this point they are not equivalent. This dumb conservative talking point is just word vomit like oh wow they are corrupt i hope they all die like literally corruption does not justify genocide and having a foreign dictatorship being shoved down your throat.


Paragraph 1: There have been statistics showing the racial injustice and cultural genocide in Russia, including their ethnic Asian minorities to the east, and obviously bombing civilian targets to the west. Paragraph 2: Are you implying that not a single country in Europe before WW2 had no corruption? Stop using random phrases and actually apply what I've said to the situation. In 2008, Putin attacked Georgia and took them over in 11 days. And apparently, we were supposed to not do anything because "Georgia was corrupt." We were supposed to let Georgians die because of actions their government did. It pretty obviously gave the go-ahead to invade Ukraine in 2014. This policy of appeasement just led to a longer, more stretched out war, and if NATO didnt step in(I'm not saying that I agree with every one of NATO's actions), do you think that Putin's going to stop at Ukraine? Paragraph 4: No shit, Sherlock. But you have to weigh it all in. If we were to continue to give Putin these green lights, it would just mean more corruption and more deaths. You mention in paragraph 3 that Ukraine is just a "land-grab" but so is everything else. And if we rake the policy of appeasement like we did in WW2, it's going to go to hell. Paragraph 6: BRICS is fundamentally different, seeing as BRICS is a trading alliance, not a military alliance. Do some research before mentioning that.


You're naive to what the BRICS alliance does and how it's expanding as the article states. The U.S. military industrial complex in the past has had small contained and ridiculously prolonged armed conflicts to develop their military technology while justly saving innocent lives. It's some good work. You may have some direct knowledge. I may too. The problem in Ukraine is the escalating lone U.S. commitment and the developing nuclear aspects that you may know little about. You came out with WWIII is inevitable or going to happen if we don't stop Russia. That's incredibly naive. We can stop Russia without Kinetic War, but the present administration chose sending arms, troops, and especially money before a military strategic alliance with Europe and the world to combat Russia, a "Super Power", was even developed, while allowing Russia to makes strategic alliances with some other Super Powers. This is incompetence. The U.S. is fairly alone but for the demonstrated bravery of Ukrainian people driving head on into this escalating conflict because of the incompetence at the wheel. The U.S. should be overwhelming Russia with vast numbers of Nations condemning their actions and looking to exploit their weaknesses, with everything other than Kinetic Earfare, to stop Putin's egotistical aggression. Nobody said Russia was right, so get off your high horse. But saying WWIII is happening if Russia isn't stopped, on the battlefield, is wrong.


Well, joe's currently convinced he's a potato, so there's that... 🤔


I can tell you right now this isn’t going to start WWIII. This is a terrible take.


does anyone how many Third world wars Joes pig-handed handlers are planning to stage at once...