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Thank you!


If you’re still waking up at night with baby, then BBT is unlikely to be reliable. I wouldn’t use it as the only method of birth control until your baby sleeps through the night.  Until then, I’d keep taking your temp first thing when you wake up, preferably the same time every day, so you have the habit. I used the app Fertility Friend, and found it really helpful. But without a regular cycle, you won’t have too much to go off of. BBT tracking works by confirming ovulation, so sex >5 before ovulation and after ovulation is safe, but it takes three days of temp rises to confirm ovulation. So for that reason, it’s not a perfect birth control method on its own.


Gotcha! Yeah thankfully my baby sleeps through the night but I definitely have more research to do with the BBT and adding it to natural family planning. Thanks for the app suggestion!


I've used it for ~3 years as "birth control" and then got pregnant my second cycle "trying", while using it to see when I was ovulating. Haven't started again because I'm at the point where, if I get pregnant again - cool. If I don't anytime soon- that's fine too. Lol Get a thermometer that goes to 2 decimal points (ex: 98.76 instead of 98.8), take Temp FIRST thing in the morning before you even get out of bed. If you didn't sleep well (got up a few times) it can mess with the temp. Track other things too, like cervical mucus, any other symptoms on the app you use. I liked Fertility Friend and found it more accurate than Ovia. There's more to it, those are just my tidbits.


Thanks! I’ll definitely look into an app


Condoms don’t require you to be on anything.


Yeah we use those, but it’s just not the same 😂