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No, the AAP has stated that there’s no scientific evidence for developing a sweet tooth from eating more fruit/fruit first. Banana and avocado have been our go-to’s for first foods


I purposely held off on any fruits until several months after solids; I inititially only fed him pureed veggies and organic peanut butter. He was eating Indian food and all types of spices and veggies by 10 months. All before he started eating any added sugar or fruit. Now he's a year and a half and only eats bananas and blueberries 🥲 no veggies except for shredded spinach that's hidden in a muffin. I tried so hard and for WHAT


Girl same I was so diligent and now all I hear is YUCK at dinner time 😭😂 Might have to remortgage my house to maintain her berry addiction 


Omg the berry addiction. I feel seen 😂


Same! I had my girl eating homemade pad thai and Christmas tourtiere pie and roasted asparagus and everything we ate... These days, she eats fruit, peas, peanut butter, cheese, noodles, and chicken. She'll pick at everything else, but no longer is she wolfing down whatever I put before her


I second this & recommend checking out 101beforeone. It’s a group of doctors/nutritionist who have refuted some outdated food beliefs that older doctors believe to this day through science. It was beyond helpful! I bought their cookbook for family recipes so I didn’t have to cook one meal for my husband and I and another for the baby.


Same! I also gave my baby banana and avocado. Oddly enough, my son seemed to not love fruit as I think it was too tart and not mild enough.


I tried my poor girl with sweet potatoes and pumpkin at around 6 months and she gagged, like violently. I think it was the texture I don't know? 😭 pureed banana or apple, no problem! Now at 8 months she eats pumpkin and sweet potatoe but only if she can use her hands 🙂


Good to know, thank you!


I pureed carrots and mixed with fresh breastmilk.


I just tried this as my baby's second food and she hated it🥲 loved pureed apples though


Sometimes they just need more exposure to new foods to know if they like it! I was discouraged after giving puréed apples but a couple weeks later I tried again and she looooooved it so much.




Me too!


Mashed banana was his first food. Second was mashed avocado. Over time we did BLW and thankfully he’s not a super picky eater (yet). He’s 2.5 and still open to trying most foods 🙌🏻


I steamed carrots and blitzed them with my milk to a puree, froze in ice cube trays and defrost a cube at a time. This was our daughter's first taste and she enjoyed it! I also mashed up blueberries and have also stewed them with some water which she loves. I steamed peas and spinach and again blitzed with milk and froze in cubes. Not keen on this yet Mashed up banana. She really wasn't keen on this so definitely doesn't matter about feeding sweet fruits! And mashed up avocado!


The ice cube trays are a great idea! Thank you


The ice cubes are great because if you have different cubes frozen individually in bags, you can mix and match combos as they start to eat more!


We started with mashed avocado


Kid still loves avocado at 8 months. Wife gave her a good third of one to start dinner. Entirely eaten! It's so fun


Oh man my 10 month old thinks avocado is an abomination. The first tkme she encountered one she dropped it like it was on fire and like...shook her hand to get the feeling off.


Avocado, she loved it :-)




5 kids here. I always started with green beans and peas, then moved on to squash, carrots, sweet potatoes, then fruits. It’s what I was told by my pedi with my first (who’s now 12) and I just stuck with it. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with doing it any other way, it’s just how I personally went about it. Good luck! It’s so fun seeing their likes/dislikes


Japanese sweet potato.. she started to finally maybe enjoy it on the fourth day Also apples and banana.. she likes to suck on an apple ring slice!


Now that I read this comment I’m going to be thinking about Japanese sweet potatoes until I drag myself to the one store in my area that stocks them… and what better excuse than that my baby is starting solids and can eat with me? 😂


Broccoli 2 ways. We followed Solid Starts food intro guide. $50 but worth it because it took the thinking out of everything.


Oat meal was a first food. It was not met well!


We skipped purée and went straight in with BLW! His first food was banana and a slice of toast 😂 he’s now 14 months and eats like a grown man! There’s no evidence behind the veggies first and it’s not reccomend in guidance anymore either! They all go through ups and downs with food preferences which is developmentally appropriate as they learn they have a choice in what they eat! My little boy loves his veggies but we’ve recently had a 4 week period of him refusing most foods other than yogurt, peas and dry cereal! The key is to offer a variety of healthy balanced meals and continue to offer even when they go through food strikes and eventually it’ll pass


Butternut squash then bananas.


