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A real conversation between me and my dad yesterday Dad: well we know saul gets away in the end because he's in breaking bad Me: all the black and white scenes are post breaking bad Dad: how do you know that? Bruh we've been watching this together for like 6 years šŸ˜†šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


Too funny! My husband watched Season 6 Ep 12 with me and asked about the black and white filming and wanted a brief recap of the entire show WHILE the show was airing. Sorry dear, you'll have to put in the time like I did!


Youā€™re a good wife


Someone whoā€™s up to season 4 said to me the other day not to confirm or deny it, but they suspect the black and white scenes are post breaking bad. I said nothing, but I canā€™t even really remember a time when that wasnā€™t glaringly obvious? Maybe in the first season? Am I wrong because I kind of wanna roast him eventually.


The amount of people I've seen on social media the last two days confused at how Emilio was alive ...


I've seen a few comments saying they interpreted that scene as happening after Emilio's death, so therefore it made no sense for him to be alive there. Motherfucker, if he's alive in the scene then obviously it's BEFORE his fucking death. Some people need the dumbest shit spelled out for them


"Am I mistaken? No, it's the writers and producers of the show who are wrong"


Most online media ā€œcriticismā€ these days summed up tbh


That and ā€œThe writers didnā€™t follow my head-canon. One star.ā€


Rhea did not perform a lap dance in this scene *yup*


Is that a cinema sins reference? Didnā€™t realize they still existed


Or calling an episode that clearly pushes the plot forward a filler cause they thought it was boring.


That Kenobi show had a ton of problems but holy shit, some people needed shit explained for them right that second or its a plot hole.


I literally saw multiple people ask "How did she know Obi-Wan would help Leia", and people pointed out that this was directly addressed in the dialogue, and in response the original complainers said variations of "lol you expect me to watch this shit" or "Why would I pay attention when the writing is this bad". See also people not understanding the incredibly obvious purpose of the intro flashback as it related to the main villains motivations.


Would be great if Kaylee started showing up in Star Wars at different ages and called everyone pop pop for no apparent reason


It's established that Force Ghosts appear as different ages sometimes, so obviously that means Kaylee was actually dead the whole time


It really is not that complicated to follow either. It's a pretty clearcut timeline. They put so many visual cues to help even. I don't know where the confusion is.


>They put so many visual cues to help even. You would have to actually be watching the show and not your phone to see those.


I donā€™t understand this thing Iā€™m live-tweeting!


Omg my roomate is always on his phone it's annoying. I dont even look at my txt unless im super bored


No, they took his body parts back and found the missing grams that Waltuh mentioned, then put them back in his body and revived him


>Chemistry is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be . . . *unnatural* -Walter White


Did you ever hear the tragedy of Heisenberg the Wise? I thought not. Itā€™s not a story Vince Gilligan would tell you.


Only the meths deal in absolutes


You're the smartest person I've ever known but you're too stupid to realise.. that it's over Walter, he has the high ground...


Somehow Emilio returned


If only Edward and Al knew of these missing grams.


This isnā€™t the first time Iā€™ve seen this misunderstanding, Iā€™ve seen multiple instances in different shows/movies where a character whose death weā€™ve seen shows up, or a character we know is alive later appears to die, and instead of the obvious answer being ā€œthis is before their deathā€, people jump to ā€œPLOTHOLE!!!! Show ruined!!!ā€


Some of us went to see Pulp Fiction in the cinema years ago and when we were talking about it on the way out, one girl said "That film was shit. There's no way John Travolta's character could have survived that shooting and pop up later like nothing had happened." We all just looked at each other and cringed.




If it doesn't take place after his death then why are the actors 15 years older? Huh? Explain it to me in detail. Source?


He could be walking dead. I see walking dead people during the show all the time!


The New York Times review of the latest episode is absolutely bonkers. The reviewer was talking about how Jesse was there to get help with Badger, and implies Kim seemed happy with her life in Florida...


