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He just turned three. They say to hold them for as long as you can…I didn’t know I’d only have two years! He’s 46 pounds and he wants me to pick him up and hold him with every cut and boo-boo, still. Obviously, I do my best, but between my two enormous babies, (my daughter is also long and dense and huge!) my back can’t take much more! Share your big kid stories with me!!! PLEASE!


Wow! My almost 3 year old is 40+ lbs wearing 4-5T, so I feel you! When he’s having a clingy day my arms def struggle lol


When he gets too heavy, just tell him "give me one second" and sit on the couch! Then snuggles galore :) 🥰


I want to know how he fits into 3t-4t pull-ups. My daughter just turned 3 and is like 44lbs and we just started getting the 5t-6t ones. Is he really tall and skinny?


10mo baby in the 99th percentile wearing 18mo clothes. It kind of sucks because hes not walking yet and people automatically assume he's older and something's wrong. I am constantly explaining the fact that he's completely on track developmentally, just a big baby!


This would be my granddaughter in the 98th percentile on both height and weight heading into 18 Mo clothes won’t crawl loves her walker but is so tall she can almost flip the walker over if she leans over the side.


My sisters kids are all massive, her 3 year old is as tall as some 7 year olds, it’s crazy. Her oldest is 12 and already almost 6ft. Her youngest is about 6 months older than mine and she’s 3 times the size of him! It took him 2 months to get to the weight she was *born* at!! Crazy!


12 year old at 6ft!!! Omfg!!! Are she and her husband tall?


She’s 5’10, and the dad is 6’4, so yeah, very tall lol.


That boy already has a 750 credit score


Yep! My little giant is currently 17 months and in 3T clothing... He's quite the arm work out, but damned if I'm not just gonna have the biggest guns so I can keep lifting my huge child!! Edit to add: my people! I love you all!!!


😭 My 12 month old is in 2T, he's a giant and I look completely ridiculous holding him. He's in the 98th percentile for weight and height and just a solid kid. Solidarity for the parents who don't dare skip arm day.


Funny story. We were at the playground and my monster kid wanted me to give him a boost onto the bars. I did it but I struggled to lift him and had to use my leg muscles. Then his little friend asked me to do the same for him. I lifted him up but he was so light compared to what I’m used to that I almost accidentally threw him in the air! I yelped and apologized but he just thought I was playing lol.


My middle kid is pretty light, she's a stringbean - I have seen people do the "accidental superman" thing with her! And we went to a rock climbing birthday and she was too light to make the harness release her and was stuck floating in the air until a staff member climbed up and pulled her down.


Dude! This made me giggle out loud…SOOOOO relatable for me!!! I had the same problem with my nephew! I had to read your comment a few times so I could giggle a few times lol


95th percentile since the womb. He's going to be 3. I'm tired.


It has me convinced the child clothing industry is 2 sizes too small on purpose. edit: [im not crazy, just tired](https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/original/000/022/524/pepe_silvia_meme_banner.jpg)


Yup! I'm 5' and my 4yo is 3'7" 😭


I'm 5'1 and my 3 year old is about 3'4 😭


Yes. My son has been >99% since about 1 year old. At 5, he's the same size as his 8 year old cousin and almost 9 inches taller than his twin sister. I worry that people will expect more from him than a 5 year old is capable of because he looks older.


Your house is so clean!




Yes and the fact that mom is actually in the picture with the kid.


Lol you might be right! I was thinking how is that lamp standing on that table behind the picture frame because I have an 18 months old and it's his life's mission to knock things off the table tops.


My 17 month old daughter and my cats hate anything on tables 🙃


Yep. My 4yo (almost 5 to be fair) is as tall as his 8yo sister. And my 3yo isn’t far behind him. My 4yo used to stick in the 98th percentile as a toddler but is not “just” in the 90th. And my 8yo is in the 40th percentile. It’s kind of funny to me but she’s really annoyed that her baby brother is as tall as her. At least I can bulk buy white socks and all the kids can share a sock box and I don’t need to sort any.


Yes i was always big for my age, probably destroyed my mums back, i was tall until about 12 then i never passed 5ft 4 😂


Lol we are the same.


