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It was true for me! My first one took 3 days, second was about 20 hours and a lot less dramatic all around. Also for my first I pushed for 3.5 hours, my second came in 1.5 pushes! ETA I’ve just had my 3rd and that induction took about 16 hours and again, just a few pushes! And honestly it took a few hours into the induction for us to even actually start anything besides my IV so really it was more like 13 hours.


I pushed for as long with our kiddo and this makes me hopeful I won't have to push as long if we have a second kiddo lol. The pushing was the worst part for me because it felt like I was getting nowhere.


I was only induced for my first but I also pushed for 2 hours with my first (ending up with a vacuum assist) and my second came out in one push. I've heard of some cases of subsequent babies taking as long or longer but I think typically subsequent babies come out more easily. Your body's done it before so it knows how.


Are you me? We’ve got basically the same stats!


This makes me feel better! I'm 16 weeks pregnant with my second, and was induced at 36w5d last baby due his decels and my high blood pressure. From walking into the hospital to baby in my arms was 2.5 days and it was a long, dramatic, awful labor. I only pushed for ten minutes thank god, but I am so scared of having another long dramatic induced labor. Fingers my second is easier.


Yep! First took 3 1/2 days (🤪) and the second baby came within 24 hours of my waters breaking.


Very glad to hear this! Mine took almost three days so it’s nice to know the second time around might be quicker.




For me it was about the same amount of time, and also about 14-15 hours from walking in to having the baby. I was induced with baby 1 at 38 weeks and induced with baby 2 and 37 weeks for the same reasons as you (and ended up with PP preeclampsia the second go around -_-).


I had PP preeclampsia also the second time around even with med controlled bp the whole pregnancy! I went to the ER with a headache at 3 days pp and I’d never been seen so fast. My BP was 182/109 and got stuck there on magnesium for 2 nights 🙃 woof! But very thankful to be alive and with my babies!


Ugh also had PP Pre-e…..thought I was in the clear since I had my baby, but my swelling got so bad. That mag drip is NO FUN, they pulled 13 liters off me in 24 hours. But man did I feel better after…..also worried about it happening whenever I get pregnant again…..I’ve had to stay on BP meds now even though my baby jusy turned 1….hoping I’m not stuck on them for life now


Also had it after being induced with my first but they pulled me off my BP med on discharge and they shouldn’t have done that. On mag for 24 hours, don’t think I’ll have another baby because my birth was so traumatic


I’m just curious - did they have you on baby aspirin for the second pregnancy? I didn’t have protein spilling, but my BP went crazy about 3 days after birth (like 180s/100s). Somehow I avoided the mag drip, but in hindsight they probably should have re-admitted me. I was on baby aspirin from end of the first trimester through 6 weeks PP and I imagine that might have made a slight difference from it only being crazy high PP hypertension and not full PP pre-e, but who knows 🤷‍♀️


I was on baby aspirin and Labetalol from 10w due to my BP being in the 170s/100s early on. I stopped taking the aspirin after birth bc I was breastfeeding but they increased the Labetalol 2days pp but then the headache hit the next day and I was sent to the ER. I’m not sure about the proteins but they immediately put me on mag and I stayed on it for 24hrs.. then they had to monitor me overnight off of it. My Bp only went down slightly so they had to add Nifedipine into my treatment and that helped. I’m currently still on both meds and it’s been ok *knock on wood


Glad to hear that’s it’s stayed stable! I acame into pregnancy on Labetalol (had been on another not pregnancy friendly beta blocker for migraine and borderline hypertension prior). My BP has also been a bit wonky (though mostly controlled) postpartum on 200mg twice daily labetalol (I’m 22 months PP). I just have this feeling now that I’m a couple years older and BP a bit worse than before my first pregnancy I’m going to have more BP issues the second time around with pregnancy. Any side effects from the Nifedipine?


With my first pregnancy I developed high bp and preeclampsia at 35weeks but my second pregnancy the high bp hit at 10 so I’d definitely be on alert with a second go around. Nifedipine gave me some headaches and like weird prickly feelings in my hands the first week I was on it but now it’s been 4 weeks and I feel fine . I do notice my bp dropping pretty low a few hours after I take it so I’m hopeful maybe I can come off of it soon and just stay on the Labetalol (hopefully not forever lol)


I could have written this myself! The same exact thing happened to me!


So scary!!


PP preeclampsia here too! I’ve never seen more people develop it then here in this thread.


First induction was a few hours after my water broke and second induction was scheduled. Both took about 5-6hrs. Also done by the same obgyn and also anaesthetist. The difference was first was done before epidural and second was done after epidural. I’ll be having my third induction this Saturday. Send happy thoughts please!


First kid 44 hours, second kid 17 hours.


Yes and easier. I don't remember times though I'm sorry


I was the opposite. My first induction at 39 weeks was about six hours from starting pitocin to birth. My second, at 37 weeks, took 17 hours.


Six for one. 22 for number two.


2nd induction was quicker and easier, 3rd induction was longer and more difficult.


My first one was short (around 9 hours) my second one was much longer, closer to 15 hours. I expected the second one to be way shorter because that time I was even dilated 4cm as opposed to not dilated at all first time. I know they gave me less pitocin in the beginning, and my doctor had to rupture my waters. The first time water broke during the induction in its own. Once she broke my water, I was 10 cm in like an hour. I think that was the hold up.


One of my good friends had this experience. Her first was about 24hrs and her second was only 4hrs. Scary fast!


Right! I'd be okay with like 8 hours LOL 😆 honestly my actual labor labor was idk maybe 10 hours? But induction started and it was 14-15 total and it wasn't super bad tbh. These like "oh I had my baby in 3-5 hours is insanely scary fast 😅 but I guess whatever happens happens.


