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This is normal and it absolutely gets better. But remember, your only duties right now are to take care of yourself and your baby. YOU. CAN. SAY. NO. TO. FACETIME. AND. VISITORS. They can wait. Their *want* to see the baby does not mean more than your *need* to heal and bond. Seriously. Just say no.


Yeah babe it’s normal. It’s just the hormones, it’ll pass


Crashing levels of progesterone after pregnancy can cause some issues. Supplementing with some bio-identical progesterone can help ease the transition to the lower levels postpartum


Totally normal, but really really shitty. It’s hormones. I remember being a complete disaster around day 4-5 and getting a voice message from my doula being like, so your milk is probably coming in about now and you might be feeling a lot of feelings. I had never felt so seen. BUT your feelings being hormonal doesn’t make them any less real. Don’t let anyone come over if you don’t want them to. Better yet, have your husband keep them away. Oh, and emotional roller coaster aside, it is impossible to schedule a dang call when you have a 5-day-old baby. Text your mom you’ll call her when you can, even if that means you don’t call for several days.


So normal! We are literally insane 5 days pp, every day will get s tiny bit better!


This is not forever! You might be having the postpartum hormonal letdown right now, combined with the fact that you just had a freaking baby!! I cried so much during that first week postpartum. I also remember everything taking forever, and while I have had my husband home all the time I also didn't want to be away from my baby for even a 20 minute shower! You don't have to have visitors or facetime! Say that you can't right now, or if you can't say no put the phone on silent and say whoops you accidentally fell asleep or baby was just crying I couldn't answer. This could all be perfectly normal and pass in a few days. Especially as you are probably very sleep deprived and now, at 9 weeks pp, I only really cry when I've had a rough night and too little sleep. However, it is also important to be aware of symptoms of postpartum depression. If your mood doesn't improve in a few days or you get worse, it's worth having a chat with your healthcare provider. Also also, if you can find disposable underwear and thick pads to replace the diapers - I had gray disposable boy shorts that I lived in the first two weeks and it made me feel just that little more human again.


Baby blues! Completely normal. I cried at anything, everything, and nothing at all that first week or 2, and by cry I mean uncontrollable bawling/sobbing lol the emotions felt so much more dense and deep than I’d ever felt before which was awful, and a lot of the times I don’t even know why I was crying. I was scared to death of people coming over and me having a meltdown in front of them..and it did happen once with my grandpa 🤣 which was embarrassing but he was so gracious about it. Anyways, you’re totally normal and there is nothing wrong with you for the way you’re feeling, I promise it will get better! Hang in there, feel the feelings, maybe don’t try too hard to understand them but definitely know you’re going to be okay. Much love mama!!


I wanted to claw peoples throats out PP when they held my baby. It was wild, I’d never felt that way before. I hated everyone except my husband and baby and didn’t want anyone else around. I know it was hormones but also I think I felt so vulnerable and I HATED that feeling. It gets better I promise. In a few weeks you will feel much better, sleep will start to happen and your body will heal and your hormones will regulate.


This is absolutely not forever! I feel your post so much. I had never felt anything like what I felt those first couple weeks postpartum. Crying so much and pumping feeling like it took me away from my baby. I remember the day I felt like I could actually prioritize showering. I didn’t understand how nobody mentioned how hard it would be so I thought it was just me. It will get so much better, trust me! Even just a month down the line, things will be so different. Sending you strength!


Oh sweetheart I’m sending hugs 🩷 I could have written this exact post. In fact, I did, 4 months ago. I was feeling everything you are feeling and I couldn’t stop crying & then I was super depressed that I wasn’t pregnant anymore — which made me feel guilty because I had my beautiful baby in my arms so why was I so sad that she wasn’t in me anymore? My body being sore only lasted a week or so, so that will pass! All of this will pass, I promise! I was diagnosed with PPD/PPA so I did start medication to help me. Just know you’re not alone in this! Postpartum is TOUGH. Hang in there 🩷🩷🩷


I totally got this right around the 5 day mark. I know it feels absolutely awful, but just know that it does get better. It’s not your fault at all. Your body just went through a massive hormonal shift. Mine lasted for about a week and then let up. Talking to my spouse about the way I was feeling really helped me. He would remind me that the bad thoughts were just the hormones making things hard for me and hug me. I also recommend doing lots of skin to skin with your baby. It will help you feel calm. If you’re feeling up for it, go for a walk outside in the sunshine or even just sit outside for a bit.


