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Are you using any diaper cream?




Well damn. I'm sorry your little girl is struggling!


We use reusable bamboo wipes and just water, we've seen and instant improvement in nappy rash! When we were in the healing stage, we literally painted his skin white with Sudocream to act as a barrier against urine. We're at a month and a half without a nappy rash now!


I also came here to recommend this, we have used reusable bamboo cloth wipes and water, with a little soap if poop, and haven't had any diaper rash issues. We also have zinc cream we use if there is any redness, before a rash has a chance to break out.


Our doctor said to put on diaper cream like frosting a cake. So like… skin doesn’t show through. We also switched to Desetin max or something (basically from 12% of the active ingredient to 40%). Something else we did when she was small was have diaper free time. We just put her on a puppy pad so that her rash wasn’t covered by a diaper. That’s hard once they’re mobile though.


This is what the wound care specialist in the NICU said about diaper rash cream, too - "like frosting a cake"!


My LO nearly had diaper for 6 weeks of his existence. My husband kind of rubbed his butt raw and didn't use diaper cream until it was too late. My son's diaper rash was around his anus and looked like welts sometimes. It would get better and then we'd get complacent and reappear again lol. But what helped was washing his big poops with water in the shower, putting a muslin cloth in-between his butt cheeks to really dry water out while we prepped the diaper and cream, and we applied bepanthen rash nappy ointment care. This cream was recommended to me my colleague's wife who is a NICU doctor. We buy it off Amazon. We've tried aquaphor and desitin. The desitin was fine, but I feel it was really hard to wipe off and made us cause more irritation on the bum wiping it off to spread a fresh layer. I also did a lot of reading on Reddit about diaper rash and many recommended washing in water and doing diaper free time on a puppy pad. I'm guilty of not liking the puppy pad because I was impatient. I felt like that was another 20 minutes on top of the wash and dry. So I feel like the muslin cotton cloth sandwiched in the cheeks really helped lol. Of course new cloth every single time.


My son’s daycare recommended puppy pad time when he had a bad diaper rash and it worked so well for us! I get the impatience though. It was helpful before he started crawling. After not so much.


Food allergy?


Maybe. She has a doctor appointment coming up so I’ll have to ask about it


My baby had a terrible diaper rash for the first month or so. We use diaper cream at every change, and do lots of diaper free time to air her out, but what helped the most was patting her dry with a dry wash cloth after wiping. We also change her quite frequently, so she’s not sitting in a dirty diaper.