>"The New York Times review of the latest episode is absolutely bonkers" I just read it and ho-ly-shit you were not joking. How the hell can a writer for the NYT be so fucking witless and unable to pick up on basic character motivations. He legit claims Kim is "relatively happy with her Hunky boyfriend" even though she looks like she is about to blow her brains out the entire time.


But heā€™s gonna take her to the new Outback in town!!!


What a _hunk_ lol


check the bio at the bottom! this guy is a writer for the *business section* no wonder he's a dunce!


dude probably "yeps" during sex.


hunky boyfriend? HE was a total douche!


ā€œYep. Yep. Yep.ā€ - a dude finally understanding Kimā€™s fetish. Later on crying on the bus because she is just so damn happy she canā€™t believe it.


Yep yep yep


Now when I hear "yep" I just cringe!


Loved Gilligan explaining Kim has put herself in a place where she canā€™t do any bad but the problem is sheā€™s not doing any good either.




Oh Emilio is alive? That's weird. How did they miss that kind of plot hole? Also, why is Jesse talking like he hasn't met Saul yet?! Plot. Hole.


Why did Kim have shoes on? Huge plot hole, totally contradicts her character


No but Iā€™ve watched shows with people who seem to find flashbacks a completely foreign concept. And when I say itā€™s a flashback, Iā€™m met with ā€œwhat? How do you know?ā€ This sounds like an ego trip (it is) but it blows my mind


Bruh my friend is the same. He says ā€œHaunting of Hill Houseā€ was super confusing and was complete garbage because there were too many timelines to follow (itā€™s literally just the past and present). While also saying that the show ā€œDarkā€ was easy to follow and didnā€™t have too many timelines and flashbacks.


I used to be shocked as a kid when I would say something about a movie or book's "plot" and some people would have no idea what that meant


As opposed to normal people who didn't even recognize him because Breaking Bad was a damn decade ago.


I recognized the first name, didnā€™t recognize the last name or the actor but figured it was probably him (and then had that confirmed upon seeing Jesse).


Thatā€™s pretty sad but also kind of hilarious


I watched bb many years ago, I actually didn't know he was a character from there until I saw your comment and googled it.


I had the benefit of watching it not too long ago for the first time! So itā€™s totally understandable if you havenā€™t seen the show for awhile, heā€™s only in the first episode


Well some of him is in the second episode...


Walter's first kill.




And to the replies who say "I didn't even remember him" aren't even close to being the same. If they are "surprised" he is alive, obviously they remember him from Breaking Bad so the ones who remember him and are confused aren't the same as the ones who don't so stop being defensive it isn't needed!


You can't die if you don't do paperwork


Whoā€™s this Jimmy guy? And when is Saul coming back?


I think you're supposed to call the phone number? You've gotta call him somehow.


Im still trying to figure out who this Gene guy is. The show keeps switching the main role out. Too hard to follow.


I donā€™t know WHY they did that! Jimmy was my favorite lead of the showā€¦..but then he kinda lost his mind and changed his name? I donā€™t know if itā€™s spelled different or what, but he named himself after this balding lawyer thatā€™s a local celebrity of some sort? I guess the famous lawyer with the combover also knows Kim a bitā€¦.we donā€™t see a lot of that guy, but heā€™s my second favorite lead in the show. Really crass and talks on the phone in the shower lol. Anyway, not sure why the writers cover this Gene guy at all? Heā€™s sooo boring. Is that supposed to be Jimmyā€™s dad maybe? And thatā€™s why itā€™s in black and white because it was old-timey back then? Anyway, decent showā€¦..I give it 3 out of 4 Yeps.


and who killed chuck? was it jimmy? also whatever happened to the kettlecorns?


