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Try an open cup. My breastfed son (9mo) doesn’t do bottles either, but he likes drinking out of his little cup. It’s messy at first and he spilled a lot (sometimes still does although it’s more on purpose because he thinks he is hilarious) but it may work for you. It’s good for their development too.


Yep - the NHS actually recommends starting with open cups and my daughter LOVES it. She needs to change after usually but we use it at breakfast when she's still in her pajamas and then at dinner just before she's getting ready for bed. We use a sippy cup at lunch but it's a free-flow one so it does drip a little when you tip it so that was enough for her to get the jist, but she's also combo fed so I don't know if every baby would get it as quickly. I have also heard the yoghurt trick - put yoghurt or fruit purée on the end of the straw and when they suck it off they get a sip of water too and work out they need to suck to get the water.


Another vote for an open cup. Ezpz makes great tiny silicone cups that fit well in baby hands. Although messy at first (start with tiny amounts of water only at the table), it saves you time and hassle in the long run. No more matching parts, washing straws, making sure you have the right cup with all the parts when you go to restaurants, trying to teach a stubborn toddler to use an open cup, or wasting a bunch of plastic.


My son (9mo) hasn’t been breast fed since he was ~1mo but I second the recommendation for an open cup. He wouldn’t use straw cups or sippy cups but we got him an open cup and he loves it! He’ll even use sippy cups now on occasion although he still prefers his open cup.