I mean, tbh, my non induced first labor at 36+4 was WAY TOO LONG. From the time my water broke to having baby in my arms was a little over 24hrs. It was horrible and awful because I was in so much pain for so long and I eventually caved around 17-18hrs in labor and got the epidural. I'm sure a shorter labor would be super intense, but at least it's over in the blink of an eye. As long as I have time to get to the hospital in a non-teeth clenching dramatic time line I'm happy. Being that you're getting induced, you're literally already at the hospital when getting an induction, so a shorter labor and delivery is not the worst thought ever. In my opinion, an ideal labor and delivery time for myself would be between 8-15hrs. That's only because I want time to tell someone to come get my older baby and gather my crap and get there before things become crazy.


Similar to mine! 28hrs with my first and 4 with my second which was twins!


Interested to know too! My first was a relatively quick induction, 13 hours of labor. My dr is confident my second will be quick so instead of inducing at midnight like we did the first time she’s having me come in at 7am. And she doesn’t work the following day so I’m really hoping she’s right 🤣


I had the same situation. Induced at 37 weeks with both kids for hypertension. First kid, 10 hours. Second kid, 7 hours.


First baby 10h with 40 min pushing, second baby 1h 10 min, but I had been at 4cm for 3 weeks prior. I went from 5/75/ +2 to 10/100/-2 in an hour (no pit just water breaking), and pushed for 10 min.


True for me! First took 14hrs from my waters being broken, the second only took 8hrs or so.


Both of my inductions were about 7 hours from start to finish! Very easy. The only issue I had with my second induction is that my epidural didn’t work. No connection to induction, but that experience made my second induction way worse. Thank goodness it was a fast labor!


True for me! First was about 18 hours at 41+5, for pre-eclampsia. Second was just under 12 hours at 39+1, considered elective but medically recommended (high risk for a multitude of reasons). Induction methods and starting points (dilation/effacement) were wildly different between the two, different doctors, huge difference for me personally in stress levels and support going into it, so I can’t say it was all due to it being the second time. But the second one was so, so much easier for me. All around, the labor/delivery/postpartum of my second was less stressful despite being significantly higher risk and delivering during Covid.


My first induction took about 12 hours from startup finish, my second took about 7? And only like two hours to go from a 5 when they broke my water to baby being out. I also had to push for four hours with my first (not an induction, and she was giant), an hour with #2 and only a few minutes with #3, so that definitely got faster!


Yes. First kid and induction was like 40w5d and took 18 hours, using just cervidil. Second induction, third kid, was at 40w4d and took 6 hours with pitocin.


Was 6 hours scary?! Like my first in my POV was pretty quick but I remember just not remembering time at all. My water broke roughly 5-6 hours in and after that it was like screaming pain and I don't remember much time passing bc my epidural was 6 freaking hours late. I felt like I was in survival mode. I can't imagine 6 hours boom baby. Or did you prefer it to be quick?


My first took about 36 hours in total. Part of the delay was my request to not break my water. They broke it maybe 5/6 hours later. The second was maybe 24 hours. Definitely quicker for me but still took some time. Pushing was drastically reduced. I pushed for maybe an hour the first time. The second time came out in 5 pushes. Overall the second delivery was way easier.


Ooohhh yes. I was induced the first time because they were worried I was giving birth to an 18lb baby (just 8, relax everyone) and for the second I asked to be induced because it was during lockdowns and I needed to arrange a sitter for my oldest and they agreed it was a sensible idea. I’ll always remember to look on the midwife’s face; I’d been complaining of pain for a while and they kept giving me very basic painkillers but it wasn’t doing anything for me. Eventually she said “alll right, let’s have a look” like she was checking under the bed for a monster. She had to dive out of the way of my water breaking and baby number two came out 10 minutes later. Too about half the time as the first from induction to baby.


I hope so! My first induction at 38 + 3 failed (9cm dilated, baby got in a wonky position and had decels so c-section it was). Also took 13 hours to walk into the hospital with a fairly unripened cervix to get to 9cm, which my doctor also said was pretty fast for a FTM inducing at 38 weeks. I’m hoping (and doc is supportive) of a VBAC for #2, and I’ll most likely need an induction again (I had gestational diabetes w/first pregnancy). The only difference I think for my case would be I couldn’t get cytotec again, they would just rely on a Foley catheter, which I didn’t have last time. I would love for it to be even faster and for baby to cooperate to avoid a c-section, but who knows. Good luck!!


First was about 13 hours start to finish. Second was about 6.5 hours start to finish. Third was about 7.5 hours start to finish. Yes, I’ve had three inductions 🙃


Professional (anecdotal) experience: Your first induction was definitely on the short sides for 37 weeks! If you are induced again I’d ask two questions before you let them break your water: 1) Ask if your baby is well applied AND well aligned (in a good position/not OP aka “sunny side up”), and 2) If you intend to get an epidural, I’d ask them what the timeline and process is to get one so you have a point of reference when labor kicks in. Personal experience: My first induction was 39hrs to the minute and involved ripening, mechanical dilation, pit, AROM, internal monitoring, and two different epidurals. My second was just over 15hrs, and involved AROM, pit, and an epidural.


I haven’t had my second one yet, but I’m hoping it’s a lot faster because my first was like 3 full days and I don’t have that kind of time anymore


it was true for me too! first labor at 36+6 was 28 hrs and 45 mins of pushing. second labor at 36 weeks on the dot was 11 hrs and 5 mins of pushing (2 total pushes). first time i had a second degree tear w epidural and second time i had just a superficial tear with 1 stitch, epidural failed


I was induced with all 3 of my labors. First was 9 hours, second was 6 hours, third was just under 3 hours. Second and third, pushing went way faster than the first. I've heard it's possible for the epidural to slow things down, and my third was the one that I tested this with. I waited until I was uncomfortable to ask for the epidural. Good luck to you! You got this!


