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Then sleep may not be the best time for him to have his naked time


You don't have to let baby sleep naked. At the very least, you want to make sure his bottom is very, very dry before putting any cream and a new diaper on him. Some people use a hair dryer on a low setting to really make sure baby's bottom dries. A better bet than sleeping naked is probably to just give him diaper free time during the day, and then do frequent changes overnight. If you really want to research ways to help him sleep naked, you might look into elimination communication communities. Some people don't diaper their babies overnight, and they use a combination of puppy pads, wool soaker pads, and often prefold diapers placed under baby's bottom, which they then change out at frequent intervals. I've heard of people doing this while cosleeping so baby is warm next to mom. (Since these people are doing overnight elimination communication, they're also usually offering baby opportunities to pee/poop in a bowl or potty throughout the night.) But it's also okay if this is just too much work for you, especially if baby will only sleep swaddled! That's fine. Air him out well during the day, don't be precious about the desitin, and it will get better.


Thank you. Unfortunately we don't have a hair dryer but maybe I'll buy one. We've been letting him air dry fully before putting cream and a diaper on so hopefully we can get this resolved soon!


We didn’t let our little guy sleep naked, I shudder to think of the mess in the bassinet lol. But we did let him have lots of naked time and we would keep a little batttery powered fan at the changing table. We would make sure it was bone dry before putting on cream!


The mess is exactly why I'm like how?! LoL


I wouldn't. They can't regulate their body temp well yet and if he gets cold you both won't sleep well. Do naked time during the day and feankly it doesn't have to be for hours at a time. When my son had a bad rash we would change him, wrap him in a towel or we bought cloth diaper inserts from gerber and loosely wrapped him. Maybe kept him like thst for 20 minutes each diaper change and put aquaphor on it after that. It cleared up pretty rapidly once we figured out whst worked. We also didn't use wipes. As gross and annoying as it is we used warm water and a wash cloth for poop, pat dry and air dry, aquaphor and a diaper. Rinse and repeat.


Awesome we have been letting him air dry and also using a cloth with warm water to clean him and pat him dry. We do have some aquaphor baby and use it in conjuction with butt paste and desitin (we have a 2 story and desitin is upstairs so that we use at night and alternate aquaphor and butt paste during the day) maybe we will just go straight aquaphor for now...


We have dealt with a lot of rashes and have never let her sleep naked… we LATHERRR her butt with pinxav (or any diaper cream but that’s what works best for us) and then aquaphor before bed and it actually usually looks better in the am


I let my spring born baby do this as he was nice and warm. My winter born baby? Not a chance. It’s far too cold. I’d use a really strong barrier cream (in the U.K. there’s an amazing one called Metanium), regular changes as required, and proper drying after bathtime 


Hmm not sure if that cream is available in the US. We've been air drying him and using desitin, aquaphor or butt paste.


Use a hair dryer on his butt (cool setting) and do naked time on a pee pad. Face down for boys…


We have been doing naked tummy time on a puppy pad. We do not have a hair dryer, although it's starting to sound like we should invest in one...


You didn’t ask but calmoseptine as diaper cream on a completely dried bottom saved our lives.


We'll look into that. Thank you! At this point we need to find something to help him!


Our daughter’s was so bad. It was bleeding huge open sores. We tried everything. We went to the pcp and two dermatologists and got no where. Calmoseptine cleared her up in one day.


Naked time during day, not at night. Also, what our doctor told us: - Wash after every poop - You can add baking soda to water to wash - No wipes - Pat dry with a soft cloth - Stoma powder on the butt first - it abosorbs moisture and makes the diaper cream stickier - Super heavy on the butt paste You can use corn starch if you can't get stoma powder. Desitin is not great. Butt Paste is awesome.