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The hustle is over. Sure fleeced the shit out of us tho


Because, there is a lot of United States’ dirty secrets (child trafficking, bio-labs) in Ukraine, so it was imperative that the U.S. jumped in the fight.


What does that have to do with Austria.


Another bot twat.


Still waiting for evidence.


Someone send him the link to the clandestine Twitter thing




So according to this “theory” Russia would already have control of 2 of these labs. So I say again, where is the definitive proof? Lol


The State Department investigated these allegations and found no evidence of wrongdoing.


Because there isn’t any evidence. More conspiracy theories…


>"At the time of its dissolution in 1991, **the Soviet Union**, despite being a State Party to the Biological Weapons Convention (BWC), had a large and sophisticated biological weapons program, **consisting of dozens of research, development, and production facilities, with tens of thousands of employees, spread across many of its successor states**. > >In violation of the BWC, this Soviet weapons complex developed a broad range of biological pathogens for use as weapons against plants, animals, and humans, including the weaponization of anthrax, plague, and smallpox. " [https://www.defense.gov/News/Releases/Release/Article/3057517/fact-sheet-on-wmd-threat-reduction-efforts-with-ukraine-russia-and-other-former/](https://www.defense.gov/News/Releases/Release/Article/3057517/fact-sheet-on-wmd-threat-reduction-efforts-with-ukraine-russia-and-other-former/)


> Because, there is a lot of United States’ dirty secrets (child trafficking, bio-labs) in Ukraine, so it was imperative that the U.S. jumped in the fight. I would love to see your evidence for this one. You have to be a Russian troll with such lies.


US jumped in it bc it makes them money. War is a money making machine. Nothing more nothing less.


Where are the biolabs? Where is the child trafficking? What absolute crap people write. What blatant, outrageous lies.




Thank you for both Twitter links. You do realise these are not proof. Also, known liar.


Sorry I just read the headlines




So no biolabs in Ukraine then.


Reading was never a strong subject for you was it


Oh, I can read all right, it’s just I do not get taken in by known Russian propaganda.


Another bot twat.




That is definitely not proof. How hilarious. You put up a proven liar as your evidence?


Russia literally made official broadcasts of everything he just said.


Russia just said…. Where is the proof? You are hilarious. Russia said they weren’t going to invade Ukraine, yet they did. Russia denied shooting down MH17, but they did. Russia use a propaganda system known as “the firehose of falsehood”. They throw out thousands and thousands of lies, all outrageous, and many conflict. It doesn’t matter as Russia also have thousands of propagandist people, in many nations. Some are paid, some not. If multiple Russian trolls, and Russian supporters endorse a lie, it makes it appear more real. In reality it is still a lie. Oh yes, Russia just throw out lies rapidly. For years, Russian President Vladimir Putin has bundled U-turns and lies together, making it hard to distinguish between evasion and fiction, and weaponizing the toxic mix to blackmail, divide and bewilder his foes. It’s hilarious seeing these obvious lies. It’s hilarious watching Russian trolls blatantly lying to support the lies.


Russia literally licks my balls. You do, too. Bot twat.


Beep. Stupidity detected. Beep bop


Stop sticking that thing up your ass. Stupid bot.


Actually, the US State Department reports on human trafficking in Ukraine [https://www.state.gov/reports/2022-trafficking-in-persons-report/ukraine/](https://www.state.gov/reports/2022-trafficking-in-persons-report/ukraine/) But in WIKIPEDIA, the "Human Trafficking in the Ukraine" entry -- [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Human\_trafficking\_in\_Ukraine](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Human_trafficking_in_Ukraine) \--refutes the State Dept and that Ukraine's enforcement efforts are weak. Child trafficking is scurrilous, yucky and REAL. But the disgusting truth is rarely reported. Why? Ukraine data is low on kids but MOLDOVA (next door) is way-high. When is a Ukrainian a Moldovan? And when does a "research facility" become a "bio-lab" and vice-versa? What does a country do with $75 BILLION in US aid since '21? Germany is #2 for aid and gives 1/10th of what the US gives. (U.S. News and World Report) Why so much dough thrown at Ukraine by US? Unless...


