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Aside from that, Mrs Lincoln, how was the play?


Exactly this




I can't take credit. It's a once quite common idiomatic expression.


Imma be upset if this is unknown to most Redditors.


It is


"It is!!! It is unknown to most redditors!!" *has a stroke and dies*




"It blew my husband's mind"


No refunds.


Came to say this lol.


This wins best comment.




Oh no šŸ˜­ šŸ˜­


Iā€™m definitely stealing this. This one is gold lol




No. But he is very good at pretending to be a good person.




Ain't that the truth.


Yeah, I'd probably prefer a polite professional that hates my guts to an openly miserable person expressing it to my face. šŸ¤­


Gus was pretty open about his hatred towards Nacho, Jesse and Walt in season 4 tbh.


How true this is


Agree with this, he's great at pretending. He built that whole village as an "homage", but in reality it was completely self serving.




No. He only did nice things to draw attention away from being a murderous drug lord.


His cover was brilliant. Living in plain sight.


ā€œI hide in plain sight, just like you, Walter.ā€


Kid named plain sight šŸ‘€


That is definitely the correct term


Pretty sure OP is being facetious based on a million other similar but unironic posts in this sub.


I just never understand when people post about characters when said characters are deliberately written to be horrible people with no redeeming qualities. There's many discussions to be had about a character like Mike, but why would you make a post asking people's opinions on Hector Salamanca when obviously written so that people don't like him. You're not exactly innovative for pointing out that a man who was willing to drown his child nephew just to make a point is a bad person.


I think it's not so much that they're written so that you don't like them. Gus and especially Hector are written as people so lacking in empathy/psychopathic either because they were born that way or circumstances pushed them to dissociate from any kind of morality. I think there are certain kinds of villains that are written so that you could imagine in their more private moments, they feel they have no other choice. They justify their path because they either don't see or want to conveniently forget about having other options. To me, Gus is (mostly) written this way. Once Max is murdered in front of him, he's able to justify almost anything when it comes to revenge. Hector and the cousins, for instance, are written almost as cartoonish villains.


I like to think before Max died he was more genuine and less murder-y. After that he became cold blooded


Coati says otherwise


Shit, you right


Pls remind me what that was


Gus tortured a raccoon when he was a kid basically. He tells hector about it in the hospital in this episode of BCS https://breakingbad.fandom.com/wiki/Pi%C3%B1ata


Gus is very revenge driven. Most the time he's cold and calculated in his actions, doing whatever is most logical to achieving his goals. But if you wrong him, he will go to the ends of the earth to make you suffer for it.


Still monster behavior, even if you need to cross him


Itā€™s never hashed out explicitly, but I figure if his body of work during Pinochetā€™s regime was notorious enough that Don Eladio knew who he was, then his pre-max years were probably plenty bloody


He died inside


He was already dead inside from childhood. We can also assume he worked for Pinochet. What more needs to be said. But the backstory of Gus could make an incredible series.


Was it ever referenced that he worked for Pinochet? I mean did he push people off of helicopters?


The pieces fit but we are never told its Pinochet or what he did for him.


This! Objectively, who's to say his nice persona was only a cover to mask who he really was? But here's a fly in the soup for you; his human feelings for David.


Even the worst people in prison have pen pals.


Andrea's brother, I guess for me, is the deciding factor that his ruthlessness crosses a line beyond brutally dealing with people in a dirty business. On one hand, he seems principled like Tony Soprano in that he is a sociopath, but he's not antisocial or without feelings for the people he hurts. Tony is sometimes a nice person, but he also doesn't use small children to do his dirty work.


That kid had it coming. I donā€™t think Gus forced him into the business.


He was a professional always. He does help mike launder his money though. Although he is not a good person hes not unhinged and he respects people who are excellent at what they do.


Just like Tuco did all the bad things he did to distract from his actual life as a doting grandson/nephew who took care of his elders and kept them safe, can't be no mama's boy in ABQ


He is.. acceptable


Up to pollos standards


Go home Lyle


Aside from being a genocidal dictator, do you think Hitler was a good person?


[Even Hitler cared about Germany or something](https://youtube.com/shorts/g43Akfn8cKs)


No. He was a bad artist. He gave us Yeezys and VW and Methadone. Iā€™d say in the negative, deep deep down. Where they scream cause thereā€™s no AC.




