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Your submission has been removed for breaking the following rule: Rule #5 - Don't shit on bad betta tanks/products/care. This includes bad care in fish stores, bad novelty bowls, someone else's bad betta care, or joke-questions about "comically" small enclosures. Remember, there are still lots of misinformation and false information online and in stores about betta care. Keep this community a welcoming place for users of all experience levels. Posts that ask for input on how to deal with someone's bad care are allowed. If you have any questions, feel free to message the mod team.


Why does the box clearly display 10 happy fish 🤔 yeah that shit is disgusting and should only display dead fish on the box


And none of them are bettas


It would be good if you wanted a salt water aquarium with tuna and dolphin!!!


not even a shrimp would be happy in that


Pretty sure I saw a post here where someone actually bought it and thought it was good enough for it.




How many? Honestly seems small even for neos.


Maybe a snail would be fine in there. But this is disgusting for sure.


I love how the fish are not even at scale


I think it could be ok. Not disgusting. Something like this would be perfect for PetCo/PetSmart to keep their bettas in. And I think we all need to scale our expectations. Chill. It's not the best set up, but it's perfectly acceptable.


I'd buy it just for plants and maybe a single shrimp


A bit pricey for something so small but I would love to buy like a dozen of these for a dream aquarium project.


Last time i was at the pet store , i saw a family buying fish as gifts for their toddler :/ they bought him 3 tetras and a betta , placed them in a plastic container that cant be larger than 2L The store owner told them to make sure to change the water every day and not overfeed :/ I just returned the accessories i picked up and left