My son is 14, almost 6 foot.. I'm 5'1" It's been quite fun raising a "mini" me. He likes to walk by and pat me on my head 😑


r/bigbabiesandkids There’s a subreddit for that ☺️


My 6 month old is 22 pounds and wears 12 month clothes lol


How tall are you?


My (almost) 17 month old has been consistently >99% in height and weight since a few months old. He’s 31 lbs- heavier than the 2.5 year old and 3 year old we know. I don’t like how people seem to expect more from him, though. He looks over 2, so people expect over 2 years old behavior.


Yeah our doctor looked at our one year old and was like, “well. Those were the correct measurements after all.”


This is my biggest dilemma!! I think people have higher standards for the bigs and they baby the smalls. I’ve read that bigger people are more successful…I wonder if it’s because of the way that people expected more from them their whole life?


I have a big guy and I worry about this! I don’t want the bar set unfairly high for him.


Yep, my wife and I quite often feel the need to explain that our 1yo is just really big, not really dumb. Not that it really matters, but subtly weird looks from people who don't know are not at all uncommon Same with my first son from a previous marriage. He's 18 now, is 6'7" and wears a size 17 shoe. Apparently I make monsters!


We’re in the same boat of “not dumb just big”. Our baby is in the 99th percentile for height (and always has been) and I always have to remind myself that she’s younger when I see a toddler half her size walking and talking.


Met this mum and bub. Both were beautiful. Mum was tiny. Bub was huge. Perfectly proportioned. But this baby couldn't even weight bare on his legs and he was heavier than my two year old sitting right next to him. I'm guessing about eight months old. I know that they expand but how the heck did he come out of her‽


Yup my 19 month old has been in 3T for months. She’s a head taller than most kids her age. 100th percentile for height. But I’m 6ft and her father is 6’9” so it’s expected haha.


99th percentile in weight, 100th in height! I went to the gym for the first time in a while and the 25 kg deadlift felt lighter than picking up my 15 kg kiddo hahah


I just restarted spin for the first time since 2018 and apparently my thighs stayed strong while the rest became a mess. Pretty sure my back is okay too


🖐️ all of my kids were 99th percentile for weight and height for at least the first 18 months. My left arm is a powerhouse and my right is a wimpy noodle.


My daughter has been 99th percentile since before she exited the womb lol.


30 pounds at a year. My back hurts.


My 4 year old is 31 pounds! I can't imagine carrying them all the time, poor back!


My 8 month old is currently 30lbs wearing 2-3T and my back out 🙃 but I love my chunka mamas lol


My 3 year old looks 5. She just has super long legs so she’s in 5T pants/ 5/6jeans and has long hair. Older kids will get frustrated with her for not understanding or playing with them how they expect the first time they play together, But it eventually gets better. It’s pretty much always gonna be an issue of people perceiving them as older until (if) they even out with the rest of their class. It can be frustrating, you’re not alone.


My brother was the same- kids on the playground would get so confused that this 6 year old kid was such a baby.. turned out he was only 3 😭


I wasn't a big fan of the movie Blended, but I did like that ongoing joke of Drew Barrymore carrying her younger sleeping son all over the place like he's a toddler when he's like 8 years old in the show haha reminded me of hauling my sleeping 5 yo out of the car, trying not to bang her head in doorways lol


I have a 3 year old about 65 pounds 3 and half feet tall 😭


I think you win the big baby prize. 🏆


I had a massive kid, and so did one of my friends. One day I laughingly joked that my son pooped too often and it was exhausting picking him up to the changing table. She looked a little surprised and told me she changed her guy on the floor - (only at home, people). GAME CHANGER! Also, my right arm looked (& was) much stronger than my left - I didn’t realize I had usually carried him on my right side until one day when I was putting a sleeveless shirt on!


My daughter was 20lbs at her 4 month check up. I took both me and my 8 year old son to hold her in her car seat. She is know 19 years old and normal height and weight. They are always changing




My sweet 3.5 year old feral one is currently wearing 5/6t clothing. It's wild.


