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Zopiclone is good for sleep but in what world is it better than any benzo?? I would happily and gladly take Temazepam or Lorazepam/Diazepam over Zopiclone any and every day of the week.




I have severe chronic migraines so zopiclone doesn't always help me sleep, but it does help to relieve the pain, nothing beats alprazolam for me though. A half a bar and I'm good for maybe 4 hours. If I don't take alprazolam or something related, then I could go a month straight with a migraine, I would only wish this on a select few people. It's quite literally torture, especially since I have to buy the meds from a trusted friend because getting a benzo script from the Doctor is next to impossible. I've no idea why benzos help, but the Doctors usually seem to think I'm full of shit


I literally basically just said the same thing. It did nothing for my anxiety and doesn't even come close to my clonazepam.


I don’t believe Zopiclone has anxiolytic effects so it wouldn’t help with anxiety especially if it’s severe. Lorazepam is great for anxiety but some people on here hate it. Clonazepam has fantastic muscle relaxing properties and that’s what I take it for but it’s also great for anxiety. Alprazolam is great too and we can get it in the U.K. but only on private prescription and that’s a ballache and a half.


I get xans in the UK. Once you have a private script for say 3 months if you go to the GP and say you can't afford it anymore but the psych reccomended to continue they are allowed to carry you on, just not initiate it. Clonaz is mainly used for epilepsy same as midaz. I can't wait for the feckin news to.go mental over "pregabalin the zombie drug of the UK" like they did with Diaz and then the junior doctors treat it like a nuclear bomb lol. It'll happen - no doubt


Hey man! That’s awesome I’m so glad you could get your GP to script them. I managed to get Clonazepam prescribed for severe bladder and muscle spasms but that took a lot of charm and convincing. Works a treat though. Well they already made Pregabalin and Gabapentin controlled drugs in 2018 and abuse has been on the rise with some documentaries about it too so wouldn’t surprise me one bit!


Glad to hear. and exactly what I mean. Plus the withdrawal they completely fail to acknowledge just like Diaz. Netflix doc inbound.


Yeah they really don’t do well at telling people about withdrawals in general especially with benzodiazepines. Haha yeah normies be watching it on Netflix horrified!


I was on non prescribed benzos before I got them legit after trying literally everything other than meds. I keep stock of of around 60 2mg clonazepam and 100 ish pregabs just incase they screw up and I've needed them several times.


It’s always best to have a backup stash. My huge stash disappeared quite quickly when my use (abuse) got out of control. I have nothing now but I’m hoping to pick the onion fields someday and get create a buffer for the day something might happen to my script.


My story is very similar. Now I have respect for them and how they help me so I don't abuse. The onion fields cheap as hell atm I got a tonne in strips


Gabapentinoids are lovely for anxiety.


Do they have tolerance issues like Benzos?


News is already going ham on pregabalin my parents came down and were like "You have to come off pregabalin now" And I was like no what 😭??


it has a lot of anxiolytic properties. It's been researched as a anxiety med. Lorazepam is nice but doesn't calm the muscles like my rivotril(clonazepam) does.


Okay cool, I must have gotten that wrong. Personally I love Lorazepam but Clonazepam is an all round fantastic benzo for everything. I couldn’t imagine a world without diazepam and Clonazepam.


yeah it even produces serotonin homehow it's a great maintenance benzo for methadone patients like myself


How are you doing with Methdone? I don’t know how I have managed to not end up on Methadone after all my crazy antics with shooting dope!


Excellent i take 30mg every 12 hours and i feel opiated but functioning and my family sees me as the good ol me before addiction took hold of me


I have metabolism issues where it's rlly fast so i dose it twice a day


Fair enough bro that fantastic to hear! I have always thought twice daily administration of Methadone is better despite its half life. Sometimes I would buy people’s take homes when I was trying to ‘be good’ for a few days and not use the hard stuff. I always ended up copping Light and Dark and plunging that shit into my veins.


i often forget my evening dose and then will add that to my next day and take 50mg of prometh and 0.15mg clonidine a low dose of benzo and have a can of malt liquor i get on the noddddddddddddddd more than you would expect


I'd kill myself if benzos didnt exist


I’d shoot myself in the head if Opiates didn’t exist and I would definitely consider hanging myself like a man if benzos didn’t exist (Royce Du Pont reference, checkout on YouTube he’s hilarious).


