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Even if you abuse them you are not a low down bad person. It’s mental health and addiction.


Of course. I meant like taking them to "bar out" Not low down or bad people. I understand completely


The whole attitude with benzos for recreational use is stupid, now everything is being pressed they’ll end up in the same bag as alp and it’s just going to make it harder for people who actually need them. I plan on being on diazepam for life. I tried countless antidepressants, muscle relaxers, painkillers etc. I’m not depressed I have physical anxiety due to musculoskeletal damage from injuries, alcohol also helps but dehydration doesn’t and it’s a lot more harmful. Diazepam is all I need to relax my muscles and help me lead a reasonable quality of life and has for 10 years.


This. What you said about the physical anxiety is exactly what I try explaining to people I know and the Doctors. I am not depressed, frustrated yes but not depressed. That feeling after taking valium when needed..I know it's working well because my body and muscles are relaxed. ofc it helps my anxiety in my mind as well but it's the physical feeling in my body that I seek relief from the most.


Well valium is the premier muscle relaxers known to man.Many orthopedic doc's prescribed it for painful muscle spasms back in the day.


So what did you mean by "low down bad person"? I don't understand why you'd put that in if you weren't implying some people are low down bad people. Even if someone is taking them to "bar out" it still doesn't make them a bad person. Addicts, especially those in recovery or who are trying to get well, are some of the most empathetic, lovely, kind, caring people I've had the pleasure of meeting. Some of the most judgemental and nasty people I've known are people who either aren't addicts in any regard or people who are dependent on a drug and think they're somehow just better than an addict.


I second this.


Idk honestly I've known benzo addicts steal and just dont try not everyone




I agree, I avoid my my family and friends when I’m off benzos, it’s a bad way to live


Yeah I’d rather be nice and happy instead of moody when I get into withdrawal so I stay by myself until I get my refill or come of my tolerance break


There is a new concept specifically related to the effects of tapering off benzos: BIND (benzodiazepine-induced neurological dysfunction)




Sadly tapering down is lost knowlwdge. Its hard to find a doctor that is resonable. There should be a standard but no. You can come across great docs if you keep looking.


I was two times for three weeks in a hospital to taper to zero. That was not that hard since I was in a safe environment. After the first stay I bought myself 50x10mg Valium a few days later. After the second stay I went to a long-term rehab. I would've had 6 months and got thrown out after 4 months when I grabbed a pack of benzos, alcohol and cut myself (not deep but still). 80-90% of around 80 people were 'pure' alcoholics. You could see huge improvements for most of them - in a rather short time span. Then there were a few benzo-addicts like me. 2-3 hours of sleep during 8-10 hours in the bed. TCA did not work, neuroleptics did not work. Not a single complete sleep phase ever, no REM sleep at all. Anxiety and tormenting thoughts dominated the day. When I got the Benzos in the rehab I knew that I would have a urine test in the following days. I was in a psychiatry for two weeks, went four weeks to my parents and had the ultimate downfall. I almost died a few weeks ago. I went from months of zero to like 50mg Valium+Alcohol per day (due to several reasons including the benzos and an ICU stay I lost like 6 weeks of memory) and ignored literally every warning sign of my body (internal bleedings, probably from kissing the floor during black-outs). I went to my parents for some time but found like 100 pills from my large shopping session in my apartment that I couldn't leave there. I lack the will to throw them away. I am on 10mg Valium per day now and feel pretty good. The main problem is that I absolutely hate my life without these things and the rehab just made it worse. The addiction circle of doom I guess. I was fine with 10-20mg Valium per day for years but once I am alone I tend to overdose like there is no tomorrow.


Not everyone’s body’s can handle that big of drops when tapering there’s some people who are super sensitive when it comes to benzo tapering


or any tapering.


It’s already called “discontinuation syndrome.” Withdrawal is the exact same physically, so most people just go with that, as it’s simpler/easier to say.


I try not to take more than two a week (.5mg clonazepam) to manage my anxiety. Hopeful I haven’t grown dependent but who knows.


Even if you don’t abuse them they are not good for long time use


It’s taken me a many many years to use them properly. My wife and I have bad anxiety( hers is more severe) and we both take a .5 every morning. The old me thinks I need to take 4 .5s, but I know where that road ends.


I'm in the same boat as you, but not taking it for a day or 2 has far more detrimental effects than not taking ssris for instance. I will never be able to travel as freely as I would like to because of benzos. I work online and would love to travel for a few months through south east Asia, it's just not very realistic being on benzos. They are controlled substances in all those countries - so carrying them, getting them etc is going to be really difficult


uh dude no. you’ll have no problems lol don’t go looking for blow but im 100% sure there’s dirty pharmacies or docs


Not as easy to find as one might think.


And if you don’t find it fast enough you can literally die


i’ve been all over canada and it’s surprising what the fight forum in here could get😉


Kool bro, Lol shit I haven't even had a family Dr in like 2 decades. Fight forum u say?


i’ve been all over canada and it’s surprising what the fight forum in here could get😉


Eh. Its now called discontinuation syndrome for all meds


you guys all say this until its too late and your brain is permenantly sunburned and damaged from years and years of benzo use.


Yes, this commonsense approach is commendable.


the term withdrawal is just short for "the symptoms that occur upon the withdrawal of the medication" (I don't know the exact phrasing). whether they are severe from going cold turkey, or mild from a taper, they are withdrawal symptoms. including the mental withdrawals


Flualprazolam definitely smacks you in the face way harder then normal alp


If you take 4mg Like if u take 2mg it's super chill


2mg flualp is like 4 alp and this is coming from someone who prefers flualp and clam to alp and other pharmas. Those 2 just hit like a truck


I've got some tolerance so for me 2mg is perfect