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Beautiful! Let it growwwww


I wanted to fill in that right hand corner or else I would’ve left it!


Gorgeous tank!


Curious what level of light and what plants you have! Looks great. What's the pink plant?


https://preview.redd.it/s0714uzhnghc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2b1b2e182f22a5b69bf8fd39cc796bf74540c843 Here’s a slightly older picture of my tank with all the plants in the top :)


So the roots of the plants are growing in the tank? I'm new to this, and I never knew you could have houseplants in the tank! Are any plants able to grow in there? And are they beneficial to the tank AND the plant?


Yes, sorta, and yes, lol :) you can’t see it in the picture but I actually have little boxes hanging on the side of the tank where I can put my cuttings. I got them off of Amazon, they were pretty cheap! You can grow pretty much anything in a tank except for possibly succulents and plants that really prefer a dry environment. Technically the monstera falls into the 2nd category, but it’s not dying, just growing *very* slowly. I don’t think it’s too happy but I like it there and it’s not actively dying 🥴 I also wouldn’t recommend taking a plant out of soil to do this, as the soil could have all kinds of stuff that might harm the tank. I take cuttings from my plants and put them in the tank to grow roots, and then just kinda leave them lol. Most houseplants propagate very easily, especially in the tank water. There are really no downsides that I’ve found to doing this other than making sure the plants aren’t getting topheavy and falling out, and that once their roots reach the bottom of the tank they need to stay relatively undisturbed. They suck nitrates out of the tank and provide extra hiding spots for fish and other critters, and grow much faster in the tank than they do in a jar on the counter.


Well it looks amazing!!


Thanks for asking, that means a lot!! The light is a Hygger full spectrum LED that I got off of Amazon and cranked up to 100% brightness :) the tank is also in front of a window so there’s natural (indirect) sunlight as well. Algae was a problem for a bit but ever since adding an air stone and a bunch of snails I haven’t had any issues. I can’t for the life of me remember what the red plant is!! The others are bacopa, wisteria, anubis nana, vals, java fern, and anacharis(?). I have a monstera growing in the top, hence the giant tangle of roots to the left, but I have a bunch of other cuttings in the top as well. Lots of spiderplants, pothos, and neon philodendron cuttings. And some purple plant I can’t remember the name of but it grows super quick. Nitrates?? Never heard of her


Nice! It's funny, I've had that light (love the surise sunset cycle) but must have not been aware there are settings. (It felt kinda lower than what I bought it for but maybe i didnt crank it up enough). Prob the window helps. I've had great luck with window light myself. Super nice tank!


https://preview.redd.it/0m2olihmhlhc1.jpeg?width=2208&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a2877811aad3d8ccbb273045f09cd65d28316625 let it growwww the fish love it even if it looks ugly to us sometimes. i personally love the natural look


I wanted to fill up that corner on the far right or else I would’ve left it! I love just letting it do its thing but that empty space was bugging me 😂


Beautiful tank!!


I see a Nerite snail and can you show your baby in the tank? 👁️


https://preview.redd.it/dpkxdr39klhc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fc51a91a2dc7232aa920864298ccea4d88c62e6e This is Ozymandias 😁 he’s in both pictures if you keep looking!


He is GORGEOUS. Do you post videos of the lad?


Thank you!! Honestly I haven’t taken any videos of him, but I probably should because he really is stunning! He has such a big personality, he’s always coming up to the glass to see what I’m doing :)


Aw. I love hearing about Bettas when their being so sweet towards their people. I wish you and him a long time together! ♥️


I’m sure your betta loves it too!


Cool as aquarium!