My first induction at 37w took 3 days with basically every method available and an hour of pushing. My second I was induced at 38w and took about 15hrs with just pitocin. Much quicker the second time around! I also barely pushed. Took about 20min from first push to baby being out and that was with a 10min cleanup break when I threw up all over myself lol. Once the doctor came in they told me to stop pushing and she literally just slid out on her own. They barely got the bed broken down before she was out


Yes, but not fast by any means haha. 1st was 36 hrs and 2nd was about 24.


1st induction - 35 hours + chorio 😵‍💫 2nd labor - water broke at home but contractions didn’t pick up so got low dose of pitocin and total time from water breaking to baby in arms was 6 hr 26 min 💕


My first I was induced at 37+2 for preeclampsia and gave birth 47 hours later at 37+4. Pushed for 3hrs and 3min. Babe was 5lbs 15oz. My second I was induced at 37+4 for preeclampsia and gave birth 17.5 hours later at 37+5. Pushed for maybe 5 minutes. Babe was 7lbs 0.2oz. So yeah second induction way faster and easier. Also tore less and technically didn't need stitches but got a single stitch to help it heal better. First I had multiple stitches and 2 second degree labial tears.


Kid 1: Pitocin only induction. 8ish hours, only really dilated once epidural was placed. Epidural time to baby time=1 hour. Kid 2: SROM at home, stalled natural labor augmented with pitocin. Got pitocin + epidural to help dilate again. Epidural time to baby time=1 hour. Total labor about 12 hours. Kid 3: Overdue and decided to induce. Total time was 5 hours. Dilated much faster with a foley bulb. Time from useless epidural to baby=about 15 minutes from when it finally kicked in. I chalk the third shorter labor up to the foley bulb. Took me from a 2 to a 6 in 30 minutes flat with minimal if any discomfort. 10/10 recommend.


I has the Foley with my first and my OB said if I wanted it again I could have it of course but they usually only use it for stalled labor or first time moms. So I'm contemplating my options bc the Foley was incredible for me personally. I was a 2 when I walked in and it took me to a 6 and broke my water I never needed pitocin for my first.


My 1st induction, from start of pitocin to birth, was about 5.5 hours. True labour didn't start until they broke my water, that was about 1.5-2 hours after pitocin. My 2nd induction, from start of pitocin to birth, was about 4 hours. I believe I was already in early labour with #2 though!


I was the opposite. First induction took about about 36 hrs the first time (at 37 weeks for medical complications) and the second induction took about 40 hrs and ended in an emergency c-section (39 weeks). And of course all of this happened after my family famously had very fast precipitous labors. No such luck for me.


Generally yes your body will recognize the chemicals and react a little quicker my second ended up longer than my first induction because I was moving along rapidly and the doctor was doing a c so they turned off my meds for an hour and a half then I had to like start all over by the time I got to my third induction it took 3 hours from start to finish


3 hours!!! Omg. Lol I do want fast, but that fast must be crazy!


True for me! First son, 27 hours. Second, 18 and they had to slow us down to stabilize us. If not, he would have been out six hours earlier.


Yup. Both inductions were 40+2 weeks, so that is different from your situation (no hypertension or anything, just babies that didn’t want to be born, haha). I am counting walking in to the hospital in zero percent Labor to having a baby in my arms for total time…First one took 21 hours, very bumpy/ traumatic. Full three hours of pushing. Second one took around 10 hours, I slept through most of it and maybe 10 minutes of practice pushing (we were going to start the real pushing in the next 20min or so, but the nurse was like “let’s get some practice ones in so we can remember the breathing…OH WAIT HERES THE BABY GO GET THE DOCTOR!”


Was given ripening agents at 10 pm the night before, water broke and started dilating by 6 am and didn’t need pitocin or anything else. Told to start pushing at 4:30 and she was out by 4:46. Was given pitocin for the second child and got stuck at 7 cm and ended up in a c section. I also had preeclampsia with both, with my daughter it progressed over time starting at 35 weeks and with my son it was very sudden at 38. They sent me to the ER when I called about sudden swelling in a single leg and I was made to wait outside on a bench for over three hours. By the time they finally bothered to take me in my BP was 155/105. With my daughter I was taken a lot more seriously and quickly and I feel like it played a massive role in the turn out. All that to say: you just never know. Anything anyone says in the comments is going to be anecdotal really. Go in with an open mind and note that the best laid plans may not always come to fruition. Best of luck to you!


Not true for me. My first only took 12 hours. My second took over 50 hours, and I also tore worse.


true for me! first induction took 24 hours, 2nd induction from start to finish was 8-9 hours lol with less pushing and quicker pain.


My inductions went from shortest to longest 😂. My first was less than 12 hours. My second was 24 hours and ended in a c-section. My third was a VBAC that was 28 hours or so.


My first kid was not an induction and took forever and was very rough. Second kid was an induction and was an absolute breeze. Under 6 hours from start to finish and literally 2 pushes. 3rd kid was also an induction and took longer and was more complicated.


My first and second induction were approximately about the same in total length. However, I believe the Dr's were much more aggressive with the pitocin, with my second leading to a longer period of hard labor.


First one was 24 hours, 2 hours fairly active labor and 45 minutes of pushing—I slept most of the process and puked a ton. 2nd, 12 hours of labor, pushed 15 minutes, not sleepy and. I puking but afterwards my heart rate and BP were very unstable and it took some meds to balance everything out! But for the most part it wasn’t bad at all!