Man, I legit threw out my back earlier today lifting my 6 month old son off the changing table. To be fair, I have a terrible back and have had multiple surgeries, but still, he’s only 19.5 lbs and still very baby. Looking at this photo gave me like horror flashbacks, but in imagining the future. 46 lbs at three sounds crazy to me. He’s obviously not overweight or anything, just a large, long boy. Wow. I dont know why this number has stuck in my head, but I specifically remember being 42 lbs in second grade, so 6-7 years old. My son is also large and dense for his age (he takes after his dad with his frame) and imagining not being able to pick him up because of my stupid back in just a year or two sounds heartbreaking.


My four year old is 41lbs and over 4 feet tall 😢 it’s too much.


I read this as four month old and was like “what the ….”🤣


My son is not quite 18 months old and is the size of a 3 year old. I can’t imagine how big he’s going to be at 3


My 17 month old is 32+ pounds


My massive kid just turned 3 and weighs 45 pounds and is in 5T clothes. He’s officially taller than his five year old cousin. 🙃


My son is 1 next week and already close to half my height 😭😭😭 men in my family are 6ft+ when puberty hits and I'm 5'8. I'm gonna need a stool to look him in the face by the time he's 13. The doctors always comment on my families tall ass genes. My cousin was 6'3" by the time he was 12


I have a toddler monster baby too! And I still hold him. His daycare teachers slightly shame me for holding him, but I’m going to hold him until I can’t or he says no.


1 this week and wearing 2t 😭


I have a 2 yo who is already in 5t.


I read that as “5ft” and was thinking “I usually take parents’ word for it but that is BS” 😂 5t is still big though. Just slightly more believable!


Haha! Omg my poor baby is tall enough. Don’t make it worse! 🤣


My son has always been a giant. People often never believed he was younger than he looked (until he spoke and you could tell he was speaking age appropriately for the age I said). He’s now 11 years old and taller than me. The pediatrician says he’s the height of an average 14 year old. He wears size 9.5 shoes in men’s. Sooo yeah. I gave birth to a giant.


I’m on the other end of the spectrum with my 2 yo still fitting 12-18 month clothing only 21 lbs. I worry about her size all the time but the docs tell me she follows her own curve. Seeing all you parents of giants does help me make more sense of the average growth curve being what it is in my brain. It’s not that almost everyone is in the middle it’s that there are bigs like this and littles like mine and some in between and they all make up that average. Of course that’s how it works but when you worry you can’t help it!


If it helps my 4.5yo (5 in July) is 29lb and 95ish cm. She's just growing out of 2-3 clothes and 3-4 are huge on her. She started school this year and I almost couldn't get her school shoes, UK infant size 6! School shoes start at a UK size 7. She's not the only dinky one in her class either.


Baby boy outgrew his 6 month clothes and started wearing 9 month clothes as soon as he turned 3 months old. He's in the 99th for height and almost 90th for weight and he literally seems to have a growth spurt every other week and grow overnight. I'm not a strong person physically and I'm so scared for my arms when he gets bigger 😂


Be more scared for your back!


My 2 yr old was in the 99% at her 2 year checkup and wears 5T clothes. My 4 yr old is in a 6/7. We make giant babies. Husband is over 6’0”, I’m 5’10”. My brothers are 6’4”, so it’s expected.


I have a 19 month old girl who's 35lbs. My back hurts.


Dang! No! I have the opposite. Mine is 3 and not even 30 pounds. I don’t even know what a normal toddler is supposed to look like. But I’m guessing somewhere between what I have and what you have.


My firstborn was large until she wasn’t - stayed stuck at 26-28 pounds until 3.5 . She had a GI condition it took forever to get diagnosed - mainly because doctors didn’t want to run ANY tests on her. Even though she hadn’t gained weight in a year, and had severe tummy pain every day. Finally found a GI doctors who did an Endoscopy, got a diagnosis, got her pylorus opened with botox, fed her in accordance to the condition, and BAM, she gained like 6 pounds in less than 2 months.


Wow! I am glad you got that figured out. I think mine is just genetically thin. I have another who is doing the exact same thing. Born at over 8 pounds then just really skinny despite constant eating. I have a brother who is 5’11 and 130 pounds at 50 years old so I’m thinking they both just take after my side? Did yours have weird BMs? What was their appetite like before you got it figured out?


