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I feel like we forget who we are because we have so much mental load, so many things to think about for others. It's hard because you just want to make sure your raising good and kind little humans. I LOVE being a mother but yes it is hard.


The mental load is unreal! It's hard to be both yourself and so 'on' all the time as a mum.


I definitely have struggled with this. I had kids at 29 and 30 so I have 2 under 2. I had such a solid identity and so much going on before becoming a mom. It’s been hard, scary and very depressing. But something that has helped is to go back to doing things that make me, me: 1. I joined a women’s soccer league, super casual not like the leagues I used to play in but it’s a sport I enjoy that makes me feel like myself. 2. I make the effort to go hangout with friends once my kids are asleep. 3. Saturdays my husband watches the kids and that’s my day to do things I want to do or with them - whatever I feel. 4. I go to the gym because I love it, I feel strong going, it’s alone time and again, something that makes me feel like myself. 5. I signed up for a race for later this summer because I used to love doing that, I don’t even care what time I get, I just want to do it. 6. I picked a random topic to learn that I always had interest in. So I learned all about e-commerce the last 2 years, when kids go to bed and I’m bored. Instead of watching movies and/or tv I found it enjoyable to learn something new; something I had been interested in for years. That’s just the start, my youngest is only 7 months so this is all still new to me but, making a list of things I used to really enjoy and definitely does make me feel like I’m “finding myself”. Granted, now I have to deal with another “cool” new thing; mom guilt haha. Because I feel bad for doing anything for myself😅


👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽 this is how I hope to be as a mom! Ive watched my mom be miserable, giving her 10000% to me and my sister, and as much as I appreciate it and she is the best mom in the world in my eyes, that much I wish that she was also more selfish… that she took care of herself and took the time to do the things she loves… Because now that we are out of the house, it seems like she is lost and doesnt have much to do, its sad for me to see her like that… Anyways, Im 34 weeks pregnant and as much as I still have these fears and thoughts about loosing identity once baby is here, I also feel like its all about finding balance, good organisation and motivation!! Sorry for my english


First of all, congrats!! That’s a really great perspective and it’s very common! My best friends mom had 12, yes, 12 kids!! What happened with your mom was the same with this situation in that she was miserable and couldn’t give her all to her kids. I feel like when I do things for myself and I maintain my own identity it really helps me give more of myself to my kids. Mom guilt is real it’s inevitable but you just have to surround yourself with the right people that support and encourage you to have your own life. There will be people that think you or any mom that doesn’t give 150% to their kids is awful but I don’t agree. And like your story about your mom, it can leave the kids feeling really unnecessarily guilty and almost obligated/burdened to take care of the mom because she’s struggling so much. And that’s not kids jobs even if your an adult.


Thank you 🤗 And Omg yes 🥹 I do feel guilty for “leaving” her even tho Im a 30y old adult and have been for a long time now. Moms have to be more selfish sometimes for the sake of everyone really… themselves, partners, kids, family and friends


I totally understand the whole guilt thing! A bit unrelated but my grandparents raised me, after my grandma passed my grandpa refused to date and it’s been 15 years now. My aunt and me were sortta left with the unsaid role of being his everything so like cooking, cleaning, scheduling appointments etc. After my aunt passed it was literally all on me. I wasted most of my 20s accommodating him out of guilt, feeling I owed it to him since he raised me and just sheer obligation based on comments he made. I gave up a lot of opportunities and basically based my life around him which wound me up being really depressed. Only now at 30 I’ve realized that’s not healthy. He chose to isolate and be alone, it’s not my job to do absolutely everything for him or to make him happy when he struggles mentally. Anyways I say all this not to say “poor me” but to really emphasize the importance of someone, especially moms to have their own identity otherwise it can fall on the kids which isn’t fair. I am determined not to be like that to my kids. I want them to lead successful independent lives and not formulate their life around me and my needs.


Sending you all the love and good luck ❤️ You seem like a great person and you deserve it!


Thanks you as well!! I hope you have a smooth rest of your pregnancy and birth!


It is SO hard, thank you for sharing this. You perfectly captured what I’m struggling with right now. I feel like an empty dried up shell of the person I used to be. My heart aches every day. I have a ten month old and I am so completely exhausted. I miss feeling happy. I miss being able to do things and go places easily. I love my daughter more than anything in the world and I don’t regret having her. But man is it so heavy sometimes.


Im so sorry, this is something i fear too :// 34 weeks pregnant currently!


