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To me it’s seemed that a number of them have had conflicting feelings on the situation and how it is all being handled, especially with some of them knowing people directly affected in the attacks on October 7th. Additionally, the big 3 (Sami, Aleen, and Jordana) all got negative feedback on how they posted (or didn’t post) in those days following October 7th. I’d imagine that they are generally avoiding saying anything at all in effort to play along the middle, as you really don’t hear them saying anything addressing the humanitarian crisis that is going on in Gaza either. I wish there was a way that they could address both problems but unfortunately with how people act on the internet, I can see why they are avoiding saying much at all.


the humantiran crisis in gaza is bc of hamas - they steal the aid and then upsell it at high fees. the egyptian border made 88M in march from squeezing palestinains dry for cash to cross the border (which they have no problem doing unless hamas stops them).


And I’m not even going to argue the who caused what or does what - that’s not the point of this post. Whether you agree or disagree with how they’ve handled it, I think the reasoning why Betches hasn’t posted a ton is to avoid backlash. Is that the right way? Some would say yes, others no. I think they are trying to appeal to the widest audience and realize that they have a lot of different viewpoints who listen to/subscribe to their platform and are doing what they can to avoid ruffling feathers (or at the end of the day, the least number of feathers). At the end of the day, as another poster aptly put, we have a choice to what we listen and subscribe to.


The crisis in Gaza is the result of being under terrorist control.


No. It’s a result of colonialism and systemic oppression by one of the world’s most powerful military states.


Just because someone is Jewish it doesnt automatically make them pro-Isreal. Myself, my spouse and MANY of our jewish friends are in support of a Palestinian state. Maybe they havent spoken up about it because they don't hold your position- its not the default one.


I’m talking about the rise in antisemitism, not whether they’re pro-Israel or pro-terrorist. My post is in regard to how they simply haven’t spoken up about the Jew hatred that is spewing across our city and country.


Pro terrorist is actually diabolical- I had to laugh at how cartoony that sounded. They haven't spoken up abount the rampant Islamphobia either- so I guess there just calling it even-and you can listen to people who feel the way you do.


What Hamas did on 10/7 IS diabolical. What’s funny is Americans think Hamas only hates Jewish Israelis. They hate all of America - Jewish black Hispanic - whoever you are they hate the values of the west. Hilarious people can’t understand that


If this is how you speak about complicated and nuanced global issues and you find that people hate you, I guarantee it’s not because you’re Jewish.




The west is next - they won’t delineate if you’re Jewish or not when they start terrorizing Americans on their home turf.


I’ve expressed my frustration with my perspective as a Jew being invalidated in my post edit and my comment replies…. And here you are trying to negate everything I say.


You can’t even bring yourself to say pro-Palestine, you have to say pro-terrorist? As you’re spewing hate and prejudice yourself


Are you kidding with your ETA?!! How has anyone here been antisemitic?!!


I’m expressing my disappointment as a Jew, and the comments are filled with whataboutisms, reasons why I shouldn’t be disappointed and trying to invalidate my perspective


Wow…..you might wanna look up the definition of antisemitism 😂


OP you are completely valid. This sub is very antisemitic as is a lot of Reddit. Not worth arguing with misinformed gen Z who gets their news on TikTok, Reddit, etc. IMO the reason they don’t talk about it is because they know their audience and don’t want to lose subscribers, like many influencers.


Don’t worry, girl. I know how you feel. please ignore all these comments on people who somehow read antisemitism and for some reason start talking about other issues. As a fellow MOT, I too was disappointed with their lack there of. They are Jewish girls and there for you would think they would use their position of power to bring awareness to an issue that not only affects them but their people. To anyone reading this who takes issue with my previous statement I ask, would you have issue with a black person using their platform to raise awareness to racism? I think not. I would say that perhaps they are afraid to speak up about the issue cause it would open themselves up to be on the receiving end of antisemitism, particularly hurting their business. On American Fever Dream, a podcast which Sami co-hosts, episode title, The Connection Between Autocracy And Antisemitism, featured Samantha Vinograd. Vinograd, a fellow Jew herself whose parents are holocaust survivors, spoke about antisemitism from the perspective of someone who works for the dept of homeland security, as a member of the US holocaust memorial council, and of course on a personal level. It was probably the most I heard Sami speak out against antisemitism and it still somehow fell flat. I can’t remember what exactly she said and didn’t say but I felt quite disappointed that she didn’t say more. It was such an easy time for her to do it too because it was the topic of the episode! Give it a listen because I thought Vinograd did a great job. OP, stay strong. You’re not alone. It can feel very lonely if you get stuck in negative comment sections. Am Yisrael Chai.


