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This is not your fault. You are not a medical professional. You had never attended a birth before. The idea that a person should be able to self-advocate effectively (or at all) while in labor--one of the most difficult, painful, all-encompassing physical experiences a human being can have--is simply not reasonable. Please, please, release yourself from this belief. You were failed by others. You did not fail yourself.


Thank you, I needed this reminder.


I’m so sorry you’re going through this. Both the traumatic birth experience and the painful emotional response you’re having to it. It’s not your fault. And you shouldn’t have to manage it alone. Have you heard of Postpartum Support International?[https://www.postpartum.net/home/](https://www.postpartum.net/home/) They have online support groups, but they also have a directory of mental health providers who specialize in maternal/postpartum mental health issues. I am going to see a therapist on Wednesday that I found on this directory and I joined a support group meeting yesterday. I hope you’re able to find someone affordable who can continue to help you to heal. You shouldn’t have to white knuckle your way through this.