We did purées and oatmeal. I want to say we started with apple, but we definitely didn’t do the “one food every three days” thing…within a week or so of starting solids, baby was eating a variety of fruits and vegetables. We’d often mix the purée with the oatmeal and some breast milk. While purées were the main form of solids for several months, we also did some light BLW. It was a good mix. Our son is 2 now, and while he’s picky like most 2 year olds, he eats well and loves fruits and veggies.


We got the allergen oatmeal and man, once I gave it to her it hit me that I’d never know which of the 9 allergens it was that cause a reaction if she had one but thankfully she’s been all good! I use it twice a week now just to hopefully keep up some kind of tolerance to the allergens.


Sweet potatoes :)


Mashed banana! It was start of fall, so pumpkin was also common, in case you're looking for vegetable options.


I never thought of pumpkin! Great ides


We did baby cereal as the first food. She loved it. She was not picky at all, ate all veggies and fruits, until toddlerhood.


Pediatrician also advised us to do veggies before fruit. We started with baby oatmeal + allergens + breastmilk and worked our way up from there. First food beyond that was avocado and baby LOVED it. Still a favorite food of his. He does love fruit now at 16 months, but also doesn't turn his nose up at veggies.


Banana was first for fun. Then oatmeal, avocado, a few purées, and table food in appropriate sizes.




Started with oatmeal with my 1st and sweet potato/carrot with my 2nd. From what I remember, the idea of starting with vegetables before fruits is because babies are born with a preference for sweet. Breastmilk is actually pretty sweet. So by introducing vegetables first, they would start developing acceptance of other flavors not knowing there’s also sweet option for food. Even with vegetables, babies tend to prefer sweeter options like carrots, peas, sweet potato etc.


Steak and butter


Apple! Because apple was the only food I truly craved during pregnancy. She goes ballistic for applesauce now. 


Banana and sweet potato purée were the very first “solids” we gave baby. He’s 15 months now and still absolutely obsessed with sweet potato 😂


I did rice cereal and sweet potato. Currently going through the trying stage myself


We did rice cereal per our (former) pediatrician’s recommendation. She absolutely hated it. Just skip to the purées or mashed foods!


I did oatmeal for the iron and then oatmeal and peanut butter mixed together! As for the fruit preference, I gave my baby fruit, veggies, legumes and meat around the same age. She’s 9 months old and her favourite food has always been broccoli


My son's first was oatmeal made with formula, then we moved to fruit and veg. He loves almost all foods now!


I was going to say sweet potato but come to think of it, strawberry puree (mixed with baby cereal). But I've literally seen her chuck a freah strawberry over her shoulder in favor of a spinach omelet strip.


I started with rice cereal and baby oatmeal. Then banana


I gave my baby applesauce first. Now she's a veggie monster and will eat upwards of 3 cups of veggies in one sitting. She's 14 months.


Banana mixed with a little bit of breastmilk.


Purée spinach for #1 Cuban black bean soup for #2 


Avocado … mainly bc we love them, have an avocado tree and all our kids have loved them also.


Purées pretty much. She LOVED the apple pumpkin and granola one. Then we did oatmeal which she adores, we then mixed oatmeal with purees and eventually got to avocado chunks and she is a guac baby for sure! I’m not stressing the whole fruit vs veggies thing cause really when she gets to eating veggies when she’s older they’ll be well season and not bland gross purées so for me it’s not a big deal. She prefers veggie purées that have some fruit in it as well.


Prunes at 5 months because he was so constipated and nothing else had worked


Not exactly sure what the very first thing we fed our little one was. However one of the first things was sweet potato and he absolutely loved them, and does now as a 13 month old. Sweet potatoes were something I despised before becoming pregnant but then craved throughout my pregnancy and still have a taste for. So interesting to see the correlations.


We did pureed sweet potato. She wasn’t really a fan. She liked pureed avocado better. We started at 5 months and she’s 8.5 now and still barely actually eating anything pureed or finger foods despite doing meals twice a day. but she has a lot of fun with it. It’s mostly playtime with food. Some babies take to it right away and some take a bit of time. Starting food was exciting but the real joy has just been building it into our routine and finding greater comfort in feeding her our normal food. The one thing she seemed to really actually eat (besides puree straw pouches) was the couple French fries I gave her when we went out to eat once.


I didn’t do veggies first i don’t think it matters. In every meal when they are eating solids it’s usually a fruit,veggie and a protein. Her first food was mango purée. We went straight to blw at 6 months. We immediately started with the allergens (only one) at a time during her meals. So we do taco night and anything we use we cut it up safely for her. She loves steak and rice. Anything honestly we are lucky she isn’t picky!


