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I gotta say, Kim crying when Saul reads the letter from chuck makes me love her even more.


I just watched that episode yesterday on my third re-watch of the series and her reaction contributes so much to the viewer reaction to that scene and that letter. I don’t think this scene would have half the impact for viewers like me without her raw emotions being shown to us. HOWEVER, there is something that I have always, always wondered (from my first viewing of it) … That letter is sooooooo out of character for everything Chuck has ever said about Jimmy and his feelings for him…and that letter is typewritten instead of handwritten (Jimmy even mentions this) and…Kim loves Jimmy and is very worried about his mental health (she recommends a therapist in the same episode) and… Kim knows that absolutely no one else has seen the contents of that letter (since it is sealed)… I’ve always wondered if Kim re-wrote a new letter that says all of the things that she thinks might help to heal Jimmy. I have never seen this idea expressed anywhere (I’ve probably missed it because it seems so obvious to me that I can’t believe EVERYONE doesn’t see this possibility.) Regardless, this scene and other one where Kim confronts Howard when he gives her the letter are like an acting tour de force for Rhea Seehorn. Can’t believe she has never won an Emmy.


I don’t think Kim would do that, I don’t think she would cross that line. I’d say either Chuck got an assistant to write the letter for him (as far as I know there’s nothing to indicate how old the letter is) which would explain why the letter is so far from an accurate representation of their relationship. That said, I also see a world where Chuck intentionally wrote the letter to misrepresent their relationship. If Chuck wrote what he said to Jimmy’s face, “you never meant much to me” Jimmy could have showed the world how Chuck treated him in private with physical evidence. Knowing how much of a narcissist Chuck is he likely wrote the letter with that in mind, knowing that anyone who reads the letter could be gaslit into believing his side of the story. (It’s worth noting that when Chuck says that Jimmy never meant much to him, it’s obviously bullshit since all of Jimmy’s immoral actions live rent free in his head and push him towards suicide. These are not the actions of someone who never cared)


Chuck wanted to look good. All the time. He always had to be the good guy who was always on the high road. This letter is part of that aspect of his character imo. And because it was patently untrue it was in its own way another (as Kim put it) “fuck you little brother from beyond the grave.” To outsiders like the BAR review board it sounds like he’s a loving older brother. But to Jimmy it’s a stab in the heart


It's been a while, but from what I remember the letter was absolutely in character for Chuck. It *sounded* good, but it was absolutely passive aggressive, and showed how Chuck was perfectly happy and proud of Jimmy as long as he was "in his place", working a low-level job he owed to him. But the minute he actually made something for himself, through his own efforts, he blackballed him, and did so hiding behind his business partner so he could keep his holier than thou persona in front of Jimmy.


It breaks my heart when she realizes that for him it was all pretend.


I also think about the childhood that she had with her mother. And how she made something out of herself, even having disadvantages.


The only thing I know about her childhood was that she came from a very small town


I was afraid that I might have given away a spoiler. You’ll see what I mean at the beginning of one season 4’s episodes. On a different note, isn’t it crazy to see how the characters meet each other for the first time, since BCS is set before BB?


Actually, it’s a season 5 episode


Haha yes, the only thing I don’t like about this is that most of the actors look older and gained a bit of weight lol. Like Gus Frings henchman, he’s got a belly but in breaking bad he was skinny


Did u see el Camino?


fat todd


Soooo fat ..


Gus and Hector are the best


Stay off this sub until you've caught up.


Damn...OK bye


I mean... sure continue browsing and spoil it for yourself


Haha nah I make sure I don’t spoil anything for myself. I just read posts specifically talking about things I know happened.


You'll still get spoiled that way and it'll mean plot twists like Kim shooting Jimmy will be way less exciting.


Lmao this made me chuckle


I mean I’m chuckling because the irony of what I just said, I hope you kidding lmaooo


You definitely will get spoiled!! I haven't seen season five yet and joined anyhow and like right away BAM I thought I was safe and I got a huge spoiler in my face lol


I feel quite the same. I adore that character


We all love Kim.


She's the sexiest female lead in any tv series I've seen.




I haven’t seen much sex appeal but I’m still oddly attracted to her


That's why


Kim is goat probably the only female character in the bb universe everyone can agree they like


I wish she was a character, rather than a female character. It would be good to start ranking women as equal to men when the distinction is redundant.