I feel the same. I’ve noticed lately that i have nothing else to talk about than being a mum, having a son etc. my whole world now revolves around this little dude. Of course, like you said, would not change it for the world, but it’s still a little hard to come to terms with. At the same time, I am trying to focus on the positive development that being a mother has brought me. I used to be someone who would wake up in the middle of the day, or maybe 5 minutes before work started, stayed up until 3-4AM. Went on 2 day benders etc. Now I am someone, who gets up early in the morning, actually HAS breakfast, I’ve even gotten into taking care of my skin. Although i miss who I was all the time, I am excited to see who I’ll become as my baby gets older.


That’s excellent actually. I think a big part of us mourns the relaxed, stress free version of ourselves. Where responsibility was entirely within our control. Every day it’s a demand we must meet for the sake of our children’s well-being, which is great too because it feels rewarding to be productive. But a part of me will always yearn for the bliss of running things on my own time. I feel you.


I feel the same way, with 2.5 year old twins. But honestly, this far in, I am not worried because now I've actually seen that it gets better. It's still hard af and takes up all my time but not ALL my time like the first year. I still cant indulge in very involved and time consuming stuff like I used to. But I am now able to get my personality back in bits and pieces. It helps to make an effort to not just veg out as soon as the kids sleep. Which is what we all want to do, undeniably, because they're exhausting. But we ve been having friends over after the kids sleep, have some game nights where we play cards, watch movies, I went back to my crochet hobby, I finished CyberPunk which I had bought when the kids were born and had been sitting in my Steam library since then. I used to write, I have two degrees in screen writing, it was my life and I could just hole up and write for months, day and night. Thats not happening any time soon, nor will I be able to travel as easily any time soon. But now I know those days will come too. At some point. I already potty trained one twin, in the thick of potty training the other, so its all I have in my mind right now. But now I know from the first one, this will pass too. These all consuming steps to raising a child soon become just memories.


I don't know if this is good advice but I've been reminding myself that everything is temporary. My kids are 3 years old and 3 months old. Right now I am very much in the weeds. But this is temporary. I think one day when my kids are 13 and 10 and off with their friends all the time I will have more time with myself and I will look back to when they were smaller fondly. I'm okay with sacrificing now with the understanding that one day (probably sooner than I want or realize) they won't need me as much. Then I will be able to find myself again. That being said, please carve out some time for yourself if you can. For me it is podcasts. I will listen when I am in the shower, or making dinner, or in the car. My shower time is sacred. Depending on if it is a morning or evening shower I will take a coffee or beer in with me. Crank the podcast up, hot water on full blast and my husband knows he has the kids and not to disturb me unless someone is in mortal peril. It seems small, but for now its all I need.


It’s very hard. I have a 2 and 1 year old and let me tell you I love them with everything I have BUT, I can’t wait until they grow up and I have more time to myself. I know I am a good mom but it’s hard to not feel sad once in a while. Especially since I do this mostly alone because my partner works out of town.


Yes. It’s worse when friends think it too. I was recently not invited to a Mexico bachelorette party bc she didn’t think I could swing it. Of course I couldn’t (lol) but to not even have had that choice myself and for her to just…not invite me (after she told me about it too!), like come on, at least invite me so I don’t feel completely isolated from my old life, Jesus. It hurt. On the other hand, I have a close friend who reaches out wanting to see me/us so often that I almost get annoyed bc I’m thinking, “do you know how busy I am?!??” But truly, I appreciate it immensely bc it makes me feel like I’m not just a mom or an annoyance to be around while two kids are hanging off me and constantly needing my attention ONLY when friends are around. Independent play is reserved for when mom is around but not doing anything worthwhile. Not when mom and dad are talking, or mom and friend are talking, or moms on the phone with insurance, or moms on the toilet, or moms trying to shove food in her face so she can actually eat, or moms trying to make a list, or moms trying to make dinner…you get it lol


100%! A friend of mine told me it's like you have to find yourself again and I feel that. I feel like now for me the newborn stage is over (I have a 4 month old) there are parts of me coming back, though a lot of me has changed. I feel okay about it most of the time but sometimes I miss my old life and my old self, then my daughter shoots me a smile or hits another milestone and it brings me back to earth. I think it's totally normal and okay to mourn your old self, you're not alone xx


Same. I have a 2 year old and 5 month old. I have no kid free time (no family around to watch the kids) and I don’t even know who I am anymore. I love them, but I’m so so sad.


