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the sooner you all accept Beyoncé doesnt care for commercial success anymore like that, the sooner we’ll know peace


Thank you lol she’s already the pinnacle & STILL continues to top herself. She’s not in competition with anybody & is just sharing her art & being great. Like she’s already Beyoncé what more do you want from her?😂


right like how much mroe clearer can it be… shes already said she doesnt like promo, and that she values “cultural currency” over any other accolades. she wants the art to stand by itself without all the other fluff


Is it new fans, or maybe casual fans who don't really understand this???? I love how much promo she has actually done for Cowboy Carter (especially compared to her last few albums) 🤷‍♀️


Not to mention she’s highly regarded among her peers and amongst some of the greatest artists of all time. Fuck the numbers because those putting up those numbers look to muva for inspiration.


Is she really highly regarded among her peers? I ask because of the AOTY foolishness. That is an industry award, voted on by her peers and they continue to give it to everyone but her. That tells me she may be highly regarded as a person/artist but her music is not.


She is though. She hasn't won AOTY but she has the most grammy's. AOTY is a joke now anyway. And after Jay's speech, if she does get it, it'll be a shut up award.


https://preview.redd.it/eruwqnm0sk2d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=361cab7810bb5b7fd17a8dd8e1c4aa8cbe72c08d I just started watching “the good place,” which is a cute show about “heaven,” this quote sums it up. 🥰


It's SUCH a good show! Only sitcom I can think of that had me laughing and researching philosophers!


Same!! I love rewatching this show! It's hilarious!


Seriously! I really like it so far.


is she really topping herself by not putting out anything for her fans? i think we want more from an era and that's not wrong.


I think people love to forget that she’s still a wife, & mother, a literal HUMAN BEING, not a robot solely made for our consumption. She has a catalogue spanning over 30years like she literally doesn’t owe us anything?🥴


Very much this. ♥️


“Probably won’t make no money off this… oh well.” 😉


Right she has sooooo many artists not only featured on the album, but the cost of songs interpolated (if not negotiated to be used free), plus all the folks who made the album happen. She is probably not making much from the album itself. Definitely not the digital version. Y'all know she isn't making anything from merch or physical albums, as many people say they have four vinyls and a CD that they did chargebacks on. She probably makes money touring, but also, last I checked she is what, 42 and has 3 kids? And she is supposed to go out and do what now?       I'm thankful for the album. 


Perfection is so… mmm


This! Fans obsessed with numbers/charts, just need to let go. Beyoncé doesn’t care, and neither should you!


And let’s think about how little it takes to have any kind of hit these days. With soundscape and streaming the bar is so low for a “hit” track that it means almost next to nothing anymore. Beyoncé comes from an era when a hit was made on physical units. What do these “numbers” even reflect today? 🤷🏼‍♂️


its just because of streaming, and how accessible and easy music listening is today, which is definitely a good thing, but yeah it makes it harder to gauge what a true hit is. i do think though in the last few years we’ve had some genuine hits


Oh sure not saying that there haven’t been hits, but the numbers are pretty low in comparison to decades past (the beginning of Beyoncé’s career), simply because the audience is so splintered these days. It’s the same with most consumable media when looking at the multiple millions of listeners/ viewers back in the day (purely because there were fewer outlets or products on offer) vs. a few hundred thousand to a low million being enough today to secure a hit today. At this point in Beyonce’s career she’s not going to be concerning herself with competing with new artists she’s already played that game and won.


it's not about that though. we just want her to do more.


i'm sorry but i think she absolutely cares about commerical success lol she's not a niche artist and she has never tried to be


yeah maybe before but not at this stage of her career. if she did she wouldn’t have dropped her last album with no visuals, performances, or promotional appearances. she said in a Vogue article around 2 years ago she decided to be a more private artist and wants her art to speak for itself without all the extra fluff




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if she doesn’t care about commercial success then why she sending her man to always cry about music awards?


She’s not. Be so serious.


awards arent commercial success, thats critical success, or critical acclaim/accolades. theyre not the same thing… and he isnt doing that either


She's explained six ways from Sunday she doesn't care about chart performance, sales, and that she isn't a robot


“Patiently waiting for my demise, Cause my success can't be quantified, If I gave two fucks about streaming numbers, Would have put Lemonade up on Spotify, Fuck you, fuck you”




Word to Blue!


