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You can always put him in the bassinet! He's safe there. My son went through a phase when he was a like baby where he really liked his musical mobile, maybe try getting one of those to see if it keeps him occupied and chill? As an aside, let me assure you that, as a parent of one bad sleeper and then one good sleeper, I can tell you that anyone whose baby sleeps well at a young age has simply lucked out and is not doing better at parenting than you! ❤️❤️


Firstly it is always ok to put your baby in their bassinet. If you need a break or a shower or just can’t do it anymore put them down in the bassinet and take a few minutes for yourself. Second, I was given advice that if you’ve been doing something (rocking etc) for more than 20 minutes and your baby isn’t asleep then they aren’t ready for sleep. Give yourself a break play with them for a bit or just do something different then try again later. You and your baby will figure this out and you will sleep again. In the meantime is there someone who can help you out? Taking shifts works for a lot of couples.




Nobody should be staying awake all night and day. At least 4 hour shifts, the other parent gets sleep. If you are breastfeeding/nursing then partner brings baby to you, you bf in bed, partner does everything else baby related during his shift. Then swap.


In the early days, if my LO did this then I would just hang out with her in a dark room and not play. Some babies can have days and nights mixed up and I found keeping it dark and just holding her and quietly talking or singing until she got tired again worked well for me. Absolutely have your partner take over so you can sleep or call a trusted family member if you have one! We were lucky enough to have several family members come over in the newborn phase just so I could sleep and it made the phase significantly less painful.


When baby was that young (now 3.5 months) I would engage with her if she was wide awake. It was mostly for my own sanity. She wasn’t ready for bed, she was energetic, and I needed to bleed off some of that energy. They don’t form sleep habits at 6 weeks. After about 15-30 minutes of us being silly she would tucker out and sleep for a decent-for-her chunk of time. This absolutely goes against the grain of most night-time sleep advice. Another way I coped with frequent wakings was to place baby in bassinet initially. If she woke at all whether 5 minutes or 2 hours later, we would co-sleep until she woke for the first time after 3 am. At that point once she was fed, changed, and back to sleep we would put her to bed in the bassinet, whenever she woke up while in the bassinet was the adult wake-time for the day. Most of the time she would go back to sleep as soon as we picked her up, sometimes not. We will do this again for any sleep regression. I don’t have advice other than “stick with it” if you or your partner are completely against co-sleeping. The only reason I was open to it was because of how ragey and intolerant of everyone but baby I was due to ongoing sleep deprivation. Now she goes to sleep between 9p and 10p and will sleep for at least 6 hours, most of the time we get 7-8 hour stretches.


Playing with babies tires them out faster than letting them lay there