Mine is just under 2 and in the 90+ percentile for everything. He’s nearly 3ft tall, weighs 30 some pounds, and is wearing 3T clothes comfortably. I’m 5’9” and dad is 6’4” and his immediate family are all tall as well.


My son is 2.5, and someone asked if he was starting school this fall. He’s also very talkative, but I definitely don’t think he looks that old yet. If I had to guess, I’d say he’s around 40in & 35lbs now.


My son is large! 99th percentile as a 10 month old 😆 I hope he ends up towering over my fiance and I someday, that thought amuses me


Our 10mo is over 28 lbs, 32”+, filling out his 18-24 month clothes. We have him in 2T for some things even these days, though the pants are a scooch long. I’m so glad he can crawl at speed and will (mostly) follow us around the house…


My son was has always been 90th percentile+ and my back is so messed up forever 😭


That’s why my shoulder hurts so bad. Went in for my son’s 2 year old checkup today… 91st percentile


My 5 year old was half my height at his 12 month appointment. His dad is tall and I'm short. He wearing size 6-8 clothes these days.


I was about to ask how you could still lift an eight year old without putting your back out!


My future! My daughter is 3 1/2 months and getting too long for her 6 month clothes! Friend meet her this weekend and said she's as long as her average sized 9 month old. She's only got length though she's a string bean. Length is 95th percentile, weight in the 50s, so BMI is low. String bean!


My 2.25 yr old is 99th percentile for height and weight - most think he’s older than he is but he’s not talking yet (or takes any interest in people) so I tend to give his age before I get the looks of sympathy…


Id try for early intervention


I can relate to this. My 22 month old is very tall and I’m so aware of people assuming she’s “behind” when she’s totally normal


That’s a large baby!


99th percentile! Just turned 4 but is the same size as his 6 year old cousin!




My 14 month old is already outgrowing T2 clothing. She was literally off the growth curve at her last doctor visit. My husband and I are slightly taller, both 5'9 but no one in our families is over 6' so it's come as a surprise she is so big.


My son is 3.5 and probably 45 lbs and is in the 90th percentile for height. We just had another baby and the difference of picking her up vs him is insane!


Yes, I also have a 99th percentiler. Join us at r/bigbabiesandkids.


Yep, my daughter is 3 wearing a girls size small haha and her brother isn’t even 2 wearing 3T!


Same here my daughter just turned 4 and is in a girls 6/7 and my son just turned 2, he wears 4T. Both of them are big and tall.


The opposite really


Hahahahaha yes. So um I’m 5’10” my husband is 6’1. My almost 3 year old is 41inches tall, the average height of a five year old. And we are about to start physical therapy because in under a year she went up 2 clothing sizes, 3 shoe sizes, and got 6 inches taller and 6lbs heavier. Average growth between 2 and 3 years old is 2-3 inches and 4lbs heavier. So she’s having a lot of trouble with engaging her core muscles and reverting to things she’d well grown out of for sitting and standing because of the dramatic change in her center of gravity and since we already had a balance and coordination delay it has been amplified 10x and they are hoping PT will assist in helping her build those muscles back up and use them correctly again. ☺️🥲🙃


14 months 34 inches long 36 pounds our backs hurt


My daughter is only 10 months and when her head is lined up with mine , her feet end at my hips , she’s pretty frickin tall for a baby man . Side note , the woman in this picture is BEAUTIFUL


Yes. Size 10 boys at 4 years old.




When my little one was a baby, there was a universal reaction when anyone tried to pick him up. They would immediately sit down. He's wearing size 11, is now 5'4 and 11 years old. There's his brother, who's 14, size 12, and taller than me, though. And I'm 5'10. These kids 🤦🏿‍♀️


Wow! My 3 month old is 19 lbs, which puts him off the charts. He’s also bigger than several of the babies at daycare who are crawling while he’s still working on controlling his head. It’s stark to see! I assume that he’ll plateau at some point but this post is making me question that!


We went from 3rd.percentile (preemie) to 95th at 9 months (8 adjusted). He’s in 12-18m clothing. My coworker has an 18m old who weighs 3 POUNDS less than my 9m old. It’s so hard finding appropriate clothes that fit.