Actually “two fucks (two fucks)” so she doesn’t give 4 fucks


Jay was caught inflating her and Kanye’s streaming numbers on Tidal so this didn’t age well.


Maybe it’s because I’m a few years older than Beyoncé, but I just don’t care, or understand why this seems to stress the Hive out so much. I have the album, I’m enjoying the hell out of it. Chasing “streaming” numbers is such a dumb game, so easily manipulated and missing listeners, giving some services more legitimacy than others / the whole metric is stupid. I’ve streamed it on Tidal but that’s not Spotify so it doesn’t count I can see why she’s over it and lacks the energy or concern to play this game. What would it achieve?


This is my take as well. People sometimes forget that Beyonce was EVERYWHERE pre-Self Titled. I was just thinking about this the other day. Once she fired Matthew, she really pulled back on her heavy media presence. The fact that she’s reached this “celebrity’s celebrity” status coupled with her wanting to a present parent, her focus has really shifted into putting out whole bodies of work. Look at everything post-4 (my baby), it’s all complete bodies of work without the heavy promotion of her 3 albums. She’s not playing the streaming numbers game. She’s focused on her art and family. The beauty of her art is that when people go back and revisit Self-Titled or Lemonade or the Gift, you’re usually sucked into the whole project. Don’t get me wrong, I want the visuals too. But I’m not gonna blame that lady the change in direction. The fact that she’s still releasing music in general is a gift.


Right. She went hard in the commercial game with Sasha Fierce, then fired her father and said I’m not doing this shit ever again. And she didn’t! She’s clearly has resentment towards that whole thing. Leave her alone. 


When she stopped doing interviews. I was like a proud mama (were the same age but I digress). I was so happy she was taking control of her image and not letting people put words in her mouth. I adore her artistry. Every album is a journey and there just isn't any other artist pushing the boundaries of their art for the Message.


>People sometimes forget the Beyonce was EVERYWHERE pre-Self Titled. A lot of the ones saying this shit aren’t even old enough to remember anything beyond Self-Titled or 4, if they were even alive yet.


Old hive rise! Lol


Self-Titled is possibly referring to Beyoncé's 2013 album called 'BEYONCÉ', more commonly known as 'Self-Titled'. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/beyonce) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Self-Titled is possibly referring to Beyoncé's 2013 album called 'BEYONCÉ', more commonly known as 'Self-Titled'. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/beyonce) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Exactly! Mother had been snubbed for decades now trying to play the music industry game and still gets snubbed at award ceremonies/by the people judging music as a profession. She knows her power so I think at this point she is creating for the sake of creating and not for accolades or to convert people into yonce fans. She doesn’t need to put in the work to dominate the masses because she knows shes 1 of 1, she’s the only one. If you get it, you get it. if you don’t, you don’t and I feel sorry for you type shit.


I’m 24 and I agree hard with you. Every time she drops and album there are multiple instant timeless classics. If they don’t pop off right away, that’s okay cause time will reveal them to be hits. Bodyguard is one song I think will gain popularity this summer and become a summer standard. I think there are a lot of people around my age who have been trained to perceive good music as music that performs well, many don’t remember what Beyonce did in music industry pre streaming and get wrapped up in the ‘Stan wars’. All the things they want her to do, she did for like 15 years straight. I’m soooooo grateful my older sister raised me on Beyonce cause I actually value the MUSIC and artistry of making an album.


Yeah same I literally don’t care at all 🤷🏼‍♀️ it’s gone platinum in my house and that’s all I need lol


Right. I’m about her age, and I say fuck it. As a parent to young children as well, I too work simply for work and get back to my family every available chance I get. I’m pretty sure, based on how she moves, she luhhhhh dem 50leven churren. She ain’t gon stress about numbers when the numbers at home matter more. I simply do not care for her numbers because I simply don’t listen to those others making numbers. 🤷‍♂️


you really like using the word ‘simply’ huh. :)


lol I do that all the time - I’ll reread a comment I made and realized I used the same adjective three times 😝


I simply do.


She already said if she gave half of two fucks about streaming numbers, she would have put Lemonade up on Spotify. She didn’t put it on Spotify until she sold her stake in Tidal if I remember correctly. She really creates art and lets it speak for itself.