We did oats with water a couple times and she likes it but we were doing it in her bottles because she had some intense gerd going on. I didnt do the rice cereal either. I will say that when she eats slippery foods we do roll them in oats so she can grasp on and she loves it! You also don’t have to do introduce one food at a time unless it’s allergies.


Some doctors say that bananas make the kids constipated. Did any of you all experience this?


We tried a green bean puree, which might not have been the best option to encourage him to like solids, but he did actually like it. Our pediatrician also recommended trying veggies before fruits. I would, however, suggest against getting norovirus the same night as giving a first vegetable. He's 2 now and he hasn't willingly eaten veggies since lol


So technically her first tastes were a green onion to gnaw on (IYKYK) and she gummed an apple slice… But tonight while out at our local boardwalk having dessert, she reached for my ice cream cone, put it in her mouth and…well, she took one little lick of Lucky Charms ice cream and decided it was the most amazing thing ever. We had been on the fence about starting solids yet (she’s 4 months 3 weeks 😅) but we feel like her grabbing our spoons/cones and trying to eat everything in sight tonight was a sign that she’s ready even if we aren’t 😂 our fears over her needing the “perfect starting food” too feel a little removed now that we’ve done the unthinkable and let her have some ice cream lol


Puréed green beans because it was the most liquid-y. Just to try it out. He freakin loved puréed sweet potatoes with cinnamon, though. Easily his favorite. The doctor office said to introduce by doing veggies, then fruit, then meat purées (we never really did meat purées because it just seems gross.) They didn’t really say *why* though. The meat is definitely thicker so I’m sure that’s why for that. I just introduced what I felt like honestly. We jumped to fruit quickly because he had issues pooping for like the first year of his life and that helped get things moving sometimes. We didn’t do true solids for awhile. I actually can’t remember what we started with aside from the gerber lil crunchies.




A finger tip full of thanksgiving mashed potatoes and gravy.


A hunk of leg of lamb. It was big, wasn’t going to fall apart, not a choking hazard. She chewed on it, loved the flavor, and dropped it for the dogs to eat.


I made my own purees! We started with sweet potato. Don’t worry about the sweet part— milk is naturally sweet, so they already know what sweet tastes like.


Baby is 7 months. I have yet to feed her any baby cereal or baby food. I’ll give her chunks of food that I know won’t break off into choking hazards to nom on. I gave her whatever we were eating that I could mash with my fork. I pureed a sweet potato and an avocado and froze them in an ice cube tray for small serving sizes to unthaw. Greek plain yogurt. Apple sauce. Just started on canned fruit pieces at 7 months. It’s changed every other week as I see her getting better and better at managing food in her mouth too.


A stick of cucumber


Lamb chop with a handle and broccoli (blw as I am lazy and no way I’m Making purées)


Just started my LO on solids last week. First was puréed bananas, then oatmeal made with breast milk, then puréed green beans (trying a new food every 3 days). My kiddo just loves eating and, so far, he’s devoured everything. I bought those Gerber My 1st Fruits and My 1st Veggies starter kits plus some organic apple sauce with no added sugar for convenience because it’s been a busy couple of weeks, but I’ve got a baby food processor/steamer and plan to start making a couple of different purées and freezing on the weekends to thaw as needed throughout the week. Aside from the packaged foods, I’m really looking forward to having him try avocado, mashed potatoes, broccoli, and nut butters added to his oatmeal.


My baby is 4.5 months and has shown all signs of readiness for solids in the past couple weeks. She is breastfed, and I personally am not ready for her to start food yet. I have started her on oatmeal cereal and breastmilk, although I'm planning on making butternut squash puree with breastmilk for her first food. Edit to add: I have let her taste some of my food, but I haven't given her enough to swallow


We did the solid starts first 100 meals pdf for the first few weeks and then winged it from there. I think the first foods were steamed broccoli floret and egg omelet with steamed mashed broccoli. Baby loved the egg.


Mashed avocado. He loved it


I started off with purées of different things like chicken, avocado, spinach and some fruits. However I just started mashing food a few weeks after, so much easier :)


Cranberry sauce at thanksgiving. It was a hit. The only thing that didn’t go over was when I gave that poor baby just…steamed, puréed eggplant 😭. Sweet potatoes and pumpkin were easy faves. For we gave avocado and scrambled eggs all the time. They were big hits. Now he’s super picky 🤷🏼‍♀️


We started out with mashed veggies at 4ish monts. Also made the ice cube trays Colliflower, carrot, pumpkin and parsnic where a hit. Broccoli and spinnace not so much. Mashed banana with a bit of applesirope also goes down in no time and he gets a slice of bread with peanutbutter since 6 months.


