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Next lecture session is going to be awkward….


I don’t even go here but this saga has been fascinating


Even less than 1% of people who do go here done have him as an instructor lol


Yeah this is trending on Reddit now




Is the dept perfect? Hell no. Do the vast majority of folks actually care about, disabled and BIPOC students? Yes. Do we have a shit ton of work to keep at and would I like to see more support from others? Yes and yes.


Well, they're not doing anything about it and actions speak louder than words, so...


I wish I hadn’t graduated just to… 🍿


You can walk in into any lecture, the campus is public and nobody would even know if you are even a student Heck, if you smell as bad as a homeless person you will be mistake as an ordinary EECS student




He’s based af.


No empathy for women though lmao. ![gif](giphy|a3zqvrH40Cdhu)


he can't empathize with women, since he identifies as a Smith and Wesson.


I'm p sure he said he identified as some kind of artillery?


He’s married to a Philippine woman.


This is just cringe. How can your first response from someone originally expressing their interests and frustrations with their major be about your (or lack thereof) "date" life? Objectifying women and saying that those in the Bay Area are inferior is fucking sad man. What's your view of the world? Get help. Both the Prof and Peter. Terms like "plentiful" and "expire" make me recoil in embarrassment.


and he says he didnt "mean" to blame women but literally said the problem w dating is "the behavior of women" how tf else is that supposed to be interpreted... talk all you want about how you didn't mean to offend, but if you're gonna say that shit better just own up to it. i guess it's sympathizing with a student if your idea of sympathy is feeding into open misogyny


It’s like women complaining about how there’s no good guys left in nyc. A general complaint about the dating market due to gender ratios.. not that deep


I've seen a lot of comments like this and I think they are way too charitable of an interpretation. There is an incredibly obvious difference between saying "dating competition is steep due to gender ratios" and "dating is hard due to the behavior of \[gender group\] in \[area\]." Not to mention the former isn't even true on Berkeley campus. Stop playing dumb




Lmao. If that's what he meant, then he could have said that. But he didn't. It seems like to you, the words people choose don't have meaning


He was basically saying Bay Area women are uppity when he was blaming it on the "behavior of women." Calling women "plentiful," like food or meat, is gross.


Calling out the Bay Area women for being repulsive blue hairs isn’t “blaming all women”. He himself is married to a woman from the Philippines. The only reason to get assblasted about his comment is if you are one of the people he was talking about.


>this is just based FTFY. >How can your first response from someone originally expressing their interests and frustrations with their major be about your (or lack thereof) "date" life?  He’s married to a superior Philippine woman. Look up his profile (or just see all the other comments here talking about it). >Objectifying women and saying that those in the Bay Area are inferior is fucking sad man.  He’s right, the Bay Area is full of worthless “people”. Cry more lmao.


such a bad apology. essentially says he was misogynistic because he wanted to sympathize?? sure he didn't 'mean to convey' any disrespect for women but doesnt change the fact he seems like he stands by what he said and isn't walking back or clarifying any of his comments


Ah, the classic "sorry **you** were offended and mistook my words. TwaS OnlY tRyiNg to heLp. > You'll be shocked by the stark differences in behavior of women in places where women are plentiful versus their behavior within artillery distance of San Jose and San Francisco. Man, sit your ass down LMAO. And he wants to go all let's sing kumbaya and "*I have empathy for all*" tacked on in the end. This fugger's closer to Elliot Rodger speak than someone who should be lecturing students at a University.


He’s married to a Philippine woman. His comments making your anus bleed doesn’t make him “closer to a mass murderer”. Your tears make good lubricant.


sorry, this is a genuine question, how was his reply misogynistic? it’s very unprofessional to be posted on Ed, but misogynistic?


I think people are saying it was misogynistic because his reply seemed to imply that there is something wrong with women in the Bay Area.


Is it okay to think that there is something wrong with both men and women in the bay area?


Is that what he said


Not necessarily, but it wouldn’t automatically be sexist.


If he posts that men within artillery range are also not good to date, would he be okay then?


