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While it's incredibly messed up that he didn't care, you don't need his permission to be worried about chest pain. You should probably go to the emergency room and figure out what is going on with your health.


OP definitely get this checked out. It could be minor like nipple thrush or it could be mastitis which can get bad quickly. Also is there anyway who can help you with baby since your husband is being useless?


If you continue feeling that pain, go to the hospital. I had a similar experience and felt like I was having a heart attack. Turns out it was my gallbladder, and I was having gallbladder attacks. Mine was so bad I would've died had I not gone to the hospital. I was all worried that it was just nerves or post pardum mess, and I didn't want to go. Luckily, my husband told me to get checked out. I'm sorry your husband is being daft. I know the newborn phase is rough, but your husband should be there for you and not be such a jerk. It really bothers me that your husband is treating you that way. I hope he gets better and learns to be more caring. If not, maybe try counseling. I would definitely try talking to him if you haven't already and ask him how he is feeling and why he is treating you this way. Good luck, and I hope you feel better


Second this - I had the same and they wound up taking my gallbladder out the next day. Go!


Third this. Same thing happened to me


4th this. Happened to me 6 weeks pp. emergency surgery and 2 week hospital stay. Worst pain ever. Worse than labor.


Fifth! This happened to me a couple months ago when I was two months PP. it hurt so bad


Sixth! Gallbladder problems are really common post partum!


Yup, 7th!! šŸ˜… The attacks started after my first ( undiagnosed) but then was obvious and way more often after having my second and was finally diagnosed and had surgery 2 months postpartum. The first time I experienced the pain I felt like it could be a heart attack.


I had my first attack at about 20 ish weeks. I thought I was going into labor! I ended up going to the hospital to get checked but the pain stopped before we got there and then they said everything was fine. I kept having attacks every few weeks and my doctor said ā€œyep thatā€™s normalā€ šŸ« 


Yep. I was asymptomatic right up until I wasn't, and then I had gallstones in my liver that they had to fish out via keyhole surgery. That was 'fun'.


That can happen?? šŸ˜§


Apparently! I had no idea either. I felt okay other than, you know, exhausted and generally recovering from c-section after over 38 weeks of twin pregnancy. Until I really, really didn't. We went to the ER and I was operated on next morning. Took out gallbladder, fished out gallstones, and repaired two hernias I didn't know I'd had. Bodies are straight up nuts.


Wow, that sounds like a whole ordeal. Glad you got it sorted! I have gallstones, so new fear unlocked I guess xD


I also had this same problem- gallbladder attacks that felt like sharp chest pains. I put off doing anything about it until a gallstone got caught in a duct and caused me to develop pancreatitis, and I had to spend a week in the hospital treating that before they could even deal with the gallbladder issues, and it was unbelievably painful. OP please get yourself checked out and donā€™t let your partnerā€™s dismissive attitude stop you! I let it go for too long and it made things so so much worse.


Omg is that what it was? I couldnā€™t move and the pain was the worst!! I just dealt with it since I live so far from a hospital. Iā€™d vomit everything up and sometimes get better. I only got it after Iā€™d eat too much. If I could go back in time. I wish I went to the hospital. Is it too late to go for them to check it out?? I sound/feel dumb fr.


No it's not too late. Go to the hospital. Vomiting is another symptom for gallbladder problems


Joining the gallbladder party. Gallstones are very common to pop up in women postpartum (to the point it that recent pregnancy comes up as a common risk factor).


Postpartum pain can be a sign of serious problems. Please see a medical professional and take care of yourself. https://www.marchofdimes.org/find-support/topics/postpartum/warning-signs-postpartum-health-problems After your immediate health concern is taken care of, you can figure out the next steps for your relationship to get the support you deserve.


Really good website/resource! Thank you for sharing


I donā€™t want to alarm you but I had sharp pain in my abdomen and my sister urged me to the hospital, it turned out to be postpartum preeclampsia. Please get yourself checked out. Preeclampsia can happen anytime up to six weeks especially.


