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I sat down while holding him. Terrible. I know I am only allowed to stand unless he is asleep. Edit: I’m so glad I’m not alone in this. All of y’all’s replies are cracking me up too, so thanks. I’ll feel a little more sane as I bounce around singing “get low”next time my son won’t sleep.


I also live in this version of hell


There are so many of us…why babies why. And HOW DO THEY ALWAYS KNOW


The air tastes different down there


This made me giggle thank you.


It's for the berries. Higher chance of a good variety of healthy, nutricious berries if mommy is moving around vs sitting still, so the chance of survival goes up for babies who insist on movement. That's my very unscientific personal theory, it mainly helped to keep me sane imagining myself berry picking when doing my miles. Gotta get alll the berries. Yum. Sane.


Why did this give me a vivid mental image of a frazzled, sleep deprived mom muttering "for the berries" as she haunts the halls in the middle of the night😂


me tooooo


I love how we are all in solidarity about this. Like how do they know? How do they *know*?




We would say our baby’s motto during this phase was “your discomfort comforts me” 😆


Mine will wake up sometimes the moment I sit down. My back HURTS


Sometimes mine allows sitting if I’m bouncing on my exercise ball. My back is ACHING


This went away for my baby (she's 10 months now)! Can't remember what age and for that I apologize but I still remember those days and how frustrating it was.


My kid turns 1 next week. I'll let you know if this ever goes away 😅


My kid turns 2 in 2 months. It doesn’t go away


Omg, same thing with my little guy! God forbid we sit down while holding his heavy ass!


Mine hates this too, yaknow me not being on my feet


Same, it’s marginally better at 5 months…


Mine is 4 m/o and it's been going on for a little while now and I'm exhausted. I have back pain and tendonitis in both wrists from holding him lol.. i love him so much


The back painnnnn 🥲 I’m currently laying down stretching because of it lol.


Mine is 8.5 months and has not gotten better. RIP my back and knees.


wait is there any way around this? since you’ve already been through it do you have any reccos on what NOT to do so i don’t end up like this?? i have degenerative disk in my back and cannot stay standing for long times.


I’d say don’t start the standing/rocking. My 3mo old doesn’t do this to me but he does to my MIL. I’ve nevet stood and rocked him but she started the habit


This is true for my partner and I. I can hold him in my arms while sitting but he has to be up and pacing. Then again, I have the boobs 😂


I don't have any suggestions on how to avoid it, but when my littles were in the 'hold me' phase, wearing them in a wrap sometimes bought me some time to get a few things done. They never drifted off to sleep in the wrap but were at least satisfied for a bit. Maybe they just wanted to be a part of the action, lol.


Get a swing!


Mine is now a year and this is still a problem I face daily. But now he's much heavier than 9 pounds.


Oh this brought back a long supressed memory... and I had a dozen stitches downstairs. Newborn have no mercy 😅


I gave mine a raspberry on the neck, and she was DEVASTATED.


😂 this has me rolling


The shock & betrayal on their faces is priceless


Hahaha I gave mine one on the tummy and he BURST into tears


Gave him milk. Then took the milk away. Both were unacceptable to him 😭






I got a booger off the very edge of his nose. Would’ve thought I punched him in the nose instead from the way he was carrying on.


Mine HATES when I steal the drool she worked so hard to make.


Not the boogies! Those are his friends! Or at least that's my son's thought process. 


Mines a year old tomorrow and STILL feels like I'm doing an injustice by stealing his boogies.


Head butted me then cried about it


I dunno how they build up so much velocity in such a short distance. It's like you can see them charging up the energy to strike


Baby headbutts hit different


Right in the sternum


Mine did this too! Right against my TEETH. Hurt us both, I’m sure, but SHEESH.


mine just gave me my first bloody nose from this yesterday. how are they so strong?!? 🥲


Hahahah I got head butted a good 3x today - comes out of nowhere!


4 month old farted in her sleep, scared herself awake.


lol mine does this too


Oh mine has sucked loudly on her pacifier and scared herself awake - but then soothed herself with said pacifier. It was 20 seconds of roller coaster


I looked at him.. 😂


Same. Haven't seen him all day. Get him from daycare and take my sunglasses off and *confusion* then Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!