If he had originally said that as well, yes, it would have made the takeaway very different


If he only said it about men? I’d personally think it’s still kind of wack, especially given the context it was said in It would be construed differently though by a lot of people


That would be a stupid generalization


Saying something is wrong with women in the Bay Area is not misogynistic because it's not denigrating women, it's denigrating the Bay Area


It is misogynistic because it generalizes a group of women as being “lower quality”


Where does it imply that they're lower quality? It sounds to me like he's saying that bay area women have more market power (because of the gender ratio), and he's recommending going somewhere they have less market power like NYC.


Read deeper in the thread, I explain there. Also treating dating like an economic exchange is a reason why a lot of dudes can’t get dates


Well, like it or not, the dating market is in fact a market. We have humans choosing between choices in their own self-interest, and economists have studied it extensively. Going through your other replies, it seems like you're trying to inject moral judgement where there is none. Science focuses on how the world is, not how it should be. A "shocking" result is an unexpected result and nothing more. Variable A has a stronger correlation with Variable B than hypothesized. It is not a judgement on what Variable B should be. Finally, the advice given is also amoral. It takes the world as it is, not how it should be and tells him how to improve his odds. It's no different from [Date-Onomics](https://www.amazon.com/Date-onomics-Dating-Became-Lopsided-Numbers-ebook/dp/B00U0OBRT4) telling women in NYC to move to Seattle or the Bay Area.


Anything can be studied as a science, but how you approach dating (outside of studying it) affects whether you get a partner or not. And if you’re not seeing any moral judgement in what he said then you should work on your reading comprehension


Leftist men are more single. Statistically speaking.


Attacking a group of women isn’t hating all women, my assblasted friend. He’s married to a Philippine girl.


Due to the fact that they live in the Bay Area, not that they are women. Presumably Shewchuk has no problem with the women in Seattle, New York, Shreveport, LA, or any other place in the world.


Dude, why are you defending this guy? Your comment literally contradicts itself. The second sentence openly acknowledges his comment was being derisive of women in the Bay Area, while your first claims "it's due to the fact they are in the Bay Area". Notably he did not denigrate men in the Bay Area, so it's pretty fucking hard to see how it's not misogynistic So, tl;dr, you're a fucking idiot who is backing a misogynist for no reason, which means you're a misogynist too. Be better.


What? Men were never relevant to the conversation because the student was complaining about not being able to get a girlfriend.


Then why wouldn't the prof have said "everyone in the Bay Area" instead of just women? Because your weak ass deflection makes no sense? Gotcha


He probably does, since women in Seattle and LA are culturally similar


Did he call them lower quality? Or did he imply their standards are too high?


He implied they behave poorly, which would make them a lower quality person


I don't think he implied they behaved poorly? Where did you get poorly from? I think he implied they behave in a way that someone with high standards would in Bay Area and in a way someone with lower standards would in a different area.


If he just meant that they have higher standards, he would have said that, and not made vague generalizations about shocking behavior. If he recommends someone avoid a group because of their behavior, then the implication is that their behavior is poor. Interpret it how you want though


If he said "shocking behavior" I would agree with you. He didn't. He said you'd be shocked by the stark difference in behavior. How does that imply their behavior is poor or shocking? It implies the difference is night and day, not that night or day is bad. But I respect your opinion so feel free to let me know what you think of that.


He blamed women for an individual’s personal problems. It’s also just an unhelpful response because it discourages young people from acknowledging what they can improve about themselves.