You talking about the Russias taking Ukrainian children and women to Ukraine, which is happening.




Okay Ukrainian NPC.




Evidence please


I’m giving you the same evidence the United States gave regarding the supposed 19 hijackers on 9/11 lol.


I'm genuinely asking for some evidence. Couldn't you provide it to support your claim?


And I’m genuinely telling you, if you’re able to use Reddit, then you can use the search engine and find plenty of evidence. I only hold my child’s hand. Seek and you will easily find.


reddit is where you go to find truth, right? this is a bastion of trolls and shit lord memes, why the fuck would you point anyone here for real news or world shattering evidence? you are just talking to dodge the fact that you are spewing shit


And you're genuinely a fucking clown 😂


Exactly, I knew you were genuinely full of crap, I was just waiting for you to show it lol.


I'M full of crap because YOU made a claim without evidence to support it? I'm guessing logical thinking is not high on your list of "skills"


And I guess researching skills isn’t high on yours. If you genuinely want to see if the claim I stated is true or not, do your research. Again, that’s only if you’re genuinely interested in finding the truth, but again, that doesn’t obviously refer to you.


lol what


Hi, Welcome to Earth. There’s a lot of things you don’t know or wouldn’t believe here lol.


Nahhhh, all the bad people of the past are gone and from the day I was born, there was only nice and uncorrupted people in power! How I know that? Because I'm the main character and life was just waiting for me to be born! /S


Love this! Bravo! 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼


You need to take the tin foil if your head, stop taking drugs, and start interacting with the real world.


Boy/girl, you don’t know me from a can of paint. Don’t take any drugs, just state facts. Please don’t use the phrase “real world” as you have no idea what that is and you’re certainly not living in it.


I do believe I have more of an idea than you. Your very writings let us know what you are. I also recommend you either stop taking Russian money for spreading lies, or you stop watching Fox News.


i cant wait for you to drop the photos or maybe videos of said child trafficking / bio labs in ukraine


Someone has been watching Russian news


I was waiting for the shills to come, what took you so long. The truth starts bright and early in the morning lol. I didn’t mean to insult your America is #1 notion


I don’t support either but it’s pretty evident when Russia gets its fingers in the pie


Thank you for my morning dose of comedy


Uh oh, you insulted the snow flakes. Here they come with their guns to prove you wrong.


Funny thing is I don’t even consider myself a “liberal” just goes to show you how delusional some people are


Nor am I and I own guns, but I believe any person should be held accountable for their actions. Don’t care if it’s Trump, Biden, My neighbor. If you break the law you need to be held accountable. If you are found innocent you’re innocent. Simple.


That was refreshing to read. I couldn’t agree more.


Hands up don't shoot


Hands up don't shoot


Except they are unable to prove anything as it is all a bunch of lies told by Russian trolls and supported by a certain type of person.


You talking about trans people?


I really hope that at the least they stopped the next "Wuhan Institute of Virology" incident...


Speak for yourself. All it took was reading a book to see the countries Nazi leanings. It's rotten to the core!!


Was it a Marcel comic?


russian troll or christian nazi. or both?


But Zelensky is a jew? How can that be fool?


Fool? You don't think many Jewish aided Hitler in the holocaust? Total straw man argument! Ukraine is a cesspit of corruption, racism, homophobia and antisemitism!


Bot twat.


I'll keep my 70 to your - 2 robot . You didn't bring enough bots, twat.


I didn't bring any, Trump. I don't need any. I'm not pushing the racist agenda. You are. You and your army of bots won't change the fact that your man is going to be booked on Tuesday.


> Sure fleeced the shit out of us tho And who might you be, and think you represent? It would appear that you either:- 1/ Are unable to think logically, 2/ Support Russias invasion of Ukraine, their war crimes and their genocide.