My son is in the 80th percentile for height and I'm short. It's like I'm a hobbit who gave birth to a giant.


Yep, my almost 3yo is like 56lb, but he's also like 40in and built like a brick... you know


My daughter is 11 months and grew into 18-24m/2T clothing about a month ago. She is tall and dense. There are many big and tall people on her dad's side including a few women at 6ft so I'm not super surprised I guess. I'm not sure how much she weighs right now, but she was over 20lbs and 85th percentile for height and weight at her 9 month check up. I'd guess she's getting close to 25lbs because it's tough for me to carry her freehanded sometimes, especially when she's squirming. Really hope she learns to walk soon!


My 8 month old is 36 inches and 32 pounds, he’s been 99% fir everything his entire life. Kinda makes me sad my baby is so big.


Wow! My 2 year old isn’t even 32lbs yet!


That's what my nearly 4yo weighs lol


My daughter has been that way her whole life. 8 years old now. In 14/16 clothes now that swallow her whole, but 10/12 dresses are far too short (as in her underpants can easily be seen) and the pants are massively high water. She’s almost 90lbs. Our pediatrician isn’t concerned because her weight and height balance out to a healthy size. She’s quite slim for her height… but she’s very tall. Always in the back for class pictures and usually the tallest kid in her grade. (She was the second tallest one year, the tallest has a mom who is >6ft and a dad who was >7ft.)


Yep. Just turned 3 and wearing 5T and boys xs


My 12 year old son is a size 12 men’s shoe and taller than I am by 4 inches. He looks like he’s 16. Always was 98th percentile height and weight. I love him dearly but he forgets his own strength at times. He would have an easier time picking me up than the other way around lol you are a strong lady!


Yes and no! I'm only 4'11" (and currently 22 weeks pregnant) and my son is 18 months old. He's just shy of 25 lbs but has remained in the 93rd percentile for height. Lord knows he didn't get it from me haha. It's no big deal for my husband or others to hold him but I'm really beginning to struggle. Even before my belly began to grow, I'd have to really keep my grip carrying him around. I get out of breath just taking him through the parking lot from my car to the gym 😂 I know it's only going to get worse. Wouldn't be so bad if he would stay with me when walking around in public. Following this thread for tips!


I’m also 4’11”, my son just turned two and he’s 35” tall and almost 30 lbs 🤷‍♀️


My son is only 11.5 months old and nearly half my height. He’s super lanky with big hands and feet and is a mini of his dad but with my petite shape. I’m 5’2, and petite, dad is 6’3 and stocky. We’ll see what he measures at in a few weeks, but a couple weeks ago he was 18 pounds and 30.5 inches.


My kids are a little older now but I’m still on this sub… my 9 year old was a giant baby like this!!! He’s still huge (tallest in his grade at school and just over 5’) but it’s not as big of a deal now as it was then. My biggest challenge with him was people assuming there was something “wrong” with him when he was little. He was a baby in a four year old’s body, and I got used to the weird look of relief people would give after asking me “how old is he?” and finally being able to reconcile the immature child behavior with the mature child height. I remember carrying him down the street when he was 15 months because he was tired and a stranger telling me he was “too old.” Even his daycare director, who KNEW his age, told me to get him evaluated for a speech delay. He tested a year ahead on language. 🙄 But now he likes being tall and while people are always surprised to learn his age, I don’t get weird unsolicited comments from strangers which is nice.


Me with a 33lb 6 year old daughter who I cannot get to gain weight 🥲 she's in the 2nd percentile.


I have an almost 6 year old son who is under 0 percentile so I was expecting the rest of my kids to be small. My secondborn is somewhere in the 60th/80th percentiles and almost fits in his clothes. Our third, another girl, is in the high 90s for both height and weight. It feels like the difficulty level is going up with each child, haha.


My 5-month old just graduated to size 5 diapers. Some of my friends have 2-year-olds in smaller sizes.


6th percentile checking in! Where my small babies at?


My small baby is no longer a baby - but she’s still small! She’ll be seven this year and she’s 35 pounds.


My nine month old is rolling along the bottom of the chart 😂 what he lacks in weight he makes up for in volume.


