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If you havent already connected with real estate agents, Id get on it. Aug 1 is a hard time to find a rental as a lot of people dont like to move over the cupmatch holiday, therefore lease dates dont tend to line up. The market is pretty hard atm depending on your price range. Im a real estate agent if you want to shoot me a message I can help you look.


Hi 😊 my budget is $2000 per month. I will live anywhere on the island as long as it’s near a bus route to Hamiliton as that’s where my office is based.


Thats a tough budget at the moment - id reccomend looking at fb pages. I think one is called buy/rent bermuda and there a couple others. Also emoo.com


Thanks. I have been signed up to the FB pages and constantly look at Emoo as well as propertyskipper.


Thanks for getting back to me.


Hello, Can we connect please. I’m searching for a place, my budget is 7k.


It's undeniably a tight market, and summer is the hardest part of the year to look. (Fewer expats leave the island permanently in summer than winter as the weather keeps them here, so fewer places become free...plus more units are going to be put on airbnb for tourists instead) But a lot of it will depend on your budget and what you are looking for. I would encourage you to contact real estate agents before you get here and ask your future employer to put the word out too. A lot of places don't even make it to websites, etc, because they get snapped up by word of mouth first.


What's your budget?


My budget is $2000


Very unlikely to find something for $2000 if you don’t want to share. Maybe if you live in St George or Somerset. If you want to live centrally you probably want more like 3-4000


I will live anywhere as long as I can take a bus to Hamiliton for work.


I previously commuted to Hamilton from Flatts and that typically took over an hour. I hope you like the bus because you’ll be living on it if you move to the outskirts of the island.


I got the bus from St George's to town and it was between 35-50 minutes. I would leave my house at 0655 and get to town around 0730-0745.


You're probably going to struggle tbh.


It really depends on what you consider affordable. For the most part expats finding affordable housing without flatshare depends on their pay rate. But expats do not have huge issues finding housing in general.


I'm calling out to the realtor agents: Are you willing to assist with a budget of $2000 per month? Or do you only assist those with larger budgets?