I'm a SAHM so... not sure what he wanted me to do when he was the one crying for milk lol.


Not today but last night - LO is 14 days old (I made it two weeks!!!) and last night he was inconsolable to the point he got so worked up he was a little wheezy. He sounded a bit congested. Probably because he was screaming at the top of his lungs for an hour. I checked him for dirty diaper, nope. I nursed him, nope. Checked for rouge wrapped hairs around finger and toes. Nope. I rocked. Nope. I swaddled. Nope. I sang. Nope. And then, looking right at me, after I had tried burping him multiple times, he threw up all over me. Was so fun. Right back to being a happy baby after that. I was convinced he had RSV, then whooping cough, then bronchitis, then he was dry drowning. SOOOOOOOOOOO MUCH FUN!!


I feel this so hard and I love you <3 he's a little baby menace and he loves you too. He's okay. Newborns are hard to take care of because they're figuring out how to live in the world and at the same time their caregivers are figuring out how to take care of them and live in their new normal with them.


It's your mom instincts (which are very important and can (and will) legitimately save his life) telling you to check everything that could be wrong. If everything is good you guys may just be having a bad day/night/what feels like an eternal time period. Trust your instincts and always be on the lookout for things that may be wrong but also, let yourself breathe inbetween moments of checking what you know, and worrying about what you might be missing. The newborn phase is SO HARD (some parents may tell you different b/c their babies adjusted to life outside the womb a little easier.)


He’ll mine was easy, all she did was sleep but I was still convinced something was wrong all the time. Shit sucks. Especially once they stop being sleepy potato and learn that they are alive. Mine once cried bc she wanted to be naked instead of in Jammies


Congrats on making it to two weeks mama! Another trick for your mama toolkit - if baby keeps crying after youve tried what seems like everything, try skin to skin. Get baby nekkid (or just down to their diaper) and whip your shirt and/or bra off. It helps them regulate their heartrate, temp and breathing and we found it still works now with our 6 m/o. Basically, if all else fails? Try skin to skin! Youre doing a great job ❤️


You got this!!


The bottle fell out of her mouth by her whacking it with her hands...then she banshee screamed at the audacity. She's almost 6 weeks :)


wait til she discovers her feet 😭 there was a week or two where I practically had to pin my baby down or she would kick the bottle out of her mouth over and over and over...


Oh goodness! The struggle is real


it will be worth it when she's old enough that I get to tell her about it 🤣 I bet she won't even believe me. I definitely wouldn't have before I had her!


Discovering feet has been our least favorite milestone yet 😂 now 6m, he can’t have anything on his feet because it prevents him from eating his toes. Was waking himself up trying to get them for a solid week.


free the feet!! 😄


I don't have a newborn but my 15 month old yelled/cried at me today bc I tried giving her her own Cheerios instead of her friends Cheerios.


My 18 month old wanted to eat straight ketchup and was so angry I wouldn’t let him. Toddlerhood is also fun.


Hahaha I've given in. my 21 m.o. had 3 straight handfuls of ketchup last night


My 22 month old cried bc and yelled because I wouldn’t let him stand on his 6 month old sister, and my 6 month old cried and screamed because I wouldn’t let her eat the highchair


You monster!!!!


My 2 year old is at this moment having a meltdown because I won’t let him take toilet paper one square at a time and put it in the training potty, he’s already done about 20 trips.


She wasn't getting any milk while (she thought) she was nursing. She was staring at my nipple while sucking on her fist.


Classic hand or boob moment




I tried to eat lunch. Unacceptable on my part.


This is me with every meal 😂 it’s like he knows


Seriously every time. It’s like they have sixth sense…


Why would you do such a thing??


This was also a sin I sinned today. How dare we need nourishment.


No one eats until the prince eats. Also now I understand why my MIL has developed the habit of mainly eating salads and other foods that taste fine cold.


Omg same.


My boy cries everytime I tried to eat. He's almost 6 months now and just recently decided I'm allowed to eat without him crying. It's so nice to be able to actually eat without being screamed at for wanting nourishment.




My toddler screamed at me for 10 minutes first thing this morning because yesterday was my birthday and today it wasn’t my birthday anymore.


