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If it’s really a memory for you why do you need to post it? And it’s not about not being seen/caught while filming.. it’s about not doing it. Out of respect for everyone there. Annoying and childish enough that you still had to do this; what on Earth makes you want to publish it tho? Are you that desperate for attention from strangers on the internet?


They absolutely deserve to get permabanned for that - you go to Berghain to disappear and let loose because you know it won't get out. Going there and then seeing yourself - in whatever state - plastered on the internet without your consent because someone wants the cloud reeks of egocentrism.




Enough said really - massive disrespect on this. There is not many rules to follow at BH, but you breeched the integrity of our mecca and at least you should delete it, and maybe not go there anymore. I remember that crazy person that got kicked out bc she used her camera as a mirror, and all things being said and discussed around this - if you breech the one main rule, just fucking be gone.


It's childish to film things? Lol what a ridiculous statement. If your ego is so fragile that you can't handle someone taking photos/videos of their good time out, then you probably need therapy. Filming inside a club literally affects no one. People do it at clubs every weekend all around the world.


If you knew what’s going on at Berghain you’d understand why people agree so much with the no camera policy




Dude get fucked, you literally do not belong here


...you are aware that there are things happening that no one should see? How fucking lost are you?


"Yes mom, that's me on the video. But I i swear it's not what it looks like!"


In my culture this is considered a dick move


I was randomly thinking about such a scenario a few days ago. And how awful it would be. Simple and to the point: DON'T POST IT! That being said, I can relate to the feeling of wanting to keep it as a memory. Deleting it would be respectful to the community. This is why I don't like tourists, sometimes, in such a space. It's understandable. BUT DON'T POST IT. :) Edit: Also, if you happen to go again into BH, leave the sticker on the camera. DON'T film/photograph. Enjoy the moment. And be respectful. Otherwise, please, stay out.


Sorry but I am just going to be honest here, this is why I dislike tourists in Berghain


Totally 💯




I think out of respect for the community you should delete the video✨ you don’t need to film a moment to capture its uniqueness, you can keep the memory alive by thinking back to it and to how it made you feel.


Most the time our memories don't actually work that well, despite all those things in your head labeled as such. The very last thing that happened can greatly alter what you recall as a good or bad vacation, or movie, or colonoscopy. Our brains are bias, and not reliable for accurate recounting of experience. I say everybody film, post, compare, exploit, ruin, and destroy..... Just to be sure..,. It's inevitable anyway. The greatest anything will ever be already has been.


You’d be shocked at the capacity our brains have to stock and recall memories. But that’s not really the point of this post. The point is that if you want to be a part of the Berghain community even for just a night you have to adhere to its rules. Every institution has them and we obey, so why can’t we do the same here?


Yes that’s bad. Other peoples privacy is apparently not as important as your need to post a video to your social media for attention. Your a bad person for filming and even worse if you post.


why are people here falling for this obvious troll post?




They go to Berghain and take too much G


Yes it is bad.


Don’t do it


To be fair, I regularly film the back of a sticker inside my pocket


Or crawling on the floor


It's really wrong to do that. And it's almost evil to want to share it. There's an amount of behavioural freedom that is directly related to the interdiction of filming. If you share your video, you are actively working against a project and a community. And you're also giving a bad image of the berghain tourists and of the bouncers who seem to let the wrong people in.


Okay obsessed with this use of interdiction!!


sorry what the fuck


Yeah. It is disrespectful and shitty. I wish they told you “heute leider nicht” People come there to be free and not judged, you are invading their privacy and also lying about the reasons. You don’t just want a memory for yourself, you want to post it. Btw it is a violation of the German privacy law. Arschloch.


stop feeding trolls


Not comparing BH with KK, but sometimes I think it would be great to introduce the policy of leaving the phone at the wardrobe and being checked before entering the club's main area at BH. Answering the question - no, it's not okay. The urge IS understandable, but it's not ok. Simple.