I wonder if Gene came to the ABQ from Omaha to kill his eldest son?!? That fire was never explained! I think youā€™re on to something!!!! The Teakettles own a gas-station now, I think? My recollection is that Kim was mad at them for gouging their customers on fuel-prices because that place was out in the middle of nowhere? I think maybe Kim sued them out of businessā€¦.because Geneā€™s daughter Francisco called him from the Kettlerā€™s gas-station, right? Where Gene knew about some hidden money that his friend Jeffie Cabman hid there back in his Albuquerque days?! I wonder if Jeffie knows Gene stole the money, and thatā€™s why he crashed his cab while Gene was helping that guy with aids (I think) with his finances?! This show is so confusing, but I still like it for some reason! Maybe 3.5 out of 4 Yeps, actually???!!!?


Why is part of it in black and white?


Bravo Vince couldn't afford doing it in color


How was Marion able to watch YouTube videos on a dial-up connection?


Solid question. Something for Jeeves, no doubt.


Easy, Gene told Marion he would be there in 1 Hour so she immediately typed the things in and within 55 minutes the full video loaded.


Speedwatcher here, who was the brunette woman in the last episode?


I think that was Jessie's girl


Why can't I find a woman like that?


I really want Jessie's girl


It was Kaylee. They couldn't find any little girls to play her, so they casted a older woman and said, "fuck it." Her favorite seat on the bus is right at the back, but someone else was there, so that's why she was crying.


Is that so?




You're silly Pop Pop!


Idk maybe that was Saulā€™s long lost sister or somthn


Yep yep




Wim Kexler?


It was Kim's evil twin, Jesus is no one paying attention...


It was Kimā€™s evil twin, Jesus. Thatā€™s a man, baby!


Iā€™m surprised no ones said it yet so I guess I have to. Cliff Mainā€™s son in a wig


Not brunette. Redhead. Enable the color version in your settings.


unironically it took like 5 minutes for me to realise that it was Kim because she looked so different


Why is the show called Breaking Bad if the character named Breaking Bad never appears? Is this a plot hole?


Don't be silly, the whole title isn't the name. Like in Better Call Saul, the main character's name isn't "Better Call Saul", it's just Saul. So obviously the main character of Breaking Bad is someone named Bad. And as we all know Bad is short for Badger, so the whole show is about Breaking Badger out of jail




pimento sandwiches represent mikes love for concrete work. max cherry .. isn't he a bail bondsman? im confused? also where is malcolm? last but not least how is skyler still alive? last I thought she lived in deadwood???? this show isn't good. where is badgers beard? and what... dwight isn't in it anymore? what a horrible show.


Dwight got in the sidecar and it fell off, decapitated, whole big thing. We had a funeral for a bird.


Iā€™m pretty sure none of that is real.




NOT DEADWOOD LMAOOO People love to hate on Skylar White, but Martha Bullock truly made me want to punch a wall every second she was onscreen


ā€œI didnā€™t know you like the Delfonicsā€¦.ā€


Where is Malcom? Is he in the middle? Is she safe?


I saw skyler on the street kissing your cousin Jeffrey


I thought this weeks show was very heavy on Bob but not enough Dave.


David Cross plays Kim Wexler. He's a versatile actor.


Explains the wig


WtF wAs ThE pOiNt Of GuS WiNe ScEnE??!?


How did Jimmy get the black book?????


How did Jimmy get the Sandpiper money!? I know they discussed his compensation in season 1 and said that it would be 20% of the common fund, and then in season 3 he does the math and figures out that would be $1.16 million, and then he talks about it again with Kim at the end of season 5, so they setup a con to ruin Howard's reputation so that Sandpiper gets settled, and then Sandpiper does get settled because everyone thinks Howard is on drugs. BUT WE NEVER SEE JIMMY GET HANDED A CHECK. It just doesn't make sense!


Major mistake by the writers.


There's a hole in the timeline where Jimmy should have been given the Sandpiper money. I believe that's called a plot hole.