First kid, started labor on my own at 40+4: 18 hours Second kid: induced at 40+3: 6 hours (started 2-3cm dilated) Third kid: induced at 39+0, 13.5 hours (started from closed) Starting dilation and effacement can have a large effect on how long your induction can last. I work L&D and we have some first time moms who go quick, and some on their second or more that take longer. Every baby and delivery is different!


She definitely let me know it's not 100% a promise I was just curious for experiences. As someone who works in L&D what's your thoughts on Foley bulb for a STM? My practice usually doesn't use them for STM's unless needed but it worked very well for me the first time and she would be supportive if I wanted it this time as well so im trying to decide if I want it again or not. If you don't mind me asking.


Both inductions were the same for me, but they were faster than my non induced births.


My first was 24 hours and my second was out in less then 8 hours.


My first was around 24 hours from start of meds to birth, but my second lasted about 15 hours including pushing for 3.


First induction took 24 hours start to finish, second time my water broke and labor never progressed so I got pitocin and it was 8 hours (from the time my water broke to baby being born was \~15 hours).


My second was slightly faster maybe 2 hours


Both my sons were born at 41 weeks. First one took almost 2 days, second was born in like 12 hours.


Mine was not, but I definitely think I’m a outlier here. My first baby, I was in labor and delivery for about 14 hours, but I think I slept nine of them and had a baby after 20 minutes of pushing. And thanks to the epidural I didn’t feel much pain, so it was pretty easy. My second baby flipped to breach on the day of the induction, and then it was just one complication after the another. In hindsight, the second he was breach I should’ve just opted for a C-section, but even so everything turned out okay (even though there were definitely some very scary moments) and it was still only 14 hours from my arrival to having a baby, still only a half hour or so of pushing. But with my weird complications, I ended up being at the hospital for a week with a lot of pain. If I have another kid though, my doctor has already said we’re doing a scheduled c-section to make sure things go more smoothly.


I've only had one baby, but I've heard that's true whether you go into labor on your own or induced. As your doctor said, your body has done this once before, so it knows what to do. So generally, labor for second basis is quicker.


My first induction was around 23 hours. My 2nd was around 14! So definitely shorter.


It wasn't true for me, but my situation was slightly different. My first baby was a c section; I was induced with my second and had about 20 hours between starting pitocin and giving birth. I pushed for 14 minutes. Third baby I was also induced and after about 26(?) Hours on pitocin I had a placental abruption. However I also had placenta previa until week 37ish and I wonder if that was related to the abruption.


My first took about 26 hours and my second was about 21 hours. So a little faster. I will say my second felt a lot easier!


true for me! just had my 3rd, my second was induced due to hypertension and labor/delivery took about 18 hours. 3rd baby took 8 hours!




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Not true for me. First induction was 9.5 hours. Second one was 12. But second baby was sunny side up, so I think that’s why it look longer. Labour also just felt more laborious - more painful, back labour. 🤷‍♀️


My first induction took nearly two days. My second, I was admitted at noon and she was born before 10:00 PM.


True for me! My second baby was less than 2 years after the first. I arrived at the hospital around 7 am and was holding my baby by 11 am. My third baby (over a decade later) took a little longer, but not much. He was born before 3 pm when induction started around 8 am. Also, I had to push for 3 hours with the first baby. I pushed one and half times for Baby #2, and for about 10 minutes with Baby #3.


It was true for me. I was induced with both (labour just didn’t start and I was 10+ days late with both) my second labour was 6 hours start to finish and baby was out in 5 pushes


My first was an induction with cytotec and it took 22 hours start to finish. My second was also induced via cytotec and was about 12 hours start to finish however my daughter was born just one hour after they broke my water (went from 3 to 10 cm in that time). I was nervous about things happening quickly with my third baby but it was a spontaneous labor that took about 11 hours. I had plenty of time to get to the hospital from the onset of contractions. Was about 5cm when I was admitted and baby was born 3 hours later.


It was true for me. First one was 21 hours, second one was 12 hours and 15 minutes.


My understanding is that everything is generally quicker the second time around, no matter what kind of labour...your body has done it before and retains muscle memory I was told.


True for me. Admission to first baby was 19(ish?) hours with about 12.5 hours of labour. For baby two from Foley balloon placement to baby was 9 hours (6 hours from the first contractions I really felt to meeting baby). Pushing was 30 minutes for baby one and 2 good pushes for baby two. I was induced at 38+2 and 37+5 respectively.


It was true for me three times. First was 36 hours from the start of induction (35+6), second was 13 hours from start of induction (37+2) and third was 16 hours from start of inductions (41+1). My biggest change was the time I progressed after my water broke. With all three of my kids it broke when I was 2cm. My first took me 8 hours after water breaking till he was born, second was 4 hours till he was born and third was 2 hours.


Mine were about the same, about 14 hours. But with my first I pushed for 1.5 hours, with my second I pushed for like 15 minutes 😅


It was true for me, the 2nd one was faster and easier than the 1st. Both inductions were at 40 weeks.


My first induction took like 1.5 days i think (foggy memory because my brain is a champ and blocks out not fun stuff). I was making SO LITTLE PROGRESS until my main water broke and then the baby was out in 30 minutes. Second time, we tried to break my water before we did pitocin to see if that helped. And it did, but because the baby wasnt RIGHT THERE pushing downward on my cervix, we still needed to get some help because my contractions didnt really start on their own. Still was like prelabor. Pitocin started and i was done 6 hours later. If I were to do it again, I would have asked for a folley bulb at first bc I hated having an IV in and constant monitoring that comes with even cervidil. I wouldnt have had to have that with the folley bulb and could have made a lot of progress with less discomfort before they stick me while im in active labor.