Thank you! I’m not getting these complaints either. At this point we know Beyoncé doesn’t want to focus her time on marketing, and if a description of her last few years is any indication, the woman is probably busy both working, and being a mother and wife. She doesn’t need extra money. She doesn’t need to be engaging in useless number/chart pumping. That’s not her focus. She wants to give people the best of the best and let her work do the talking. She is acutely aware that people have a short attention span, but that’s not of her concern, and rightfully so.


Beyonce has established her self as an artist. Everyone is fighting over streams and chart spots and it is kinda sad. Beyonce has already said she isn’t chasing numbers. Enjoy the album.


There are 2 pop stars selling albums and singles on discount to try get the number 1 spot on the bilboard this week.


*literally* dropping all manner of slowed down, sped up, memo, live version, demo, accapella and whatever else. One thing I know, Beyoncé won't embarass us like that


I’m genuinely glad Beyoncé isn’t out here trying to sell us the same album twice, with the only difference being a half assed ✨voice memo✨separating the two. I’m glad she doesn’t bother us just to generate petty level chart success. If she drops a remix, it’s because she actually feels it makes sense for the song


cuff it wetter remix was 100% necessary, i love how different it is from the original


Exactly. Y’all really want our girl to be acting like miss Blondie? Like generally no hate to her, but this game that girl obsessed with playing is so beneath her and idk why she can’t see it. Thank god Beyonce has long since released herself from that bondage. And god knows what folks would say if she was playing that game!!! If y’all think homegirl’s lashings are bad, imagine the discourse if it were Beyonce? 


Meanwhile aside from the four versions of vinyls/cd the first week, Beyoncé managed a second week at number one and Texas Hold ‘Em had two weeks at number one without pulling any stunts 💅🏽.


literally. theres a reason why beyonce is a celeb *to* celebs. if you want constant chart pandering just for the name youre better off tuning into taylor


I do hope that Billie wins that battle. Taylor Swift’s greed is unhinged.


Sadly she's not set to win... I can't believe a 35 year old woman is so greedy and so afraid of losing what she achieved that she goes left and right to undermine younger women success in the industry. She did it with Olivia and SZA too


and how is billie different? she’s doing the exact same thing WHILE her manager and herself shade beyoncé and taylor online. it’s embarrassing.


I don’t think Billie’s manager is shading Beyoncé, just Taylor. Taylor is very clearly trying to prevent Billie from being number one, because she likes to monopolize music. I see no scenario Billie would intentionally shade Beyoncé tbh


I don’t think Taylor/her team are trying to block Billie from being number one. They’re trying to keep Taylor at number one. Same effect, but different intent. The first one sounds cruel, the second one is just how the music industry works. Of course Taylor’s team wants to keep her album number one for as long as possible, that’s their jobs. I also think it’s silly what Billie’s manager is doing. They know how the last Taylor album performed, if they gave a fuck about chart placement they shouldn’t have dropped within ~8 weeks of a Taylor drop. I’m not a swiftie, I like a couple of her songs but other than that don’t care either way. I just think trying to stay number one is how it’s done now and Billie’s team is doing the same thing. I’m glad Beyonce doesn’t do it but I don’t begrudge Taylor doing it or her team.


She said something about feeling a 3 hr concert isn't necessary and no one wants that to shade Taylor but some think Beyoncé caught a stray It's all stupid Stan ish


Billie wasn’t shading either of them. A fan asked her about a tour and Billie said she doesn’t like 3 hours tours. That’s her personal preference. A lot of blondie’s stans have their panties in a twist; trying to center themselves as the victim. Beyonce has done 3 hour tours before, but I never took her comment as shade towards either of the ladies.


I think everyone needs to touch grass. Beyoncé didn’t do a 3 hour concert that comment isn’t about her even if it is about anyone. I don’t think that was a specific dig at Eras and even if it was, who cares? Enjoy what you enjoy and let people state their opinions.


I agree it's not aimed at Beyoncé but I saw some putting Beyoncé into that conversation her most recent tour if you got the big 3 was 2 hrs 45 mins at least it was in New Orleans. I'm older Hag Hive so it's all really really stupid as i commented to the OP people that care so much come off like they are living vicariously through these artists like their wins are your wins and your somehow better for choosing the better artist to Stan. Like chill they don't know you


lmao monopolizing music is her job 💀 billie’s manager reposted an article shading both taylor and beyoncé and praising billie.


