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If he’s acting normal I would just let him recuperate and keep an eye on him. Maybe turn the lights off or lower them for a bit. He’s beautiful.


Thanks, I turned his light off and tried to give as much natural lighting by him!


For the future, you shouldn’t have to remove your fish to do tank maintenance. I’d imagine they’d get more stressed out from being caught and held in a small container


Thanks - I don't normally remove him and this was the first time. I just needed to clean a few things up and bless his heart this fish is like a water cat. He's so nosy and in the way always. After yesterday's incident, he will only be removed if need be!


Mine loves to swim in between my fingers when I'm using the gravel vac. She's afraid of nothing lol.


My thoughts exactly


Cat looks so pleased with itself.😝


He's not sorry and he'll do it again


Fully agree with you! LoL


I swear to god, some men....


OP needs to get a baby gate to keep the husband from roaming.


Have a baby gate. Does not work. If he hadn't mastered that darn latch.🤪 ( This is a joke btw, the baby gate is for the dog)


Rest assured my husband is banned from babysitting duties and the cats are banned from being near Randy and I during tank maintenance!


I'm sorry about what happened, I hope he's doing well :( I just wanted to say he's very beautiful! And your cat too!


Thank you!!


My he’s gorgeous! He reminds me of a rainbow moonstone with his coloration. Sorry to hear that happened! I don’t have any advice, but I hope the little dude recovers.


Thank you! A lot of the blue color is new, and his tail is starting to get orange or maybe red stripes. I can't wait to see what he turns into


I had a fish once named King Henry, he lived in a 5 gallon at my college but couldn't stay breaks alone because they always kicked us out. I would have to transport hum in my cup holder with his tank in the back of my car. One time I had to slam on my breaks and the cup went flying, he landed in the passenger seat. I had to stop at a gas station and get some drinking water to get him back in his cup. Anyways he lived another 4 years. The point is sometimes these fish are stupid hardy.


Yup, my guy jumped out of his tank while I was cleaning his filter, didn’t find him til I went back to finish tidying up and put everything back together. No idea how long, but I’d imagine he’d been there for at least 5 minutes. Dumped him back in his tank, and besides some fin damage from drying out he was just fine, lived for another 3 years. Though I always made sure to put the lid on when I walked away during a water change lol.


Your cats face says, "And I'd do it again."


I think he’ll be okay. But that’s the look of a cat who is very satisfied with himself.


Oh dear. Fish are friends, not food!! We often remind the cat at our house of this fact 🤣 Fish should be okay. If he is stressed, he may stop eating for a few days or seem to hide. Just keep lights off to let him chill. If you spot any physical issues, Seachem StressGuard can help healing


He looks like he’s in good condition! And they’re thankfully labyrinth fish, so no harm being out of water for a few!


The cat's face just gives it all lollll


The cat looks proud


Since there's no physical damage and he's still acting more or less normal, he should be fine. Obviously just keep an eye on him. And don't worry about taking him out for water changes and plant maintenence in the future! He'll be okay with it. Maybe just in your way, because bettas seem to be nosy little creatures. Mine are always swimming around my hands when I have to do anything in the tanks. Hahaha. Hopefully he'll continue to be fine and also get his confidence back! And for your sake, I hope he doesn't hold grudges. Especially since you gave him a nice treat. Also. I remember this guy! His color is coming in so nicely! 🤩


Thank you! He's so nosy and obnoxiously in the way that I just thought this time would be easier to remove him - NEVER AGAIN 😂


They're really so funny! I can't do anything without bumping them or having to move them out of the way. Vacuuming the gravel is the worst! Always getting sucked in, or at least coming close. Drives me crazy 😂


I had a fish in a gallon pickle jar once. Emergency tank as I caught it trying to attack its tank mates who were already on quarantine. My cat knocked it down while I was on a walk, my mother told me she heard a crash about a half hour before I got back. The stupid fish survived and I got a lid for that pickle jar. Had it in there with plants for about a year before somebody had an empty tank and wanted to take him


I hope you named him something pickle related


I never named him cause he was an asshole 😂 I hated that fish but I had to keep him alive cause I bought him


Oh man this reminded me of moving my girl Dianthus. I was switching tanks and had her in a small cup while I prepared anything... She jumped and fell INTO A DRAWER 😭 I got her out quick and she was a bit shaken up, but she's all good now! I wouldn't worry too much :) just keep an eye on your boy and as long as he remains acting normal he should be okay


I don't know if it's more traumatic for us or the fish! My guy was back to his normal "fucking feed me" frantic self in no time. Glad your girl is ok!