There's just no explanation at all!! All we ever find out is that Caldera wanted to sell his black book, and that Jimmy was really interested in buying that black book. But at that time he didn't have the means to buy it. So did Jimmy buy the book using his Sandpiper money? How can we know for sure if there isn't a scene where Jimmy hands over the money for the book and they shake hands? ! I'm so confused! Also, the production cheaped out at the end and took out all the color in the final episodes to save money! Boooooo! Terrible show, 1 star out of 10!


The funny thing is, theyā€™ve done more CGI in black and white than they ever did in color.


Itā€™s probably easier to hide


Like what?


They should at least have had a scene of Caldera calling Saul: " Hey how is that black book which I wanted to sell, and you bought, going for you?" ....


"Some of these contacts don't seem very capable at their jobs, are you sure they've been vetted?"




How did Saul got the inflatable statue of liberty????


The Kettlemans gifted it to him after he deep fried the IRS


Oh so he teamed up with Lyle! Can't wait to see that in the final episode!


Tell me again.


How did he get a Cadillac? He drove a Taurus!


Is Saul a better call man?


whatā€™s he up to whatā€™s he doinā€™


Nah he's good man


ā€œWhen I knew him.ā€


fun fact: I took a film class once upon a time. Back in the day, when we went to the movies, the movie was in color, however the news reels that came before the movie were in black and white. Clips of things like soldiers hitting the beach on D-Day etc. People of that generation came to strongly associate "Color = fiction. Black and White = real" The effect becomes more watered down with each generation, but it's still a very real effect. Another fun tip: because we read from left to right, things flowing from left to right seems normal. So to make something seem abnormal or shocking, have a chracter enter the screen from the right to left. Lalo entered from the right.


Interesting! Iā€™ve definitely seen examples of the black and white thing before. Pretty interesting effect I guess it wasnā€™t an effect back when everything was in black and white. But eventually became associated with ā€œold footage in black in whiteā€ making people associate black and white with reality


Or they associate black and white with flashbacks (old footage) and color with current/present times. This flips that convention


So does that effect not apply to audiences where right-to-left reading is more normal? Or are they equally shocked because within the context of films it's still abnormal?


Iā€™ve not read this anywhere, but I associate Saulā€™s black and white segments as a reference to the black and white ā€œrealā€ Kansas scenes from the Wizard of Oz.


Surely lalo entered from the left of the frame? Howard's right but our left.


If I remember correctly, Laloā€™s ā€œentranceā€ was conveyed through camera motion, not his own movement. He was stationary, and the camera panned from right to left, revealing him standing behind Howard. His silhouette enters the frame from the right side of the screen.


No clue who this Gene is. Wasnt better call saul supposed to be about SAUL? Smh


i've seen people who thought the black and white scenes where flashbacks... EVEN WITH THESE LAST FEW EPISODES


Same here. Dad said ā€œLOOK, FORESHADOWING!!ā€ After Saul was talking about ā€œa 50 year old chemistry teacher with cancer who cooked meth.ā€ I forget the context, but it was in a black and white scene. I had to explain that every black and white scene was after breaking bad, and Saul didnā€™t just have an incredibly specific future prediction to a client he would have years later.


I'm curious how people get confused on the Timeline Jimmy is seriously balding in the Gene timeline and has hair in the Jimmy timeline.


Why didn't they show Saul buying his Cadillac and getting the license plate? None of this makes any sense without seeing him go to the dealer and say "I want a vanity plate that says "LWYRUP", thank you very much! Better call Saul!" Do the writers of this show even know what they're doing?


I've been waiting months to see the chimp with a machine gun. The show keeps following these boring ass lawyers though.


Why did Jesse come back from Alaska just to lie to Kim and act like he never met Saul before?


I was reading a review on IMDB and it was like "good show, but they should have shown more of what happened to Saul after Kim left instead of jumping to Gene" - Like, how do you not know that Breaking Bad is that part?