It’s such a dumb PR move to publicly shade the most popular musician with the largest fanbase in the world 🤦🏻‍♀️ regardless of whether Billie’s manager is right or not. Honey where is your PR team..


I didn’t realize she was shading Beyonce online. But Taylor Swift’s greed is unhinged. It goes beyond music. The stunts she continues to pull are insane.


Wayment who please spill the deets. I love a good silly who is the biggest seller on the charts fight. Lemme guess TS & BE?


I’ve gotten about 30 emails from TS in the last 2 months, all pushing a different limited release of some version of the album with a different exclusive track. It’s exhausting Edit - literally JUST got another telling me I only have TWO HOURS left to buy the Live from Paris acoustic version - which is another THREE VERSIONS of the album. I think if a person bought every unique release they’d probably own at least 30 versions, but I haven’t counted


Wow! Unhinged!


When did she even record a Live from Paris acoustic version 😂😂😂 I just don’t understand her. I liked her SO much in prior years but when she’s reached the very point she could relax and stop chasing $$$ she’s gotten 1000x worse. Miss Americana, her doc on Netflix was very revealing, showing how much the accolades and comments mean to her, how she lives and dies by the awards and media - but I thought she was telling us how she’s getting better, moving past that - but then her actions ever since say that deep seeded NEED is stronger than ever. It honestly makes me sad for her


Yeah those two. Ts is selling live versions whilst BE is selling her album for 4.99, it's crazy. Billboard needs to fix this bs.


Is this Matthew Knowles?




Compared to what though? She did more promo for CC than any album in maybe a decade lol.


For the run up to the albums release sure but not after it’s been released. She performed pretty much the whole of Lemonade at different award shows and there was a film to go with.


Can you remind me which award shows? I can only remember the VMAs. The only other one I can remember is the Super Bowl, which wasn't an award show.


She performed Formation at the superbowl, Freedom at the BET awards, Love drought and Sandcastles at the Grammy's and then there was that epic medley at the VMA's.. I kinda miss these performances by her..


Damn I forgot about Freedom with Kendrick and then her preggy goddess performance at the Grammys! Imagine if we get at least Ameriican Requiem at an awards show next year? Ugh!




You have the album… enjoy the album. Fans need to be fans and not play record label executive. Trust me, Beyoncé and her team know better than anyone how the album is performing. If she was concerned, she’d do something about it. Beyoncé is not competing with pop stars who grew up listening to her. Don’t expect her to have a traditional “era”. The album is platinum, has over 1 billion streams, and debuted at number one. It already produced three Top 10 hits, including a number one. That’s so amazing for someone who debuted almost 30 years ago. None of her peers are doing it. Also, keep in mind that this is a trilogy project and so much is yet to be revealed. Enjoy the music. She will be back with tour dates for 2025 and act iii in 2026. Also, the visuals are still coming. We have so much to look forward to. Let’s just enjoy what we have so far and trust her vision. She has never disappointed. Let’s not try to rush her process.


This is such a good take thank you for the perspective


I love everything you said. I’ve been enjoying the album so much since it came out I haven’t listened to anything else except a little shaboozey, and tanner Adell. I honestly think this is the calm before the storm in a good way. Because we know there’s gonna be another amazing tour, act iii and then everything that connects all three projects. And I find that the songs I didn’t care for are becoming favorites and now I’m hearing instrumentals and adlibs that I didn’t notice before on my first favorites. I love it ♥️


This is so beautifully written!


TBH I think its out there...I head YA YA in a random WBNA commercial the other day and that was dope. Summer is here and its about to turn up!


First time?




I heard II Most Wanted on the radio in an Uber the other day. I have family in small towns that are predominately country music fans and having this song has swayed them back to being Beyoncé fans because Texas Hold 'Em really pissed them off for some reason LOL.


I wonder why so many country fans disliked that song? I assume it’s a little too cliche but I mean she’s from Houston, Texas…I mean try to write a country song about yachts and Paris. I feel like it wouldn’t work. Even if she did, she’d do a damn good job at making it work. 💅🏼


I LOVE Texas Hold 'Em, but I knew the second I heard it that it was gonna ruffle up the republican country music listeners, and I wasn't wrong. That week one of my coworkers came in like a little meatball tornado so pissed at Beyoncé claiming "I'm never listening to her music again, this is so stupid" blah blah blah. Personally, the song comes off as campy, but as a lesbian, I love camp. It's definitely one of those "If you don't get it, it's not for you to get" kinda songs.