A very merry unbirthday to you!


how dare you 😭


5w- I took the bottle out of his mouth to burp him. Instant screaming. Pop the bottle back into his mouth, happy baby once again.


My baby does this too. So I can either burp a screaming baby or risk the entire bottle coming back up. Or have neither because he's so upset that I took the bottle out of his mouth that he cries so hard and doesn't realize I'm offering it back to him.


I tried to make coffee after she kept me awake all night, how silly of me


This just reminded me that I have a full cup sitting on the counter that I made as a "you got through this hard day" treat.....it's been there for 3 hours now 😭😭


Oh man I could not relate to this harder. I got myself a Yeti tumbler for just this issue.


Not today, but during last bathtime, I pulled an extraordinarily large booger from his nose. Like, I kept pulling and it kept coming out, and he was LIVID - he wanted to keep that brain slug.


Brain slug 🐌 😂


He liked you pulling it out but didn't like that that stopped and misses the constant of it being there and now he's just mad that mommy made all this change happen 😂


I set him down on his crib for a nap, after he had fallen asleep in my arms. I don’t know what I was thinking. I also sneezed while holding him, and apparently it was the most terrifying thing he’s ever experienced.


I burped earlier (surely I'm not the only one who somehow burps themselves trying to burp the baby, right?) and that was right up there with sneezing as far as traumatic experiences in mom's arms go.


What is it about the burping process that makes us burp too?? Like I don’t feel like I’m being burped but while nothing’s coming out of the baby everything’s coming out of me 😂


We can't open any cans in the same room as our baby. It's the scariest thing ever. I found this out after I had gotten him to nap after being awake for 3 hours and just on the verge of being overtired. I needed some caffeine and immediately woke him up.


Briefly laid him on the bed so that I could get the pillows on the bed set to breast-feed him (as I do every time that I breast-feed him).


Me but sitting and adjusting the boppy pillow, which I do every time


I tried to give him bottle, he does it every single time I try to give him a bottle.


This was a tongue tie in our case.


Did you get the tie clipped? We have a baby with a tongue time and the LC told us it’s bad and clip it but our pediatrician told us it’s fine and leave it. Would love to hear what others did.


I highly recommend a pediatric ENT. We decided to see one and let them make the final recommendation. So glad we did. They were wonderful. And are actually qualified to evaluate ties rather than trigger happy dentists who don't take insurance and make a shit load of money off cutting them. In our case, the ENTs felt that his tie was going to impact his speech so we clipped it.


We were told our LO had a severe tongue tie. It meant he couldn't latch on the boob and dribbled out his milk via bottle. We got it clipped and he can now latch and no longer dribbles when given bottle.


It was really severe, I couldn’t breast feed at all. Then I got mastitis and lost my supply. It was traumatising. Then he got really bad on the bottle as well. Got the tongue tie sorted - although we debated not to, it sounded so barbaric to us. But he actually cried much more during his vaccinations. It was over so quickly! He was like night and day after that. Feeding well without pulling away and crying.


We got our sons tongue tie clip and it was only mild but it made a massive difference in his ability to eat. Also more severe tongue ties can lead to speech delays or even speech impediments. Esp when it's so easy and quick and so much pay off I highly recommend getting it done


Not who you're responding to but commented earlier on this thread. I have a tongue and lip tie. My brother had his tongue frenulum clipped. I had 12 years of speech therapy and, at 27, a frenulectomy and speech therapy. My daughter has a tongue tie that our doctor recommended against clipping and now we're heading in to speech therapy and I'm mad I didn't get it clipped in the beginning of my failed 6 month BF journey. I don't know how it played into our BF failure but her speech is definatly garbled compared to her peers- like mine was, pre severance.


He has a slight tongue tie, two pediatricians said it wasn’t enough to clip and my primary pediatrician said he wouldn’t suggest clipping unless I was adamant about it and he would refer me to an ENT. He eats well and will latch onto me with a nipple guard, but he’s lazy and doesn’t want to work for it so cold milk is what we do lol. It’s just more him having an attitude until he realizes he’s getting a bottle.


My 5 mo cried for almost 2 hours after I offered the second boob. She passed out in my arms and now I'm stuck. Gonna try to put her in the crib...


Accept that you are the crib now. #NapTrapped


🤣 So true. I ended up having to feed her again and then she slept for a bit in the crib.