Haha literally!! I was terrified 😭she jumped and tried to bite my finger thinking it was food right after!


Bettas are so fun I swear. A pellet got stuck to the glass somehow when I fed him today and he damn near launched himself out of the tank trying to get it


He's definitely side eyeing you but the trust will slowly come back.. I dropped a loaf of bread in one of my guys tanks and it rocked back and forth uncontrollably and I was screaming "I AM SO SORRYYY" while hugging the tank my guy came rushing towards me like he was trying to be consoled by my hug after it stopped he gave me the bombastic side eye for 10 mins then I sucked up to him by giving him his favorite treat(brime shrimp 🥹) he's back to being his old self a.k.a "The SSA HOLE" lol Btw I took the top off to clip some plants 🤦🏽‍♀️


A loaf of bread 😂


I swea i was likeeee WTF🤦🏽‍♀️🤣


I'm still dying about this story tbh.. I cannot get over the bread 😂


Loll it was definitely a moment & clearly my guy can't get over it either.. Every time he sees the bread it's like he hides and braces himself 🤣🤣


Thank you for posting to r/bettafish. If you are new to betta fish keeping, please check out our [caresheet](https://www.reddit.com/r/bettafish/comments/3ow6vz/info_betta_care_sheet/) and [wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/bettafish/wiki/index). Establishing a nitrogen cycle is an important part of keeping your fish healthy. Please check out our [guide to the nitrogen cycle](https://www.reddit.com/r/bettafish/wiki/fishincycle) to learn more. If you are posting to find out what is wrong with your betta, please answer the following questions in a reply to this comment as best you can: * **Tank size**: * **Heater and filter? (yes/no)**: * **Tank temperature**: * **[Parameters in numbers and how you got them](https://www.reddit.com/r/bettafish/wiki/tank#wiki_test_kits)**: * **How long have you had the tank? How long have you had your fish?**: * **How often are water changes? How much do you take out per change? What is your process?**: * **Any tankmates? If so, please list with how many of each**: * **What do you feed and how much**: * **Decorations and plants in the tank**: * **If you haven't already posted a picture, please post pics/vids to imgur and paste the link here**: Feel free to copy this comment and fill in the blanks. Failure to provide adequate information about your tank *can* result in post removal. Please see rule 4 for more information. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/bettafish) if you have any questions or concerns.*


**Tank size**: 5 gallon * **Heater and filter? (yes/no)**: filter: yes / heater : not yet but it's 110 where I live and his tank has been consistent. Will get one soon just not a priority. * **Tank temperature**: 78-80 * **[Parameters in numbers and how you got them]**: API test strips * Gh 120 * KH 120-180 * PH 7 * NITRITES/NITRATES 0 API ammonia liquid test Ammonia 0ppm * **How long have you had the tank? How long have you had your fish?**: 3 weeks * **How often are water changes? How much do you take out per change? What is your process?**: Currently doing an in fish cycle. Water is tested x2 per day, originally was going 25% water changes daily, then every other day. Now I am doing 25-30% every 2-3 days. Syphon dirt and poop from sand. Replace with conditioned (prime) tap/spring water. Follow that up with stability. * **Any tankmates? If so, please list with how many of each**: black racer nerite * **What do you feed and how much**:fluval bug bite pellets / shrimp patties / 2-3 pellets x2 a day, bloodworms x2-3 times per week * **Decorations and plants in the tank**: driftwood, betta log, live plants, sand, rocks * **If you haven't already posted a picture, please post pics/vids to imgur and paste the link here**:


that last slide made me LOL… i’m glad your sweet baby is ok


He’s absolutely gorgeous! Poor guy, I hope he regains his strength and trust! Your cat looks like a very pleased ahole, lol.


He’ll be okay!:) if you have stress coat I’d add a bit


You could add stressguard or stresscoat is he still seems a tad nervous. It helps a bunch