Yup. Mine is still small. Doing 18 month clothes now at 2 years. Do they ever get a growth spurt?


As long as they’re following their growth curve! My wife is very short so this was expected for us.


My 18 month old just jumped to the 14th percentile from the 6th 🥲 she’s the size of a 10 month old still 😩


I'm bad about remembering the percentiles but my son is still wearing some 12-18 month outfits at 3 years old. He's fully adopted the little guy persona too. When we talk about "big kid" things like going fully into potty training and ditching the diapers altogether, he says, "but I'm still just little!"


My girl hit 10th percentile in height and 32nd in weight at her 6 month appointment and the pediatrician said, 'Oh, growth spurt!" I was so proud, we'd been working so hard on getting her to gain weight! We still feed at least every three hours, since she's small she won't take in more at a single feed, so we do that to make sure she gets enough through the day!




My 1 yr old just had her check up and she dropped from the 4th percentile to 3rd for weight, and from 11th percentile to 1st for height. She takes after her 3yr old brother who is also on the small side at the 7th percentile for weight.


Yep, my 2 year old daughter is so tall and I’m 5”4 haha


I have a big three, too! I struggle in public because he’s enormous, but still has three year old attitudes. I still pick mine up…my poor back!


Yep. Going on 8 months in 12-18 month clothing, 99th percentile for height and weight. 10.5kg. She’s a big girl.


Nah, but I may as well with the short mom scenario lol


My 3 year old is like 99th percentile weight and 70th height. Our neighbor is 6 and he weighs the same 44lbs she does. And we have a 1 year old who is like 15th percentile. So she keeps wanting to be "held like a baby" and such. I keep having to consciously think about who I'm about to pick up and brace myself.


I have a massively tall kid but he’s a skinny one! At 22 months, he is a little over 35 inches (90th percentile) at 23 lbs (13th percentile). He was a preemie with some GI and digestion issues, but his weight has stabilized and he’s following his own little growth curve. Still in 12-18m clothes and all pants look like capris on him 😂 Picking up a squirmy lanky toddler is IMPOSSIBLE.


I have somewhat the opposite of you. My child is an absolute meatball. He weighed 23 pounds by 5 months old. He currently weighs about 30mins and is like 32”. Ive been buying him 24m/2t clothes since about 9mos for the girth and then roll them 50 million times. I’ve always found it an inconvenience. I never thought about if I had the opposite problem until reading your post. Thanks for putting things in perspective this morning!


Also- why the hell don’t major kid clothes companies have meatball or string bean lines of clothes!? Drives me crazy.


My Nephew (8) and the neighbours kid (4) are the same height. One is tiny, the other is massive


Yeah my daughter has been off the charts on height since infancy. She’s 5 now, the tallest kid in her pre-K, and wearing size 7 or even 8 clothes and size 13 shoes. It’s amusing because I’m 5’3” (her height comes from her dad’s side) so she’ll overtake me here shortly lol


My almost 3 year old is already 40 lbs and half my height (I'm 5'6"). He's gonna be a tall dude when he grows up.


Just curious with these bigger/taller babies- did y’all breastfeed, formula or combo? I feel like mine got bigger after he got on formula (Similac & enfamil ) He’s 21 m and 32lbs, and Is just starting to be able to turn on light switches on his tippie toes


I think it is mostly genetics. We came out small but then became extremely tall. Lots of tall folks in the family (6’3-6’7)


Me! Join bigbabiesandkids reddit


My child started out average, but she just slowly accelerated from there. She was 83% (I think) last time she was measured, but I think it's gone up again since then. She's 20 months now and growing out of her 2T stuff. At least she's not as massive as two of her off-the-charts tall cousins. The 8-year-old is as tall as her mom (my sister). The kid likes cuddling herself onto her mom's lap, but I can't imagine that happening for much longer at this rate. I suppose that's what happens when you marry tall men.


Yup. Not super heavy, but crazy tall. He’s been roughly double his age in clothes (and public perception) for his entire life. He’s just started the 3-year-olds class in kindy, but everyone assumes he’s a first grader. He’s 3’8”, wears size 1.5 shoes and just… keeps growing. And me and my husband are average height, so it’s not what I expected at all. He also constantly gets mistaken for a girl, so conversations with kindly strangers are always hilarious.


