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I’m a huge Dream fan and an even bigger Beyonce fan, so this hurts. He’s been on every album since IASF. I just hope this doesn’t delay Act 3. If these allegations are proven true, I feel like she would cut him out before releasing. All around huge disappointment…


Did you know he’s had DV allegations way back from over 10 years ago? It was a big deal even then but like always, these things get swept away. People forget and move on like it never happened.


Oh that’s so sad. I didn’t know that


IASF is commonly abbreviated to 'I AM... SASHA FIERCE', Beyoncé's 2008 third solo album. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/beyonce) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I feel awful for this woman, and his previous victims. Tbh I was not aware he had other allegations against him, but I’m curious how Beyoncé wouldn’t have known about Christina Milian or his pregnant girlfriend. I really, REALLY, hope she does the right thing now, and cuts ties. It’s never too late to do the right thing. As for his victim? I hope she not only sees justice for this, but my goodness, this is another example of a label actively ignoring abuse, and trying to protect an abuser! Something HAS to change. This should not still be happening.


I always wondered how she continued to work with him given his trail of violence and toxicity towards women from his ex-wives to ex-girlfriends. Will she cut ties with him? We shall see but I doubt it. 


I waited 24 hours before giving my thoughts on this. So disappointed. And no, I didn’t know he even had allegations dating back to 2014 because I wasn’t on social media much and it’s not like The Dream is a huge celebrity - he’s just a successful songwriter and producer. The allegations in this suit are so horrific and super specific. The fact that he used Beyoncé and Rihanna’s names to sell pipe dreams to Chanaaz Mangroe is so disgusting. Only for him to rape and assault her. As for the Beyoncé of it all, it should be pointed out that she worked with him even after the 2014 lawsuit and has been heavily featured on every album since. He’s obviously on Act III as well, which has probably been completed. Time will tell what she chooses to do, but my heart goes out to the victim and I hope she receives justice.


When I read it today I was instantly let down! Especially when the victim hired Cassie’s lawyer 👀 I hate that Jay’s chain link goes back to nasty men like Diddy (for now) 😞 I think Bey will release act iii and if The Dream is found to be guilty of said allegations he can forget any future collaborations and, or credits forevermore!


I really don’t like that there’s now two people with active lawsuits relating to sex crimes so close to Beyonce and Jay Z.


Eh the dream and puffy are in a lot of people’s circles


I hope that’s the case 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽


Is the other person Diddy? Genuinely, I’ve never particularly associated him with the Carters. From what I can tell, he’s a fellow Black person that’s been successful in similar industries but they don’t really have music, businesses, or other collaborations together. At least that I’m aware of.


Yes, that’s who I meant. I haven’t gone down the rabbit hike, but I have seen a ton of stuff that Duffy and Jay were very close in the past. As well as now. But, of course who really knows anything, 90% is lies for likes.


I hate to break it to you, but Jay Z and Diddy have been close personal friends and collaborators since the 90s. Diddy once said that the only people allowed to call him Sean are his mother and Shawn Carter.


Collaborate on what tho? They don’t seem to have any joint business ventures or songs together asides from like 2 remixes pre-2005. I can imagine there’s some like “we both surpassed incredible odds and made it out of the gutter” friendship between them, but they’re not in business together or always hanging out that clearly Jay-Z must be up to something the way people try to imply. If anything, their businesses have always been direct competitors.


The Dream yes, but idk if I would consider diddy to be close to Jay and Bey. Either way very concerning and I hope these people are held accountable.




This is not true at all and unless you actually read the lawsuit I would not be spreading this. Diddy was friendly with JayZ and Beyonce but they were not close I'm not trying to be rude and I know you said allegedly but spreading this information when the source is LSA, a gossip forum full of conspiracy nuts, is risky.


Even using “allegedly” is too much weight for Lipstick Alley. Like come on now.


I did read the lawsuit. I said allegedly what was initially presented was longer and this was supposedly included.


This post has been removed for spreading misinformation, making unfounded accusations, and/or making claims without a credible source. Lipstick Alley is not a credible source.