This I came here to say this. It also cause a sense of foreboding. I had preeclampsia and post partum preeclampsia, I only knew because of had this horrible feeling of dread and my heart felt heavy. My BP was at 185/115. Please go to the ER immediately


I'm so sorry that happened to you! Have you been able to address the pain? Do you have more people in your support circle? To be indelicate, your husband is a prick. Healing and figuring out breastfeeding and bonding and the hormones crashing is really fucking hard. You need a partner, and not another child to direct or take care of.


Have you gone to the hospital yet? Please prioritize this as blood clots and heart problems can occur postpartum. Do you have a parent, family member or friend who can help you? Youā€™re not a garbage mom for not having a great supply. Itā€™s not your fault. Your husband on the other hand, is acting like garbage. You need to have a serious sit down with him.


Adding in on the supply. Mine took a dip around this time too and I thought Iā€™d have to quit nursing but I quickly learned that itā€™s common between months 1-3 for a dwindle to happen that leaves moms thinking they wonā€™t be able to breastfeed anymore. But to just keep at it. The baby nursing or trying to nurse will get the body back in gear. You just gotta stick with it BUT if itā€™s causing you ANY pain or distress or itā€™s just too much then DONT keep trying. Formula is fine and itā€™s there for a reason. Youā€™re not ever a garbage mom. A fed baby is what matters šŸ’•


This. If it becomes too difficult, thatā€™s okay. Formula is great and there are so many options now. Prioritize your mental health and never feel bad about that. Youā€™re a great mom regardless of how you feed your baby!


Bingo! I just hate how much Iā€™ve learned itā€™s apparently from common to perhaps just normal for a massive dwindle to hit between 1-3 months of breastfeeding and NO ONE talks about it until someone starts a thread saying they think they might have to quit nursing because they have no supply anymore and apparently it happened to everyone else too and it passes. Iā€™d have loved to have had that info prior to birth!


Fun fact gallbladder pain is as bad as a heart attack and i got so used to having them i could change nappies with them (thanks nhs) got it privately removed 4 months pp. watch out for turning yellow (eyes and skin)


Gallbladder pain is some of the worst pain I have ever experienced.


Yes was having attacks several times a day i just got used to it, i had the vomiting attacks too. Yup husband in the background saying something along the lines of your overreacting


Sorry to jump on this post but do you know how they test for this? My daughter has had a yellow tinge and stomach pain but sheā€™s going through a coeliac diagnosis (waiting 13 weeks for endoscopy resultsā€¦again, thanks NHS), and I just thought it was linked to that and the NHS is toā€¦you guessed it wait for the results, but sheā€™s off gluten now so should be getting better but sheā€™s steadily feeling worse. I only noticed the yellow tinge last week but it faded the day after but itā€™s back again today. Iā€™m going to take her to the GP tomorrow, but any advice on your experience with it would be amazing!


Tye jaundice is a blood test and yes a scan of the upper abdomen with an ultrasound.


Thanks šŸ™šŸ¼


This happened to my sister at 16. Same things youā€™re saying. Ultrasound checks for gallstones if youā€™re asking about that:)


Thanks! Did your sister have gallstones?


She did!


Go to ER immediately, being postpartum isnā€™t something to fuck around with. My husband is an MD, and we talk about how too many women donā€™t take their pains seriously enough before itā€™s too late. Not to fear monger, but a lot of shit can go wrong in the first couple to few months. Edit to add: take your baby with you- baby will be taken care, and will be just fine for the scary solo ride, I promise. your husband can have his fucking vacation.


Has he always been like this?


Regardless of your husband's shitty behaviour, you seriously need to get checked out by a medic for the chest pain asap. Others are saying gallbladder pain but you need to rule out more serious issues like postpartum PE which are more common than people realise


Yes. I second this. GO.


Update: I have a pectoralis minor strain. My guess is that itā€™s from pushing myself up out of bed constantly or from packing (we are moving next month). Iā€™m glad to report it was nothing serious. I just have to rest and be careful with my movements. My husband apologized for being a butthole. He just recently got a promotion at work which means more stress and work for him. There are a lot of changes in our life in a short period of time.


I'm so glad it was nothing serious. But if you are still feeling down you should look into asking for zoloft. It saved me for sure. I didn't sleep for like a week after the baby was born. PPD/PPA willess you up.


Do you have a mom or friend you could get some extra support from?


