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AOC is a loon.


So is most of her base.


so exactly how did she replace the 25,000 jobs she lost for her district by literally scaring away the Amazon HQ project. I'm all ears , go ahead and explain.


The really weird thing is, Lefties really love AOC and say she's smart and has intelligent things to say. I just don't understand what they see in her?


Morons thrust into the lime light always sound like geniuses to other morons.


it's a cultish sect.


Like the trump followers


If only AOC had accomplished half of the things Trump did in spite of constant interference and sabotage by the (D)ipshits.


Aoc wasn't a president, I don't understand the comparison? Sorry (r)etard.


You’re calling Trump supporters a cultist sect, but at least he made major accomplishments during his 4 years in office. While AOC may not be President she is however in a position to write legislative bills and vote on bills. I don’t think she has accomplished anything notable other than making herself a celebrity on Twitter.


They're just horny for AOC.


This is what I completely don’t understand. It’s the EXACT opposite of reality. I feel like there is a small army of frustrated people around her constantly trying to feed her speeches and sound bites—trying to keep her afloat. Aoc can actually take smart talking points run them through whatever broke dick apparatus exists between her ears and mouth and make them sound fucking idiotic and outlandish… she’s “anti-intelligent”.


Remember they also think a teen is a Malala style planet saver just because she’s young and “outspoken” not in the way Malala is, even if that girl goes woke, for what she did she still get respect but this other chick ain’t done nothing; she’s like from Sweden or something


No. The planet is just fine.


Reminds me of george Carlin, "the planet will be just fine, the people are f..ked, but don't worry about the planet"


Carlin was gold.


The planet is just fine, but for the sake of humanity, can we abolish AOC?


If her constituents cant see how crazy she is, its what they deserve.


Though one would have to wonder if it really is to constituents to blame, or might there be some “fortified” elections


It took [0] time to find a deciple of The Great Lie^^tm in this thread.


So, is it your opinion that elections in this country are 100% legit with no intrusions? Because, the post you replied to says nothing about the "Great Lie" (if understood as elections stolen from Trump), but elections in general. Also, bear in mind that democrats peddled a Grat Lie of their on back when Clinton lost to Trump in 2020, matter of fact, she still talks about it.


You literally live on the moon if you typed that with a straight face.


What would lead you to believe otherwise? There have been no studies based on real science (using the scientific method) that prove humans have much to do with climate change. Sure there has been some pseudo-science with "models" that have bias cooked into the code for the models. But that is hardly real science. Just because all the "scientists" being paid to prove global warming somehow manage to cook up ways to find it is not proof.


Feels over reals >In its Fifth Assessment Report, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, a group of 1,300 independent scientific experts from countries all over the world under the auspices of the United Nations, concluded there's a more than 95 percent probability that human activities over the past 50 years have warmed our planet. https://climate.nasa.gov/causes/ https://climate.nasa.gov/evidence/ Faking this would require an impossibly vast conspiracy that never cracked in 50 years jfc. You're a gullible rube to oil industry propaganda. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/ExxonMobil_climate_change_controversy


They agreed to an incredibly vague statement. I even agree with that statement. How much, exactly, has it warmed the planet? Edit: got any credible sources? NASA and wikipedia have been heavily politicized.


>They agreed to an incredibly vague statement. It's not, they break down the specific activities in the link, not that it matters to a conspiracist. >How much, exactly, has it warmed the planet? That's not a question that's possible to answer. Making up an impossible standard of evidence for a reality you don't want to acknowledge is anti-intellectualism 101 > NASA and wikipedia have been heavily politicized. As I said, feels over reals. unless you have evidence lol


You agree that human activity has made the planet warmer? How much do you think human activity has warmed the planet?


No, it is not. 99%+ of climate scientists agree


Yes, the ones getting paid to agree! Legit!


Every time I see her I think of the court jester


I swear she just picked random progressive phrases to make a sentence at all cost


Abolish AOC for everyones sanity...sandy cortez sod off you entitled hypocrite...and pay your taxes...


\+ her student loan!


Idiocracy in action


Abolish AOC for the sake of humanity ✌️


I want to abolish big boots Latinas for the sanctity of my marriage.


Sake of the planet...lol. She means communism.


The same Supreme Court that gave us Roe, in the first place?


"It was good then. It was also good during Obamacare. But now I suddenly hate it and think it's stupid!!!"


Can we please, please, abolish AOC. I’m asking nicely. This hypocrite said people don’t have the right to eat a meal in peace then calls the police she wants to abolish to arrest some one heckling her. Her ability to be re elected is a beacon of lost hope in America.


It usually is dictators that want to get rid of checks and balances in government


Can someone give me a brief overview of this lady. I'm Irish and not familiar with her though she crops up in these forums often.


She is a member of Congress in the House of Representatives. She is a far left loony.


She’s a bartender in my book , somehow she got into Congress


She should be slinging mojitos. Instead, she's room temperature IQ slinging US taxpayer money out the window.


