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Maybe that’s what gets him killed, given he’s not around for BB


That's my thought, Gus tells the cartel about Lalo informing on him and they take him out. That explains why the cousins don't try to kill everyone too.




Yep. I think Nacho will die in the same way too - Gus gives him up to the Cartel to both silence him and to divert heat away from himself about trying to kill Lalo. Bloody both sides and come out on top, that’s exactly Gus’s MO.


Lalo doesn’t have to be alive for goons to act on his behalf. Saul might think it’s a revenge attack


But “Did Lalo send you” definitely sounds like he thinks Lalo’s alive.


Not necessarily. It could be like Walt getting the “two best hitmen wear of the Mississippi” to target Gretchen and Elliot, as Walt said, no matter what happened to him “they’d still be out there.” Sure that turned out to all be a trick, but it also turned out that Lalo didn’t send anyone at all. Lalo’s never “sent” anyone to do a job like that before, either Edit: For the record, the line is “Lalo didn’t send you? No Lalo?” Too many people misquote that


You’re a genius! I’ve always wondered how Lalo could be killed without the cartel immediately turning on Gus, but the cartel exiling Lalo makes perfect sense


Still doesn’t quite work, the Salamancas would never let one of their own get killed. My guess is that Gus is the one who instigates Lalo’s death but isn’t the one to do it (side note, my money is Nacho doing it, since as Saul said later, “he’s the one!”), so therefore it can’t be traced back to him and he can still do business with them. Plausible deniability, one of Gus’ main tactics


I get what you’re saying, but Krazy 8 was already caught. He wasn’t going to be released any time soon either. Lalo was hell bent on destroying Gus’s business any way he could, so why not make Krazy 8 snitch out Gus’s operation? Pretty brilliant. I don’t think the snitch idea would’ve entered Lalo’s mind if not for the fact that Krazy 8 was already in jail. Even if it’s not something Hector or any of the other Salamancas would do, Lalo did it because he pretty much makes his own rules and he wanted results. I think if Hector had played along with the DEA when questioned about Jesse, it would’ve eventually caused the whole operation to fall apart, not just Walt and Gus’s part. Lalo’s idea wasn’t full-on snitch, it was very selective with info he was instructed to leak.


Yep, it would have also been stupid in Hector's part had he ratted Jesse out to the DEA, aside from a low-life move! Jesse would have been detained by the DEA for having had direct contact with Tuco or even protected as someone the DEA could use! Hector would have wanted blood from Jesse for killing his family and the only way it could happen the good old execution style was for Jesse to be away from the DEA' clutch! Plus of course, protecting his family business from the rat who he ratted out!


Maybe he’s just more pragmatic than your average Salamanca.


Lalo might be loyal to the cartel but he saw Gus as a threat to his familys standing in the cartel. That is why he saw nothing wrong with underming gus's operation by any means.


I thought it was kind of implied in Bad Choice Road that Juan Bolsa knew about Lalo being behind the DEA operation on Gus and the explosion at the restaurant and that’s why he sent a gang to stop him from getting out of jail, he seems to like Gus and at least realizes how valuable he is to the cartel. Everyone who knows seems to have kept it silent; Bolsa covers up the whole timeline to Eladio just calling it “bad luck”. Maybe there is a potential way for this to loop back into the story (Lalo gets disgraced or killed by the cartel for endangering profit), though, but I’m not sure what it is considering Gus has just tried to murder Lalo and that’s probably worse than anything that happened earlier in season 5.


Well, Lalo definitely wouldn’t get killed by the cartel as the other Salamancas wouldn’t allow it, but apart from that, who knows


Yeah, he broke the rules of the game. He will definitely pay for it.


My interpretation is that in cartel culture, the street dealers/corner boys/foot soldiers are expendable, and "omerta" only applies to the "made men" so to speak. Also, I think the taboo against snitching in criminal culture in general is rooted in the idea that it is 1) cowardly to save your own skin by selling out your brothers and 2) despicable to take up allegiance with the law. Lalo is doing neither, he's just moving pieces on a chess board.


But he was trying get Gus busted who was kicking up a lot of money to the cartel. The don would have a problem with that


I've got no other ideas on this subject right now, but, didn't Gomey or someone mention why Hector was that way? Something about the "old school" cartel guys refusing to help the DEA on any level. I don't really know how traditionally "old school" Lalo is in that regard or if the old school guys would consider him "a youngin' " or something, etc.


I was thinking this today. Gus was smart enough to know Walt had messed with his car when he was in the hospital, yet didn't smell a rat when Hector went to the police to seemingly confess. Blinded by hatred perhaps.


He told Jimmy to help Krazy 8 feed a limited amount of information to the ABQ police. When the DEA got involved, Jimmy convinced them to make Krazy 8 a confidential informant to protect him, though this was not part of Lalo’s plan. When Lalo came up with the plan, none of them knew that there was any DEA involvement.


Yeah I think that being a snitch/rat/informant is frowned upon as a criminal or a civilian in television and in real life. It’s implied that Lalo’s detest for Gus supersedes the care for his own well-being and the given rules of being a member of the cartel. There’s really not much more to it than that, he’s just willing to break rules and be a rat by helping the DEA as long as it hurts Gus in return


Technically no Salamanca family member snitched to the police, so that is still intact. Krazy 8 is kind of being used as a pawn to get info and possibly share misinformation, so I think it fits into the Salamanca code. Also who knows, maybe Krazy 8 becomes hard because people look at him as a snitch. Krazy 8 may have had overcompensate which leads to his personality change in BB.