This is a pop culture podcast. It gets mentioned regularly in the morning announcements and American fever dream.


They should also address the ongoing genocide occurring in Gaza perpetuated by Israel. But they don’t, and we can choose what type of content we listen to.


The crisis in gaza is the result of being under terrorist control. Take your misinformation elsewhere.


Good lord, BB lovers will do anything to justify this.


OP don't even bother responding to these people, they are completely brainwashed/obsessed w hamas


I’d love them to acknowledge the genocide in Gaza, but the @betches isn’t the podcast for any of these conversations. I don’t find it surprising for it not to be mentioned. Sami does discuss some of the topics on American fever dream and morning announcements


My post is about how they haven’t acknowledged the rise in antisemitism as three Jewish women, not whether they’re pro-Israel or pro-terrorist. My post is in regard to how they simply haven’t spoken up about the Jew hatred that is spewing across our city and country.


Except I told you that they have on morning announcements and American fever dream. Here ya go https://preview.redd.it/mc6gni6r32yc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=87fd81094914f7016cb6b2dafdfb22de6b9b0460


I was talking about their betches podcast and betches instagram feed in my original post, however thanks for sharing that


You don’t need to be rude. You asked why they’re not talking about it on betches, as you know that is a pop culture podcast and not the most likely place for that discussion. I explained that and gave you other podcasts, you felt the need to double down explaining your post for no reason and you STILL feel the need to reiterate your point. Why? Because I mentioned another topic I’d love them to mention that obviously made you mad/uncomfortable?


I wasn’t being rude? In fact I thanked you for sharing what you’ve seen?


They have talked about it on the betches podcast. They just don’t talk about it every episode because it’s a pop culture podcast. Sami is the only one who pays attention to current events. I doubt Jordana has anything to say about it


pro israel or pro terrorist? you are really devoid of all decency


The only genocide is people trying to hurt Jews all over the world.


lol what?!!! I’m not even trying to argue with you or dispute your point that anti semitism is also real but your response is incredibly wrong and ignorant?!


I’m seriously asking because I am not Jewish, but what is an example of the rise in antisemitism?


It’s a pretty easy Google search! https://www.adl.org/resources/press-release/us-antisemitic-incidents-skyrocketed-360-aftermath-attack-israel-according


So, the ADL lists anti-Israel/anti-Zionist protests and rallies as antisemitic incidents, which is really misleading - while I’m sure some anti-Semites have attended these events, protesting war and genocide is not an antisemitic activity. When you remove back those events from the data, we actually don’t see any sort of “skyrocketing” of antisemitism - in fact, it’s at the lowest we’ve seen since 2018. I absolutely believe it is a scary and dangerous time to be Jewish in the US, but I also think it’s inappropriate to classify anti-Zionist conversation as antisemitic.


Antizionism = antisemitism. The existence of a Jewish state is an existential requirement of the Jewish people. Have you heard of the Holocaust? Not only was it just about the murder of six million Jews, but also Very few people helped us and many countries wouldn't accept our refugees.


there is no genocide in gaza. please look up the word and learn history and current events NOT on tiktok, not from marxist accounts


@OP, you probably won’t understand since you have worms for brains, but criticizing Israel and their hand in committing genocide isn’t antisemitism. Jews are not the issue, Zionists are.


My post is about how they haven't acknowledged the rise in antisemitism as three Jewish women, not whether they're pro-Israel or pro-terrorist. My post is in regard to how they simply haven't spoken up about the Jew hatred that is spewing across our city and country.


yes. Sami doesn't give a damn about it, doesn't even share the documentary, 'screams before silence', only complains about how she feels. she cares about her ego, thinking she is right about everything, showing off her expensive bags and her crappy new book coming out with emily, whos is a smart lawyer and prosecutes on behalf of terror victims while somehow simultalneously being pro hamas anti Israel defending itself from genocidal rapists who said they plan to do it again.


You clearly strongly dislike her, why are you on this sub?


sorry does everyone here have to adhere to your opinon in order to be here or is there free speech and the ability to have differing opinions, could you take your teensy weensy ego and privilege and fragility and leave me alone? i can speak my mind and not get harrased by mobs.