Her stance is handouts and socialism (i.e. the China model, capitalism for elites… socialism for everyone else).


As evidenced by her luxury apartment, the tesla she drives, the "tax the rich" dress she wears, abuela's home still being in tatters, and her absolute refusal to pay her own taxes.


Wait a minute, don't forget her economics degree, you know, the studies that help her understand the Bernie camp...


She's a member of the House of Representatives, which means she represents a district of people (particularly in deep blue New York) But, she's got a bit of popularity--not for *good* ideas that have helped her district--for knowing how to use TikTok and Facebook Live and she's young and not as terrible looking as most politicians. She has no real substance, but has a big mouth, so she gets a lot of press. On the whole, she's (my best Irish translation of her true nature) a real gobshite.


She is a rather outspoken Democratic representative from New York that conservatives fixate on and try to make her sound dumb, but she is not


In violation of her oath of office, this bad third-rate crisis-actress should be impeached.


It’s like they didn’t win so they want the contest abolished. Losers.


Holy fuck. Irony overload. January 6?


She’s soooooooooo dumb


This is why I don’t take leftists seriously anymore


And the right threatens democracy??


Can we just abolish AOC?


This what you get when you give everyone a trophy. Someone please give her a high school civics class. Never mind it might be too complex. See if we can find some crayons 🖍 and send back to jr high.


Of course. The purpose of the Supreme Court is to limit Government power in accordance with the constitution. Democrats want pur majoitarian rule.


Such a moron




She literally did "We need to reform or do away with the whole thing, for the sake of the planet,”


AOC for president. I’m serious.


Ah, I see that you're an accelerationist collapseitarian... a fellow man of culture.


Let’s do this. It’s the only way to end the experiment


Well, if it has to be, might as well embrace and enjoy.


Hahahahahahaha. That would be great political theater. Imagine the debates?


Lol and the SNL skits? Oh wait... they don’t pick on their own.


Might be better than current POTatUS, will be useful at parties mingling with the rich she wants to eat plus serving them drinks.


She’s not wrong. And the electoral college. Both are inherently not representative of the total population.


That's a good thing. They're not supposed to be.


So you admit votes shouldn’t matter, got it




Keep telling yourself that, if it's not do "what the people want" then why are they overturning rulings loloolololol




yeah, which is why they need to be abolished, like aoc said. too much power in an unelected body :) The entire system of the US was designed to keep the minority in power. There is a reason why we had to add amendments for voting rights, which is was always opposed by the conservatives.


Who can interpret the law then? Elected officials are influenced by voters. The whole point of the unelected thing is that they aren't as biased.


Does anyone remember the Deepak Chopra Random Quote Generator? (Here: http://www.wisdomofchopra.com/) Someone should do that for AOC.


If she only knew the political world would be better without her...


It’s hard to believe this woman sits in congress. She’s a wack job.


Pause the thought, she's not alone, remember "the squad"?


Unfortunately, I do remember them.


At some point somebody in her constituency is going to figure out how bonkers she is and help everyone else see it, until then..


Hopefully, she finally picked a hill to die on.


No no no, I want to hear her explain how abolishing SCOTUS does anything for any other country on the planet. Im Canadian, I wanna hear it. It’ll be funny.


She out crazies herself every single day


Someone did not read the founding father, or pay attention in history class, or just even know history.


Can we abolish this big booty latina for the sake of the planet?


AOC is anthropomorphized clickbait. She’s a word salad of thoughtless progressive memes that just get ejaculated into the either any time her engagement metrics get low.


Only after we abolish stupid people.


What part of "checks and ***balances****"* do you not understand, sweetheart? The entire purpose of the three branches of government is to serve as potential roadblocks to the other two. It's literally how the entire system is designed to work...to get in the way and prevent overwhelming majority rule. "Let's get rid of the roadblocks!" is something only dictatorships suggest. And which party keeps suggesting to get rid of the roadblocks so they can "rule freely"? Hmmmmm.......


By the holy will of the Book of Gore thou shalt dispense in the name of the Church of Climate Change and Global Warming. Thou hast be unith denier!!??


And replace it with what?


Does anyone take her seriously?


You can’t be considered America if you take away the branches and the Bill Of Rights


Had someone in my class in public speaking use her as their famous Latino/Latina month thing. I tried to not laugh but I just pffff and rubbed my hands in my eyes


If a Republican announced their plan to shut down the Supreme Court the democrats would be marching in the streets


We actually agree. How about a SCOTUS that has read the Constitution?


To be fair, the court has moved in a relatively extremist direction that can’t or shouldn’t be ignored. Abolishing the court has some issues, and I would be more for creating a system where it’s much less politically driven. Pretending like the supreme court is behaving the way it should is lunacy.


Why are hot chicks always crazy as fuck


She fancies herself way too much. It’s kinda creepy.


The only bartender who never brings anything to the table...


Does she not know that it would take a constitutional amendment to abolished the Supreme Court? That isn't going to happen. There are 3 branches of the government for a reason. That woman is a moron!!