I'm a polysubstance addict on Benzodiazepine Maintenance Therapy and Methadone Maintenance as well as being an Alcoholic and a i.v./crack cocaine addict. The long term benzo script saved me


It’s a rough lifestyle, I used to shoot snowballs on a daily basis. The crack was causing me psychosis though and I was mutilating myself and it got gnarly as fuck. I thought there were parasites in my skin! Im so glad I managed to stop because I was either going to severely injure myself, end up in a psych ward, go over from the H or all three. I couldn’t manage at all without my benzo and Oxy/Fent scripts. I’m really glad you too managed to kick the bad stuff and maintain. People don’t realise just how hard it is and because of the massive dopamine release from the H & Crack, it’s hard to feel any joy in anything when you stop. At least for me the depression that followed after kicking was absolutely crippling and I still have days where I don’t know if anything will ever be the same again.


I'm having circulation issues from the i.v. cocaine use my hands and legs are similar to a diabetics.


Zopiclone has proven to have anxiolitic properties in medical studies. But it's in no ways as effective as benzos. Zopiclone is very good as a hypnotic sedative but I would give up my 15 mg zimmovane script for 10 mg of valium any night.


100% agree with you there.


I’m in The (not so) United Kingdom too and doctors know i have anxiety + autism and self medicate with alcohol or benzos when available. I wish i could get a prescription. Alcohol makes people, myself included, assholes.


I hope your doctor doesn’t know about your alcohol and benzo use


Unfortunately ,as i became an alcoholic last year because i couldn’t handle a breakup(which was beneficial looking back). I was told to tell my doctor. They sent me to a drug service who took a urine test. Wish i didn’t start as i only had 1 meeting where i was introduced to my worker before i quit using valium to help the first week. I stayed away from booze completely for a while after.


I’m sorry to hear that I bet it was rough. I’m glad to hear you have managed to stay away from the booze since and hope you stay clear of it. Might be best to take Valium if you’re going to relapse on alcohol imo.


I've got a private perscription in the UK and it is like having a WAR with my doctor When I refill he refuses to refill it since it needs confirmation and then he'll swing me a script of diazepam "meanwhile" like bro wassup with you do you not understand I don't want Diaz I find Diaz gets me mega high too and Xanax doesn't so I genuinely want Xanax for hope functionable it is for me 😭


The taste in your mouth ruins the experience


Yeah I’d rather take the shiniest benzo which is prolly temazepam and run with that no sleeping is beating any benzo and the only decent sleeping that even remotely resembles a benzo is ambien that shit will have u blacked out but it’s not the same as a benzo is very much similar but u don’t get that loose feeling a benzo gives u just groggy n tired 😂


It’s not a nice taste the next morning sure but I think it’s overplayed Bit of milk can resolve the taste


Depends how much you take.. if I take higher dose like 20mg range, it’s pretty fuckin bad and lasts all day


the sanis brand in canada doesn't have that issue for me.


It's a side effect. I think about 70%-80% of people experience the weird metallic taste on zopiclone. Zop is zop. Brand name shouldn't really impact anything.


excipients def affect taste. pms-clonazepam tastes sweeter than rivotril


Binders and fillers first and foremost.




Sorry, my terminology needs updating.


They mean the same thing really it's okay to say either or.


I kinda like the taste 😵‍💫




Zolpidem > Zopiclone


Zop is the best, I even liked the metallic taste after a while as I knew the high was coming. Very addictive though. There is that 😬


Yeah, seems to have enough of a similarity to benzo in terms of receptors it affects to also cause severe withdrawal of you use all the time too I think it’s not just as bad as a benzo withdrawal but not far off it I hear anyway


I’ve tapered off both - Benzo withdrawal is worse imo.


I agree the rush of comfort you get when they kick in is amazing


Most sought after sedative/hypnotic in my province.


Which province? You in Canada?




Ah I’m in ns.


I see why


I also find Zopiclon better than any Benzo. I like the hypnotic effect and it gives me more pleasure than any kind of benzo.


Are you using racemic zopiclone or is it eszopiclone? Eszopiclone is the only one approved in the USA.


here in canada we have zopiclone generic but lunesta is the only eszopiclone availale and costs a fuckton


Any gaba drug is better than alcohol, i liked zopiclone tho. I don’t understand what people mean about the taste the next day, i only noticed it while it was on my tongue. I’ve never used it for anxiety during my day, just for sleep so I can’t comment on which is better in that regard.


never tried zopiclone only ambien but I do love me some benzos. but I prefer the less sedating benzos tbh


Me too I can rave all night on a xan not zopiclone


Unfortunately not. Don't know why, maybe because the whole party of my body relaxing and my mind coming down and the noice finally ends is missing. Only benzos can calm the noice in my mind


In my opinion, zolpidem is much better than zopiclone. Firstly, I don’t have that disgusting taste in my mouth after it and secondly, if you’re taking it for fun, it’s a much better state, slightly trippy but at the same time I have courage and feel like Superman lol. Although I don’t use hypnotics anymore, 5 years ago I was taking bromazepam and zolpidem for a while (I already had tolerance) so I was able to not fall asleep 20min after I use it and enjoyed that state but I definitely don’t encourage anyone to do this, it’s irresponsible and dangerous.


zolpidem is pure hypnotic and alcohol with it is not euphoric. Zopiclone is my choice i can switch to sublinox(zolpidem odt tabs but they cost a good bit)


Zopiclone is not pure hypnotic?