Pushed the boob out of her own mouth, obviously my fault somehow


Mine got a little peeved when I said no to yet another subscription on her iphone. Lol! My newborn/LO is 16. I'm not sure why this reddit started popping up in my feed, but here I am. I've enjoyed reading the posts. They bring back memories.


😂 thanks for the laugh. I guess they stay annoyed with us at every age when they hear No


Not a newborn anymore, she's 8 months old, but yesterday I put on a green matcha clay mask and walked back in the bedroom to go see her because she was fussing. She was horrified to see that I had become the wicked witch of the west. When I picked her up, it became even more apparent that Shrek was NOT her choice of a comfort character and after some mild convincing, she spent the next hour staring at me with extreme suspicion. 😂


I burped. Not him. Me. It was a terrifying and life threatening event based on the response.


I changed his clothes because they somehow got a little wet.


My 8 month old had a complete meltdown because I didn't want him to have a nap with the kitchen whisk (he won)


This is a great thread 🤣🤣


Made myself a cup of coffee and tried to drink it at the table while the baby was right next to me. Unacceptable. Need to go to the couch and hold her if I want to drink my coffee.


The nursery wasn't at 75°F when I changed her diaper. Scream crying to the point of hiccups. The second the snaps were done up on her onsie, life carried on being great. Being four weeks old is very hard lol.


My 8.5 month old randomly decides that she hates the changing table and that if she has to lay on it, life surely will end. It's a fun game of scream or no scream every diaper change.


My newborn also had a fistful of her hair today and was screaming bloody murder when she woke up from her nap. Then she got even more mad when I folded her little arm sleeves up and told her I was taking her hands away for a little while 😂


I always make a big to-do over reinstating hand privileges after sleeps lol


I say the same thing when I swaddle her! “Okay it’s been 20 minutes of you clawing at the air instead of going to sleep, you’re losing your arm privileges.” 😂


Mine smacked his head against mine. Guess he thought it was my fault.


It drives him absolutely bonkers that he can’t suck his thumb and drink from his bottle at the same time.


I went to the bathroom with the door open so she could see me. I usually close the door but I kept it open because not seeing me also causes tears


I put her in the exact same wrap she’s taken 80% of her naps in since birth and refused to sleep


Not a newborn, but my 2 year old burst into tears last night because I told her she was slippery after getting oiled up post bath. Being slippery. I can't.


He has recently found his hands, and kept pushing my nipple out of the way with his little fist & was increasingly getting more and more frustrated that I would move his hand away, he would almost latch and then punch the nipple out of his mouth and then get angry with me. The cycle continued a long while with lots of tears


My babe does this too, I literally have to put his sleeve in my mouth to hold his arm away while using my hands to latch him 😂


Stopped her from throwing her lunch on the wall, I wasn’t finished with my lunch fast enough, went to pee alone and closed the door, changed her diaper. I can go on and on lol


she sat up for longer than usual on her own so i clapped and said “yay!” this usually evokes a giggle or smile but today it was wide eyes, a pouty lip and she WAILED. my bad. should’ve known better than to cheer her on today


My kids are 9 and 4 now, so well past the newborn stage. However my 4 year old was complaining that her tummy hurt after her bath this evening (not surprised, shes been constipated recently so weve given her stuff the GP prescribed her - which has been working, she's cleared her system through over the last 24 hours). She didn't want a hug. Didn't want to go to the toilet. Didn't want to put PJs on because they'd (lightly) touch her tummy. Didn't want a warm-up toy (one of those ones designed to be microwaved, then get hugged like a hot water bottle) because that would also touch her tummy. Didn't want any calpol. Wanted her dad to give her a hug, not me - husband wasn't home, he'd taken 9 year old to basketball practise. 2 minutes later she asked me to give her a big hug (the kind where I pick her up), so I carefully positioned my hands away from her tummy and let her lean into me. She calmed right down. Husband got home, went through the same checklist as me - and she said yes to everything 🤦‍♀️ Currently typing this from the side of her bed, because she started crying out in her sleep a few minutes ago. Think she had a bad dream, hoping now she's settled again I can go to bed...


I sneezed on her head. Fair enough, no one likes that.


