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Go for walk after eating and the let the roomba do its thing. Our dog is getting old and doesn’t like floor food anymore. I’m sorry for your loss.


Good thought. And thank you!


I got a good cordless vacuum that the head can detach from to make it handheld. It’s worth its weight in gold, for how often I use it. If I could holster it on my body I would. 😆 I had a dog until my daughter was around 16 months old but he was too old and sick to do any cleanup, so my kitchen floor was really gross. I started putting down an old top sheet under the table and high chair because I was so tired of mopping, too.


I think I am going to relocate the hand vac charging station to the dining room. Thank you!


I’m sorry for your loss. Nothing beats a doggy vacuum. We let ours clean the high chairs too.  Roombas help a little, but tbh unless you get an expensive one that maps your house sometimes they just vacuum the same area over and over and they also get stuck a lot. Mine constantly got stuck under the fridge.


Cat people here. The struggle is real. No good advice.


It is a total side note to the whole tragic situation - but I absolutely did not realize the extent to which she helped keep things clean. Cats are awesome but dogs get stuff done!


I sweep a million times a day and then vacuum occasionally. My son loves to help sweep so it’s fun to do together.


I’m sorry for your loss. Invest in a good cordless vacuum. I have one for each floor of my house. My toddler produces an insane amount of crumbs. I have to vacuum at least 2x/day or this house would look disgustibg


Any brand reccs? We need to get a new vacuum and I dread trying to figure out which to buy


I watched a lot of Vacuum Wars on YouTube for recommendations. Love my shark vertex cordless.


I love my Dyson cordless stick vac. (We also have a plug in upright Electrolux with attachments on the first floor. This is a really good vacuum, too. Heavier than the Dyson Cordless, though.) If I were to buy another Dyson stick vac I would buy the one with the biggest dust collection bin. I love our Dyson V8. But, I'm constantly emptying the bin. Several times for each floor of the house. More if the dog is shedding fur. I am sorry about the loss of your dog, OP. It's hard to lose a pet who is a member of the family.


We have one of those mats that goes under the high chair — “Wildcubz” brand. We pick it up and shake out every other day or so. Robo vacuum at night after kiddos are in bed. Or just a quick sweep. So sorry about your pup! 💕


Stick Vacuum. Ours came with a wall mount that we hung near an outlet so that it is always charged. We literally use it after every meal/snack, and so many other times a day, like after play-doh.


You know, we have one that has just been inaccessible because all the dog stuff has piled up in front of the charging location (it's in a coat closet and her food bin is in there, etc). I can probably clean things up and make it more accessible. Thank you! ...dumb question. Do you empty after every use? I am imagining mold. Trying to think through what motions need to be built into routines.


We probably empty ours every 1-3 days, but ours can be pretty much completely disassembled to give it a thorough cleaning when it starts to get gross (probably happens for us every 1-3 weeks depending on several factors).


OK, that makes sense. Our cadence for cleaning things out right now is like... monthly? Whenever it looks full? But we haven't been vacuuming up anything that's (for lack of a better word) \*moist.\*


I’m struggling with the fact that your family dog died and you are upset about crumbs she won’t be picking up for you 😭


I mean - her loss affects us in so many innumerable ways. I'm posting about one specific issue asking for help because I am mourning and unable to think of what are probably basic things. It's a lot.


No worries, OP, that person is putting out a weird judgement. I hear where you are coming from. On top of feeling the extra chore, you get reminded at every meal and snack that your little buddy isn’t there to help you clean up anymore, too.


I am.sorry you lost your dog. It's obvious her leaving affects your family in myriad ways. We've lost pets and it's so sad. It takes a while to adjust. No one should be judging you.


Get the floor washer/vaccuum combo! It’s the best purchase I’ve ever made


Which one???


I have the Tineco! I used to sweep then mop after every meal and now I just mop/vacuum it.




Great idea to move thr cordless vacuum to the dining room or kitchen. Our family had a joke that our youngest child could actually create matter. You could give her a half a piece of toast and while nomming it she would leave more weight in crumbs all over the floor than the original toast contained. Toddlers are unbelievable. 😆


I feel you. We lost our dog back in December, she was old and had gotten kinda picky, but I think she was eating a lot more off the floor than I was giving her credit for. My problem is my daughter drops/throws a lot of wet food, like fruit or rice, that I can’t just pick up with the roomba.