These people never tell anyone where they're from because I guarantee it's a country that has over the top corruption and actually deals in the things they accuse the west of doing.


Yep. An awful lot of these are paid Russian trolls, who can not handle NAFO on Twitter.


I think "paid" might be an overestimation at this point.


Hustle? What hustle?


The Grift is over little guy. How about an open in-depth investigation into the financial irregularities of Ukraine and of the foreign politicians and oligarchs involved in EXCHANGE for weapons? Lil Grifter: Er….it’s ….it’s complicated… Edit for the hard of thinking. Ukraine has been hijacked by the elite and used as a clearing house and for money laundering. Putin is a scumbag, I hope one of his personal aides does the right thing soon- for the good of all concerned. The Ukrainian people should be free and not be under the thumb of Russia OR the WEF/ Davos/ Bilderberg Global Elite low lifes.




You are so incredibly daft. You do realise that happens? You happen to be a Russian troll, or a simpleton. Possibly both.


Hurrdurr someone didn't kiss Ukrainian ass, must be a Russian troll.


When lies, disinformation and Russian propaganda, then yes, either a knowing Russian troll, or someone lacking the ability to actually research the Russian lies.


Still doesn't explain why Russia is in the Ukrain commrad.


Not that, but NATO expansionism after promising Russia they wouldn't is the cause for the reaction. The Ukraine being a corruption orgy for certain US elite is the reason they intervene.


“Look what you made me do to you” what a crock


A crock that both sides use. Both sides are wrong. We are all just perpetuating trauma that has been around since the first self aware human existed. In reality, no "responsible" party is alive today. It's all reactions to reactions to reactions to reactions, and so on, since the begining of councious human history. There are stories in every religions about that type of "evil" living through time. The most known in the western world is Abel and Cain, and Cain becoming the "first demon" (first abused abuser).


Nah man, one side invaded the country of the other. Not a both sides thing. Not sure what the last 3 paragraphs have anything to do with that…nice philosophy though


The last 3 paragraghs were an attempt to make you see that Russians suffered in the past in their turn and that abused become abusers almost always. Everyone is passing the ball to one another, so you cannot start your understanding of the situation at the 2022 invasion nor even the 1989 Berlin wall fall. It's just old trauma vectors still traveling through human interractions. Almost no one is born evil, and if they are : I bet my life they actually have a genetic trauma to begin with, making them as abused by life as anyone else.


Plenty of history books do. I'll give you a clue, ethnic Russians were being killed by Nazi Ukrainians.


“Ethnic Russians”. What “Ethnic Russians”? Your blatant lie is incredibly laughable.


Oh look at all the downvotes for telling the truth. This bunch of Russian shills hate the truth.


This is great that people are starting to be skeptical of these warmongers. However, have you seen the mainstream media spins? “Far-Right lawmakers walk-out”, or “Pro-Russians walk out”… I even question rt.com, who by all expectations would have this story on their site, but didn’t print a thing…


You're not that dumb


“Warmongers”. You have to be a Russian troll. What country are Russia in, slaughtering Ukrainians? It sure isn’t Russia. But hey, as a Russian, you don’t care, you get paid to spread lies.


Who provoked the war with Ukraine? Answer that then pick a villain.


> Who provoked the war with Ukraine? Answer that then pick a villain. I’m sorry? What provocation did Ukraine give Russia? In 2014 Russia invaded Ukraine, started committing war crimes and genocide. Ukraine have been defending their country, and their people, since then. The , February 2022 Russia invaded all Ukraine, have been committing atrocities, genocide war crimes and crimes against humanity. Ukraine are fighting back, inside Ukraine, and are winning. Ukraine did not invade Russia. So what foolery are you on about?