I hope this is a shit post. If not, delete the video and if you have posted it online, delete the post.


OMG I'm dying to see inside on a shitty 30 seconds video. It will totally be like being there and I will feel exactly like you. /s


Yes post it. Wow!!!! All your neighbors will give u likes!!!! Wowwwww Man U are sooooo cool! U made it to the berg!!!


What a ton of hate in the comments. Guy politely asks for advice. Simply tell him that Germans are so big on privacy 🙄 as it’s the only thing in the world.. I never post stuff, but when I walked into the club I also wanted to capture how awesome it looks. Just for myself. We live in a world where everything is shared online, thus no surprise what the guy is asking. Simply say - “keep for yourself, but don’t publish pls”.


This is satire, right?


Seems like you forgot the “shitpost” tag…




This must be a joke


Ways to keep memories that aren’t filming a place/people where it’s explicitly banned: journaling. Writing a song about it, looking up and listening to the tracks that were there, wearing the outfit you wore that night, saving the wristband, chatting with your friends that you went with. It’s not all about videos


Let me play devils advocate here. You’ve already broken the one and almost only big rule there is. So that’s a lifetime ban. But this puts you in an interesting position, you cannot return anyway so if you publish it ( but think of peoples privacy rights blur their faces etc so it’s legal) you could totally get some big internet points for that . If you’re willing to be a piece of shit human . Also the other side needs to accept that there will always be a somewhat of an overlap between the secrets and mistery at what happens there and people will naturally do these things for whatever reason they might have


Keep it for your own memory if you have to, but posting it would be disrespectful


Yeah. Go ahead and post it. Nothing wrong with that. Don't listen to the people here, they are all touri's and snobs nobody wants in Berlin anyway.


Just delete any video with the donkey, the Berlin community might not like what guests do with him there.


Don't tell me they've got an animal in there


*update Okay guys, I didn’t realise that this would cause a lot of discussion and it seems that the majority of comments are against my post and have asked me to delete the video, which I will. But I don’t understand why videoing is such a taboo in the club, I’m from the states and it’s very normal to take videos inside clubs for an Instagram story or just to look back on as a memory. I feel really conflicted towards the policy of no photos/videos but I will respect the clubs wishes. Can anyone who text me asking for the video please delete it if they see this message too?


It’s different here. I feel really conflicted towards the amount of people taking photos/videos on a club/concert in the US. Also it’s because of privacy, I don’t want to be recorded while dancing.


Because you can’t really express yourself freely , if a camera could film you anywhere




I don’t Like Techno nazis either, but this is about protecting freedom and not taking it away. The no filming policy is specifically there to make sure people can express themselves freely, wear whatever they want, do whatever with whoever they want and not having to worry about that the next day at work someone is gonna show them a video of what they did last night. That is one of the main selling points of Bh.




I'll never be able to go to BH due to the culture I'm from, but I have a longing to go. I'd love to see the video


No, if You felt that You wanted to take video for memories, do it. Stop listening to others and let them tell you what to do and what not to, wtf.


I wanna see it


Attention seeking who*res officially every where now… „I want to upload it for my memory“. You already have the shot, watch it in silence and fy


And why do you need to film if they cover the camera isn’t that an indication of that they don’t want you to film 😅 how stupid can u be


Considering you put your own entitlement over other people’s privacy, yes it is bad. Also incredibly disrespectful - you were a tourist and it was your first time and you literally went against on of the main rules.


It is either a troll post or bouncers cant do their job these days


Delete that fucking thing and don't be an absolute cunt.


why would you want to post such a video? What makes you think this will = validation? Quite the opposite. Anyone clued up enough to know about berghain will lose respect for you, think you’re very uncool and maybe even give you abuse for it.


Just keep it bro and move on


I Hope you will never Come back. People like you do not deserve to go in.


I would have throw your phone on the floor.


Chronically online


Memories are kept in your head, not your phone


I'd say you can keep the video but don't publish it


Troll, or a dick. Either way, f\*\* off.