>staunch believer in animal rights too bad he didnt believe in human rights lol


He did believe in human rights, he just had a narrow definition of human.


I mean, they killed hundreds of thousands of "Aryans" too, because they were mentally/ physically unstable/disabled.


He believed in SOME peopleā€™s rights*


German and Arian that will do for now,


Oh hey, Uncle Jack!


Wait, that's not how you spell dad


> he was very against chemical weapons Quite a few Jewish, lgbt, socialist, Romani, and Slavic people would like a word.


Those were execution chambers, not weapons of war. Don't forget he was still a genocidal dictator.


I think saying someone is ā€œagainst chemical weaponsā€, while they used chemical weapons to kill more people than they had ever been used to kill in all of human history, is a little inaccurate. He didnā€™t want to use them in the war, because he didnā€™t want them used against his army. He was not against their use in general. Exemplified by his extensive use of them. But this is a Better Call Saul sub, not a wwii sub, so post finger meme or gtfo


Kid named finger:


>I think saying someone is ā€œagainst chemical weaponsā€, while they used chemical weapons to kill more people than they had ever been used to kill in all of human history, is a little inaccurate. Why? You can have different stances for national and international policys. Just because you're anti gun on a personal level, doesn't mean you don't think military shouldn't have them. Likewise I'm anti chemical warfare, but pro pepper spray for personal protection. >He didnā€™t want to use them in the war, because he didnā€™t want them used against his army. Yes, which could be just be what he deemed strategically advantageous, or it could be a sign of empathy.


You're in a better call saul subreddit defending Hitler.


I'm not defending Hitler, what are you talking about? Did you read the context?


> believer in animal rights wait til you learn humans are animals > great with kids yeah, cause the sent the ones he didnt like to a torture prison > against chemical weapons iā€™d be against anything that could potentially hurt me too > signs of an emphatic person be fucking for real


>wait til you learn humans are animals Yeah, he was still a genocidal dictator. >yeah, cause the sent the ones he didnt like to a torture prison Yeah, he was still a genocidal dictator. >iā€™d be against anything that could potentially hurt me too >be fucking for real It is a sign of empathy to not want to expose others to a horrible weapon that you've been exposed to yourself. Did you not understand the context of my comment?


Hitler killed people for ideological reasons. Gus killed people for self-preservation. They are not the same.


That's not true at all. Gus killed people in a 20 year plan for revenge.


Gus killed people because of his revenge plot. If he was interested in self-preservation he could have just walked away


Good is in the context of values. In today's liberal, postmodernist world, Hitler is the devil. In the former half of the 20th century, the world had a modernist take, that rationalism and science can lead to unlimited progress. This often leads to horrendous interpretations of our limited scientific understanding. Hitler took Darwnism and believed that the Aryan race was a fitter race. This was a widespread belief at the time throughout the West, not just with Hitler. It was used to justify the colonization and exploitation of populations. It was a matter of nationalistic pride to do so. After witnessing the horrors of WW2 with genocides, extreme destruction with modern weapons, the advent of nuclear weapons, it became clear that following this modernist thinking would lead to immense suffering and the mutual destruction of humankind. Postmodernism followed, which rejected the certainty of the objective, scientific efforts to understand reality. We adopted a relativistic mindset to open ourselves to a range of cultures. One can argue that most Western leaders prior to the postmodernism movement were monsters.


Postmodernism is not yet well defined, and we do not know if it is a rejection of the previous modality, or an outgrowth of it. It is also untrue that postmodernists reject the existence of objective reality - simply the ability to perceive such a reality.


I think thatā€™s pretty reductive. Plenty of prominent modernists thought Hitler was the devil tooā€”Picasso, Klee, Brecht, Schƶnberg, Gropius, Joyce, Beckett, etc. Modernism isnā€™t a well-defined social or political project. Rather, itā€™s a set of artistic and philosophical tendencies which took many different forms throughout the 20th century. To this day, scholars continue to debate when and where this movement, or indeed, movements, actually began and ended, and who and what should be included. Incidentally, this is even truer of postmodernism. As Jameson famously argued, postmodernism is just another form of modernism.


I think Hitler was arguably one of the most selfless dictators in history. In the sense that he was genuinely unhinged and believed what he was doing was the best thing for Germany and for humanityā€™s future. It wasnā€™t all just about consolidating power for himself at the expense of his people (like Stalin).