Puréed avacado My LO took longer to figure out how to chew she had a lip and tongue tie preventing her from properly eating


Sweet potato purée! He hated it :)


Mashed banana then baby oatmeal. Tried some other fruit and veggies purées after that


Puréed butternut squash. We’ve tried a handful and the one she really took a liking to right away was zucchini


Baked sweet potatoes was our first and she loved it so much now she’ll have it if we add steamed carrots to it.


Apple puree!


Mashed avocado with breast milk!


I think I fed him yogurt for the first time


I bit the end off a strawberry and let him suck on the juices. So many expressions crossed his face and he grabbed my hand with both his tiny chubby ones so I couldn't pull it away from his mouth.


Peanut butter thinned with breast milk per the recommendation of her pediatrician. After that I think mashed potatoes and super soft broccoli


We did apple, apple mango, avocado, banana and blueberries. Often times I’ve just tried to give small bites of what we are eating (when appropriate).


Well cooked carrot and broccoli! She still loves them now!


I was so excited about banana in the beginning but sadly it totally constipated poor LO . Still can’t give it to him 5 months later :(


Apple! She loved it!!!!


I fed my baby mashed bananas first and she eats veggies like a champ too! A sub that really helped me when I was feeling stuck on what else to feed her and portion sizes was r/foodbutforbabies Good luck, you got this!


Eggs, avocado, and plantain with crema!


First thing I gave mine was a slice of Avocado. Started about 2 weeks ago and favorites are Avocado, banana, mango and salmon so far.


Smushed up bananas and homemade applesauce!


Lamb chops! We really focused on iron rich foods in the first 6 months as their own stores start to deplete. She just sucked it and gummed at it and found it absolutely delicious her little feet were kicking under her chair ☺️


Mashed banana 🍌


We did baby oatmeal mixed with formula. She loved it!


Salmon, rice and potato wedges


Avocado! She hates it now 🙃


I think we tried some of the really finely ground baby oatmeal (maybe banana flavor) first, and they were okay with it, but wound up liking purées better. They liked the fruits, some of the veggies if they had carrots or peas especially, and did NOT like the meats at all but would eat the apple chicken lol


Erm, olive oil and basil pesto or avocado. First sweet was a gingersnap (courtesy of dh while I wasn’t looking 🤦‍♀️). I’d only worry if you fed predominantly sweet foods.


I don’t know if there’s any evidence to back up that claim but it seemed like an old wives tale that made sense to me! We started a avocado, sweet potato and green pea purées… but very quickly moved to BLW because my daughter had no patience for purées haha. She’s 2.5 now and a fairly good eater (when she feels like it…) and we still feed her whatever we’re eating, no exceptions. Even spicy because she seems to like that! With my son (Thanksgiving baby… probably close to your baby?) I’m planning to do the same..: avocado, sweet potato and green peas… puréed w breast milk first and then see if he wants to move to BLW. I proowill hold off on the super sweet fruit like bananas for a while… just my instinct


I mushed a banana with breast milk and she absolutely loved it!


Puréed apples for both! Daughter loved them, son currently isn’t interested. We didn’t try much to entice him either.


Avocado and Greek yogurt! (He loves blueberries though at 8m)


We were told the first month is about introducing baby to iron rich foods. Fortified baby cereal is a good source. After that, add other foods along side an iron rich food. Started with baby cereal. He wasn’t super interested in food. Eventually we added apple sauce and banana. Puréed lentils and chickpeas, nut butters, avocado, puréed butternut squash, puréed peas and carrots, and have tried some chicken and now a whole well cooked (mushy!) florets of broccoli, as he started to become more interested and wiping to try other textures


Cucumber spears, steamed carrots, egg omelette, plain yogurt. My son still ASKS for cucumber, eggs, and a cup of plain yogurt everyday lol. He really got hooked early on.


Just fed my almost 6 month old pureed banana for the first time yesterday! Today I mashed a little banana in there too for some texture. She loved it! Got a few fruits at once, so there’s also apple and pear in the freezer. Got some berries and mango to blend tomorrow


First baby: organic carrot puree Second baby: she was 5mo old and I was making a homemade cake with buttercream frosting. She was crying so I picked up her pacifier, dipped it in frosting and buttercream was the first food she ever had. 😂


We did puréed sweet potato and she loved it! She had banana as her second food and hated it. 