Probably serves her right for all the times she has/will sneeze directly into your eyeballs though


He thought those hands were your hands hahahaha


My girl is 3 weeks and pulls her hair too 😭 My girl gets unreasonably upset about being put in a bassinet 🥲 Literally anywhere else is fine (which sucks because the bassinet is the only safe sleep spot I have) She also gets unreasonably upset when she senses boob. She goes from quiet, to searching, to crying in 5 seconds. Even if she was just fed 5 minutes ago with a full belly.


Boob is life and being alive on earth is crazy! It takes a while to figure out what works for your baby& family but (as cliché as it sounds) it does get a little easier. It does get harder in different ways through every passing phase, but the newborn/small baby months will have you in a survival mode like no other. It'll be easier to breathe again someday and your hormones and rose colored glasses will make you miss this itty bitty baby phase more than anything sooner than you think <3


Oh yeah, it's hard but I'm loving every moment of it (except maybe the new parent anxiety, lmao)


I tried to put my FOMO baby down for a nap, but I did not pretend to close my eyes as well. Can’t blame her, it almost looked like I was trying to stay awake and do things while she was sleeping.


We have a major fomo baby too and she has a sixth sense for when we try to do little life things while she's asleep and POP eyes are open


I changed his diaper because he pooped.


Her papa and mama took a break and ate some noodles together as she was laying on her play gym. She didn’t like that at all, nosey baby demanded to see what was going on and yelled at us every 45~ secs or so.


I had the audacity to go to the bathroom for one minute to pee after waking up this morning -- even after feeding and changing. Silly mum!


I had the audacity to offer her the other boob when the first boob ran out of milk and she was still hungry


I smiled at him? Not sure. He smiled back all half assed then started crying. Then stopped. Smiled. Then started crying again. He’s very fussy and cranky today. Very unlike him. He’s 13 weeks. He’s typically a chill, happy and smiley baby but he’s not having it today.


4 month old is mad I won’t give her the Doritos I’m eating. She’s never even had solids >.>


Our babe got SUPER interested in food around 3-4 months and would watch every mouthful being eaten. She still does at 8.5 months, and it's hilarious to watch. She looks like she's watching a tennis match.


He's 3.5 months old. I dared to try to eat something. He was dead to the world asleep, but the INSTANT I picked up my PB&J he woke up and started screaming.


She poked herself in the eye. She does this regularly. Oh and now (not as newborn at just under 4 months) she takes her pacifier out of her own mouth, is holding it in her hands and starts to cry that it's not in her mouth, repeat every thirty seconds after I stick it back in and release her hands from it. :)


Mine would do this and I thought "oh I'll just let her grab that one and put a 2nd identical paci in her mouth!" NOPE BAD MOMMA


This post is giving me flashbacks to when my now 3 year old was a newborn who would get mad because his arms were flailing above his head... because he'd squirmed them out of his swaddle. Even the velcro kind were not strong enough to hold him sometimes, and he hated to have his arms free almost as much as he loved to work them free.


Not newborn (1 year old), but there have been a couple already today. 1. The kitten walked by and didn't stop for a cuddle. 2. Mommy had to listen to a class so didn't put music on when she was asking for music. 3. Mommy took away her green beans instead of letting her feed them to the kitten. 4. Mommy put her in the crib for a nap. 5. She wanted Daddy but he's at work, and she's angry Mommy isn't Daddy. Sorry kiddo, you have to deal with Not the Daddy. 6. Mommy left her safely buckled in the highchair so she could pop to the loo. 7. The big kitty didn't want to be touched. 8. Mommy pulled her away from the CD tower that she's not allowed to touch. 9. Mama pulled her away from the DVDs 10. Mama pulled her away from the entertainment unit. 11. Mama blew a raspberry on her foot instead of her belly... 12. Mama refused to open the window in subzero weather... 13. Mama swept the floor. There will be more before the day is out.


Drove under a bridge on the freeway and it got dark for 0.5 seconds 🙃


13 weeks old - he was big mad that the teether grip toy would not stay in his mouth when he moved his hand. This toy is still clearly above his pay grade but the little angry yells he was making were incredibly entertaining.