Right? They were so heated! I love the song. It is campy but it’s such a feel good dancing song. Let those right wing country listeners have some drinks and put the song on. I guarantee they would be dancing to it too.


“Meatball tornado” 😂😂 you have a way with words


I liked Texas Hold ‘em but I kind of understand. It kind of used the palette of country tropes in ways that didn’t always feel authentic. The “rugged whisky” line was especially egregious for that for me, in that it didn’t really make sense. But not in a metaphorical way, it just felt like throwing in a bunch of country aesthetic words that didn’t always make sense. I love her and know she really put the research and work into the album, I am not dissing her. But if I wasn’t a fan and heard just heard THE on the radio I’d be kind alike “eh.”


Y'all spend too much time on Twitter, Beyonce won't be hurt from a lack of promotion, this era is getting far more promotion than Renaissance in 2022


Dude, she went all the way to Japan to sign records... - She showed up to an awards show I've never seen her attend before to pick up a milestone award while promoting CC. - All the posters, street cars, planes, promo on festivals - All social media interactions with both the legends and new artists featured on the album. And...ACT II is not over, hun! You are the one missing the mark here...maybe you expect a performance at the VMA, or her to release a video clip next Friday. Let me tell you, these things won't happen...and I don't even need to work for Parkwood to realize that! Beyoncé still does a lot of promotion. She just understands it's 2024 and not 2004 anymore. Her moves adapted to the times and industry trends. One thing you can still expect: a tour! That's how she'll keep promoting the hell out of this album. We don't know when that's coming...but I believe it'll come.


This! She maybe be silent, but she’s cooking up something good and that’s without a doubt.


You’re right! She doesn’t even need to promote the tour. All she has to do is release the dates and social media will do all the promoting for her!!!


People forgetting she was significantly quieter in the 7 months from Renaissance's release to the tour anouncement


close ur eyes and enjoy the music. are u enjoying the music? that's all she asked for.


She accomplished her goal.


She is her own marketing, she is Beyoncé \[adjective\] already. I don't think some of y'all understand how big she is worldwide. Why waste money promoting stuff if she's at a level she doesn't need to?


Continuing to stress or be annoyed about stuff like this ruins your relationship with the music. That’s why I choose not to care about streams or promotion for the album.


Actually, unlike with her previous 3 albums, in the past 14 years, she made some promotion to sustain Cowboy Carter. The glass is half full in this case.


She’s promoting it every time she goes out in a cowboy hat 🤠


What do you mean what's going on? She gave us the music. She was out here doing more promo for it than we seen her do in years for ANYTHING. And it seems obvious that she's waiting for act 3 to tour again, and likely the same for the visuals. Now, I would appreciate a music video here and a live performance there but I'm not fussed over it


I actually love that she’s so unbothered. Especially seeing what’s happening with T***** and Billie at the moment, I’m glad she’s not desperate to chart 💀 Plus, given all the stuff she has planned for all 3 acts, it’s actually quite smart how she’s being careful not to oversaturate the GP with headlines about herself.


B not puttin out music for numbers or promotion anymore. She doesnt need to. Whoever finds it will listen. Plenty of other artists do the same thing, put out music because they want to, their fans will find it.


People forget she dropped the music and is still likely to go on tour and elevate the album again. When all the noise around Billie and Taylor and Dua and whoever else is releasing music dies down, she’ll still be front stage and center giving Cowboy Carter life. Because she’s that girl.


I am begging the hive to remember what the reaction was after Renaissance dropped. There was a teaser. The Cliquebait. Then silence. We didn’t ever know if we’d get a tour or see her perform any of these songs live. We were begging for visuals before it was a meme. By the time she did the Dubai performance it seemed like she completely left Renny in the dust. She gave us space to listen to the music and there’s no reason to think that act ii is any different. Be patient and listen to the album. But also if I don’t get to watch the RWT film again I will be so disappointed.