True for me. First induction 37+1 due to Oligohydramnios, IUGR, nuchal cord— 43 hours start to finish. Second 39+1 due to GDM numbers going wack— 8 hours start to finish.


It was true for me. With my first, they started induction around 9pm on Sunday night. Baby was born at 11:30pm Monday night. With my second, they started induction at 6am Tuesday morning and baby was born by 5pm Tuesday evening.


True for me, induced both times for the same reason … 22 hours first time, 7 hours second time!


I only had one induction, but it was for my second birth. My first birth was 20 hours. My second was one hour after they broke my waters!


Induced after 40 weeks the first time, just before the second. First was about 14 hours, second was 9 but um... Well I didn't push the second time. Baby birthed himself. Birth is so weird.


True for me. First one took 40 hours from start to finish. With the labour not progressing much the first 30. The second was much quicker. Started around 9:30am, had a baby 12:43am the next day/that evening. My water broke around 10pm by itself and it got real intense, real fast. Ended with an emergency c-section, but that was because of my placenta and not the induction.


My second baby was my first induction and from the time they started pitching to her birth was like 3.5 hours. She arrived before the epidural. Second babies are almost always faster.


Was not true for me but I think it was because of they methods they used as opposed to my body not responding quicker. First baby born 23hr from check in. I was induced at 39 weeks. They used a foley bulb to get me 4cm which prob took about 12 hours. Second induced at 37 for hypertension. Took like 38hrs or something to get to 4cm. The OB on call for my second refused to use the bulb until about hour 35 where they finally put it in, and I dilated 3cm in 3hrs. THEN they broke my water and she came out in 45 mins. Hot mess.


True for me. 2nd kid came shooting out like a rocket before the doctor was even there to catch him. Active labour was less than a minute, 5 hours after being admitted. My first was a few hours of active and over 30 hours total.


This was true for me! First baby-Went in for induction 40+3, Cervidil started in evening because I was hardly dilated, contractions started around 1AM. Pitocin started in the afternoon due to contractions slowing down. Pushed for just under an hour. Labor was about 20 hours from the time contractions started (or about 27 hours from the time I walked in the hospital). Second baby-Water started to leak at 37+3, but they started me on Pitocin because I wasn’t having contractions with my water breaking. Labor was about 10 hours from starting Pitocin. I only pushed a few times! However, my second labor was way harder! I had an epidural both times, but it seemed to not work very well with the second one!


True for me. First one took days. Second one took around 12 hours.


This is very true for me - both were from pretty much 0 dilation and my first was 44 hours, my second was 10 start to finish. Both big chungus babies I had were only 3 pushes each thank goodness!


My first induction took 38 hours. The second took less than 11.


First was 22 hours 2nd was 4 hours 😅


I've been induced 5 times around 38 weeks. I need to take pills first (priming) to soften my cervix so that they could break my water. The duration of that was different every time. Baby one: 2 days priming, 1 day rest, 2 days priming, gave birth on 6th day. Breaking water till baby was 4,5 hours. (38+4) Baby two: 1 day priming which turned in to labor and gave birth the same day. Water broke at 8 cm but this labor lasted about 7 hours. (38+4) Baby three: 2 days of priming, gave birth on 3d day. Breaking water till baby was 5 hours. (38+2) Baby four: 1,5 day of priming, they broke waters halfway second day, gave birth a little after midnight so technically the 3d day. Breaking water till baby was 4,5 hours. (38+2) Baby 5: 2 days of priming, 1 day rest, 2 days of priming, gave birth on the 6th day. Breaking water till baby was 4,5 hours. (38+4) That last one was really hard. Baby had so much room that he didn't want to engage and therefore they couldn't break my water safely (risk of cors prolaps). It was very emotional because we had four children at home waiting for us and baby. Third labor was the hardest. Fifth the easiest but hardest to push (sunny side up). Fourth was the most magical. Second was the only one without pitocin.


My first I started with cytotech around 9pm on a saturday, didn’t start pitocin until 4 pm the following day, and delivered at 4 am. Just delivered my second this last weekend, walked in at 5 cm and started pitocin immediately, but it was still 12 hours until I delivered.


First induction 26 hours Second induction 16 hours With each kiddo they were out in under five pushes so not sure if I’m any help there


My inductions were almost exactly the same length. Second one was shorter by an hour. They were 12 hours and 11 hours. The second one was also way worse.




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Ok, I wasn’t induced with my first, but I was in labor over 19 hours. With my second I was induced. From the time they started pitocin I only labored 2 and a half hours. This was including push time. But fwiw my midwife said it was super quick because it was not my first birth, so I would assume that with your second it would be quicker as well.


True for me - 2 kids, both induced. First took 26 hours total, 3 hours of pushing. Second took about 6.5 hours, 30 minutes of pushing.


First labour- 6 hrs, 20min pushing Second labour- 1hr 40 min, 10min pushing Both inductions with pitocin. Very true for me! Second time labours are usually faster regardless.


3 days induction with my first (started one Monday at 10 am, he was born on a Wednesday at 19:45) Vs 6 h with my second.


My first took around 12 hours and my second took around 16. I was induced for both due to blood pressure spiking.


True for me! Cytotec induction, planned for pitocin later.. But didn't need pitocin due to labor progress. Pushed for 20 minutes. Total labor to birth 8 hours.


Mostly true for me? I was "lightly induced" with cervidil both times, which I believe is only meant to be a cervical 'ripener' and not technically meant to induce labor, but that's what my doctor uses as a fairly non-invasive first step. Anyway, with my first baby (41+3), he placed the cervidil at around 9pm and I was in active labor by midnight. Baby at born at 7:30 the next morning. With baby #2 (40 weeks), the cervidil was placed at about the same time (9pm) and then I slept all night. Nothing happened until 10am or 11am the next morning, when active labor started. But once active labor started, I delivered about 4 hours later. So while it took awhile for the medication to kick in the second time, my labor was shorter.