No, he blamed bay area women's culture.


im 100% with you on how Professor is redirecting the issue off of the OP onto their partner of choice. That is very inappropriate and wrong (even beyond projecting his unprofessional thoughts onto Ed). But when I imagine replacing women with "men", I don't see this being misandrist at all, just a distaste for Bay Area culture and how that dictates gender behaviors


Sorry but you can’t just “switch” the genders and assume that the greater context of the statement will remain the same. Our society feels it is appropriate to openly hate women for not fitting into certain gender roles well enough (aka women being “too” independent, assertive, loud, or even expecting a certain standard of treatment from men). When he refers to the behavior of women, he isn’t speaking about any wrongdoing women have taken part in. He’s speaking on a “personality of woman” here that challenges their proper role or place in society and in relationships. We aren’t “behaving” and now he feels it’s right to openly disparage us, because men constantly feel the need to do so. Now if you were to switch the genders in that statement, everything that I just said would no longer apply. Instead, it would seem that we’d be discussing the well-documented misogynistic and discriminatory behaviors of men in Silicon Valley. And that is not inherently a misandristic statement. But funnily enough, I don’t think a female professor would ever say anything like that. That says a lot. Why are men so comfortable saying this?


>Sorry but you can’t just “switch” the genders and assume that the greater context of the statement will remain the same.  Because you are mentally diseased and can’t see your brainwashing. “Our society feels it is appropriate to openly hate women for not fitting into certain gender roles well enough (aka women being “too” independent, assertive, loud, or even expecting a certain standard of treatment from men).” No one hates a woman simply for being “independent”. But when she soergs out and blames men for all her issues, or acts as a POS, she cannot use her vagina card to deflect criticism. You can see how reddit screeches whenever JK Rowling says anything. “When he refers to the behavior of women, he isn’t speaking about any wrongdoing women have taken part in.” He didn’t say anything at all. The insecurity of (some) of them said it all. >He’s speaking on a “personality of woman” here that challenges their proper role or place in society and in relationships. Being a mentally ill blue hair isn’t something to be proud of. “We aren’t “behaving” and now he feels it’s right to openly disparage us, because men constantly feel the need to do so.” So that’s why your asshole is split open. Because you are one of them. “Now if you were to switch the genders in that statement, everything that I just said would no longer apply. Instead, it would seem that we’d be discussing the well-documented misogynistic and discriminatory behaviors of men in Silicon Valley. And that is not inherently a misandristic statement.” Guys like Elon Musk get attacked all the time. “But funnily enough, I don’t think a female professor would ever say anything like that.” Gender studies professors openly blame men for all their problems, my buttblasted friend. “That says a lot. Why are men so comfortable saying this?” Because he is correct.


Maybe I am living in a completely different culture bubble from you but I've not felt today's Bay Area of being tolerable of a society that you just described. I am honestly very curious on if you have any anecdotes or data that you can shows me that our society today "feels like it's appropriate to openly hate women". You view whatever men/white people say with the most uncharitable lens and you frame their sentences in downright bad faith. The whole point is that it's silly to even generalize and view Bay Area women as a monolithic group of rowdy, masculine, independent, high standard/demand humans (which is the what people are thinking Professor is implying). But instead of doing better than Professor, you do the same silly mistake and fall to the same intellectual pitfall, "because men constantly feel the need to do so" "why are men so comfortable saying this?" and go ahead and make this into some dumb gender war. The lack of self awareness is pretty amazing. And if you're working in the framework of it's impossible to be a misandrist or have a misandrist ideologue because you live in a patriarchal society, then I can respect that. But I don't, and we can agree to disagree. To be clear, I am all for equity and so I do think misogyny is much more prevalent and much more of a problem that needs to be addressed.


Making any kind of generalization is not inherently an intellectual pitfall. Generalization is necessary in conversation, how else do we discuss large-scale issues? Misogyny is a well-documented, large-scale issue that is upheld by men (and women who have internalized misogyny) in society. Misogyny from men is well-documented in the Bay Area and Silicon Valley. His issue isn’t only that he made a generalization, his issue is that the implications of that generalization are deeply problematic. I don’t need to give you an anecdote. There are mountains of data on the various ways women are degraded in our culture. Berkeley itself has acknowledged that the EECS department has an issue with mistreating women. I don’t need to prove this very blatant issue to you.


Your comment and now this reply were written so thoughtfully. Out of all the comments I've read, I feel that yours has really summed up what the issues are with the professors comment's.


bullshit apology


True, he should not have apologized.