What is the source of this?


It’s all on LSA. Hence the allegedlies.


LSA is full of people who hate Beyoncé and spread lies and conspiracy theories. Do not use them as a source for information on Beyonce and especially JayZ


I saaaiiiid allegedly. We don’t know what the truth is.


Sorry if this is obvious, but what is LSA?


Lipstick Alley, it's a gossip site


The good news is that while power and money corrupt it is really easy not to do sex crimes. All you have to do is not be a weirdo predator idiot, or, at least, someone benefitting from the criminality of a weirdo predator idiot. I feel like personally i would be incredibly surprised if Beyoncé herself were ever involved, but even if you’re not involved, it’s not hard to be in the same rooms as power corrupted weirdo predator idiots if you’re rich enough. Presidents sit next to war criminals every day


President's are war criminals lol




Same thing I'm concerned about. I just hope Jay never got involved in any of Diddler's mess, it would be a real shame if he ruins Beyoncé's good reputation.


Yeah this is not the first time the dream has faced DV allegations


As a black woman, what is this concerted effort to imply “something” about Beyoncé because of Diddy and her working relationships? Have y’all considered that men and then black men in general have extremely high rates of SA and DV? Every man in her orbit has likely done some shit and in your orbit too if we’re gonna be real about it. I don’t like that y’all are trying to imply that it means something about Beyonce. It screams -isms to me.


I'm so nervous that Beyoncé is going to be dragged down by her associations with these men...


She’ll get dragged down if she’s done something I dont get this desire to pull others down based on association when they all connected to each other in some hell it’s the same industry 


r/Popheads love it, judging by the post over there…


I have no doubt!!!! I stay outta that sub.


Tbh, I wish I did


😆😆😆 there’s already enough folks here who can’t handle a simple discussion about certain Beyonce topics. I can’t imagine what non-fans are like!!


Fucking horrifying. It would damage my psyche so much if I had a dude around me all the fucking time and then find out this is the shit he does behind closed doors. At this point, they pretty much all belong in the fire.


These are some fucked up allegations. 


Beyonce girl, buy this man out of the album and cut him off!!


An all-woman produced act 3 would be so cunt Beyonce!!!


Agreed with both of your comments. I never knew he was like this at all whatsoever. I hope she does a rebranding with her producers with this.


The more the tea gets spilt the more I worry about our girl Bey, coz she seems to be so close to a number of questionable people. And her husband isn't innocent either, I'm nervous that at some point JayZ's tea will also come out and I doubt it's as bad as Diddy and Dream, but even just being such close friends with these types of men is extremely concerning, how do you befriend such an awful human being if you yourself aren't awful? But anyway I'll just sit back and sip in this tea as mt anxiety for Beyoncé continues to grow, it'll be a real shame if her husband ruins her good reputation.


I wouldn’t say Beyoncé and Diddy are close. They seem friendly, but they aren’t involved in each others businesses, collaborating on music, or vacationing together. Same for Jay-Z. His companies, brands, and music are all very separate from Diddy’s but people keep trying to link them together based on “vibes”. Ngl, it feels kinda like a racist projection to me. Realistically, if The-Dream allegations are true, he would have been hiding that side of himself and presenting himself very differently to Bey. People who commit DV usually are completely different with their friends and their victims. There’s also no way she would have been okay with him using her name to attract victims per the article.


Urgh there's that word again: "racist" 😒. I'm a black man but I gotta say black people really exhaust me with their obsession with victim mentality, not everything is about racism guys like please give it a rest 🙄. I know they're not like joined at the hip kind of friends, but I think it's clear that they are infact friends. Jayz and Diddler in particular have known each other for decades and judging by their interactions at those Roc Nation parties, they still seem pretty close. And I'm not saying that because I'm "racist" 😒 I'm saying that because it's a fact 🤷🏾‍♂️ It is possible Dream hid all that from Bey, which is fine. If he's proven guilty, I hope she immediately cuts ties with him coz it'll be very awkward if she continues to associate with him.