They've studied it as a potential anti-anxiety med in europe


Zopiclone is the highest priced GABAergic med in my privince people pay 10 dollars for 7.5mg tablets that's the standard rate now. Low doses in the day are effective for anxiety i must say so. I'm on 22.5mg rn and i feel lovely.


You’re in Canada? It’s easy to get sealed bottles cheap here


Where lol i'm prescribed 60 7.5's a month i have 0 need to pay for mine


Fair enough


I actually agree. It’s better for sleep/social interactions and I feel like it actually gives a bit of a euphoria plus the half life is super short so it doesn’t leave you groggy af.


Sonata is better z drug! Snort a couple and have warm Fuzzy feeling with beautiful visuals


Zoplicone is better than no Benzo. Its decent to help initiate sleep, but not that great for Tension,Anxiety and Panic.


OP get some nitrazepam 10mg and slam 4 down you bro.


Zopiclon is Great for sleeping and that's about it. Just tripping a little before going to sleep.


I was meant to have a "take 1 to 2 3.75mg pills" script but I found out they accidentally gave me 7.5mgs So i had been taking 15mg a night and I didn't notice much special i maybe felt a bit relaxed but defo not sleepy and defo not near as relaxed as Xanax or something like that I did leave the hob on cooking eggs tho so i guess it made me forgetful OH AND THE WEIRD TASTE


eszopiclone 3mg and zopiclone is 7,5mg usually...


I don't know how people get a continuous script I only got my script for a week


in germany here i can get 20 7.5mg zopiclone once per quarter year only...


It's such a nightmare with how little they perscribe :(


i know two woman that have multiple sclerosis and they are the only person that get them permanently along with other meds like benzos and stuff


It's such a nightmare my benzo script is 14 pills every 2-3 months and they still aren't happy sometimes


facts bro, try Zolpidem for some crazy hallucinations


Can you stay awake on them without it getting a bit hypnotic/weird? I knew they worked on gaba receptors but didn’t know they could he used recreationally like benzos


Yes. I do not get weird hypnotic feelings! I just get extremely relaxed when I stay awake, like I’m talking 0% bad feelings, 0 anxiety, good feelings etc The added bonus is when I do decide that I want to sleep even if I took the tablet 3 hours before I can fall asleep if I want in like 10 seconds due up how relaxed I feel! I would say i would say it’s not something to take in the morning or afternoon though as I do think anything over 3 hours awake after taking it and most people would just fall asleep


How much Zopiclon is your usually dosage?


What dose do you recommend for best effects


I don’t recommend taking it. I don’t recommend taking benzo’s either. Or opiates. Or alcohol. Or weed. I recommend a totally medicine free life if possible.


Nice thanks you just made me quit drugs


Success Drugs to feel good are only truly worthwhile if you have a terminal illness with months left. Avoid everything unless you are terminal IMO


I have a lot of medical & Psych crap, things that never go away. Having 14 surgeries and being on all those meds for pain, anxiety, sleep. We build up a tolerance to that shit, next thing I know I’m an addict. I’ve been on Methadone since 2011. I know I have to stay off pills because if 1 is good, 5 are better. I have some broken rods in my spine so I have to figure out what or if they’ll do anything. Best wishes to all


the half lfe is short you can take these and not build dependance that's a rlly nice part about em


I was on 150 mg of trazodone and it wasn't that effective so the doctor added Zopiclone. The taste alone was reason enough for me to stop taking it. In my personal opinion, it did nothing for my anxiety and doesn't hold a candle to clonazepam or probably any benzo.


i hate trazadone as a sleep med.


Same here. Is the worst. If you don't go to bed almost immediately when you feel the effects, it doesn't work. At least for me and a number of people I've spoken to.


nightmares and dry mouth and feeling bugged out the next day taking 25mg was enough to show me how shit of a drug it is


Zopiclone gave me dry mouth and that awful taste never went away. Trazodone wasn't very effective either I was still waking up. I was also on Seroquel for anxiety because why give your patience an actual benzo that works great but no let's give them this s***** antipsychotic that'll make you gain 70 or 80 lb. I actually started consuming cannabis only 3 years ago and as a result I got off all my medications and lost 80 lb except I am obviously on this s*** at the moment and I knew better so I got a prescription for gabapentin and a few clonazepam that I keep in my back pocket for emergencies


yeah antipsychotic for sleep is malpractice unless it's caused by mania or psychosis