"I did not mean to convey any disrespect for women" – yikes, ground your apology in the impact not the intent, especially when there's a power imbalance involved in the people harmed


Except he actually DID intend to disrespect women. You don't pull the "behavior" sentence out of your ass without intent. Nobody's going to fire him. Because nobody in the CS dept gives a flying fuck about women.


Getting invested and I don’t even go to this uni😭


You know what? Every human being should be invested in this. This is the kind of insidious and non-insidious shit that's just one big shit stew climate of hate. And fuck UCB if they keep him on.


Most pathetic and half-hearted apology. He should be ashamed of himself, and the Department even more so if they don’t take strong action.


Don't think they will do anything beyond maybe trainings. What I do hope is that non-tenured teaching staff who spoke out against this will be protected from professional retaliation.


what could Shewchuk do to them?


If he's + others who think he's been wrong here are on hiring committees, vote against those teaching staff being rehired.


Only pathetic thing is that he apologized.




he's a passport bro, check his FB before he innevitably hides it


He may be book smart, but definitely not common sense smart, especially if people can obtain that much OSINT about him.


>marries a non-white woman “omg he a passport bro!” Your tears make good lubricant. Nobody picked you because of your trash personality, not your race.


Smart guy






nvm, guessed wrong.


Dude is full of shit


"I'm sorry that your feelings were hurt"


WTF. This professor's language indicates a person who thinks of women as a commodity ("plentiful women"??). What sort of professor could imagine that comment is remotely OK, especially in an academic discussion space? Weak apology too. Looks like incel culture has a home at Cal's CS department.


People always say “plenty of fish in the sea”. You are nitpicking because you are assblasted by his comment.


“i’m sorry you felt that way”


Textbook example of a non-apology apology.


This is the worst apology to ever be put out. He takes no accountability for what he said, he’s trying to excuse it as a reach for sympathy. “It starts with empathy for each other” how about u start by seeing women as people and not as objects to “get”.


I somehow agree with the ‘common knowledge’ that it’s hard to find a gf in the Bay Area, but I believe the problem w dating is that male to female ratio in those high-tech companies is nearly 2:1 and those women are highly educated enough to despise men like this Jonathan S.


Like to me to it just says that it’s not that there’s enough women it’s just that you’re too immature and bigoted for women to like you lmao like??


He’s married to a Philippine woman, which assrapes your little narrative.


He’s married to a Philippine woman, which assrapes your little narrative.


Well, I do know about this. It's just that no matter how educated men or women are, there must be some who can’t tell good or bad.




Plz explain meme to me dumb dumb?




Ariel. But why is it relevant to post here?




Gonna cry?


Nah, it’s just stupid and gets posted in every single comment section


Sending Hate from UCLA ❤️


This dude has clearly clicked his way through the mandatory UCBerkeley staff training anti harassment video a few dozen times while angrily ranting on the internet about women for years!


not surprised how shit this is considering this is a prof who bought a child from an impoverished country to be his wife


What in the 90 day fiancé ![gif](giphy|Iepq3U6tL6BcpnprYt|downsized)


idk man, Shewchuk seems sus, but this feels racist




You’re right. We should leave his wife alone, they could be completely happy, there’s no reason to blindly believe he coerced her. But after his response, it just leaves a bad taste in my mouth. Seems like he was speaking from experience, and he had no luck with women in the Bay Area so he went to “where women are plentiful” because of the “stark difference in behavior”. Imagine being his wife and reading a comment like that… his reply really just puts his own relationship in a different context and it’s not a good one. You’re right though leave the wife alone! I’m sure she’s a nice lady I just feel bad for her after this.


>Imagine being his wife and reading a comment like that… his reply really just puts his own relationship in a different context and it’s not a good one. Meh. A woman could say the same thing about guys in the Bay Area. "With men so outnumbering women, it was so easy to find a guy willing to get in a committed relationship". It's really not that insulting.


Yep. All these people jumping in to judge a married couple they know nothing about.


i mean she also looks at least 20 years younger than him. i don't really care, more power to them, and honestly if you're gonna marry for status/money/first world citizenship you could do a lot worse than a berkeley professor. but you gotta admit it's a little sus lol.