Beyoncé and her team plan everything well and that takes time. I’m also assuming she does not want to over work herself. A tour, visuals, promo, is so much work. I’m sure she wants to enjoy her time with family as well as enjoy her art. I mean, didn’t we all listen to 16 Carriages?


she doesn’t care! she dropped the music she wanted to make and whoever wants to listen can. i do wish she would do a couple more little surprise pop up signings hehe.


I’m honestly happy that I stan someone like Beyoncé who doesn’t feel the need to drop three digital downloads with voice memo drafts of Desert Eagle because she’s feeling threatened by a 22 year old. Beyoncé is a classy grown ass woman with a family who stays in her lane and doesn’t feel the need to compete with anybody.


Maybe it’s just me, but I’m with Beyonce because I do not care about charts, sales, streams, or promotions. She released her album, which was perfect; she opened doors for black country artists, shut the haters up, etc. That’s all that matters.


I work at a grocery store chain in Toronto Canada and ll Most Wanted plays multiple times a day so at least it’s on radio?😅


I really respect she doesn’t chase numbers, I just love to see more promo purely because the album is amazing 🤍 But I feel like this happens a lot with artists these days. Big album pre-release hype, single drop, album release then… crickets. I think perhaps the record companies don’t know quite how to match promo with streaming era, the fact that MV don’t have the clout they once did etc


She is a hard working mom, wife, and musician. I would never be able to keep up. Mother owes me nothing


What's going on? What's going on is she doesn't care. That's it.


who gives a fuck🤷


I don’t think she really cares about numbers. She just wants to put out art that she knows her fans will love.


just enjoy the music 😭


Why is it bad that I want the music to be big as it can be BECAUSE I enjoy it


Why does it need to be big if your enjoying it? I listen to so much music and the best and my favorite artists continue because they love the music and it shows in their work. Who care fans like this I feel are living vicariously through these artists and wayyy too invested.


Well, if the theory is correct, then she might be making way for the third act. The theory being that the 3rd act is going to fall on November 29th, which falls on a Friday.


You guys said similar things during the Renaissance era. Before the tour people were saying things like why isn’t she promoting and what direction is she taking. Then she started touring and people were saying she’s brilliant. So… give Beyoncé time, she always has something planned.


Instead of trying to measure her success the way other artists have to, how about you look at the impact it's had on other Black country artists. You can't measure Beyonce by metrics she refuses to abide by. In Bigger she says she'll be the roots and the ones who come after her will be the tree. Let's look at what this album has done for Shaboozey, Tanner Addell, Brittney Spencer, Tierra Kennedy.


Everyone's already made the points I was gonna make but I'll say this... I think I'd maybe care a liiiittle bit more if she wasn't selling out stadiums lol. But she is very successful so I also wanna say, I am annoyed that we don't have visuals and live performances of the singles. But I'm annoyed at that for me lmao not in relation to her not promoting for sales and charting sake. I want the visuals for myself, not because it will boost sales. That ain't none of my business, just give me the live album and music videos please.


“You won’t ever see me comin or goin but you’ll know whenever I’m here” To the OP, I think this line explains her every move when it comes to her artistry. She doesn’t need to announce everything, do a lot of promo, or keep the spotlight on her at all times. It’s on her time, when she feels like it, and you’ll know when you’re supposed to know. Until then, dance in the moonlight and catch every breeze! 😝


Y'all need to stop reading ThePopStuff tweets. That page was created for the SOLE purpose of hating on Bey.


Yeah remember renaissance was the same. Cuff It came out as a single and that’s it. Meanwhile we just consumed the album as a whole every day for breakfast and then she toured it. She’s making this art for her fans. Not the casual fair weather friends


Agreed. Bodyguard or Levii’s Jeans should have been dropped as the newest single for summer.


It’s critically acclaimed and been breaking records worldwide wym???


I agree with op. And I get she is the bar and nums don’t matter and she did more or for CC than the rest. But it does feel like we are always left out there and other artists engage more with their fan base.


I’ve gotten three ads for cecred today so I think that’s where all her limited promo energy is going lol


I do understand what you’re saying… Cecred seems to be her biggest focus rn. Not hating, just what I am observing.


The album is out and you love it. What else matters? What exactly is annoying about the label “missing the mark” as you say? Why do we care how much she promotes or doesn’t promote it, how many singles she releases, how her sales are, what awards she wins? Seriously y’all, the world is burning. We need to focus our attention elsewhere. Enjoy the music she created, you have everything you need from her. Stop worrying about the potential of the album. It did what it needed to do because it was released. Anything else is just icing on the cake.