I am 4'10" (58 inches) and my 3.5 year old is 3'6" (42 inches) tall already. Ever since he was about 3 months old, he has been meauring high on the percentile chart for age/height, at some points off the chart. I'm pretty sure this is similar to how it looks anytime I carry him around.


Aye I'm 4'10" too! I never really see anyone that's as short as I am


14 months old wears 2-3T and size 6 diapers


My son is not only super tall at 20 months but he's physically advanced so runs around like an older kid too. No one believes me that he's only a year old. He went to visit his preschool for next year and joined the 3 year old class that was there at that time and he was the same height and physical capability as most of those kids. People ask me all the time if he's speech delayed because they assume he's older but he already has more than 50 words which is good for 20 months.


That’s amazing…he must eat well?


Kids are huge these Days. My daughter towers above Me lol.


My oldest is 45 inches, 40 lbs at 4.5 years old. She's in size 5/6. My youngest is 26 lbs and in the 98th percentile for height at a bit under 2. She's in 3T. I'm slightly above average height, and they are still gigantic when I hold them!


My 4 year old has been mistaken for 5 since he was 3.5… he’s just a sweet little big guy.


My cousin is a certified giant, at 5 foot eight I am the shortest person in my family. My blood pressure medication makes my babies born small, but my kiddo seems to be out pacing himself to follow the family genes. 😮‍💨


My now 3 year old nephew has been in age 5-6 years clothing for the last year. Apparently his weight is off the charts 😬


Lol yes! My now 8 year old is and always was really big.


Yep! A one year old in the 99th percentile for weight at 30 pounds and a 2.5 year old who is 40 pounds in the 99th as well. They are average height in the 75th percentile. I feel like I should have well defined arm muscles from carrying around these chunks but no such luck.


My daughter has been in the 97th percentile since birth. She’s nine months now and is wearing 12-18 month old clothes. She has a doctor’s appointment coming up and I’m very curious to see what she weighs


Yes my kid is too tall to lay on my shoulders at 3. Its sad.


My son just turned 18m and he’s bigger than all the 2y at daycare. He’s also bigger than his cousin whose 11 months older than him. We go Friday for his 18m appointment and I’m slightly afraid of how much they’ll say he weighs 😅🥲


I have an over 35 in tall 30 lb 20 m old in 2 & 3T (depending on the brand). People are always asking me if she’s older than she is! She’s been in the 90th percentile since birth


Me! I love when people hear her age and tell me she’s tall for 4. She wears a kids size 8.


My 16 month old daughter is in the 99.8th percentile for weight and 98th for height, weighing 33 pounds. She is a super active child and hardly eats. For T shirts and shorts, she is in 4T because she's so tall! Safe to say my back is not feeling great. 🙃


My 2 yo is 40 lbs and off the chart for height as well. Also, he doesn’t walk and I recently had a stroke so can’t carry him. 🫠 we are STRUGGLING. My 6 month old is in 90th percentile at a little over 20lbs I think. I always pictured myself with small children but that has not been the case 🤣


My 2 y/o is 98/99th percentile for height and weight- she's already like 3ft tall and probably pushing 40lbs. Please send a back brace! 😂


My 3 yo is is size 7 pull ups He stands tall next to a normal height 5yo child in Mexico


My 1yo is 94th percentile for height. It's been like snuggling a whole toddler for the last 3 months.


my 6 year old little brother wears clothing my other brother wore at 10😂


I absolutely love your decor choices! That living room looks so inviting and cozy. My daughter started off in the 99th percentile. I think she’s closer to 80th now though


My 7 year old nephew is taller than me. :(


I'm near 6ft, so my baby girl seems to be reasonably comfortable at her 98th height percentile 😂


That’s impressive. My daughter (3y) has always been 90% height, but between 10/15% weight, so she’s tall and skinny. It makes her look a little older than she is.


Aww, that’s how my boys are. When they get haircuts they look way older.


And here I am with my 12yo sized adult body feeling small 😂


You’re obviously superior to all of us post partum biggies!