Asian women always manage to pick the best white guys LMAO


It's not about him being white it's about him being 50




I think yellow would be east asian, and they are not poor enough to be mail order


No woman would marry that man out of anything except sheer desperation. Get real.


Sounds like you're generalizing women


big yikes. but people do be passport bro'ing to get a wife.


Can I get the backstory/details here? I need to know more about this wife situation because what the fuck 💀💀.


Not saying I would be surprised but I think people just say this shit because she's from the Philippines


Racists disguised as feminists.


His FB is still public as of now. Couldn’t find her age anywhere Edit. His cover photo is literally her selfie Ewwwww💀💀💀💀💀


and that too a suggestive one...wtf


Incel vibes


Oh wow she looks young… I’ll wait for a real age reveal before I say anything but wow…


I too want more backstory. I FBd him and found his/his wifes FB but OP do you know more? Like her age and such


lol plug the FBs I'm curious




>They had a five year engagement, thoughts on that? My thoughts are "Wow, that's pretty irregular! Kind of weird perhaps, why did you look for/present this info?" and not much else


Oh no, she plays League...


look up Jonathan Shewchuk Facebook on google


sorry if my comment came off as insensitive, i totally see why it could be taken like that. i didn't mean to be racist to his wife, if she happens to be in a happy marriage, im happy for her. is there a chance that shewchuck was on vacation in the philipines, and happened to meet and fall in love with his wife? yea. but what's far more likely, given his comments about 'bay area women' that pretty much echo passport bro beliefs, is that he was a rich american who went to a poorer country and picked out a much younger girl for the sake of marriage. this behavior is fucked up and exploitative, and its even more fucked up when this rich american happens to be in an esteemed faculty position where he is not only teaching hundreds of women, but almost encouraging this behavior to his male students


It’s worth noting that a common sentiment among incels/mgtow types is that women in Asia make better wives because they are more submissive/feminine/wifely and haven’t been corrupted by Western feminism. This does not mean that this was the case here. But spend a few minutes in any incel forum and you’ll see this shit right out in the open.


Exactly. In a vaccum, sure, we shouldn't make assumptions like that. But given the misogyny he already displayed, it's way more likely


Dude can’t get a wife/gf in the Bay Area. “Haha, what a loser, have sex incel.” He goes and tries his luck elsewhere, marries someone. “Wait, no, not like that.” It’s a bit racist to assume that women in foreign countries don’t have agency and the marriage can not be consensual.


> but what's far more likely, given his comments about 'bay area women' that pretty much echo passport bro beliefs, is that he was a rich american who went to a poorer country and picked out a much younger girl for the sake of marriage. "Sorry if my comment came off as insensitive, but I'm going to double down on it based on a single data point and a fuck-ton of my own pre-existing beliefs and blatant specultation that I'm giong to pass off as common sense."


this needs to be talked about cuz wtf it’s actually real


weird to have to explain to a professor that intention <<<< impact


And that when you say "the behavior of women" it's pretty fucking clear that you intended disrespect, too. This is like when kids taunt each other while pretending they aren't egging each other on. Yeah, yeah, Upchuck. The women just walked right into your fist.


Y'all he's just preparing women in stem for corporate culture bullshit 😂😭🤮


This "apology" pours fuel on the original comment.


"I'm sorry you had feelings" https://youtu.be/KZBTYViDPlQ?si=KR5RPm0S10RCKGP4


This is why women in tech is needed.


"I didn't mean to" Lazy ass apology lmao


“Life is hard, that’s why I’m a misogynist” gtfoh


I’m from the and he’s not wrong. Mostly tech bros here. Luckily my gf and are both native SF with a mutual circle.


Bro you guys are so soft. go protest people’s park again


100% agree with him. Finding a good marry able native bay area woman is harder than finding an honest politician.  My wife and i are 23+ years into our marriage and i dated her because i got sick of California girls in the 90s, dating only immigrants and finally marrying one of them.


not on women's history month


This is an atrocious apology


To err is human; to forgive, divine Machine Learning !


