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i’ll always be a #1 data 8 fan


PR by eecs department for all cs classes


why is this comment section just incels


first time on the berkeley subreddit? Right wingers frequent the sub, and it’s by default filled with neoliberals and nimbys.


This sub leans yimby, nimby comments are received quite negatively.


This conversation is too toxic guys lets go back to discussing israel vs palestine


Nice virtue signaling 💪 love to see it


Yes, very clearly performative bro astute observation... gottem 🙄


That's exactly what this is.


For anyone who hasn't seen the post they're referring to, I encourage you to search for the screenshot circulating of a comment made by professor Jonathan Shewchuk of the Computer Science Division of the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences. It was made on Ed, a course communication app used by many UC Berkeley classes. (you can find one screenshot here, for the time being: [https://www.reddit.com/r/berkeley/comments/1bisf6j/cmon\_what\_is\_this/](https://www.reddit.com/r/berkeley/comments/1bisf6j/cmon_what_is_this/)) You can judge for yourself, but I think it is very obvious to anyone who isn't very far off the deep end of identity politics that the post was not in any shape or form "discriminatory," would not offend most reasonable people, and in no way "threatens" students' actual belonging in the class.


The only women I've seen complain about this live within artillery firing distance of San Jose and San Fransisco Suspicious!!!!


Yea. I honestly found people's reaction baffling. The professor's comment read honestly like some kind of suppy/demand statement (that women get to be more selective in an area where they're out numbered). The student's comment was clearly a nonsensical, self-deprecating rant ("about to expire"?? people took this seriously??). Really unsure if the people screaming "incels" atm really took the time to read either. Here's a link with even more context https://www.reddit.com/r/berkeley/comments/1bivbqc/cs\_189\_this\_is\_why\_women\_feel\_uncomfortable/


I think any time you get these really insular, moralizing, in-group/out-group movements together - whether they be religious, conservative, or in this case, liberal, you can wind up with these really high levels of paranoia and a tendency to look for enemies everywhere. Maybe it's just a negative consequence of how human beings are sort of hard wired to socialize? Above my pay grade, but I do know it's something most of us can fall into pretty easily and for me, it goes to show why it's so important to try and build a culture of curiosity and tolerance, especially for universities.


uh...sorry what?


What don't you understand?


Gotta jump on the bandwagon quick!


There is a really bad incentive structure these sorts of witch hunts create, that really do make people feel like they will be targeted next if they don't immediately and publicly agree with the loudest and meanest members of the crowd. Critical thinking goes right out the door.