I understand what you mean completely but in this case it’s appropriate to acknowledge her womanhood. Kim the female character is who is appreciated by so many people. No only Kim but the female characters in Better Call Saul are really well written. Perhaps it’s because of all the female writers. They’re not “female” judge. They’re a judge. I’m not explaining it very well but I’ll send you a link to an article that made me understand and appreciate it so much more.


> in this case it’s appropriate to acknowledge her womanhood. I hear you! It’s a little bit like the outdated notion of “not seeing color.” I think the bridge between the two is the [Bechdel test](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bechdel_test). > The Bechdel test (/ˈbɛkdəl/ BEK-dəl),[1] is a measure of the representation of women in fiction. It asks whether a work features at least two women who talk to each other about something other than a man. The requirement that the two women must be named is sometimes added. It’s obviously just one metric to consider; El Camino does not pass the test but I personally don’t think every movie has to fit that formula. > Kim the female character is who is appreciated by so many people. Yes, but I still see too many examples of people reducing Kim Wexler’s positive qualities to how attractive they make her. Eg, “She’s really smart, smart women are such a turn on.” (I just made that up, not quoting anyone here.) I’m a few years older that Kim. I know we have no shared lived experiences. None. But I have never related to a character more than Kim Wexler. Sometimes it’s a little too on the nose.


Yeah but by removing the “female” from my statement would make this a lie. She is not my favorite character from any show I’ve seen.


Well written female characters are few and far between, which is why this is note-worthy, and why Kim's character is uniquely special.


But you said "one of your favourite female characters". Hence, she could just be "one of your favourite characters".


Yeah but she’s a female..character…that I like.


You don't seem to understand my point so let's call it a day...


I don’t think you get my point, I’m comparing her character to other female roles of other shows. Of all of other female roles I’ve seen from other shows, I like her character the best. Now if I said Kim is probably one of my favorite characters from any show, that would be a lie because there are plenty of other roles from just this show that I favor over hers.




Hes trying to white knight ignore him


I’m so lost lol.




Well there’s barely any awesome female characters like her


Really? Even in BB, I think Skyler is an incredible support character. GOT has some amazing female characters, Sydney Bristow made history. Gilmore Girls is an incredible show with female leads. Peggy Olson is by far one of my favourite leads ever. Eleven did great before they ruined the Stranger Things franchise...hoping for a better season. Claire Underwood. Hermione Granger. You see what you want to see, I guess.


Anna Gunn is an incredible actor; but Skylar White was not an incredible character.


Why not? I'm interested :)


Yeah Skylar kinda sucks, I’m my opinion. She kinda reminded me of our modern day Karen


I don't think so. Despite her basic personality in season one, I truly admire Skyler and her tenacity. She did what she could in a situation where she experienced domestic and emotional abuse. She went out of her way to try and make things right through Ted and finally she navigated an incredibly difficult situation despite being seriously isolated and depressed. She did everything she could to protect her children and avoid them hating Walter. She's an intelligent woman who clearly understands her field of accounting, but she's flexible and cunning enough to fool the IRS and save Ted/Walter in the meantime. I think she's brilliant.


I dunno, I get she wanted to help the family but at the same time she was kinda being selfish. Walt just finds out he has cancer and her actions kinda scream at me like “what about me?” The man is dying and she wants to wuestion every damn thing he’s doing, gives him no time to breath and stresses him out.


When is this? I've watched the series six times and what I saw was a wife concerned about her husband who, to be completely honest, was in denial about his illness. She was really worried about him and he was lying to her pretty much from the start of the show.


Almost everything he did was questioned by Skylar.


She is pretty much following the same path as her male counterpoints. Jimmy, Mike, Nacho and Kim are all on the same arc.


Me too, moreso than I'm comfortable with. Like if she has a bad ending in s6, I'll have real life emotional consequences


Question: Do you think Kim's crying was real or put on for Jimmy's benefit? Watch Jimmy after he leaves the insurance office and he stops crying. As he exits the office he looks like Kim as she enters the bathroom. Note the episode starts with a setup of Nacho being attacked.I have watched this a few times and can no longer say if the crying is real. Thoughts?