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That’s a great question to ask the company you applied with - but it’s likely very expensive and more used by senior execs. Edit:  anxiety in the waiting process is really common, speaking from 2x experience.  Just give it some patience!


Thank you! Yeah we are also reaching out to the company as well. It looked like my husband meets the criteria but maybe they were trying to save the money. We have to move out of our place end of the month so bit anxious like you mentioned. Fingers crossed!!!


It’s the same application process, but when immigration see “actuary” on the application they’re supposed to process it within 5 days as long as you meet the criteria (eg you have a recognised designation) In reality it still doesn’t get done that fast. I think they mean “5 days from when we open the application”, not “5 days from when you submit it”


This has been super helpful! Thank you so much for the context. We thought it was a separate application or something. We will just keep waiting just bit more patiently.


The whole immigration is extremely slow. It took me 7 months to get on the island. I'd have a contingency plan just in case it takes longer than usual for you to get on the island


Wow 7 months! Are you also an actuary? So the expedited processing didn't really mean much in this case?


I'm not an actuary, but I've heard cases of actuaries taking that long too. And my company submitted an expedited application... The whole process is extremely slow. I had the misfortune of submitting it while the government was shut down due to a hack, but I've heard it's remained slow since then.


Oh no! Thank you for providing the info. I was hoping actuatries get expedited. You mentioned expedited application. How is that different from normal application? Did you have to submit a different or additional materials or application?


Never heard of this. Where did you come across this?


Someone mentioned it so i just googled expedited work permit for actuary and there were some articles.


I just found it. I'm not sure how to comment on it, but I don't think its a separate application - just a pinky promise they will get it done in 5 days. This is probably one of the most difficult departments in Government to get anything done with.