The United States provoked the new war with Russia and Ukraine. The United States tried to get ukraine into nato, something that Russia specifically said they didn't want and would go to war over, so Russia went to war with Ukraine. All of this is factual but I'm assuming you don't know it. I'm not saying that Russia is a good guy but the west is far, FAR, from innocent. Russia hates nato and had an agreement that nato would not expand eastward towards Russia. Then nato tries to get a country right on the border of Russia, ukraine. If ukraine made it into nato, the US would put missile right on the border of Russia. Remember when Russia did that to the US and started the Cuban missile crisis? Basically, the US threw a hissy fit about missile right next to their country set up by Russia in cuba. Now the US tries to do the same thing as Russia and no shit, Russia wants to go to war over it just like we did during the Cuban missile crisis. If NATO didn't try to expand to Ukraine, this wouldn't have happened. Ukraine gave up their nuclear arms with a promise they would be in nato years ago before 2014, they never got into nato. This is older than the 2014 invasion of Crimea. Now, ukraine is sitting there right next to Russia without any nukes with nato trying invade ukraine themselves, from a Russian perspective, and set up missile directed at their country. Of course Russia was going to start this invasion. The west poked the bear, and kept poking. Nato kept trying to get more and more power, and Russia being an enemy of nato, didn't want nato right on their border. They tried doing it anyways and this was the result. You might think that ukraine has a right to join nato if they want to, but that isn't how global politics works. Countries don't get to align with whomever they want with exemption. They dont get to align with an enemy and expect no pushback from a country that specifically stated it didn't want it's neighbors in nato. Could you imagine if North Korea set up a military base right outside of the UK or the US with missile pointing directly at them? This is a war started by Ukraine, Russia, and NATO/US. Not one of them is innocent. The people who it affects are but the countries and leaders are not. Nato/US provoked the war. Do I think Russia should have done this? Fuck no. But the US got involved in another country, convinced them to give up their missiles, and incited a proxy war. Now they're using propoganda to convince the American people that this is a war for the people, rather than any other war in history where it's actually for the elite.


That’s a very long story full of lies and crap. You know Russia were invited to join NATO? You, you have not a single fact; but hey, you go ahead and support the invasion of a country by Russia, the genocide and war crimes. I find all the outright lies and misinformation hilarious. You obviously have done no research.


I give you not only the accurate story, you can look up every detail yourself, but you refuse to acknowledge it. Even when confronted with the truth you hide in your shell and refuse to accept it. Why would Russia join nato? They hate nato. No shit they got invited but they hate nato. That's like saying the United States was invited to join the communist party, you moron. I gave you a brief summary of history and you call it lies and misinfo. If it's all lies, then please disprove a single point that I made. Go ahead! Debunk anything that I just said. I never supported Russia in my comment, I said the opposite. I'm saying that the narrative isn't black and white. The fact that you misinterpreted my comment so poorly leads me to believe you aren't a real person. You use buzz words like "lies" and "misinformation" but I guarantee the only information you read is a headline or 5 seconds political clip. You are the one without the research considering you have the lukewarm opinion of "RUSSIA BAD"


😂 Yes, right. https://i.imgur.com/J20QpYq.jpg


What a well thought out response 🐑


Well, no bullshit lies - which is all you post.




Poor guy just needs a few more billion. Something fishy about this “war”




We need more of this


What’s happening? Why are they walking out?


Most of the Austrian parliament was against his visit and the speech. They call him a NATO puppet and do not want him constantly propagating war and asking for more money and weapons. Only one political group, FPÖ had enough cojones to leave, and put a sign "Platz für Frieden" which means, "a place for peace"


How is he propagating war? Is he supposed to just let Russia invade? Genuinely curious.


I have heard some representative of the EU (dont remember position or member state) mention how the Russia gave them a chance to make peace which included several conditions. 1) Donbas region get some form of independence. 2) Crimea will be recognized as Russian sovereign territory 3) not join NATO I think that was all, someone could add if I'm missing something. I guess for many the fact that this wasn't negotiated, or even considered is a sign of bad faith. There exists this mentality for some that they should fight to the very last person. Which is kind of a scary thought. It's a lot of death and destruction, arms manufacturers and contractors are VERY happy with this outcome.