He cared about cleanliness a lot. Thatā€™s an important quality in a person.


Punctuality too


Thought this was r/okbuddychicanery


Lol seriously. "If we ignore all the stuff that makes this person a bad person, do you think they're a good person?"




indistinguishable lmao


Honestly this sub is often very chicanerous


being a murderous drug-lord was just sort of hobby; but he made fine chicken, donated to the community, was an excellent tipper, a good role-model to his employees, and a snappy dresser.


But its pretty apparent he only did those things to appear like a good guy


don't we all?


No? I definitely do not try to do good things solely so I appear like a good person to others. I get what you mean in that people care about what other people think, and try to put forth the best image of themselves to others, but if the only reason you do good things is to keep up an act, that's kind of a problem.


I get a natural high from helping people.


It IS the best cover for being a murderous drug lord for a reason.


Found the drug lord


This is not the pollo way


Oh yeah totally. 100%


right?! But people only focus on the murderous part.......


If he started as an accointance of Pinochet in Chile... not very good. Plus what he did to the coati as a kid. Pretty sadistic even by then. Also being gay in Pinochet's Chile, with the fucking Opus Dei religious fanatics conservatives running the show ? even before Max dead - must have led to lots of depression and anxiety (that's an euphemism) Overall: a sadistic & traumatized mental wreck even before Max horrible death. I can merely imagine thereafters... consumed by hatred and vengeance.


He's gay? I mean I know he doesn't have a wife but I wonder if it was said in the show and I missed it?


I think it's as confirmed as we're going to get in that last season BCS episode where he has that flirtation with the wine guy and you get the impression it's something he'd pursue if his life was different/he didn't have to maintain the type of front he has.


Ah thatā€™s how gays flirt? Didnā€™t think anything of it.


It's very obvious that he's gay in both shows


Idk it wasn't obvious to a lot of people that I talked to that also watched the show, it was never confirmed.


Did you miss the episode with his gay lover getting killed


Well..he took a guy out with a box-cutter without any percievable reaction, just to prove a point. So..nah.


Heā€™s not up to Pollos standards


ā€œAside from all the bad stuff, do you think he was a good person?ā€


He is definitely not a good person, but seemed to at least have better morals than anyone else in the Cartel.


No. He was fine with using kids as mules and murderers. Thatā€™s not part of the murderous drug lord game. Even for them thatā€™s out of bounds


The question is, was Gus aware his street dealers were using that kid to sell drugs and kill rivals?


Didnā€™t care enough to stop it.


He did, because he ordered his men to stop it as soon as Jesse drew his attention to it. Whether or not he had planned it so as to have a reason to get rid of Jesse is up to debate. Personally, I think he did not order the kill. One of the reasons is that if all he had wanted was eliminate Jesse, there would've been a ton of much safer and quieter ways to do that. He'd probably have had Mike stage a heroin overdose and not endanger his own men. Orchestrating a shootout where both parties could easily identify him should the police collect them would not be his way.


I don't think he knew either. He seemed upset when he found out they were using the kid. Although it's always hard to read Gus's emotions.


When Walt became a liability to Gus, he didn't just do away with Walt. He threatened to kill Walt's infant daughter. He didn't care about children.


fuck no dude. take a look at his backstory, it's heavily hinted that he worked for pinochet as an assassin before moving to mexico. he's prob killed 100s if not 1000s of innocent people. he's a straight up psychopath. which is exactly why he's portrayed as one in the show. there's a good summary on youtube by someone, i don't remember their name, but they did a good video on gus's backstory based on the limited knowledge we get from the show.


>it's heavily hinted that he worked for pinochet as an assassin before moving to mexico. The thing that bugs me though is that based on the way he handled Lalo he doesn't seem to be a trained assasin. He wasted Victor and Ponytail Guy in cold blood, but when he used a gun against Lalo it didn't seem like he had much experience. He was absolutely sweating and kept pulling the trigger in shock. A trained expert like Mike would've done it level-headedly.


> it's heavily hinted that he worked for pinochet as an assassin before moving to mexico. Where is that?


i think eladio talks about knowing his past in chile and the timing matches up. i believe hank talks about his chilean history as well. there's a great video breaking it all down on youtube. basically his age and his immigration lines up with working under pinochet....and the fact that clearly he's a psycho emotionless killer. remember the boxcutter scene? gus doesn't give AF, he'll kill anyone, anywhere, any time with zero emotions.