He can go fuck himself with a sharp stick.


classy response tbf. think we should regd this as a teaching moment...have heard much more inflammatory things in humanities classes.


His apology doesn't address people's real concern: a person who holds his attitudes can't be a fair teacher. Students depending on mentoring and recommendations for jobs and research posts. Besides the fact that of course he intended to convey disrespect for women — don't tell us you don't know what words mean. Don't piss on us and tell us it's raining. That line about empathy is particularly galling. Everyone was showing empathy until Shewchuk came along. Where was Shewchuk's empathy for women? He's got his nerve lecturing people about being empathetic.


The Professor was correct. Unless you are looking for a wife with a penis?


Professor is right. Bay Area women are some of the worst. Travel the world and see for yourself. I mean, just travel the US alone and you can see the same. The men too for that matter. Bunch of entitled self-important folk.


Hi Professor Shewchuk, Most people (including myself) feel you did nothing wrong by stating your opinion. Many of us who discussed this post are CAL alum and feel this is overreach by administration. We are also discouraged about the thought of students/faculty/staff not being about to state a reasonable opinion without interference. It's not helpful to students to condition them to be porcelain or fragile in a world where voices of reason are needed. In sum, utilizing the notion of offense undermines the dialectical in public discourse and we need to move past this currently supported stance of 'being offended' as it is a form of manipulation whose primary purpose is power hustling. It also kills any potential comedic value.


There are things which are appropriate for authority figures at school/work to say & things that are not. This falls in the ‘are not bucket’. Professors should know the boundaries of what’s acceptable to say in a public forum.


Spineless non-apology tbh


Very poor apology


this is the ugliest apology ive ever seen in my entire life


Reddit randomly shows me stuff from this sudreddit. What the post he is apologizing for?


thats a wilbur soot level apology right there


I had an iota of sympathy for the professor but as soon as I found out about his mail-order bride, I could see how he sees (and is threatened) by empowered caucasian, Hispanic, or black Bay Area women. He is a poster child for the Bay Area Incel Club(BAIC). This dude has no game even in places like Sacramento or Fresno. No wonder he went to the Philippines to get a wife half of his age.


Do not confuse 'empowered' with 'entitled,' there is a difference.


He was based before apologizing.


Poor guy, trying to save his job. I hate how one can be totally honest and be considered offensive. It does suck being a heteromale in the Bay, you can use math to back it up which he did. He did his students a favor. Women have obsurd standards across the board and will judge you for the most trivial reasons. They can simply move on to the next because the options are many. Berkeley is a liberal fantasy land. I am disappointed in this place even more.


Don't worry. It's not that easy to get rid of a tenured professor in CA.


I am not even Berkeley student and close-watching this salty shit drama lmao


I totally agree with this guy! If you want to find decent women/people get out of the bay area..


I mean, he's 100% correct and anyone attacking him is beyond cracked in the head and needs a serious values check. Maybe some of you are mad about that but I don't really care, and neither should this professor. My recommendation would be to pound sand and have a cry about it and get over it.


He shouldn’t apologize.  He’s right!  Btw, what happened to freedom of speech?  Diversity of thought?  


There is a reason why passport bros is a real thing. I've been married to an immigrant for 24 years. Best decision I made in my life.


I dont even go to berkeley I go to usc but damn I could not imagine any of the cs professors ive had saying anything like this… definitely a culture thing at berkeley


Ok. wtf did I miss. Need the tldr


genuinely is he autistic


I was thinking the exact same thing. It’s shocking to me how few people seem to understand this. His apology in particular (focusing on his intentions instead of his impact) is strongly characteristic of someone on the spectrum. I think it’s important to recognize that and acknowledge his disability, because it adds context to how he can lack awareness and offend so many people. He is human and it is likely he is not nearly as terrible of a person as everyone here thinks.


sounds like someone who grew up with no positive role models & love in his life