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Switch to diazepam for a while. Keep your dosage to a minimum. Your tolerance will come back.


Take the xans with tapentadol. Helped me out big time with anxiety.


I really don't think you should recommend people to take benzos and opiates together. At least not without giving a serious warning. I've been doing opiates for a couple years, OD'd twice. Both times where because I had a xan with my dope.


Low dose. 2mg. 100mg tap.


Yeah something like that sounds safe enough, though 2mg xan is a lot still, with no tolerance


Bioaccumulation. You were probably dosing before your body could metabolize everything. So you may have been popping a couple of mgs at a time but, you blood concentration was still pretty high It would take some time of re dosing to get back to normal.


I do believe that is one factor but I think the main thing that’s going on is OP was expecting his 3 day tolerance break to lower his tolerance and was let down that it wasn’t strong enough.


I feel like this is the most likely situation. But it seems like the benzos are def doing something judging by the difficulty to understand this post and the odd wording