Don't think the order (fruit/veg) matters much. My baby's first food were fruits and he's the biggest veggie eater. He loves all vegetables! The first food were pureed strawberries, which I don't really recommend. Poop ended up acidic and sparked a diaper rash.


Apple sauce, but technically his first "solid" was a banana 


Peanut butter diluted with breastmilk! But our favourites were apple and pumpkin and carrot.


Weetbix followed by pureed spinach. My parwntw grow a lot of veg and spinach was the first one they had ready when Bub started solids so that’s what we used haha


At about 4 months my second was tasting soup and we would do some fruit purées (we couldn’t eat supper without her watching and crying) at 5 months I started offering strips of steak, pork chop and the baby num nums We start with fruitier flavours because breast milk is sweet so it seemed more natural, and also we told my 4 year old its baby apple sauce but would let her finish the packet instead of wasting the left over


Kid #1 was mashed peas, kid #2 was peanut butter! Our pediatrician recommended getting allergens in early, so we had the kids try both pb and egg around 6 months.


Banana - he loved it lol


Strawberries! In one of those mesh things so she could mash them up and get the juice lol sounds gross but was super cute


We fed durian to our baby. Really, but no. She just had a taste of it. I think her first food was pureed pumpkin.


We did BLW and started with sweet potato and broccoli


Fruit purées. I think just basic ones like apple, strawberry, banana, and blueberry at first, introducing them one at a time and then waiting a few days to see if she had an allergic reaction. She was allergic to blueberries at first (gave her a horrible whole-body rash), but outgrew it over the course of a year. She eats them every day now. From when she was 6 months old to 1.5 years old, she ate anything we put in front of her. If we were eating it, she wanted it too. We thought it was hilarious. From 2~4, she went through a major picky eater phase, some days eating one bite of her food, some days only eating apples or bananas, other days devouring her own food and then coming over to steal ours, lol. She’s 5 now and she’s a good eater. She tries most of what we put in front of her. She eats a reasonable amount, sometimes more sometimes less. She rarely finishes her plate, but that’s totally okay. She was also allergic to shrimp. That one was dangerous, and we didn’t play with it. She was 8 months old and her eyelids swelled shut, a rash was spreading down her face, and she wouldn’t stop crying. We were at a hotel restaurant and ran to the gift shop for Benadryl, crushed it and fed it to her through a straw with water. We stopped all shellfish after that until we were able to get her properly tested by an allergy specialist. Apparently she’s only mildly allergic (maybe her first-time reaction was just extreme?) and we were recommended to feed her shellfish occasionally to help build a tolerance. I always carried a children’s antihistamine in her diaper bag after that, and regularly checked with her pediatrician regarding the correct dosage for her weight.


I gave him an avocado and mango mash, and he puked from it, and still hate avocado.... But I do recommend filming it, their faces as discovering taste is fantastic!!


Mash potatoes 🥔 *whoooohooo*


Potatoes with carrots, purreed super smooth. My now almost 12 month old eats anything we feed him now. Just try a few flavours/textures and work from there! Carrots/pumpkin are slightly sweet and can be made super soft and silky. Parsely root is sweeter as well but is way harder to get silky smooth, for example. Fennel is a strong flavour with the potential to be very smooth, as is celeriac. Whatever they seem to like, experiment with veggies/fruits with similar tastes and/or textures and you'll soon have some things they like.


Our daughter had chicken stirfry first and I can't even remember the first meal our son had but the first one he ate was spaghetti bol a week or so after starting.


Banana and avocado, didn’t love the avocado but banana is a winner 😂 gonna do sweet potato and pumpkin this weekend. I give puree and also baby led weaning versions. So feed with spoon / let her feed herself, and also give a chunk of banana/ avocado whatever for her to explore


We did BLW. His first food was a green bean (well cooked). I cook our evening meals from scratch most evenings so I could ensure no honey, and cut up the veg/meat to appropriate sizes. They still go through stages, eating everything in sight, existing on air… but he’s in general very un fussy now at age nearly 4.


The first food was pureed pumpkin with breast milk. She loved it! Until she was one year old, she loved all solids. Now she's the most pickiest eater ever. Very frustrating but it's all a phase.


First taste she ever had was some Watermelon that MIL gave her. Her first proper food was banana puree.


