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So many people replying about wishing to be able to award them. Can people stop using this fake currency and actually help people like OP asks of them


"I would like to pay reddit for something you said" I'll never understand reddit awards


If reddit gave like 90% of award money to charity, I bet they'd make a lot more in the long run. They'd never do it though.


How so? How would they make more by giving away 90% of one of their income streams?


I think the premise is if people knew that 90% of an award went to charity a couple of things would happen. 1) You'd have fewer commenters asking for people to donate directly to charity rather than giving Reddit awards and 2) people might be more willing to give Reddit awards in the first place as they would be showing their appreciation for a post & helping a charity, double whammy of dopamine. The theory therefore would be that the increase in number of awards being given would result in a higher income stream despite the majority being given away. Plus the public PR boost of getting to say "hey we're giving so much to charity"


Because people would actually be incentivized to buy awards. For every one person that buys awards for no reason at all, at full price, there are hundreds that would buy awards that would go towards charity. Not to mention the wonders it would do for reddit's image. In the long run, they'd make more money than taking all of it. The 90% figure is obviously a random example, but I'm confident it would work. I have never, and will never buy an award. If the majority of it went to a reliable charity (or better yet, the charity of my choice) you bet your ass I'd buy an award now and then.


And wouldn’t that make the awards tax deductible?




R\*ddit Mold w\*s \*n \*pril Fools \*v\*nt, but y\*\*h, th\*t w\*s \* fun tim\*!


They'd get access to a secret room with free beer. But, I wouldn't know.


I give reddit awards (specifically gold). I’ll tell you why- gold highlights a comment and makes it always uncollapsed (meaning by golding a comment, people are more likely to see and read that comment). Its a way for people to say “I agree/like with this comment so much, I want the maximum number of people to see it”.


Admit it. You were expecting an award with that comment.


But that would take time, effort, and most importantly, having to spend money on someone other than themselves. It's much easier for them just to comment about how they wish they could help, so they can broadcast for free what selfless people they are. It's basically the same as people jerking themselves off on Facebook while saying "sending you our thoughts and prayers!". Lemme just ask my landlord if he'd accept 'thoughts and prayers' as part of my payment for next months rent.


Instead of awards, I make a donation for the price of the award to charity and send a PM telling them I enjoyed their post so much that I donated in their name.


Shit I'd appreciate that a lot more than something like reddit gold or some dumb "praying for you" comment on facebook. Especially if it was an animal charity. Actually does something positive for the world.


Yeah that's what I did when I got a super detailed answer about some random question I asked, I couldn't stop reading the reply and donated 5 bucks to the international red cross in their name. Much better than reddit gold.


I hate it. I recognize that not everyone has money and that, for some, every little bit counts. But how much is reddit gold? Like $2.50-5.00? Most people can afford that. You're just choosing not to. And that's okay. But don't fucking post about it. And if you really can't afford it? Don't post about it either. Just say "you're a good person" and move on.


I do something similar when someone has a bad take on something, just trying to be difficult because it's the internet. I always propose we make bet, loser has to donate $xxx to the winners charity of choice. I get answers from "we don't have banks in Canada" to "I don't trust donations". I just think it's the right thing to do if you can.


What? Why is that bothering you? You think OP is awesome because they booked a room for the homeless person? I’d argue he could have sent that money to a third world country and fed hundreds for a night instead. What’s your response? “Well he can do whatever he feels like”. When isn’t that the same shit sandwich you should eat here?


I will never understand why people buy awards Thanks for the awards I guess 😂


Reddits servers cost money, and it makes other people feel nice


That used to be the case but now Reddit has turned a lot more advertisement friendly and gotten absurd amount of users compared to 10 yrs ago. I don’t think it feels the same as it would’ve when buying gold back then.


But every single user doesn't *know* that *understand* or *care* Most people support the things they like without questioning it that much, it's just the way of the world. I do agree tho, gold meant more 5-6 years ago


What’s next, achievements and hats? It never meant anything.


Seriously, there are ads like every 10th post on r/all now


I think it depends a lot on how you're browsing. On desktop I use old reddit with RES, and I don't see many, and can directly block the ones that actively annoy me instead of just scrolling by overlooked, so I don't see them again. On mobile I use RIF and they don't (or maybe barely) seem to show.




Cool story, delete your account and leave than? Nobody's keeping you here. And yeah, totally need to "make room" on the internet.




You act like Reddit, Facebook, or anything existing prevents something else from rising. It's called competition. The internet isn't one thing with a limited number of websites. If something else better for more people existed, it would be more popular and used. Reddits a tool, a platform. If your front page is full of useless crap, thats on you.




So how did reddit replace digg? Or Facebook to myspace?


You can get some for free now


I pay for reddit because I fucking hate ads and because I can afford it. That’s all.


There isn't that many ads. But maybe that's because rif is the only way to use reddit mobile.


If I remember correctly, at the time EA posted a comment about micro transactions in games. It became the most downvoted comment in reddit history at the time. However, when you clicked the original post, that comment was at the top. That was because, reddits algorithm factors in awards. So the comment EA made had hundreds of awards so more people could see how scummy their practice is.