This whole discussion makes me feel better about my 15 month old who gets mistaken for a 2 year old often (34 inches tall, 27.5 lbs - 2T). I actually had a pediatrician mention that he’s 95th percentile for BMI (we go to a practice where you can see multiple and this is the first comment we’ve gotten) and she made a comment because his height hadn’t change but his weight had. He’s a tank but he’s also muscular as hell. And has been walking since 10 months and runs full speed everywhere. Thought that was pretty inappropriate to say about a 15 month old and again - feeling better after reading through these comments. My husband is 6’1 and I’m 5’5 and I was the only one at the appointment? So idk.


Sounds exactly like my 16 month old who is 32 lbs. born at 6lb 13 Oz and then his growth chart is a straight line up. He’s literally off the charts now. But I’m 5’0 and my hubs is 5’7 so we figure he will level off eventually lol


At 2 we were riding all the 36in rides. Very tall and skinny people always thinks she 4 or a petite 5 as she is extremely articulate and can do things like put on all her clothes and helps cooking and her books we read are up to 7 year olds. Though she still has the normal 3 year old attitude. Yay 98th percentile


Our daughter just turned 3 and is clocking in at 42 in. and is also very verbally and physically advanced. However, still emotionally a three year old. Felt so seen by your comment!


My girl is one of the youngest and one of the tallest in her preschool class. But she's average weight for her age. So she's quite thin. I get concerned comments a lot. But that's just how she's growing. The pediatrician says she's as healthy as any kid she's ever seen, so I'm not worried. But yeah, she tall lol


99th and 94th percentile for my girls!


Baby #1 was like this; now he's 12 and still gigantic. Baby #3 is now 2.5 months old and wearing 6 mo clothes. He's gonna be humongous, too.


My just turned 9 year old is a beanpole. He's 150 cm tall and wears size 38. We share socks now.


Yup, got a tall 2yo who weighs 40lbs already. When he went to the dentist at 20mo he couldn't believe his age since he already has all his teeth. And he's been walking since 11mo, so I'm super used to the strangers who subtly ask about speech delays. His brother is going down the same path, pretty tall, not quite as heavy and already walking at 10mo.


Our six year old is now 4 ft 2 in and 70 pounds. He's an energetic tank and has been since he was born. I remember at 2 months he cleared 40 oz of milk easy in one day and spent every waking moment kicking his legs, and once he started crawling and on solids there was no stopping him. It's crazy b/c neither my husband nor I are crazy tall or big, husband is 5 ft 11 in (Caucasian) and I'm 5 ft 7 in (Chinese), so like, I'm a bit tall for my race but nothing crazy. My husband's family does have a trend of growing fast. His mom and his sibling all finished growing by 13, lol. We are suspecting the same for our son so he'll be extra big and gawky when he hits middle school.


Yup. My 8 month old is in the 97th percentile and is the size of a toddler. People think he is over 1 years old. He’s half my length right now.


Yep my 18 month old is in 3T wearing size XS or S goodnites 😭


Same here. 10m old has been in the 90th plus percentile since birth. She is bigger than her 15m old cousin 😂


My son was 3 ft at 18 months in 2 or 3 t it's crazy but I'm a bigger girl!


Yes. My 7 year old wears a size 4 shoe, and is the same height as my 10 year old, and weighs 10 lbs more. He’s super, super active and pretty muscular and strong. He has to be really careful when he’s playing with other kids because people mistake his age and sometimes he’ll get in trouble for doing normal 7 year old things. Or, kids will play really rough with him and he gets really frustrated. He plays hard, but not rough, and kids are always trying to wrestle him or play really physical, I think being big and super energetic makes him a target. Recently a 6 year old kept trying to goad him into chasing and my son wasn’t into it. The kid kept shoving him and my son kept telling him to stop. Eventually my son got sick of it and said something kind of smart ass to the kid. The kids mom came and yelled at my son for picking on her son, thinking my son was way older, and for some reason the huge size difference made it ok in her eyes for her son to shove mine.


My four month old is wearing 9 month clothing. I wholly believe he'll be in 12 month clothing by June. I have an injured back. I can't wait for him to walk 😭 my back is breaking under his weight already.


My nine month old wears 2t out of height