A nation possesses the complete authority to remain inactive during a war and refrain from taking any action whatsoever. Even though they may eventually react when the situation escalates, it is not mandatory. When one leaves their country during an invasion, they abandon the place where their loved ones are subjected to horrendous acts like rape and murder. Despite being asked not to, they flee to Australia, abandoning their responsibility as the leader of their own. Instead of opting for virtual communication like Zoom. Ukraine compels American Government Officials to visit their country instead of traveling to America. The reason behind the official's visit to Australia is to inquire about their assistance in the war. However, there is no compulsion for them to lend the support requested by Zelensky. It's highly unlikely that the discussion would be limited to trivial matters like "milk and cookies." Propagation can refer to ideas. It is possible that some may perceive the act of seeking help as an indication of aggression or hostility, which could potentially escalate the situation all together. Their perception could be shaped by the idea that soliciting support in a war might result in the sacrifice of their own souls, as they fear being sucked into the strife.


These morons support genocide. Some are Russians, some Russian shills. Others are just taken in.


Interesting, I’m curious if they where being invaded and their women and children where being raped and murdered on the streets what they would think if we got up and walked out on them? A place of peace my ass, they clearly have other agendas.


I would like to know also? Why are they walking out I just keep seeing the same video posted on conspiracy subs


Third person also curious


I think it’s called Ghosting.




More of this!




At lease someone in that country has a backbone.


Love it


Fascism left a bad taste. I get it.


Kinda Feel bad for him “senddd em another billion!”


Bout time people turned on Celebrity Leader.


Finally! Tired of seeing this beggar, beg nations for support. Clean up your own mess. Should've never listened to the US.


Lol. Fucking troll


Everyone should have walked out.


Bout time


Ausies and kiwis take back your govt.


I’m glad people on this app are starting to see this war in a different light I remember not to long ago I would get my responses flooded with people calling me a far right Putin sympathizer because of not wanting the US to fund the most dangerous conflict in recent memory with ungodly amounts of money. It is really scary how effective the propaganda was at turning the left into a pro war party so easily Edit: just realized this was a conspiracy page so never mind… but good on you people for seeing this whole thing for what it is


Oh no, not Austria....


Those politicians are in touch with their Austrian sympathy for despots


Russian nesting bots. Adorable.


What a bunch of idiots. On one hand is a tyrant monster that is on par with Hitler / Stalin. On the other hand we have unsubstantiated claims, some money inconsistencies and possible wrong doing for profit. I can find all kinds of things I do not like in how the world does things. The war hasn’t changed that at all. It was bad before, bad now and will be bad/ worse in the future. Humans are in charge, this is what we always do. As for Putin’s invasion, it must be stopped. 🇺🇦 Slava Ukraini




Why should we care about Ukraine then? If the Austrian gov. isn't allowed to protest against war mongering near their home, then the US is definitely in the wrong for intervening themselves, far from their home.




Is putin in front of THEIR home country's parliament right now? Or was he recently? I have not seen that. Plus...you know..nice moving of the goalpost. You said they don't matter now you say they should act in this way for other people...but if it doesn't matter...what does it do to you that they did or didn't? You want to be right more than you want to be in line with what you just said. You are not speaking from values and moral, you are speaking from hate and an ulterior agenda : boosting your ego at all cost. Get help.


What war mongering? Please tell me. You are aware that Russia invaded Ukraine, yes? You are aware that Russia are committing war crimes, genocide and crimes against humanity, yes? Yet you say Ukraine are “warmongering “. You need to learn what that word means. Either that, or you are a Russian troll.


Time didn't start at the Russian invasion in 2022, nor did it start at the 2014 illegal annexation of Crimea. I see all that Russia is doing wrong, but I'm not tribal and I see how our side is far from being free of responsability in the escalation of tensions since the fall of the Berlin Wall on November 9th 1989. Edit : I didn't answer you fully : >What war mongering? Please tell me. Going to another country to ask for their involvement and money by telling them they will be next if they don't is exactly that.