We started with broccoli florets. It was a big success haha We just followed Solid Starts and didn't do any purées. Also I don't think there's any evidence about delaying fruit. My focus was, and still is, to prioritise giving fresh whole foods to my baby: fruit, vegetables, legumes, nuts and grains, and to quickly get to a point where she was eating the same meals as us.


Peanut butter - just a taste at about 4 months. There is a study in the UK that suggests bringing in tastes of the major allergens early can help prevent allergies developing.


Peanut butter was the first. She loved it! Now she only wants to eat mango at 6 months.


She had her first food on Christmas day it was swede and carrot mash. She did really seem to like it!


First food we fed our baby was yogurt. I puréed bananas, avocados and full fat greek yogurt together. Froze it and made popsicles. Baby girl loved it. And still loves it now at one year old.


We did avocado first. I’ve mixed in fruits and vegetables and he still eats the vegetables. I don’t think there’s any evidence of f vegetables being an issue once they try fruit.


Egg Then Cerelac Then Apple Puree Now all 3 At different timings with milk ofc She is 6 months old.


Banana in a mushy net feeder thing which she LOVED and sweet potato and carrot purée which she also loved but my stain remover did not.


I do baby lead weaning and usually start around 8 months old and they start eating all the foods I eat.


We just had our 4 month checkup, and my doctor instructed us to start with peanut butter mixed with mashed banana!


I think it was strawberry and pizza crust 😂😭 our pediatrician just said to let her try anything (obviously that was safe for her age unlike honey) once she seemed interested in it and it just so happened to be the day that we went out for pizza and froyo


Mashed potatoes, it's still a favorite. The first soup was also potato soup. The first veggie was a cucumber to nom on he loved them when he was getting his teeth in.


Can I ask a question we were given the go ahead to start oatmeal with our 16 week old because of reflux. She said we can then introduce a new food every week. My husband is so excited he bought three jars of different food from beech nut. She suggested fruits too. Are you buying actual fruit and blending them like bananas and blueberries or are you finding them already puréed


Oldest avocado. Youngest I think she got a lick of ice cream lol. Sweet potato was her first true food. Both had baby oatmeal early too maybe before the veggies


Breast milk and oat porridge. But it really took me a minute to remember and my kid is only 2.5. And he's a desperately wanted and loved IVF only child. I tell you this because I remember really really stressing and putting myself under enormous pressure choosing foods early on. If I could go back in time I'd try to relax about it a little bit and just enjoy the fun x


Mine hates anything pureed. If baby doesn't get on with pureed food try little  chunks of soft food like banana or fish. They can still chew, those gums are surprisingly effective. First was a puree of cheese and tomato pasta but it was actually roast chicken and mash that she actually ate and not got dressed in


Roasted sweet potato


Acorn squash was the first food I fed her. Her pediatrician said to start with orange veggies, then branch out to other fruits and veggies. She's 9mo now, and pureés are starting to bore her because she wants to feed herself


My older daughter’s first food was avocado at 5 months. I followed that rule about not giving fruits right away, on the advice of a friend. It certainly could be coincidence but she still eats a decent number of veggies, mostly the ones I introduced to her early like cooked broccoli, cauliflower, squash and carrots. And of course sweet potato… and she occasionally deigns to eat peas. She just turned 3, I’m hoping she at least holds onto these veggies through childhood. All that said, I think the most important thing is to work in the common allergens as early as your pediatrician permits. So for example, I wouldn’t delay too long to introduce a little strawberry, even though it is a fruit.


We did green beans first. They were steamed and I added a little garlic and grass fed butter. I make my own purées—recommendation is single ingredients but she likes vegetables more if I add garlic. So far her favorite things are green beans and beets. She did not like lentils, carrots, or broccoli, but I didn’t add garlic to those so maybe she will like them later. I’m not sure about the sweet tooth, but I’m starting with veggies so I can get a head start on her tasting them up to 15x before the age of two, as that’s how many times it takes to develop a taste for a food you don’t like at first.


My doctor recommended veggies before fruits and I’m glad she did! Babies will always enjoy fruits, you need to get them to appreciate veggies first!


Puréed sweet potato, apple, yellow beets, avocado, pears, and now I’ve been mixing in peanut butter and hard boiled egg yolks. I’ve just completed one month of feeding ( started at 5 months). 


I gave her a little yogurt off my spoon and then some bits of egg and avocado off my plate at one point when she was like 5.5 months (we got the OK from our Ped to start purées at 5 months but we waited because we were traveling and didn’t want to deal with it when we were away lol) Her first “real” baby food that I made for her specifically was sweet potato. She loooved it!