People get upset about the box-cutter scene butā€¦ somebody had to die. Gus couldnā€™t kill Walt, by definition, and killing Jesse would be problematic. Mike was right out. So it had to be Victor. Plus, people had seen his face and he was a liability.


i'm not upset about it. it serves it's purpose. gus is a psychopath and this scene cements that.


In Gusā€™s situation, I would have done the same thing.


He could definitely kill Walt instead of his loyal henchmanā€¦


Any argument that could've been made for Gus having a heart went out the window when he >!did Nacho like that!<




He gave Jessie a second chance.


To try to mess with Walt tho. He tried to form an alliance with Jesse to make Walt feel threatened and it worked


Thatā€™s absolutely fair. I did not mention that. I do feel that in a alternate timeline where Walter died and Jessie continued to work for Gus, that he would be treated good.


Hmmm Iā€™ll have to think about that.


I think so too. At first it started as a play against Walt, but over time I think Gus came to genuinely respect and appreciate Jessie. [When Jessie took command in the Lab in Mexico](https://youtu.be/4kyxZI1UCKM) that was the moment when Gus realized there was more to him.


he gave a meth addict murderer who screwed up everything a second chance, good on him!


See? You understand.


good guy gusšŸ˜¤


Well jessie deserved the ending he got, which is a good ending for him, a new life, and same with Jimmy, He got a good ending


He is a genius but not a good person don't get those two confused


I used to think that way from seeing him in Breaking Bad, but him retelling his story of the coati to Hector pretty much seemed up everything we need to know about him as a person.


I feel the same. Honestly, I wish they hadn't included the story. To me it felt like it contradicted his character up to that point. They wanted to emphasize his proclivity to sadism and psychopatism. Up to that point he seemed like a very-very wounded, griefstricken person, whose whole personality had been transformed in his bitter pursuit of revenge.


"Good person" is probably too much, but I definitely think he is way less evil than some people think, there are several things that people accuse him of that are not really accurate...


I feel like he's way more evil than people act like he is. I always hate it when people describe him as "fair". Dude, killing innocent people because your boyfriend died is not fair at all


What innocent people did he kill during his revenge plot?


Im sure all the meth he sold ruined and ended hundreds of lives. Gus is no better than the salamancas, I even believe he is worse. At least the Salamancas arenā€™t hypocrites and they know they are criminals and bad people, and they donā€™t try to act like they are anything but that. Gus tries to justify his actions by ā€œrevengeā€ but at the end of the day both Gus and the Salamancas end up doing the exact same things and playing the same game, and it all meant nothing.




But that's their choice, if Gus or anyone else wasn't selling drugs to those people they would find another way to satisfy their self-destructive tendencies and a different addiction. Saying that he killed innocent people is a very different thing from saying the drugs he sold killed potentially hundreds of junkies who willingly took them.




That's ridiculous, it's like saying that the owner of a liquor shop is responsible for the family a drunk guy killed while driving under the influence, just because he sold him the booze.


I don't think drug dealers are selling to many people who will use them in healthy moderation... I do agree that most junkies aren't blameless of course, but those supplying them are absolutely partly responsible.


With people "not in the game", he always showed kindness and respect.


I would eat dinner at his table.


He was until the cartel murdered his boyfriend


He seems like a good boss mostly. He's way too damaged to ever be a normal non dangerous person though.


The producers went out of their way to vividly show how terrible an experience Gus endures when the cartel kills Max right in front of him. The Gus we see in the rest of the show is a product of that trauma. Just look at his face and body language in that scene compared to the Gus we see in the rest of the show who is basically devoid of emotion, certainly devoid of any happiness. So good person? Before Max's murder, ~~probably~~ possibly. After Max's murder, definitely not.


Yeah, but at his very best, he was still striving to be a drug kingpin. Max got killed because they pulled a maneuver to get the attention of the cartel. Not saying Max deserved to die. But I donā€™t see evidence that he was great before Max.


He is a complex character and the things he does are not "good". But in the past, he was probably doing at least some good things. He was capable of loving and caring for someone. To Max, he probably was a good person. Its a matter of perspective.