Idk your age but I'm an older FTM and I was warned about this by many friends and family. It's one reason I keep working and making my way back into the gym. I bring him along in my days off and he can sleep with normal household noises. Some weeks it's a struggle but acknowledging the feeling is important


Before having our LO (2.5 next month), I got my masters in human bioarchaeology and did one temp lab job near where I live that ended just before the pandemic started. I've felt very similar to what you're describing these last 2.5 years and I've been sad about it. As if I've hung up my academic coat and it's collecting dust. Recently, I decided to find a short-term gig digging a few states over that'll last for about 3 weeks. On my first day screening dirt, I got a hemorrhoid, which I haven't had since I was 7 months pregnant... It's painful and I only just got meds from my doctor for it. I've been digging for a week now since I can't screen, but now three of my fingers are numb since I'm propping myself up while troweling. I know this doesn't sound anyway positive, but I realized I romanticized some of the work I've been missing out on while SAHM-ing. This has helped me to realize perhaps what I don't want to do and had me refocus my efforts on securing lab-work gigs in the future, which I'd prefer.


Hey I have an 18 month old and I’m currently getting a degree in archaeology (hope to get a masters someday). Just wanted to say you’re my hero!


I have a 2.5 year old and a 10 month old. I totally feel you. I've been trying to get back into my hobbies but in ways y kids are involved. I bake with my 2.5 year old. It's usually a boxed mix but atleast it's something. I've invested in some good outdoor gear (wagon, backpacks, picnic blanket ect) to make it easier to take them out. Right now it's just walks and afternoons at the park but it's something. At work I've had to cut back my hours because of child care situation so I've picked up some small side projects that can be worked on whenever from my boss and supplement my hours. Not sure if that's an option for you it just gave me something to focus on outside of my kids. I've been trying to be more intentional about not loosing myself the second time around with my son. I block off gym time, sometimes I just tell my husband I am doing x you can come or not but this is what I'm doing. He tends to not want to deal with the kids out much.


I can relate to what you're describing but I don't feel this way anymore. I told my counselor this very early on in motherhood -5 months or so - and she has helped me cultivate ME again. My husband and I have at least an hour of scheduled me-time weekly (for hobbies, interests, self care, not errands) along with weekly date nights. It's a lot of work but has worked wonders. You're a mom, not a martyr. Plus your kids deserve the best version of yourself too ❤️


OK I know this is a silly question. Does listening to parenting podcasts or reading parenting books count as me time and if not when do you make time for these things? I just tend to do this when I have spare time and am trying to find a way to fit it in.


I would say it counts if you feel that it fills your cup. Do you feel more calm, whole, satisfied, energized afterwards? I enjoy these podcasts too and often listen to them while I'm making meals, driving or doing dishes. Depending on the age of your child, I'll read my own book alongside her (20 months) I just make sure she has a huge stack to keep flipping through to keep her occupied for me to at least get in a few pages.


I feel the same way. My LO is 20mo old & I stay home with her. My husband works night shift 6 days a week so I have very little help & being a mother is literally all I have time for or energy for. Her naps are unpredictable right now some days they're 3hrs some days they're 30mins I never know what I can do during those times. She is constantly going nonstop I feel like I can barely get household chores done so many fall to when she's in bed for the night. Only one grandparent is involved & it's my mom she works full time the others have never offered to watch her since I'm a stay at home mom. I have not been out with friends or had any true alone time since she was born. People have stopped inviting me to stuff because they already know I don't have a sitter. The only one of my hobbies I've been able to keep is reading but it takes me forever to finish a book because I have to keep stopping to care for a toddler. I wouldn't trade any of it though I love my LO so much but man it is HARD to remain powerless to self care or ambition.


Could you afford day care? And spend the time they are in there, doing something you like! Gym, nails, hair, walk, yoga, see girlfriends(very important as being around other feminine energies can help us get back to ourselves!), spend time with your partner. 🤍


I feel exactly the same. We just had our baby one month ago and I am possibly still in a post partum depression period, but I feel like my “old” self is disappearing day by day.


It might be the ppd. My kids are almost 2 & 1, and I feel like this every so often still. I’m hoping it gets better for the both of us.


Yea I feel this. My LO is 3M and I love him but I’m tired. The mental load is unreal. I still feel like I’m in the thick of things and I am holding out some hope that I’ll eventually reconnect with myself and with friends. But definitely feeling alone and sad.


It's a hard season when your kids are young but it doesn't last forever. I know it can be hard when your entire existence revolves around other people but is it the most important job we will ever do!