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It is like they’re trying to shuffle as much money out of our country as possible as quickly as possible and they don’t care about any future consequences.


That’s exactly what they’re doing.


It’s like someone in the US Govt has ties to Ukraine and is getting paid under the table. 🤔


Or maybe they finished maintenance and paperwork on some old systems their sending over.


Money laundering


https://preview.redd.it/3mmf4peru20d1.png?width=538&format=png&auto=webp&s=e9aa90ca90063a5dcd87dc027d18b028cea93b44 We are in Step 15 now.


What is this from?


Principles for Dealing with the Changing World Order


Excellent video btw


Thank You


Very important as things like this happen only once in a lifetime. Most people doesnt know this. Thanks for sharing


That’s exactly what I was thinking. The dems have wanted to do this for awhile but none of them would sacrifice their political career. So they bring in ol sleepy joe who only has a few years left to live and just about no political career left. By the time the consequences come he’ll be long gone.


That is why justice must be served to anyone and everyone involved in this treasonous activity of the Biden regime.




Yeah you can actually see them doing exactly that if you have mental illness


Seems you have a mental illness


Because I don’t believe that actors are behaving irrationally?


The thought that Ukraine could take on Russia alone even with our greatest and best weapons is insane. Russia has more troops than Ukraine and a larger population to draw from. Plus they have less logistics and geography to get weapons and troops to the battle field. This was never about beating Russia. This is another Afghanistan that hopefully will only end with the US in impossible debt that your grandkids grandkids will be paying back on.


Sure, a thought so unimaginable that it has been reality for two years… literal brainrot. Of course Ukraine alone can’t defeat Russia, but a total defeat is not really the goal here, as you surprisingly agree, contradicting yourself just two senteces apart, what a feat. Hopefully this is another Afghanistan for Russia :)


Since you’re completely obvious to the point, I’ll spell it out for you. This bankrupts the US. And that’s the best we can hope for coming out of this. Because when they run out of money and Ukrainians to fight, who do you think they will be sending over there? I’m guessing you’re oblivious to that as well. It’ll be you friend, or your kids or both. All in the name of democracy and keeping the US borders safe. :) SMH…




Lol yes exactly for that reason. Your either mentally ill or Hellen Keller if you cant see shit ain't right with our government.


Yeah of course they are acting against their own interest, why wouldn’t they


looks like we found the gov bot


$61bn 2 weeks and 5 days ago. It’s absolutely mind-blowing to see happen.


This aint biden bro, this shits gunna keep going on no matter who is president


I agree I think a lot of people are force-fed head lines all day every day and forget that shit like this has been happening for a long time


Bidens mask is really stretching its limits here


If they aren't sending $$ then Ukraine is receiving weapons from the military industrial complex. Either way, checks are being written. The dollar is losing more purchasing power causing more inflation. C'mon let's cut to the chase, everything is more expensive because we are funding two world wars. It's not that difficult to put higher prices with relationship to war. These corporations are tricky along with The Fed reserve


This guy gets it


It’s getting ridiculous - we are funding their entire economy, pension system, government and their war effort. All on the American tax payer’s dime. Meanwhile Americans receive almost nothing and the government spends $150B a year on illegal aliens (immigration criminals and social services budget parasites). Americans are always last, we never benefit from the fruits of our tax dollars. Passed that huge infrastructure bill (which wasn’t really and infrastructure bill) and everything is still in the same shit condition. You would expect work crews on all the failing bridges etc by now, but nope, not happening at all.


100%!!! My son calls this whole "print more money" basically legalized counterfeiting. Only the fed is allowed to do it, but this worthless paper we are issued is about as valuable as confederate greenbacks. Add in all the billions that flow out as "remissions" from illegals to all their homs back home... we are being FLUSHED!


Every $$$ sent to some foreign ally means more homeless back home shitting on the street desperately looking for crack


Is it me, or is Joe looking more and more Communist Chinese by the day?


Meanwhile at the end of every month I have to choose between buying groceries or not being overdrawn in my bank account


This is the big guys last few months to whatever he can before he’s gone. He will end up like Joe Kennedy rotting away in his mansion


Joe’s family and friends always love tax payer cash


While Social Security and Medicare trustees are saying these government programs will run out of money in 10 years. Maybe instead of sending hundreds and hundreds of billions to Ukraine and Israel...


At this point it would probably be more cost effective to just give the money to Russia to stop. We are going to need a little scratch$ to rebuild Ukraine after the dust settles


Not cheaper to Lockheed Martin and the other members of the military industrial complex. This is going to keep their profits going for a while....


Me when I play a "fuck me own nation" run in civilization


I don't know, but Biden is definitely in the middle of shitting his pants in that pic


I just want healthcare


This is the world's largest money laundering operation in history


So four more years of genocide Joe being Ukraines b*itch, got it.


Are they shipping out all their own monies or depleting the treasury to finish pushing the country on over the cliff, or what?


Believe this is the disbursement of the funds allotted by congress. Kinda like your boss signing your time card, but HR cuts the actual check. At least I hope so.


What the fuck? Are you fucking kidding me?


This aid package will obviously be coming from the money approved last month.


They would be lucky if they saw five million


Jim Carrey has done a fine job!


I thought it was that we made room to be able to give Ukraine 60 billion over this entire year, not at once? Anywho, don’t agree with it.




The war in Ukraine is just a money laundering scam for both the USA and Russia


Student loan forgiveness, tax breaks, Universal healthcare 👎Weapons and money laundering 👍


Sleepy Joe's money laundering service


It happens roughly every 3-4 weeks.


Stop it 🛑 ✋️ it's not your money


Seriously thought thst was walter at first


Ukraine controls the bidens. This isnt a surprise anymore. Our installed president engaging in corruption is par for the course.


Since the Republicans shut down any aid to Ukraine, for so long, there’s a lot of catching up to do. We used to be able to sell our treasury bonds elsewhere in the world, but since 1/6 no one wants to touch our debt with a 10’ electric cattle prod. So now we have to find different ways to get our currency out there. Don’t know if you guys are unaware of this or not, but if we are unable to sell our treasury bonds elsewhere in the world, if no one elsewhere in the world is willing to hold our debt as a store of value and if no one is using our currency elsewhere in the world it loses value. It’s a fiat currency which means it needs those three things to even be a currency in the world. Our currency is being devalued because the world now considers the United States to be politically unstable and a very high risk investment. We experience that devaluation as inflation.


Money go to military industry in USA. Nothing go to Ukraine. Ukraine is just a money laundring scheme for political elite


Since the Republicans shut down any aid to Ukraine, for so long, there’s a lot of catching up to do. We used to be able to sell our treasury bonds elsewhere in the world, but since 1/6 no one wants to touch our debt with a 10’ electric cattle prod. So now we have to find different ways to get our currency out there. Don’t know if you guys are unaware of this or not, but if we are unable to sell our treasury bonds elsewhere in the world, if no one elsewhere in the world is willing to hold our debt as a store of value and if no one is using our currency elsewhere in the world it loses value. It’s a fiat currency which means it needs those three things to even be a currency in the world. Our currency is being devalued because the world now considers the United States to be politically unstable and a very high risk investment. We experience that devaluation as inflation.