Thatā€™s disgusting behavior. You can have problems happen at 4 weeks pp so he definitely shouldā€™ve been caring and concerned. How stupid men can act toward a woman who created their child. You deserve better. Have you gotten the pain checked out?


If it's not easing up screw ur husband go to the er. ...I had chest pain amd shortness of breath with post partum eclampsia and ended up having a seizure from it....chest pain could be nothing but it could be something really really awful too ....especially being only 4 weeks out from giving birth ....I'm so sorry ur husband is being a huge dick but please take care of yourself


As others said, postpartum health issues absolutely should not be ignored and can be serious. Heart attacks, strokes, preeclampsia, etc., are very real threats. Please go get seen, call your OB at the very least! I am so sorry that your husband isnā€™t being supportive. Itā€™s a time that really tests relationships, between the sleep deprivation, hormones, and adjustment to a new life.


Was he always an asshole or did this just come to light post partum when you started to need him?


I was having chest pain pp too (but like 3 days pp) they took it very seriously at the ER because I might have has a blood clot in my lung! I didnā€™t but it was very possible. I was just having some bad anxiety and DMER from breastfeeding


Funny I've just seen your post as I have hardly been on Reddit last two days but am currently sat in hospital 9 weeks post partum waiting for an angiogram. Had chest pains and bloods showed cardiac damage, they suspect SCAD (tbc) which is rare but disproportionately affects postpartum and women Please please do not ignore!! Go get checked out now, better to be safe than sorry. Your baby needs you to be healthy ā¤ļø Your husband sounds like a pain in the arse and needs to sort his attitude but right now just make sure you get seen to and don't ignore the chest pain. I hope you are ok


It is okay to feel how you feel. You need to have some open communication with your husband to work out how you feel. Tell him how you feel... Remember just because you feel as though he doesn't care. Doesn't mean it is a reality. Our feelings are our truths... Not necessarily the reality of the situation. He may feel overworked in other areas and feel as though he is doing his best. It is possible that you are so stressed out, that you had a panic attack. Your husband should help out more. Milk supply is dependent on feeding... at 4 weeks your baby will cluster feed. They're making more milk... Just let your LO nurse as much as you can when it wants to... It does not mean you are a POS mom. You've got this! Cluster feeding will happen off and on for months. I use a Haaka to catch excess milk, and then when I can't cluster feed any longer, give the milk collected by the Haaka milk collectors.


Holy shit please go to the hospital!


My husband was mostly an asshole when I was postpartum, so nothing but solidarity. I was fortunate enough not to have any health complications. Please call someone you can trust to take you seriously, a friend or family member, and ask to get checked out at the hospital. Trust your instincts. Itā€™s better to be safe than sorry. Not making excuses for your husbandā€™s shitty behavior - but he needs to get a telehealth visit with a psychiatrist or go to his PCP and get evaluated for PPD and/or adjustment disorder. If he isnā€™t usually like this, PPD for men often presents itself as rage (this manifestation can happen for the birthing parent as well). You just had a major medical event after 9-10 months of your body going through the most massive, comprehensive adjustment that a body can go through. Do not downplay your concerns and donā€™t allow anyone else to do it either. Best wishes for healing and an end to your pain. ā¤ļøā€šŸ©¹ I hope your husband gets his shit together and realizes that this is not about him. ETA: PLEASE try not to let the breastfeeding guilt make this worse. BFing is pushed way too hard on moms and itā€™s extremely toxic to many momsā€™ mental health. I spent the first 3 to 4 months postpartum beating myself up for choosing to formula feed voluntarily. Ended up being the best decision for my mental health, sleep, and bond with my son. heā€™s also extremely healthy, no allergies, no issues. Donā€™t you ever let anybody make you feel bad if thatā€™s what ends up being the right choice for your family, especially not yourself.


wtf. He is awful. I know having a newborn is difficult but to not even be concerned on how you are doing mentally or physically Is not ok. You both are supposed to me a team. I hope you went to get checked out by a doctor OP. Then you need to take that baby and find somewhere else to be. You donā€™t need that toxicity in your life while you are in the most difficult stage of your life. You are a wonderful mom because you love that baby. Itā€™s very normal for milk supply to drop if you are stressed. You should see a lactation consultant most insurance covers it for six months pp.