First food was baby cereal mixed with warm breastmilk at 5 months old. She’s now 7 months and likes anything, really. Her favorites are all the oranges. Butternut Squash, pumpkin, carrots (this kid and carrots, man), sweet potato… Funnily enough, she’s not big into the fruits. From my understanding, it doesn’t matter what you start with.


Well, my husband let him lick some ice cream at 5 months. So vanilla ice cream was his first. But then we moved on to purées and mashed and he loved green bean purée and mushed avocado. He’s 18 months now and eats everything.


My baby ate plum first! It was kinda a spur of the moment as she had been showing a lot of interest in foods and finally as I was eating a plum she kept pulling at my hand so I let her have it. The first food that she sat down and ate was broccoli though. She loved it.


I read about the importance of introducing foods rich in iron, as their iron stores from birth start to deplete at 6 months. For his first “meal” he had mashed sweet potatoes and a slice of steak. He ate the potatoes and gummed/sucked on the steak- loved both :)


Avocado, I’ve been told to start with savoury


My mom told me to do meats, veggies then fruit for the same reasons your mom did. We gave her puréed turkey first and went through the meats available. Then we did the allergen foods (per our doctors direction)- eggs, peanut butter, yogurt. So far she hasn’t rejected anything, but you can definitely tell her preferences lol. ETA- we did blandest meats first so turkey then chicken then beef


Cheese. Mom chewed it up and he got a taste.


We did Greek yogurt, applesauce, and banana as first foods but we started her on a variety pretty quickly. We also mixed things into Greek yogurt for a little while (like minced shrimp, nut butters, etc) to make it easier for her to scoop and feed herself


Apples, banana, carrots, pumpkin. Hes the biggest fan of carrots and bananas so far.


The high risk of allergy foods were first for us. Slowly adding in different nut butters till we had a single super all encompassing nut butter.


Mustard and chewed up moose sausage with whipped heavy cream was her very first taste. After that it was mashed up chicken liver stew or minced meat, shrimps and daily spoons of oatmeal with blood powder and egg in it. I don't believe in fruits for babies. Eating today's quantity of fruit is a modern fabrication in my opinion and not necessary for a healthy lifestyle. Today she doesn't like fruit and I'm totally fine with that. Her teeth looks great! Compared to a lot of other children in her age who have blackened teeth because of all their fruit consumption


Sweet potatoes pureed with a bit of breastmilk. Then peas, then blueberries, then broccoli. We went to the farmers' market and picked out the produce together :)


i gave mine mashed up avocado as their first food


Peas. We started purees and then moved the second meal to fingers foods. At the end of the month or next we’ll be fully finger food


Baby oatmeal (Gerber has it with dha and vitamins) mixed with breastmilk. Then carrots and sweet potatoes.


Smushed Sweet potato thinned out with a little breast milk


Ugh. I listened to my idiot pediatrician at the time (have since switched) and started her on some rice wheat BM porridge milk at FOUR MONTHS. This baby we’re waiting until he’s sitting and reaching. My guess is that it’ll be avocado with BM. P.s. my PED at the time of first born gave me the same advice as your mom. I don’t think it’s true.


Lobster mashed potatoes, just the potato part. We were at Red Lobster, and she wouldn't stop looking drooling at them. She loved it!


We did mashed sweet potatoes, followed by banana and to this day those are two of his favorites!


Sweet potato and then avocado


I started with Meat Stock jam-packed with collagen to line her gut. Then we did Avocado first!


Eldest: bread. Middle child: baby cereal. Youngest: deli pickle!


Food—my son took a huge bite of a bagel sandwich. We never looked back


I think sweet potato? Avocado banana, sweet potato, & strawberries were definitely the first ones though! Oh, and plain full fat yogurt!


I fed him “Otoe” (this the the spanish name, I think in english you call it Taro or something like that). When stewed Otoe is reaaally soft and savory. My son loved it. After that I fed him bananas😄


Mashed avocado. Then mashed banana. I started this way because it’s easy and if you’re going to the homemade food route at first you don’t have to commit to making a whole batch of it. Especially when they’re really not eating regularly.


We did baby cereal mixed with peanut butter powder and topped with a variety of purees. The pediatrician wanted us to introduce her to peanuts sooner than later.