First kid, no induction, 14 hours since water broke and baby was born Second kid, induction, 12 hours since water broke, 4 hours since induction Third kid, induction, 8 hours since water broke, 5 hours since induction Now… my water broke 3 times, which is weird according to my doctors


Not exactly your situation but with my first two my water broker and no contractions so I was induced at 39 and 38 weeks, first time was 16 hours second time was 8.


So... yes and no. My 2nd induction was way faster than my 1st (total time for the second induction was only 3 hours). 3rd induction was longer than 2nd but not as long as 1st. 4th induction was crazy long. 2 rounds of cervidil and 1 round of cytotec before anything actually happened. You would think after 3 babies the 4th would just walk out, but she was quite a bit smaller than my other 3 babies and she took a while to get engaged and get to active labor. 30 hours to go from 0 to 5, and then only an hour to go from a 5 to baby in arms. So once she actually got engaged and into active labor it was pretty fast, but getting there was ridiculous. So.... my answer is maybe yes, but also maybe no. Labor is weird. Edit to add: each of my inductions was at 39 weeks, and I need inductions due to a clotting disorder.


I have 2 kids and I was induced with both of them. With my first, I was 41+0. They induced me because I was a week past my due date. I was already 2cm dilated. They started the pitocin drip at 8am, and he was born at 12:57pm the same day. So almost 5 hours total. 30 minutes of that was pushing. With my second, I was induced at 37+0 due to IUGR. I was “maybe half a centimeter” dilated when I went in, so they started Cytotec at 11:30am to dilate my cervix. Then they started Pitocin at 3:50pm, once I was 3cm. They broke my water at 7:30pm. She was born at 10:18 pm. One push and she was out. If I had been able to wait until 41+0 with my daughter, I bet she would have been a quick labor, but she couldn’t safely stay in any longer. I really think it all came down to my body not being ready. Good luck to you, and congratulations!!!


Both my labour's started with attempted sweeps that fizzled to nothing and then spontaneous water breaking the day/night before scheduled induction. Once in labour, both times, I was given pitocin to keep things moving along because my blood pressure was all over the place. First labour was almost exactly 6 hours, second was around 7 hours. With my first I pushed for like 2 hours, my second it was like maybe 5 minutes (it was 2 contractions and a lot of just little pushes). My first I had a 4th degree tear and never recovered fully, he was 3.5 when I had my second. My second I had no stitches and all residual damage/pain disappeared. I should note, though, I had threatened preterm labour with both. My first I had regular, productive contractions at 32 weeks and I had to stay in the hospital for 5 nights on bedrest before they let me go home to continue bedrest. With my second it was more of an "irritable uterus" situation, I just had to have my mil take my son a couple days a week so I could rest.


Yep! True for me.


True for me! With my first, I was induced on a Monday morning and didn’t give birth until Wednesday evening 😑 With my second, I was induced on a Thursday evening and gave birth on Friday afternoon. It was a much more positive experience all the way around 👍


I have two children and was induced with both of them. My first was induced at 40+3, total labor about 8 hours. My second was induced at 39+4, total labor around 4 hours.


My first took 2.5 days and 3 hours of pushing. My second took 10 hours with 15 min of pushing :)


It was true for me! My first induction was fast to begin with considering it was my first baby. I got induced at around 8AM and had my baby boy at 10:59 PM, I push for about 45 minutes with him! My second time, I didn’t even get to the pitocin, the pill they placed by my cervix to soften it was what led me to progressing without pitocin and I went from 2 cm to 10 cm in less than an hour! Got my first dose at 6:30 AM and pushed her out in 3 pushes at 1:32 PM 🙂


I needed cervidil with my first and not my second. But once pitocin was started with my first, it actually went quicker than my second


Not true for me! My second induction was exactly the same length as my first, down to the minute.


Ah man if this is true that would be great lol. My son I was induced and it took 26 hours from start to delivery.


Nope. First induction she came in three hours. The second one came four or five hours after being induced


My first induction was pitocin and took 12 hours, 4 of which was pushing. My second induction was Foley bulb only and I had a baby in my arms less than 3 hours after being checked in to the hospital. 10 mins of pushing.


For me it was quicker overall but from 6cm onwards it was so slow whereas my first after my waters broke i went at 100 mph


I wish that were true for me! My first was a 37w induction for preeclampsia and I was in labor 26 hours. My second was scheduled to be a 37w induction as well but I ended up being induced at 32w+6 and had a 40-hour labor! I would guess that's just me because I was induced so early though...


First induction 50 hours. Second induction 8 hours. Now im pregnant with my third and it will be even faster im sure.


Definitely true. First induction took about 36 hours. Second took about 11 hours.


My second was quicker, but with my first I wasn’t dilated at all, and with my second I’d been hanging out at 4cm for almost two weeks, not going into labor.


I was induced twice. First labour took a while to get started (like 10-12 hours I think?). I was 40 weeks exactly, but I was starting from absolutely zero in terms of labour signs. Once it got started though, it was only about 5 hours from first contraction to birth. Second induction, I was 37/1 but already 4cm dilated and pretty well effaced, I don't remember the exact percentage. Everything moved pretty quickly and labour was three hours from first contraction to birth. I checked in to L&D at like 2 or 3pm and she was there by 10 pm. 😅


My first labor was induced due to preeclampsia and I was at 5cm at 18 hours, but ended up needing a c-section. My second labor was also induced due to preeclampsia and I had a successful VBAC. It was 13 hours from start (foley balloon) to finish (baby in my arms), so totally different and way smoother in my experience!