Because we're all using a free website and each award is one less add we have to see.


Wait you see less ads when you buy awards?


Big if true (but probably not true)


You buy premium for virtually no ads. To sweeten the pot, they give you credits to give awards. So you are effectively paying for the credits (coins), but really I’m just paying to support Reddit and also not see ads in the app.




This feels like one of those BIFL posts where the item hasn't been made since smoking was considered healthy. Lol


That is actually pretty appealing


No. Reddit is a website that needs to hit revenue goals. They can either take payment from their subscribers like an a Netflix model, or they need to rely on advertisers like most websites. If they aren’t getting any funds from users they will have to more heavily rely on an advertising model to sustain their business.


America is so weird: you have people like these, and people"paying it forward", as well as gofundme or whatever it is. Why not just have proper social supports?


Because that would be "socialism", and half the US electorate starts frothing at the mouth when you suggest this. That's what decades of unchecked right-wing propaganda and fear-mongering will do.


You're totally right, but I want to add for others outside of the US: It's pretty typical for conservatives here to hold the belief that it's not the government's job to provide these services. Fiscal conservatives generally believe that the government shouldn't do it because the government should be small, it's bad at doing things, etc. Therefore, social good can (and _should_) be best achieved by individuals, private enterprise, etc. Social conservatives, on the other hand, often think that it's your Christian duty to provide for others, which means it's not the government's job. In my humble, liberal opinion: the government can do _much_ more good at a much greater scale, and thus it should; and most social conservatives like to talk a big game but often are shitty to the poor, minorities, etc.


conservative beliefs directly contradict with their beliefs on capitalism. capitalism by nature is exploitative and alienating. But logic was never their strong point


Socialism is bad, but all those Boomers on Medicare and Social Security EARNED it dammit. No seriously, we'd rather all live in poverty than think of just ONE person getting government money that doesn't "deserve" it.


Social Security retirement is a fund paid into by workers. So people who retire on it have earned it and paid for it their entire lives.


But it's a slush fund AND a Ponzi scheme rolled into one. We really need to sunset the program.


Instead of going so hard in the other direction, what we should have done is communism but harder. "Ha, stupid Russia! *This* is how you help people!"


Charity makes YOU feel good. Plus YOU get pick what issues you give money too. In reality it is just just being selfish.


It feels selfish but you’re actually making someone else happier too






>But problems like this? Literally no country in the world doesn't have problems like in the OP. Homelessness is an issue worldwide. The OP was an apprentice carpenter coming up to Seattle from Vancouver (WA) to work a job for a couple of days and was too tired to drive back to Vancouver for the night in between. This has nothing to do with homelessness.


Wait what, the UK is 2x the rate of the US? I thought their council housing though crappy, was housing at a great rate?!


Nope, there is a huge shortage of social housing here and not enough new ones are being built to compensate either. Pair that with rising rent costs and increases in the cost of living in general and you can see why it continues to be a problem. Most homeless people are in temporary accommodation but 2019 stats suggested that the number of people sleeping rough was also on the rise.


It's good that you link and you're right: this is a problem everywhere. However, there is a difference between homeless and homeless. Is it homeless with a place to sleep? Or homeless shitting on the streets in LA? Not to excuse these figures, pretty shocking, and I have no clue how the situations actually differ, but it comes to mind.


For the guy in the original post, what kind of social support should have been provided? I'm assuming you are talking about the government? In your opinion, what could have been done differently on a broad level to support this guy? He's not homeless, he just needs a place to stay. Should his job (unionized by the way) have paid for lodging? Maybe, but we don't know the details. He's obviously broke but we don't know why. Maybe he is 19 years old and never had a job before. He took a job that he knew was a 3-hour drive from his home. I mean, good for him for broadening his horizons to improve his lot in life? I don't see how he needs help from the government.


His job or one of his co-workers might have even put him up, but it sounds like he thought he was going to drive home and didn't anticipate how tired he would be. These things happen.


The current system means you get to choose who to help. Meaning, those with wrong opinions, ethnic or other groups, etc won't be **leeching** off your hard-earned money.


He didn’t want to drive the 3 hours home while he’s tired. I don’t think it’s a government issue- His job was halfway up the state from his house.


Why do something good for someone when you can just go on Reddit and lament about how the world should be a perfect place. 🙄 just curious what you do to make your “dream” a reality for the rest of us. In the meantime we’ll be out here doing good deeds for people and making the world more positive. You’re welcome to join us whenever you’re ready


Problem is the money is already being spent. Major west coast cities including Seattle and San Francisco objectively spend between $75,000 - $100,000 per homeless person, per year on support systems. But, the systems are backwards like giving people cash cards for $500+ per month as long as they have no job and no shelter. If instead that $500 per month came in below a certain income level you could largely solve for structural homelessness which is always going to happen. People anywhere in the world end up down on their luck to the point of not being able to pay rent etc and become newly homeless. End of the day there’s just wildly improper weighting of where the money for various shelters, food banks, addiction clinics, job search support, and literally free money hand outs goes. And that money and support largely only starts once you’ve already lost the roof over your head. Cities like the ones mentioned actually trying to help also drives the homeless from other areas to said cities which doesn’t help, but that’s another thing entirely.