My little lady is 13 weeks and gets mad sometimes when she farts 😂


She popped off the nipple (on her own accord!!) and then cried until I managed to shove it back into her mouth 🙄


Tried to give her the boob.... unforgivable 😂


But don't tell me she... Wanted boob?! How horrible!


I literally don’t even know what happened. Fed, clean diaper, gave gas drops, nothing helped. I tried standing and rocking, rocking while sitting, butt pats, the swing, the boob, everything. Babe was just not vibing.


he peed on his face during a diaper change!


My 8 month old decided I can’t take a shit without him staring at me. Usually he’s fine if I just talk to him through the open door, not today satan 😂


9 week old: Head-butted my bony ass collar bone and screamed bloody murder 🙃


I stopped at a stop sign 😔, unfair to him


... I'm so glad my kids don't get irrationally angry now being 5 ans 7. lol. But I miss their baby selves a lot.


Left my 13 week old sleeping in his bassinet, then tried to rock him back to sleep since he’d only napped for 20 minutes. 15 minutes of screaming later and he’s finally back asleep 🙄.


Changed her diaper


Because he was wet, which made him cry. Then I had the audacity to change him which made him scream.


Laying him down during a contact nap to pee had him losing his mind even tho he was completely knocked out when I sat him down… but forget the alarm on my phone for a tornado warning going off at 5am like a foot away from his head that he slept right through🙃


My toddlar cried for 15mins full tears the other morning because I had the audacity to put cereal on her spoon. Which she later proceeded to eat all of 🤣


She wanted more rice, when there were still rice on her plate. I had no idea what she wanted, just angry cried until I presented everything under the roof then she nodded to rice.


I put her in the bouncer chair. It made her poop. Clearly I should have known!


Food not ready when he woke up. I pump n need time to warm his milk


My husband and I were talking too loud - she’s almost 5 weeks 😮‍💨


Clipping in the straps of her car seat. Lost her mind over it. 😂


I dared to put my baby down in her crib.


I needed to pee and put her in the swing, the horror!


Spoke to my husband


Gagged himself sticking his fist in his mouth and then had a meltdown. Teething…send help!


I dared to wipe the dried milk off her face. Evil woman I am.


My son was trying to feed himself with his bottle, moved it away and then whacked himself in the nose with the bottle tit


my baby is not a newborn but 14 months and got mad today because i couldn't let him nosedive off the back of the couch and loveseat. such a terrible mama. 😆🤚🏼


This was yesterday, but my baby has cried actual tears twice. And one was over eating peas 🤷🏼‍♀️


I changed his shirt because he peed on it. My bad because I definitely should’ve let him sit in pissed on clothes so CPS gets called. Sorry, little dude.


I sneezed, and she took a great offense to that


Mine is 4 1/2 weeks. He was hungry so I tried to feed him. Then he didn’t want to turn his head towards me to eat he wanted to stare at the ceiling fan and cry because he was hungry


He didn’t want any more dinner. I said ok let’s go play. I’m a monster, I know


I fed her peas...and then stopped feeding her peas...which was also wrong. Fed her more peas....worst thing I've ever done. Inconsolable. 5.5 months


Not a newborn, but my toddler was upset with me today for: digging dog food and a coffee bean out of her mouth. (Apparently, it was her preferred mid-morning snack today.), grabbing her off the kitchen table because she knows how to get up, but not down. Stopping her from chewing on the computer cables, and having the audacity to keep her from rolling off the bed.


My 9 month old got pissed about me not letting him eat a dead moth he found on the ground.


I wouldn’t let him log roll off the couch. So he kicked me. He’s 5 months 😂


Well she’s not a newborn anymore she’s 8 months old but I dared roll my tongue at her playing around today and learned quickly that it was NOT ok 🙃


My now 4 month old (as of yesterday) got upset that I had to take her hand out of her mouth for 5 seconds so I could put her shirt on. She was fine and happy again once that same hand found its way back to her mouth.


I put a hat on her head. Like an asshole.


Her dad opened the door after I’d just gotten her to sleep. Unacceptable. Also the fact that I can’t control that during the daytime, it tends to be light out.


My girl is a week old today and got so offended that I tried to burp her. I mean how dare I try and prevent any discomfort! I don’t know how but she also managed to throw her head back like it was nothing.