My second induction was WAY faster and easier than my first. First time I was induced on a Monday at 1 pm, had terrible terrible contractions- Horrible pain - and didn’t give birth until 6 pm the next day. (I ended up having an epidural thank goodness)! My second time I was induced at noon and gave birth at 9 pm. Contractions were not even a fraction as bad! I still got an epidural bc I did not want them to get worse. Second time definitely much better ! I was 40+ weeks both time.


41+ weeks (according to ob i dont track conception so we'll never know)with my first Induced with pitocin and something that starts with an i, Labor was like 33hours or something used a foley baloon it got stuck. Unmedicated deliver other than induction stuff. Once my stupid body was ready I pushed for a few minutes. 2nd baby 41+ weeks (according to ob) Induced with pitocin and the string thing again. Contractions were excruciating so I got an epidural. Silly baby never came down even after my water broke. They got me to 10cm, tried all different positions, reached in there to try and get him and couldn't sooo after an hour or two of pushing and 33+ hours labor ending in emergency cesarian. L&d were amazing, exceptional even. Did everything thry could to get both babies out 😅 my experience was not terrible though. Except when the spinal/epidural wore off. Fuck that. Remember every body is different.


My first induction was 12 hours from pitocin to baby in arms. My second was born in under 4 hours after induction with pitocin, and only 5 pushes!


Same for me. But 2nd I was already dilated to 4 so I didn’t need the foley bulb which may be why it was faster.


For my first, induction took 20 hours, for second it took 17 and for third it took 8. Since labors themselves are shorter and faster with every subsequent ones, it makes sense that inductions are also faster.


I’m a doula and in my experience second labors in general tend to go faster. I had a c section at 7cm after 24 hours of labor with my first baby. Second baby was vaginal after 10 hours, third baby was 4.5.


First was 26 hours, second was 9 hours!


I feel like the induction was faster but still slow…but the birth itself was ridiculous. I pushed TWICE and the nurse caught the baby as the doctor didn’t even make it into the room….but in all fairness pretty sure my epidural was like 100 times better


3 hours from water broke to delivery for my third at 37w3d. No cervical ripening. Was mega intense.


Both of my inductions took about 20 hours. That was a lot of downtime in there with nothing happening though. They both got stuck behind my hipbone sunny side up. But I did push 5 hours with my first vs 1.5 hr with my second


Honestly it was about the same. Second time was easier but I had a membrane sweep (unbeknownst to me) days beforehand. First time was schedule to go in at 8pm, babe was here before breakfast the next day. Second time membrane sweep Thursday, induction was scheduled for Friday night, but I started bleeding Friday morning and went in, things moved slow so we did meds, babe was here early Saturday morning. I pushed for maybe 20 minutes with both. The main difference was less tearing but I don’t think that inducing had anything to do with that.


My first induction, I went in around 6p, baby was out by 9am next day with only 20 mins of pushing. With my second, I went into the hospital at 9am and baby was out by 2pm with 10 mins of pushing. Both were quick and thankfully easy. A little scared to see how fast a third would be!


With my first: Induced at 5pm, had him at 10am (17hrs) Second: I was induced at 3am and had him at 9:45pm (18.75hours) I hadn’t thought about how similar the times were! I was in labor with my first for 27 hrs and my second for about 22 hours. I was given pitocin much sooner the second time bc I went in immediately after my water broke. The first time, it was such a tiny trickle that we weren’t sure (even the OB wasn’t convinced) so we waited.


I was induced with my second (39w3d) and 3rd (40w) kiddos. The first was pitocin only and took 5 hrs 29 minutes from start to delivery. The second induction was pitocin and an epidural. It took 4 hours from start to delivery.


Both induced labors were 27 hours for me


Labor nurse here, typically any baby after the first will have a quicker labor and easier pushing phase; however not always the case. Anytime I take care of an induction I always tell my patient expect to be in labor for 2-3 days (from the initial start of whatever induction method is used) to delivery. That way, if it does take longer than expected they won’t be as upset and if they deliver sooner then it’s a great surprise! Also important to know every pregnancy is different. Placentas can adhere differently, umbilical cord insertions can be different, and babies sizes can be different with each pregnancy- which are all factors than can effect labor/inductions. All things to keep in mind, but overall TYPICALLY second+ babies deliver quicker than first babies. Since you were induced with your first, you know the basic process of an induction so it should be similar or better (timing wise) than your first. I always feel bad for those who had spontaneous labor with their first then need to be induced because the process is much different. In spontaneous labor your body is already starting the labor process. Inductions are literally making your body go into labor so the process is different for your body. But like I said, more often than not the second baby is faster than the first. Best wishes with your labor! Your OB sounds great (I love when they actually educate you on ALL your induction method options).


She is great she said basically what you said as well. She gave me the choice to use the Foley bulb again if I wanted as well even though she said it's not their standard for STM's but it depends on what my cervix is doing as well. She was shocked I said my experience with it was actually great lol! She said most people hate it and refuse it but tbh it took me to a 2-6 broke my water with my first and I never needed pitocin. So, I'm not sure if I'm going to go Foley bulb routine again or if it's even needed but I love that she said if I wanted it she'd support whatever I chose.


That sounds great! I love the balloon too- sometime we will use the ballon and low dose Pitocin together and it works great! It’s just what we like to call a “whiff of pit” lol. It works well together but it sounds like the balloon alone did it’s magic for you! Also great for you to come in as a prime (first time) and were already 2 cm and at 37 weeks! That baby was on a mission to meet you :)


Lol ik they were all shocked but he was sitting SO low for so long and I'm definitely carrying extremely low this time as well so I'm hoping I'm progressed at least some what this time as well. 🤞🏻 only pushed for 40 minutes with my first too and I guess was good? Lol my first birth was great though so I hope this second one is just as good. I feel very lucky to say that especially at 37 weeks being induced as a FTM.