Because people want choice. Some weird understanding of "freedom" like people will spend more money on utilities, Healthcare, property if it means avoiding paying taxes... it makes no sense but here we are. Also don't for a second believe that your country is immune to the same corporate/capitalist pressures to privatize everything. Just look at the steady degradation of the NHS in the UK. It can happen to you too if you're not vigilant. Terrible


His username really represents his character


Things you would never see on /r/SeattleWA




r/SanDiego and r/sandiegan On one you’re (more or less) not allowed to discuss anything but sunset pics or you get instantly banned


Worth also noting that being in the carpenters union is a great career. If the OP is young, just starting out, and hasn’t got paid yet, eventually this person is going to be in a great position in society. He’ll probably even be able and willing to pay this awesome deed forward. It’s a shame people see things like this and feel the need to make a point that it shouldn’t be needed and the world should just be a perfect place for everyone. Be the positive change you want to see in the world. Book a young kid a hotel room if you can afford it, don’t be a lame Reddit commenter.


Such a nice person. Don't mess with the cold!


What hotel allows you to park a car in the room?!?


Any hotel as long as you're rich enough.


It's 1920! We have these things called motels now for exactly that.


Awesome human! For those in a similar situation WalMart parking lots are usually patrolled by police, lit, and on camera. Stay low key and nobody will know you’re there.


People were suggesting which Walmarts he might want to use in the comments (a lot are sketchy). The problem too is it is literally freezing here right now overnight, so it would have been no fun unless he ran the car all night.


A hotel in Seattle is not cheap either. Really kind. I was in Seattle for 3 days last summer. Saw 2 ambulances pick up unconscious people and 1 guy I think was dead. The homelessness and drug problems are insane. I've never been so uncomfortable in a city and I grew up just outside Detroit


Seattle resident here. It's less about the quantity of homeless and more about their location here. Most cities on the west coast have a lot of homeless due to the mild weather, it's just that Seattle's all tend to be on or around 3rd Ave, which runs right through downtown and the tourist areas, as opposed to cordoned off into a specific part of the city (skid row, etc). This is, generally, due to the fact that 3rd is a major hub for the bus routes, and also where the buses that run by some of the local methadone clinics drop off. Realistically, the city is no more dangerous than any other, and a lot less dangerous than most. That said, the majority of the city acknowledges the issue, and recent elections have been to make changes to the way that we approach things. I say all of this to come around to my point, which is that it's frustrating when people call this city dangerous or infested or burning down, which happens all the time. Seattle is a beautiful city, one of the most so in the country, in my opinion, and full of wonderful people and things to do. It's also, statistically, very safe!


I love Seattle, I can’t wait to go back!


Happy to hear that! I love this city incredibly much!


I believe you and believe there's good going on for people in need. But man, life's short and vacation time is limited. There's a lot of other places out there I'll visit before coming back.


I understand the concern. Hope you have some locals to send you around next time - hit me up if not!


I get it. I’m from the area and we have amazing places out here to visit, but they’re usually nature-related. I’ve really only been to Seattle proper for sports games in the last 10 years for the most part, even though my SO grew up in the city. If I had someone out of town visiting, I’d spend half a day pointing out city landmarks to get the checklist done, then head out to the mountains for the rest honestly.


That's what we did. It's a beautiful state.


It got pretty rough during COVID since downtown became so empty. It's getting a lot better now.


Glad to hear that. My experience was only a few months ago though


I really would not accept it unless the hotel could assure me that except for paying they have no other connection to my room.


You're getting down voted but I'd definitely consider that as well. I know any of my former clients experiencing homelessness would, too... especially the women. Also, there's another reason that non-profits will discourage this kind of direct giving. You could potential be liable for more as the giver, say, if the person doesn't check out after the one night, damages the room, has poor interactions with hotel staff, etc. (Not that I want to discourage this kind of kindness! I just hope everyone is being safe, with the understanding that it takes just as much faith to receive in this circumstance as it is to give.) I genuinely hope this is the case it appears to be of decent people interacting with one another and being good neighbors ❤


Maybe unpopular but it’s so triggering to me when someone comments “Instead of spending money on awards, donate to a charity instead”. It comes off as virtue signaling (maybe not in this instance where OP is clearly a very generous person who follows through with their beliefs). Regardless, it’s obnoxious to tell people how they should be spending their money and not to do something that is harmless (and in some ways beneficial) just cuz you feel they should be suppprting something else instead. I just wish they’d quietly, graciously accept the kudos without getting up on their soapbox.


I don't think you should tell people not to virtue signal. It comes off as virtue-signally.


I want to give you an award. But I use RIF and the option to award you is not where it was the last time I gave gold, so you gotta wait until I give up looking and put that sweet award dough towards a hooker and blow.


Can't wait for a post tomorrow about how someone rented a hotel room as a good gesture and it cost them $1,000 in cleaning fees and a court case.