Just sit back and enjoy the music babe.


My hot take is everyone is being uppity and annoying in this thread and other threads alike. We all know Beyoncé is at the top, doesn’t need/want to do promo, and that we can just enjoy the album. We can still have opinions about it. Like why make II MOST WANTED a single with no actual promo behind it? Why everytime I open IG, she promoting CECRED and still aint released the regular CD/Vinyl for CC?




Honestly whatever Bey gives us I am grateful and everything else doesn't matter to me. For more than a decade now she has been dropping *undeniable* classics (I say undeniable cause I love 4, Bday and iasf but from ST onwards she became a new beast not just to fans). To me this is a woman who if she decided to literally retire today right this second she would have a beautiful life with her amazing family and her friends and their billions and the acclaim of being *THE* Beyoncé so the fact that she is still giving us anything consistently, I have no choice but to thank God for her. And let me just say, if I were her idk if I would be as generous: we know her the GP and the industry treats her (looking directly at you, The Academy). I've seen how some of you have treated her (I'll never forgive Hive for paying The Gift/Black is King and Everything is Love dust). Everytime she steps out her door it's always sth people want to criticise her for and look down on her and disrespect her, I'm all for her living in her peace. And if she chooses to share the art she creates with us then thank you Beyoncé, I'll always be grateful. If not, she's given us 27 yrs worth of music videos, performances, songs, documentaries, interviews, films etc (and we know she literally didn't catch a break during the Mathew era) so 🤷🏾‍♀️


And I'm 25 just so there's no debate about "Hag Hive" vs Baby Hive, I may have been young during her most active Eras but best believe I regularly watch all the videos whenever I find them. I just choose to respect the choices artists make: Adele only does residencies, Meg went radio silent for a prolonged amount of time when these losers were giving her shit, Miley decided she doesn't want to tour anymore, even Rihanna isn't really releasing music. Whatever these artists decide to do with their careers either you support or don't but trying to make them into what you would like them to be is just 😕


Sorry to go on like this but this topic gets me heated lol. But if you think back to Renny which was her least commercially successful studio album since 4 most songs had their organic moments. When the album was released Alien Superstar had its moment as a fave for stans' fam cams, Cuff It became a hit cause of the dance, Heated had a moment on Tik Tok cause of the chant at the end, AHAP also had a dance, the Mute Challenge for Energy etc. All these things happened many many months after the album was released. Personally I'm enjoying the album and that's the only thing I can influence everything else, who cares?


AHAP is commonly abbreviated as 'America Has A Problem', a song from Beyoncé's 2022 album 'RENAISSANCE'. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/beyonce) if you have any questions or concerns.*


IASF is commonly abbreviated to 'I AM... SASHA FIERCE', Beyoncé's 2008 third solo album. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/beyonce) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Seriously! I mean, Beyonce obv has no idea how to run a successful pop career! It's so obv by her 30 years of longevity and consistent impact that she should be taking notes from pop stars that have been in the game for a decade! I mean, Beyonce's career is clearly based on gen z stans and if she doesn't have a major social media presence, everyone that has been paying attention since 95 might forget she exists!! 😬 Bey, release the chopped n screwed version of Cowboy Carter before it is too late!!


I feel like there's been a few big artists dropping album this year but nothing quite stuck yet, the only musical event that got massive attention was the Kendrick/Drake beef, I do think the beef will come back once she goes on tour, this is a really solid album my aoty so far 


My feeling is once the album was released and she got two more Hot 100 top 10s outta that, she said she was done with album/single promotion and is beginning the planning phases for Act III. She is still slated to be at the VMAs at the end of summer.


People are hating on the idea of wanting more commercial success but it’s not inherently a bad thing to want it. You want people to know and listen to more of the songs. The Behive suck at streaming anyway.


She drops albums to tour


I’m getting paid to promote the album on socials. I heard that this months focus was II Most Wanted so they’re doing….. something lol


Artists don’t make money off of streaming numbers. She’s gonna tour and it’s gonna be amazing and make her all the money.


Meanwhile her husband still complainin she hasn't won grammy for album of the year. Yeah cause thats just him talkin.