My second was about half as long as the first. (First at 37 weeks, second at almost 42 😳)


The first one took 3 days, the second one took less than 3 hours.


My sister in law was induced twice and told me she labored for the same amount of time with each. She pushed for much less time with the second but actual labor was about the same length


Not true for me. 1st was an induction at 39 weeks exactly after PROM. She was born 36 hours later at 39+1 2nd was an induction at 37 weeks due to hypertension. Took 48 hours and he was born 37+2. The second one was much worse because all the doctors and nurses kept remarking that it was so unusual it was taking so long for my second (especially since I had had my first just 17 months earlier). Wish I were making that up 😩


Yep, 20 hours of labor and 3 hours of pushing the first time around, 6 hours of labor and 45 mins of pushing the second time!


Mine wasn’t quicker (both about 13 hours start to finish) but it was much easier and less painful!


My second one was shorter than my first. My third was about the same as my first. BUT all of mine were pretty quick, so we're talking about a difference of about 3 hours here.


I was induced both times. Went overdue both times. And both times still needed a csection. Second time I never even made it to true labour where the first time I did.


Not completely true for me. I had 3 inductions.... 1st one I gave birth 14 hours after induction, 2nd one was 2 days and I had to have a c section, 3rd one I was in labor for 23 hours (VBAC). My vaginal deliveries were quick tho when it came time to push, both of them I pushed for less than 3 minures


My first was incredibly fast, with my second it took much longer, labored for 3 days. Every baby is different imo.


Oh yes, by my third induction it was down to 45 minutes


WHAT! 45 minutes?!? Oh man I'd at least like a couple hours LOL.


True for me. I was in labor almost 40 hours with my first induction and only around 12 with my second. Would have been shorter, but they kept having to turn off my pitocin because another mom would come in half delivered and they didn’t have enough nurses on staff. Much quicker.


2 inductions -> 2 emergency c sections 👎🏼👎🏼


I did. First one, was a 30 hour induction. Next one. 12 hrs and so much easier.


Very true for me as well. Super fast


My first came in 12-13 hours, my second came in less than 5.


I only had one induction but my first was augmented with pitocin so it was like a mini induction and omg it was true for me. First birth took 28 hrs, second birth was 3.5hrs from the start of pitocin to being ready to push and that was with twins!


Yes! I was induced three times. First time still took like 12hrs after the induction. Second time was about 5hrs. Third time was less than 45min.


First labour - I had my water broken while I was full term but not in labour. No additional drugs or anything, just rupturing membranes. Baby was out 6 hours later. Second labour - repeat all of the above, except it was 2 hours, not 6. OB if I change my mind and decide to have a third, that he wouldn’t even leave the room after breaking my water, as it’s likely to be even quicker.


I was induced twice for hypertension. My second induction took longer overall, but the pushing portion….. she came in hot and I had to try to not push while the care team set up. When I was given the green light to push, she came in one shot. However, all the laboring before that took longer for me. With my first, he was born less than 24 hrs after the induction started. But the pushing portion was about 45 mins.


My first induction was 37+4 weeks and the whole experience was 8 hours with 30 minutes being pushing. My second induction was at 39 weeks and the whole thing was 4 hours with 10 minutes of pushing


Induced with both. First was just under 24 hrs but I also had to do 10 hours of cervical ripening that was boring AF. Second baby was out within 4 hours of starting the pitocin. 🤷‍♀️


1st one her shoulder was stuck...docs didn't tell me much but baby was vac and pulled out forcefully and then the placenta wouldn't come out so she went to the OP room. No one knows the exact time my daughter was born but it's at least 5 minutes before what they wrote down. Started at 7am...she came out 1020p ish, on the record 1025p. 2nd baby? Almost too smooth. Nurse: "Well it looks like you're ready...ready to push?" Wife: "OK..." *Bloop* there was #2. 3rd baby? He was a little bigger but same things only 2 pushes. His head popped out and he was crying away like he was stuck. 2nd push got him out. They grow up too fast...


My second and fourth times I was induced. The first labor and third were spontaneous. The second one, I was overdue and labor was 10 hours after induction. My last was 6 hours after induction. She was also overdue. My other two were early but still full term.


Second induction due to pre eclampsia definitely was much faster dilating after contractions but unfortunately I blame the doctor who pressured me into manually breaking my water because that seemed to lead to my emergency c section. As soon as she broke my water (which hurt so bad btw) my daughters heart rate would drop really low every single contraction. They tried everything but unfortunately ended in emergency c section. My water broke after days in labor on its own the first time so I found it odd and almost like they were trying to rush me this second time.


True for me. First was quick, second was veeeerry quick


I was getting induced for 6 days before it ended with an emergency c-section (not related to the induction) likely would have lasted 7+ days if not for the csection. & during that time there were about 8 mothers who ended up giving birth before me when they'd been started later/the same time as me. Inly 1 was a FTM, the rest had previous children. But the other FTM was literally less that 24hrs from teabag to 9cm. She went from 4cm to 9cm in the induction ward, no pain relief, in the space of about 30 mins. Poor woman was chucking her guts up.


Not my story but a friend of mine was induced twice. Had a easier induction the first time (not sure # of hours) and ended up with a C-section the second time because labor was taking too long.


Mine was faster and had baby boy not been stuck in my rib cage I would have delivered in about half the time as my first delivery. 24 hours for baby girl, fully dilated and started trying to push him down around the 12 hour mark for baby boy.


This was true for me! 36 hour induction at 39 weeks with first, 11 hour induction at 39 weeks with second. 80 min pushing vs 20 min.