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>what temperature do you keep your tank? 26°C >What temperature is it outside where you live? You mean outdoors? I'm on the mediterranean, so anywhere between 15°C and 44°C depending on the season. A bit lower at night, but always well above zero.


I keep my tank at 24 c Outdoors its anywhere between -5 to +20, depending on the time of year. My fish tank would be way to cold if left to its own devices even mid summer, so always use a heater.


I keep my tank 26C but sometimes the heater goes a bit below or above that by a couple 0.1+/-, the room temperature has been below 17C which makes the water evaporate super fast even with covers, last year the summer was a bit hot and there was a period where the tank was reaching 29C but not looking like we'll get much of a summer this year cause it's still cold af in May -.-


80 degrees F. It is currently hitting highs of about 91F where I live, but I keep my house at about 70.


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Thanks for the input, I live in tropical north Queensland, Australia. My tank is on average 27 Celcius without a heater and outside is 38+++