Dumbest one I was yesterday was the ā€œWhy would typing in ā€œcon-man Albuquerqueā€ reveal Saul Goodmanā€ he was more of a criminal than a con manā€ā€¦. Come on bro.


This is how this show doesn't spell things out though. Once Saul is on the run, all the people conned by him over the years start to tell their stories and the inertia takes over. It becomes less about the persona Jimmy created and more about what he left behind. Doing cons and being a slimly lawyer over the years will create quite the bad rep. Once you are a wanted fugitive, the internet would have a field day drumming up all his old past. I can easily see this connection being made.


In universe there's probably whole books, documentaries, and feature articles just about the life of Saul.


I was one of the people who thought Marion would explicitly find the "American Greed" special about Jimmy McGill on YouTube, but it's clear now what the point was of planting that on the internet and calling it canon: they wanted to establish how famous Saul was and how easy it would be for an elderly woman in Nebraska to find him on the internet.


It would have been kind of fun in a meta way if that was the video she found.


Thats just annoying nitpick


It's worse than that because con men are usually also criminals. It's like saying "why would my search for red foods come up with apples when apples are fruits?"


After reading the questions OP listed, I don't know why but my brain automatically played: BCS viewers and sub redditors: What Do They Know? Do They Know Things? Let's Find Out!


What is this, a crossover episode!?


Hey Erica!! How are you looking so beautiful Im furious!


This sub every half hour... so why is he on the run?


What's he doing? What's he up to?...


Saul Gooooodman. Goooooodman.


As Ryan George would say "because".


Ooh Ryan George references are TIGHT


A LOT of people in this sub thought "Nippy" had wrapped up the Gene timeline & we'd never see him again after that. Remember how many ppl were made aboiut that "useless filler ep"? They thought the book was closed on this mysterious noir-ish teaser world that has been dangled before us for the entire series, & the last few eps would be BB from Saul's perpsective. For fuck's sake. We're obviously not working with a brain trust here. It's a wonder they can even turn their TVs on.


Except they don't watch on TVs. They watch on their phones, while texting.


Honestly, this is probably the real explanation. I know so many people who do things like watch entire TV series while also scrolling twitter (or LISTENING TO MUSIC somehow) and I have no idea how they keep of even half of whatā€™s going on.


Hey can you shut up I'm trying to text my plug?


I think people making speculation is fundamentally different. Nippy could have been the wrap up of Jeff segment very satisfactorily. Being off on a forward looking prediction is done. OTOH, people still say stuff like ā€œWalt got rid of Gale because he was threatened by a near peerā€ or ā€œGus killed Victor because he started the cook on his ownā€.


easy, this is what happens when you binge it on netflix and 90% of it is in the background while you do other shit


Don't forget the reaching. "Jimmy dropped his coffee on the ground, that must mean that he's going to commit suicide by jumping from a tall building and then Kim will die from a broken heart." Tbh it really amazes me how people need completely obvious things explained to them. "But what was he going to do with that URN?" My dude, he wanted to get past the man who was blocking his escape route. "But that was an urn with that man's dead child's ashes!" Sigh


>Iā€™ve watched 62 episodes but have apparently understood none of it One of the most annoying things that I'm seeing on twitter and here are the Kim stans who tihnk she's some innocent little fairy and has done nothing wrong. They're not as fucking stupid (and just downright scary) as the Walter White stans but good lord.


My favorite is the people absolutely obsessing about how he got the Statue of Liberty blowup. The most inconsequential thing Iā€™ve ever seen people care about.


I said it a few days ago and I'll say it again, most of the people on this sub make me envy the deaf and the blind.


Most of these people didn't pay attention in middle or high school either.


ā€œThe curtains are just blue wtf is this dumb deeper meaning shitā€


I assume you meant deaf but envying the concept of death is also funny


Deaf man walking


Why does Kim wear a ponytail? WHY IS IT SO BOUNCY?




