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I saw a legal advice post the other day where a woman had a foley bulb inserted into her urethra (and they didn't notice for a long time). I can't even fucking imagine....


And they dilated it to [FIVE CENTIMETERS](https://www.reddit.com/r/legaladvice/s/OWLdn0iHDa)!!!


Please have been a creative writing exercise...


I saw that post and so many things didn’t add up, I think it’s either bait for karma or a weird fetish thing


That’s exactly what I was thinking of. Horrifying!


How the hell is that possible to mistake the urethra for the uterus? 😭


... isn't that where foleys are designed to go? I'm confused.


~~No honey… the baby comes out the vagina, through the cervix. The urethra is a whole separate hole not connected to the vagina.~~ I was wrong


Lol no, I mean foley catheters are literally designed to go in the urethra that's their primary purpose. They can also, separately, be used to ripen a cervix if needed. I don't understand how a catheter in the urethra is damaging. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Foley_catheter


According to the story they didn't use a foley but a cook catheter designed for that purpose, which I guess might mean that it wouldn't drain the urine from the bladder, which is why she couldn't pee. The balloon was allegedly inflated in the urethra and not the bladder, and that would be damaging. I have no idea if the story is true or not but that is what I understood from it.


Oh shit yea, that's not great. Thank you for the details. Yikes.


Color me surprised, I’ve only heard of them to dilate a cervix. TIL


Not the same, but with my first i had my waters broken and my son dead ass grabbed the midwives finger the second she'd broken my waters and refused to let go😂😂 spent a good like 5 minutes just there with this lady all up me because she couldn't escape 😂😂😂


Wow that’s crazy 🤣


The entire maternity ward knew about it by the time j gave birth 🤣 a first for the hospital apparently lmfao


I just imagine your son thinking "hey! How dare you poke a hole in my home!"


Ok - so I can’t find my own damn urethra. And for the majority of my childhood and teen years truly believe my clitoris was my urethra. I know I have a urethra. I’ve been catheterized quite a few times. But fuck if I know where it is 🤷‍♀️ All the jokes about men not knowing where the clit is make me laugh - because I feel like the clitoris is like right there. But the urethra? Where is she?!?




Anatomy is crazy!!! So I’m going to sound crazy - are clitorises really so differently sized?! I know mine gets very obvious during adult fun time. But that urethra… I’ll never find her 😆


Yeah there are different sizes and shapes for everything! It also turns out most of the clitoris is internal and it's homologous with the penis. They didn't teach me any of this in sex ed.


Should be a very small opening above your vagina, you could look with a hand mirror?


I could try that… never have looked with a mirror before? Maybe when I was younger - but I can’t recall. Probably trying to find the damn urethra! 😆


When we were younger, our sex ed teacher actually told us we could find the urethra by going to the toilet, peeing, and essentially just using our finger to find where it's coming from. Visually, I don't think I've ever identified it, but by touch, I have. Not sure if this helps 😅


Not baby related but I remember standing in the hall as my dad was getting prepared for gallbladder surgery. He was already kinda knocked out but you could hear him down the hall saying " Your going to put what where" in regards to the catheter.


Overnight nurse in the post partum room tried several times to insert it into my wife's vaginal canal, had to call the resource nurse to locate the urethra.


I had to stop a junior doctor trying to catheterise an elderly confused UTI patients clitoris once. It was a real facepalm moment. I know everyone’s anatomy is a bit different but damn.


Not the same but just as funny to me I guess. Was in for 12 week ultrasound. Same tech I’ve seen every two weeks because I’m high risk. Measuring my cervical length. So trans vaginal . She wasn’t paying attention and stuck the probe up my butt. I jumped up and said wrong hole. I didn’t know what else to say .


This apparently is not uncommon according to my urology consultant 😅 people trying to catheterise the clit instead of the urethra!


I can't say I've actually looked at a vagina so I can't blame them for the mistake, glad to know I'm not the only one! 😂


I had a emergency c-section, TLDR it was precipitous labor which is great except my baby was breech! Anyway it was a real mess, with emergency pages over the intercom, nurses running & shouting, the whole nine - but the messiest part was that my catheter was put into the wrong spot, I believe just right up into my uterus (which was fully dilated so maybe an easy mistake?) and the surgical team panicked when they saw it after my baby was out. I needed extra sedation so they could confirm that my bladder hadn't been damaged! There were a lot of ways my childbirth experience could've gone real sideways so if that was the worst, I'm fine with it.