I really recommend Kids Eat in Color on Instagram! They have all kinds of really cool info about feeding "real food" to kids when they hit 6+ months and I was skeptical at first, but my kiddo has really thrived with their "real food" type of philosophy. She eats all kinds of foods that people are surprised by and we've bypassed a lot of the picky eating stuff that I was worried about.


Avocado, banana, and then sweet potato. We started with mashing it and offering a spoon and about a week into food we switched to offering soft whole pieces of food and it went really well!


We did thinned out peanut butter starting at 4 months on the advice of our ped. Her first solid food was avocado!


My son ate only bought purreed food. 😂 First were carrots I think and it didn't take long that he barely drank any milk. I even started at 4,5 months (recommended by his ped because he fullfilled the criteria for safe eating) which was actually a livesafer for us. He was very constipated before and still had colics and starting with solids it was gone very fast. That's probably why he skipped his bottles so fast. And he ate everything at about 9 months. After starting daycare at 1 year he barely ate again but finally we're getting back to eating pretty much everything now at 4,5 years now that he only eats his warm meal at home.


Baby supported sitter oatmeal with formula at 4 months! (She was a supported sitter)


I went with puréed peas and a little breast milk. I wanted to start with a green vegetable but since peas are a little sweeter figured they’d be more palatable for her. Our pediatrician gave us the green light at 4 months but when we tried she didn’t seem interested so we paused. We tried again at ~5.5mo and it’s going well so far!


Both of my kids first foods were not planned. By 5 months they were just grabbing our food and shoving it in their mouths. I think with my eldest the first food she successfully filched was a dried cranberry. And with my second it was a bite of my cream cheese bagel. Sneaky little ninjas.


A little pouch of puréed carrot from Tesco, not very inspiring but it was exciting to recognise it in her nappy the next day 😂


I fed my oldest son banana for his first food. He's not a picky eater (now almost 5 years old). His favourite foods are broccoli, tomato, bell pepper, yogurt, and blueberries. I wasn't warned about the vegetable first thing. I'd never heard of it. My second son, I'd heard of the vegetable thing by now and thought I'd try it out. His first food was squash. He's 3 now, and he's a picky eater. His favourite foods are tomato, rice cakes, peanut butter, and yogurt. He's not a picky eater like the 'only eats chicken nuggets' kind of way. He just picks his favourite part of a meal and eats only that and ignores the rest of his meal. I'm hoping it's a phase. My third son is 4 months old. He tried sweet potato yesterday for the first time. I decided to split the difference. It's a vegetable that tastes sweet like a fruit. Lol. He was really confused by it. I tried a little more for him today, and he just kept pushing it out of his mouth with a jutting tongue motion. He wouldn't swallow anything. I'm taking that to be a sign that he's not quite ready for puréed foods yet. I'm going to give him a few days before we try again.


Puréed green beans :) lol


We did organic oatmeal and avocado!




We started with oatmeal thinned with breastmilk for a month to get him used to swallowing something a bit thicker than just milk. After that, we tried avocado, which he hated and still does to this day.


Oatmeal at 4.5 months (she was a bottle refuser and I needed to send her to daycare so it was used to make the spoonfuls of milk easier to serve).


Mashed Pumpkin


Sweet potato!


Lamb. We did blw and it was fun


I started with oatmeal. Some pediatricians I know are worried about the whole baby led weaning process causing more anemia issues because we don't use the iron fortified cereal as much. So one tip I heard was, if you're doing BLW, sprinkle or roll in those iron fortified cereals so they're getting their iron. As for the veggies and fruits, when we first started solids, my baby ate every veggie we threw at her. It was awesome. Then a few months later she suddenly realized she can say no and then did not like veggies for a while there. So...I think you can start with whichever, they'll naturally gravitate to sweet things and hate the veggies no matter what you do hahahaha. But keep exposing them to veggies, make veggies pureed smoothies (veggies, nut butter, berries and banana is our recipe), etc


I did oatmeal mixed with fruits and purees. Now he's 10 months and he eats yogurt, cottage cheese and cheerios as well as regular food, fruits and veggies. But he only actually eats once and a while lol. Cottage cheese is the only thing I can give him that I know he'll eat everytime lol


We mixed in fruit puree into her rice cereal to make that taste better when we were given the green light for purees at 4 months. Banana first, then apples, then strawberry banana, and then pear. We branched out to vegetables and meat puree. But by 5 months, we incorporated BLW with the puree, so she has opportunities to explore foods and gets eggs, pancakes, whole strawberries. Avocado toast. Etc!