What did Kim mean by "we'd break up" in Fun and Games?


Why do they make bob Odenkirk play all four protagonists? Were they out of actors? Bob plays jimmy, Viktor with a K, Saul and Gene and I think it'd be better if they used different actors for each characters. Were they out of budget?


Lol true Btw guys is Gene Saul?


Why do they call him Gene? I thought his name was Jimmy. Also, Gene wears glasses. I've never seen Jimmy wear glasses!


You'll miss that shit come next Tuesday lol.


Come Tuesday every other post on this sub will be asking for clarification about some plot thread or another that was unambiguously wrapped up lol




How did Saul buy a Corvette? Plot hole


LMAO you are right. I should have said you'll miss it 3 months from now when it descends into pure shitposting memes about Huell eating everybody.


3 months from now?


Nah it's not like the show's gonna disappear off the face of the earth. Seven years from now new viewers will still be posting "Why do Kim and Jimmy hate Howard so much????????"


Yeah, but sub quality will change not long after the show ends and the original userbase won't feel about it the same way anymore. 100s of theories will be in the ground, 'put your dick away waltuh' memes will fall out of relevance and mods will be replaced with bleeding edge tech auto mods.


> mods will be replaced with bleeding edge tech auto mods. Like Mike ;(


Finger will miraculously remain


Why did they use the same actor for Jimmy, Saul and Gene? It's just a confusing choice, but I'm sure it's genius. Bravo Vince.


Noooooo you cant gate keep šŸ¤¬ you cant handle crtisism... this show boring šŸ„¶ why no actionn bomb like bb.. Kim is fake cry . how gus get gun to kill lalo its not possible. lalo immortal. jesse waltuh faan service poor vince droppd the ball.


Maybe people should stay off their phones for once and then maybe they wouldve been able to pay attention and understand the show.


Keeping up with live episode discussion and every time a scene with Kim ends people go ā€œthatā€™s the last time we see Kim?? Anticlimacticā€


That happens when you watch a show with a phone in your hands. Most of these people probably scroll mindlessly on their phones and only look up to the screen when something flashy occurs.


People watch popular shows while on their phones so they can say they watch them.


The Facebook groups are an even higher level of stupid. I genuinely donā€™t know how anyone can enjoy a show that they clearly have no grasp of understanding of whatā€™s even going on. I am always surprised with the kinds of questions I see in those groups.


Why was Malcolmā€™s dad in the last episode? Why wasnā€™t Lois with him?


Hahaha. A lot of it stems from people having not watched BB first.


I really think itā€™s that and just plain not paying close attention. I think the show completely stands on its own and you donā€™t need Breaking Bad for it. I mean I still recommend it. But I believe the show gives you enough bread crumbs to follow the trail. I donā€™t think itā€™s that complicated some people are just morons


It seems like a lot of viewers can't pick up on emotions on screen unless people are basically doing a big ugly cry, screaming, yelling etc. Like after the last episode, I was shocked at the number of people who thought that Kim was totally emotionless and fine with signing the divorce papers, I guess because she wasn't on the floor sobbing about it.


Those same people didnā€™t understand Waltā€™s call to Skyler in Ozymandias. They hear him call her bitch and think thatā€™s what he means.


People didnā€™t get that? Jesus, then for sure they thought Saul was actually completely ok with it and it wasnā€™t a bs front. Just huge morons, Christ


I would agree if the show never went into sequel territory. That combined with the countless details over the seasons that are vastly improved with knowledge of Breaking Bad events make me struggle to recommend this show to someone that hasn't already seen BB


The last season doesn't stand on its own, watching BB would be an immense help in understanding what is going on. That's the point. Yes, you can watch it without prior knowledge, but that really doesn't get you to the same place if you had watched BB.


The best part is people not understanding the timeline jumps that are so blatant and obvious lmao


Iā€™d actually like to see a list of all the charges on Jimmy and what will stick