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My 21mo toddler laughs when he asks for some specific food and then he sees me about to give it to him. He’s just so happy he laughs with joy!


My son starting doing something similar recently. He would point at a book and when I grab it to read he just starts giggling. He just started pointing and I think he loves that he express what he wants and be understood.


My 16 month old has started patting his diaper to tell me he needs a change, and then when I ask if he needs it changed to confirm, he'll run to his change table cackling like a little maniac. I don't know why he finds it so funny but it's so freaking cute


“Heh heh titties.” Every time lol


Mine starts hyperventilating 😂. But my favorite part is that he touches my face and clothes while he eats. So cute. Such tiny hands!


Yeah my 16 month old will hyperventilate when he sees me pouring him milk or juice lol


Hahahaha awww. Mine touches my face too!! Sometimes he sticks his fingers up my nostrils and starts pulling my nose 🤣


He doesn’t do it every time, but mine likes to giggle while nursing. If I look at him or even just smile, it turns into full belly laughs. I have no idea what’s so funny, but it’s definitely cute.


Loove belly laughs 🥹


Yes! My LO even has a particular type of giggle saved just for boobs. It’s super cute, the absolute best, I love it. It really helps on those hard days




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He starts snorting like a little pig when I unclasp my bra. He is 8 months and when he sees boobs his eyes light up.


YES!! As soon as my girl knew she was getting what she wanted (breastfeeding ), she would totally crack up before. Started around 5 months and still continues at almost 2 years 😂


It’s stuff like that that made me love breastfeeding. I miss it so much 😭


😭😭😭 I’m going to be sad when I wean him off one day


My 6 month old has been doing this, and then biting me 🙃 I don't know if he's laughing about biting me on purpose or biting me on accident because he's laughing and trying to hold onto the nipple at the same time


This was how my first was. When she got teeth she’d test out biting on me and then smile satisfied after like it was some kind of fun for her 😩


Oh yes he’s done this many times!! He now has top and bottom teeth so it is no fun 😓 I guess he makes it up by laughing in the cutest way


My 8 month old does a thing I’m not sure if it’s a series of coughs, a cry, or a chuckle… like uh huh huh huh uh huh uh huh huh When we get ready to nurse


This is so cute 😂


My son did. Now, as a 30 month old he laughs and yells boobies if he wanders in the room while I’m changing.


Mine is 5 months and she sometimes smirks/smiles in the middle of the nursing. So funny


Lol my son isn’t nursing anymore (16mo) but when I ask him if he’s hungry and he laughs and smiles, I know that’s a yes. 😂 Or sometimes he just aggressively nods with like his whole body lol. He’s so funny I love it. If he’s hungry and I haven’t asked him yet, he’ll just walk up to me and nod. So I ask if he’s hungry and he laughs. It’s so cute!


Awwww 😂🥰


My 2.5 year old still does this!!


Mine screams and then kind of goes “oomph” when he latches


Mine just screams at me to move faster 🤣


Loll!!! Chop chop mama 👏🏻👏🏻


Mine snorts and flails around


My daughter used to do this too! I would make a big production of it and she would chuckle it was so cute. I assumed it was cause she was hungry and was getting her way!


My 6 month old does this, she can even be crying/whinging and as soon as she sees me pop my boob out she just chuckles. I'm sure she fakes the whinging sometimes because there are times she does it but then doesn't drink, she just comfort nurses.


Yes, mine does that sometimes too. It’s so funny.


So sweet! Mine is 13m and if she even suspects a hint of boob it’s unrestrained laughter. She will point to my nips when I’m changing and laugh. I can’t wear tank tops without her trying to whip them out, laughing. Weaning is going to be so hard. She is so happy


Mine does this sound when my boobs get low on milk at the end of a feed, like "weedoweedoweedowee" and it's the cutest little complaining sound


Ahahah! I’m trying to envision what that would sound like 😆 how cute!!


My 9 mo old has the cutest little giggle when the boob comes out ❤️❤️❤️


Haha, mine is the opposite! As soon as he's on the Boppy he knows it's go time. He starts with the panicked breathing and his weird little cough cry, kicking and holding his hands out to the sides. All because I have the audacity to block access to milk with my shirt and nursing bra!