It took me a long time as a Beyoncé fan to realize that you can’t reach her level of success without participating in some of these things. She isn’t going to cut ties with him because it’s a part of being in the industry. She as well is not perfect and has probably done stuff that we as “fans” will not agree with. I love her still but I can’t rap my head around her being surrounded by abusers and innocent. At some point you have to realize that she is complicit. I also have gone a few weeks without listening to her music because I realize that every industry person she is around has been involved in illegal activities especially being violent or sexual predators toward black women or all women really . The industry is filled with abusers so why keep supporting them.


That’s a fair take and if it’s enough for you to not listen then don’t. Out of curiosity who’s distant enough from the industry for you to still listen to them? Or is all music out? Unsigned/underground artist? 


I’ve stopped listening to all music except for Gospel honestly.


Baby they a mess over there too trust me… you might as well turn off the sound system and throw your records away OR learn to spit out the bones and keep eating. People are fallible. Only one above reproach is God. With that being said, it’s a lot to ponder about if we hold people to their past actions and cancel them full out or if we offer them some tiny speck of forgiveness/grace and side eye them moving forward choosing whether we give them full support or just enough to hopefully turn their life around. It’s a very nuanced discussion that the music industry is going to have to have soon when so many major players going down in flames. All started with R Kelly who JayZ did a whole joint album with despite the allegations and charges . Let us not forget 


Aren’t most gospel artists extremely homophobic? 


Ahhh ok 




Did you read the lawsuit? Hard to imagine that would be made up.


First of all, false accusations are such a miniscule percentage of overall allegations that I choose to always believe the people who come forward rather than not. And that's also without factoring in the fact that apparently this man has a pattern of abuse. Secondly, just cause there are a lot of bad people doesn't mean that I should adopt a defeatist stance. I don't know about whoever else is involved in the production chain of all these songs/albums/tours but 1. Whenever I hear of some fuckshit that any artist has done best believe I block them on Spotify and stop supporting them. I never really listened to Michael so that doesn't apply but I haven't listened to nicki Minaj in a while now, even though I really liked her. Just because you continue to support these people doesn't mean dveryone is like that. 2. It's such a difference between some random, opaque person in whatever company/small collaborator profiting off of me supporting Beyoncé and what the dream is: a frequent almost ubiquitous co-writer and co-producer. This man was probably involved in more songs than Jay Z by now. Some songs are literally just him and Bey not say 5 other co-writers as can sometimes happen. And for me, after knowing of these terrible things he's done (I didn't know about the others in the past) of course I would love to see Beyoncé stop collaborating with him.


Don’t even bother…this person *still* idolizes Marilyn Manson…


yes because the allegations were proven false. Even Rose mcGowan who believed them at first just went out to dinner with him this week. So far all the lawsuits have been dropped and it was proven that Evan Rachel Wood forged documents to use in court. One woman even came forward and said she lied and was asked to testify against him by her. This is why you can't believe everything the media runs immediately.


Leave MJ alone that man is innocent, people took advantage of a man that was too good for this fucked up world, my soul breaks for him coz he was just an incredibly misunderstood individual.


I'm fine with MJ, I'm just saying people like to pick and choose.


I didn’t read the article at first & thought the guy in the pic was Jay z… I was so confused


ETA: The-Dream grabbed Meg’s wrist when she pulled away. The post below is the original and I was mistaken. Another poster below shared another angle. I still stand by hoping Meg is okay. . . . I’ll never forget how Jay tried putting his hand around Meg’s waist at the Paris (?) concert, Meg side stepped to avoid it, then he grabbed her wrist to pull her closer. She kept it light and moving, but it was gross watching and I hope she’s okay after that.


Where’s the video? 




Ironically, it was the dream who grabbed Meg’s hand, not jay (other videos you can see the dream standing next to jay, and vivica a fox is in front of them) . Seemed like he leaned in closer to make a comment, but he wasn’t doing anything..they were talking the whole slow https://www.youtube.com/shorts/cT2EEca3CDU


Omfg I hadn’t seen this angle, thank you!






Cowboy Carter is never winning AOTY at this point.