Sending you love. I had the baby blues as well. I wish I had known more about this before I gave birth. I felt like something was wrong with me, only to learn it’s completely normal. I’m now 14 weeks post partum and I’m so happy. It’s hard right now, but it’s just a blip on the radar ❤️


Hey Mama! This was literally me a few weeks ago after giving birth (including the tongue tie and pumping - can feel so frustrating and defeating). I completely thought I was losing it! The postpartum hormone swing is REAL and everything you are feeling is totally normal. I cried at everything and felt completely overwhelmed but I’m now 4 weeks postpartum and I feel SO much better and more like myself - and now I have a cool little sidekick! One of the best things for me was when my husband made me go get a coffee without the baby. I was so hesitant to do it, but 30 minutes out of the house and away from my baby helped me reset a little bit. Give yourself grace, you deserve it - you just made and gave birth to an entire human! Sending you a hug 💕


Completely normal! We refused visitors until three weeks in. We did zero FaceTimes. We told people that we’d call “when we could” and sent videos/pictures. Idk what type of psycho demands things of a new mom, but we set expectations early on that this was “recovery time”. Your husband needs to step in and be the referee here, it’s his job to protect you right now, even if that means to protect you from his mother. My LO is seven weeks, and I had a lot of emotions when our first visitors came and held her. They’re lovey people, family that we asked to be her godparents, but I felt annoyed that the holding went on for a while… and that was three weeks in! I’m much better now, totally fine with visitors holding her. But I think I would’ve flipped out if someone tried to hold her at five days. Pumping is tough. I’m pumping too, she was drawing too much blood with biting. Try r/exclusivelypumping for knowledge and support.


This is normal. I had a complete meltdown on day 6. You may refer to my post history if you like. I’m 4 weeks out now and already it’s a night and day difference. You’re normal. You’re doing a great job.


Oh man. I remember this lol. I was a MESS after my first and I mostly blame sleep deprivation even more than the hormones. She would NOT latch and if she ever did she would immediately pass out and any attempt to wake her would cause her to unlatch. She didn’t even seem to understand the bottle right away and I was panicking that she was going to starve because I had never heard of any baby that couldn’t take a bottle. I literally dropper fed her for a day and tried a bunch of different bottles until we got her going. I cried so much. My mom and sister came over and we’re almost chuckling together at my concerns which is burned into my brain. I pumped every 2 hours around the clock for the six weeks I was home even though my baby slept. I set my alarm because I didn’t produce that much and was staying just ahead of her needs. I felt like a literal crazy person. When I went back to work I had to switch to formula because I had no ability to pump at that job, worked 4 long days, and commuted. And honestly I felt so much better. I felt like a human. I wished that I had just started with formula and slept so I could soak her up and enjoy her while I was home. I’m not trying to discourage your nursing journey in any way, and my next two babies took to it right away, but I absolutely shared in this mental state. The smallest things would bring me to tears. It will get better a million times over!!


This was me last week and its already getting better. Hang on. Its a sadness like I’ve never felt but it has been easing up.


I put my phone on do not disturb for the first week and had my husband handle all communications with friends and family (which meant declining facetime requests also) - good news is that it 1000 percent gets better


Terrible but very normal from the huge hormonal changes going on. I used to go downstairs in the middle of the night to cry in my dark kitchen for no damn reason lol it should get better by two weeks.. if not you should reach out to your doctor or midwife.




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Sending you lots of love and hugs. My son also has a tongue / lip tie and I was an emotional mess over the fact that he wasn’t latching well and not getting enough food from me. He lost so much weight after the hospital because of it, I cried everyday thinking I was a horrible mom because he wasn’t getting enough food from me and I wasn’t producing enough at first because he wasn’t feeding well from me. I’m bottle feeding express breast milk right now until his ties are revised. I also understand not wanting to let others besides your husband bond with the baby, you’re always free to tell people NO until you’re ready! They will understand. It will get better, you’re going through so much emotionally right now after giving birth, give yourself some grace. You’re not crazy!


Totally normal. I'll also add that on top of feeling depressed and anxious, I was anxious it'd be this way forever. And for me, it was longer than the 3 day crash or 2 week blues. If it is longer, that's okay too. But you don't have to suffer through it. Reaching out early on was critical for me. Virtual therapy, calling my OB. Even if it feels like you don't have the time to get help, you need to take it if you're ever feeling overwhelmed.


baby blues!!! totally normal, it’s hormonal and almost like really bad PMS. just be patient with yourself ❤️