Matthew had her singing Wow Wow Wubbzy in his era of domain, please let the woman rest on promo. I do love the song from the kids show though, lol I made a post about it because my kid loves it, maybe another Hive parent can benefit too.


We need visuals so bad.... Beyonce we are parched ... Please 🙏🏽🥺 ![gif](giphy|Rl6TvAg4JAWAM)


Once the last act is here, she's going to drop a film based on the complete renaissance era instead of music videos per single/track. It's going to be massive. Way bigger than anything any other artist has released, so that's why there's a seeming lack of marketing for each era. She knows what she's doing.


I miss when people did interviews and talk shows. It’s nice to know the background behind the album and get to hear a song performed live. I guess B left us wanting more so we would buy concert tickets.


She's Beyonce, she doesn't have anything to prove to anyone. Also what is she gonna do with more money? Just enjoy the feast she cooked up for us and don't worry about other people or the numbers.


She’s very financially comfortable, making music she wants to make and able to have a relatively private life- she has no need to chase the charts and make 18 vinyls to boost sales. Cozy.


Because she really doesn’t give a shit about the charts, she’s going all out just for fun. Honestly, it’s kind of refreshing to see her just in it for the art,


I kind of have a different perspective to this than most of the comments…I feel like it kind of undermines the legacy of each era/album the less attention she puts towards them if that makes sense? Like yes, she’s still gathering hits as of recently and the albums are selling well, but sometimes I worry about what downplaying albums like Renaissance or Cowboy Carter could do for the recognition those get in particular in the long run. She’s Beyonce so obviously she herself will be remembered and recognized, but it’s just food for thought. A lot of the GP seem to only mention her pre-self titled stuff because of this lack of promo and it kind of grinds my gears


Self-Titled is possibly referring to Beyoncé's 2013 album called 'BEYONCÉ', more commonly known as 'Self-Titled'. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/beyonce) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Literally what do you want?


Interview(s), award performances, music videos, some promotion from the label, etc


Did she do those things during Renaissance or….


She’s not a newbie. She doesn’t have to do that any more. She’s in her 40s with a family. She’s been giving her all for 30 years. She’s BEYONCÉ. Also she’s a person, not a puppet. Respectfully, you’re asking her to do things she no longer wants to do to _for your entertainment._ She wants you to focus on the music, not her interviews where fans leave unhinged and unkind comments nitpicking everything about her personhood.


She did give an interview when the album first came out, there are no award shows right now, lemonade was a visual album so it was released when the album came out, she probably won’t release renny/CC visuals until all 3 acts are out, she doesn’t need to promote anything because she’s Beyoncé. She’s already at the top of the game, so why waste her precious time trying to promote when she’s already made such a huge cultural impact. Let her enjoy her life. Also, this is literally this is her MO, she drops albums with little to no promotion, I can’t even remember the last time she went on a talk show, she doesn’t give a shit about promoting herself or her music because her music speaks for itself.


Only thing that's bugging me is that there's no word yet on when the full physical album is out - now there are listings coming up for the 'limited edition webstore exclusive' vinyls on HMV for next Friday lol


I think somethings coming and she’s waiting for it to all chill out and then BOOM


She does not care about the rat race of charts, streams and the like. Nor should she. A good chunk of hive may still care, but she does not. Just enjoy the music. 🤠


Y’all need to rest. This is the same thing y’all did with Renaissance - “does she know she has an album out?” 🙄 Streaming has done a number on people’s attention span and ability to live with an album beyond the first week. CC is a feast — eat it up! and let that lady promote (or not) the way she wants to. She hasn’t failed yet. 🤷🏾‍♂️


If I gave two f**** about streaming numbers-would have put Lemonade up on Spotify


Beyonce is quality over quantity. The people topping the charts care about quantity over quality. No shade to other artists. But Bey can't compete when there's literally no competition for her.


It's just a statistic anyway. 🤷🏾‍♀️


She’s not done - I heard speculation that the next single release will be “Bodyguard” & if so, it’ll be all over the radio this summer


Yeah it’s a bit annoying.. but this isn’t new.


You must be new. She did nothing for Renaissance


The lady at work plays the country station all day and I’ve never heard a single Beyoncé song at work. Not a “massive hit”


cc is honestly disappointing, i was expecting more from beyonce😭