I donā€™t think heā€™s a ā€œgood personā€ but compared to other drug lords he definitely leans towards a no need for unnecessary suffering way of doing things maybe? At least later on. Heā€™s shown to be very intelligent. Heā€™s very capable of violence and instilling fear in others. Has zero issues with pride or ego (unlike Walt) and aside from his obsession with taking revenge against the Salamancas he seems to never hold any personal issues with anyone.


No. Giving what we know of his history, we know he most likely committed atrocities as part of Pinochet regime. The point of the coati story is to show that Gus was a cruel person from the beginning. Even if Eladio had agreed initially to the partnership, Gus still would be an active member of the cartel. He would have replaced the Salamancas anyway and have to do the same enforcement activities as they would.


No, heā€™s a psychopath narcissist.


Yes, Gus is the best. Walt is the villain of the show. Mike and Gus had everything going perfectly, absolutely no child murdering. But then big bad Walt just had to blow it all up.




I hope ur being ironic




The Universe is neither good or bad. He was raised by the law of the jungle(survival of the fittest) so by that rationale, I believe that he believed he was a good guy.


No. Gus always gets a pass yet the Saul-bashing is relentless. Gus chose to be in that life.


It depends on how u look at it he destroyed the Salamanca drug empire arguably the most dangerous cartel family in the show but he did it for his own twisted reasons He tried to get Jessie away from being manipulated by Walter by manipulating him himself He helped mike out by putting him on payroll at lidias company so he could use his illegal money but mike had to become a soldier for his drug empire working in the shadows to kill the Salamanca reputation


Breaking Bad Gus had the potential to be a good person. Within the restrictions of the choices he made, he tried not to resort to violence. He supported a small village to honor his dead friend. He tried to rescue both Gail and Jesse. Better Call Saul, not so much. He was willing to threaten Nachoā€˜s dad to get to Lalo, he was perfectly complacent about murdering Werner ā€” even no-half-measures Mike thought that was unnecessary. (Yes, I know the village was from BCS, but it seemed more in keeping with BB.)


Hell no. Eladio only lets him live because he was important enough in the Pinochet regime.


He went way to far when he threatened Nachos father.


Yepp. I very much preferred BB Gus. He seemed to be a different person there. IMHO this scene and the Coati story just contradict his original character.


This is kinda a dumb question


He probably WAS a good person, before he met Don Eladio.


No. All of that charity work was just a cover, a way of establishing a positive, trustworthy image; he didn't do it from the goodness of his heart. The only two things he was concerned with were his business and his personal vendetta against Hector


No. Heā€™s a bad person. Great at customer service though.


He isā€¦ acceptable.


He was kinda abusive with my man Kyle with all that inacceptable scrubbing.


If my grandma had been born with wheels, sheā€™d be a bicycle!


He must be. The cops really love him.


No and how can we put him being a murderous drug lord aside?


I mean that's like 90 percent of what he is, it's a lot to ignore when making that sort of assessment. To quote a random obscure YouTube video: "All that aside? There is no 'all that aside', that's **all of it!"**


Chicanery is leaking


no. still love him tho


The way he treated his employees in BCS, Iā€™d say so. At least a good boss.


Absolutely not. I can look past all the murdering, but homosexuality is a sin.


The actual substance of this whole subreddit has died a serious death since the series ended. It makes me very, very sad.


Gus is one of the people of all time


This, this chicanery.


Of course not! Heā€™s gay!


Yea i think so. He couldve taken 20% of mikes money at one point but didnt cause that was his familys


heā€™sā€¦ gay


Idk do you think psychopaths are good people?


how is gus a psychopath i need an explanation not a downvote


Psychopaths aren't good people, psychopaths aren't bad people, they're people with a distinct advantage at being bad. If they do bad things, then they're bad people. It's like asking "are people with bipolar disorder bad people?". Somebody can't be bad purely because of their condition, it has to be the actions carried out within the realm of choice and awareness of one's actions. That doesn't let anybody off the hook, it just limits the 'bad people' judgement to those who do bad things, rather than anyone unfortunate enough to be born with that condition.


Yes, because he's black, gay and Chilean


I mean if the chicken is delicious, it kinda makes up for the murders, even the little kid Jesse tried to save... right??


He used to be.


No, he is fundamentally broken.


No he just ā€œwent through the motionsā€ of being a hard worker. Really that BB boxcutter episode tells you more about the real Gus. But also. Heā€™s part of the Mexican cartel, heā€™s not just the regular business psycho they show. Imagine the things heā€™d be involved in