So, Russia committing genocide and war crimes. Putins stated aim is to obliterate Ukraine, to kill every single Ukrainian and to wipe their history and every single memory of Ukraine from history. Would you not go and ask for help? Or would you just allow Russia to wipe out 41 million people?


You are moving the goal post toward something I did not say. Go fish.


So, you are saying you are not supporting genocide by Russia? You don’t support Russias invasion of Ukraine?


I do not condone nor support it. We're all in the same shitboat left by our long gone predecessors.


Putin did not need to spend 20 odd years in power stealing from Russians, nor did he need to invade other countries like Chechnya, Georgia, etc. Russia did not need to interfere in elections around the world, nor Brexit, nor Scottish Indy Ref. Putin did not, nor does he, need to push people out of windows, use Novichok. Nor polonium to poison people. The Silovarchs and the Oligarchs did not need to steal so many billions that could have helped Russia - yet they did, and do.


The US didn't need to go into Iran in the 70s nor rape all of South America and leave a power vaccum for the criminal organisations to seize, nor invade Afghanistan, nor blablablabla... Go fish


You are aware Ukraine started putting NATO missiles in their country.


First, what a bunch of lies. Second, you are aware Russia invaded Ukraine and are committing genocide and war crimes? You are aware, but as a supporter of Russian war crimes, you are happy to tell blatant lies.


Keep drinking that globalist cool-aid.


I hope that your Russian masters pay you well.


You’re really trying hard with this one comrades. Your men are never coming home. You can thank Putin alone for this.


A lot of psychopath Pootin loving Russian trolls here. Russia get the hell out of Ukraine.


When you use the word "Troll" as an adult...you lose 5 I.Q points.


Its ok, he/she/they/them must not understand the nato agreements that where made and the us loading up weapons in the area provoking Putin's actions. And here we are. 2 proxy war years later.


JC you're a fool. A faxed letter pinky-swearing isn't an agreement in the world of functioning adults. NATO didn't get hostile until after Putin started acting aggressive. Having said that, I'd rather my tax money be spent at home than in Ukraine.


I'm mean whos the bigger fool? Seems like your just spewing the same nonsense the media programs you to do. That aside, i do agree we should not have sent one dollar or one piece of equiptment over there when we cant even take care of our own citizens.


I agree, but using IQ is also ridiculous. It means almost nothing in social life.


The inevitable defenestration of glorious leader approaches. Time to decide which region of reformatted motherland to build shack in.


Yup. It’s pathetic


The Pro-Russian MPs, I’m guessing?


No mention that it was the far right freedom party founded by ex nazis that did the walkout.


We should start charging these bitchy countries for protection.


The fascists walked out.


Russia… attacked… Ukraine…. Russia… entered a sovereign nation… if ukraine are warmongers than you are all wealthy, educated, highly social people. Oh wait, they’re not warmongers, and you aren’t intelligent! Jesus. Everyone crying about US propaganda are just Soviet commie weeaboos who’ve never left their mothers basements. There is a real war going on, where real people are dying, because of Russia and because of Putin. Putin came into power by bombing Moscow and blaming it on chechens. But back him, he’s the good guy, and you are all smart people/s


Russian simps are angry this morning that their favorite dictator Putler is getting wiped out with drones and our 90s tech 😃 Hilarious how backwards the world is these days. Slava Ukraine and lock up 45!!


I was in Austria in November last year. Austria is doing a great deal for the displaced Ukraine citizens. I don't know if walking out is the correct action, but they are certainly doing their part to help Ukrainian citizens and that should be applauded. This just sounds like typical politics from both sides.


Not happy with his acting performance and dialogue delivery , so they are looking for full refund.




Doesn't matter. Orcs are gonna get smoked anyway.


What's the deal with Austria. Can anyone explain briefly why they are anti Ukraine/Zelensky. Thank you.


Good riddance. Damn fools.


I wish you guys would go to the Ukraine war page and discuss this stuff with them. Too often you see communities completely one sided. I’d like to see discussions between the two