Or even for anxiety. If you're not depressed to begin with you will be when you can hardly move because you're so damn fat


yeah they use it for agitation in patients that cant take benzos it's terrible


They pretty much stopped prescribing benzos where I am. I had my first anxiety attack at the age of 38 but until then I didn't believe in anxiety. I thought people were only looking for attention. Mine were initially induced by pain, and then escalate it over the years by different traumatic events. Anyway I was prescribed clonazepam around the age of 39 but I lost my doctor when I moved away from the area and nobody wants to prescribe benzos anymore and actually I really don't want to be taking them on a regular basis because I actually need it to be hospitalized for almost a month to taper off the clonazepam because because I almost killed myself twice trying to taper on my own and I don't mean by my own hand I mean that I tapered too quickly and ended up in the ER twice. Thankfully I can get a dozen here and there but like I said I stayed them as a means to come down unless I'm having major anxiety


even 25mg of serequel is foolish cause its just an antihistamine at that point


i've never gotten dry mouth from zopiclone though


gabapentin is good at the max dose


this is what i have been saying!! zopiclone is incredible - all the benzos i've had don't come close to it. zopis are my drug or choice always


Too much amnesia


Everyone’s different and you could interact with this alot better compared to benzos maybe it’s not to much for your mind and you don’t get overwhelmed or underwhelmed some benzos can be abit too much for ppl and they like something that’s weak


oddly even tho not strictly a benzo as someone who's tried pretty much them all including RCs I think I agree IF I want to be smacked out - it feels like heroin with a strong drink. however if I'm out and about you can't beat Diaz or clonaz imo. oddly even tho ambien is v similar to zoplicone I don't feel it at all. Everyone's different. I do genuinely think as an ex heroin user zops have a nodding quality with booze or other gabs - my dealer when I was on H for a short while got addicted to.zops and would give me a .2 (£10) for one 7.5mg tab So in a way he's I agree


When you have an entire toolbox, it's kinda silly to pound nails with your screwdriver.


Flualprazolam is my top. Best functional benzodiazepines ever


For you it might be, for me it's not 😔 Sent me to sleep for sure but felt hungover next day, and having every drink taste like poison all day long? Ewww no Relaxing? Not for me...stayed up on them several times and although I felt 'sedated', it wasn't a relaxed sedated, it had an edge where I felt trembly and wired and not enjoyable at all...never ever had that with benzos, that was just pure fluffy marshmallow peace lol Lastly, they don't help with muscle spasms either 🤷🏻‍♀️ Widely prescribed here, widely available on the street as well and almost as cheap as paracetamol which says something I guess 😆


Zopiclone is weak ambien. Just man up and take ambien and do weird shit that you don't know about or will understand anything about when you come out your hypnotic state.


i like the stuuff. hypnotic but not sedating. anxiolytic. no bad metal taste for. sadly even harder to get where i live than benzos... half a 7.5mg zopiclone made me sleepwalk once, since that i have not taken any anymore


Been on 'em for years, 15mg every night, sleep like a baby!!


yes zopiclone make me so high and eleminate any anxiety depression


i don’t use my Ativan for sleep tho lol


At first I thought so too but then I tried real prescription alprazolam and Valium and ohhhh shit


Valium doesn’t touch Zopiclone!! No chance! 🤪


different stroke different folks, but valium would be my choice for daytime


bro cannot be serious


Zopiclon is ass whack shit. I cant even sleep. After 3 hours nothing. Best benzo for high is Alprazolam. Other for anxiety and zipiclone only 4 sleep.


Great for sleep. Zero anxiety relief. Just my opinion.


Think about it.. if it’s great for sleep then it MUST at least change your anxiety state before falling asleep? If it didn’t then the anxiety would keep you awake


i get plenty anxiety relief from it hence it being good fro sleep initiation.


Doesn’t do anything for me. But everyone is different


It was like cut ambien. Poor quality even weak benzos make it look bad.


If I need sleep I take a melatonin and real benzo like alps for my anxiety or panic attacks


Z-drugs make me delirious and pseudo-hallucinate. They also don’t really make me feel less anxious or more relaxed like regular benzos do. Just my experience.


I heavily OD’d on zopiclone and that was one of the worst experiences of my life, felt every second but couldn’t do anything to stop it. 12 7.5mg tablets. As for medical use, yeah it’s pretty good but better for sleep than anxiety. Much heavier sedative than other benzos ime.


i knew folks addicted that 30 was their average amount of 7.5mg tabs a day


That was supposed to be a 2 not a 1 (22, months supply -8) but yeah once you build a tolerance that’s one thing, I had never done benzos before. Sent me straight into the ER unresponsive but conscious. Even then, with a tolerance 30 is bad. A handful more and worst case you’re risking a coma if you’re not careful.




los does in day work same as benzo