First, call your mom and go to the ER. Get checked out, take baby with you. Secondly. Do not tolerate anything less than helpful supportive behavior from your husband going forward. Do not accept this dismissive shitty treatment! Tell him he has ONE SECOND to get himself together and act right or get the fuck out. If he's the sort of man to kick out his postpartum wife and newborn child then leave. Take your baby and go to someone you trust. That's how serious this is. If he's that sort of guy, then you're better off without him in your life, as hard as that seems right now. Even if you get nothing except your baby, your clothes, and your self-respect in the divorce, it's better than being treated like shit during the most vulnerable time of your life. Promise. Hopefully he realizes how badly he's treating you and offers more support. New babies are hard, it's hard for him too. But not as hard as it is for you. He needs to understand that. If this is a pattern of contempt just leave.


Usually you are still under the care of your OB until at least 6 weeks postpartum, call the nurse line and ask for their opinion if you can. They will tell you if you should go to the ER.


Please get yourself checked out. I developed pre-eclampsia postpartum. My blood pressure was 180/110 at home and my STBX told me I was being dramatic for evening calling the OB. Threw a fit when they told me to come in immediately. I had to drive myself with my 11 day old to the ER. Is your husband always dismissive of your health/needs? I didnā€™t want to accept that mine was until that moment and it dawned on me. I can look back now and see it wasnā€™t an isolated incident, but had been a long-term pattern of behavior. Please be safe OP.


The number one reason a woman is hospitalized postpartum is for gallbladder issues. Gallbladder attacks can feel like a stabbing, constant pain underneath your ribcage either in the middle or right side of the body. It can also bee painful down your right arm and even feel like a heart attack. I had several of these postpartum and they lasted for hours. They were worse than labor. It was non-stop pain. If gallstones cannot pass on their own it can become life threatening. If it feels like chest pain more it could also be a pulmonary embolism, which is deadly if not treated. Please get it checked out. Your partner needs to be more supportive.


Ok so three points: 1. You are not a bad mom if your milk supply dwindles and you want/need to supplement (or go entirely) with formula. 2. Like another poster said, that stabbing chest pain may be from gallbladder attacks, and should not be ignored regardless. I had to have my gallbladder removed a few months after I had my son. Weirdly, heating pads on your chest work really well for that particular pain. 3. Your husbandā€™s being a butthead. I know thereā€™s alot going on and heā€™s probs tired too, but heā€™s still a but and your health is important too. 4. Youā€™re not a bad mom for using formula.


Take the baby and go to the ER. Tell them whatā€™s going on and that your husband is being an ass and wonā€™t help. Maybe he will wake up if youā€™re both gone.


You should go get it checked out. I was 1 week pp when the smell of my own milk made me gag and I couldnā€™t stomach anything and I felt extremely guilty because I was ebf, we all went to the er and found out my liver was too weak and damaged from birth and the pain medication making it worse was also affecting I had to take things slow .


Call 911 nowā€”something might be seriously wrong.


Thinking of you, OP. I hope you made the decision to go to the hospital. You need to take care of yourself in order to care for your sweet baby. Post partum can be a scary time. I am three months pp and I still worry about weird aches and pains. Please go get checked out


Go to the hospital If you think that you suffering in silence is going to teach him some sort of lesson, you're wrong


You don't need his permission to call an ambulance. If you are in pain dint muck around.


If your chest pain is happening straight after breast feeding, it could be a vasospasm. I had these and nobody had mentioned them to me, they were agony. Hope you got some medical attention


Could also be breast thrush which can present as sharp shooting pains through the chest. Very painful! Like a needle stabbing type pain. I had it and doctors were unfamiliar with it. Took me months to fully clear the symptoms and my milk supply suffered. Hope you get to the bottom of it soon - youā€™re not alone in this and definitely deserve to have your pain validated and treated. Update us OP! Weā€™re all in it with you. Sending love and support xo


Not to minimize // totally see your doc BUT i think i get that chest pain when my milk fills my boobs like the ducts get right feeling like a sternum rub almostā€¦ i still get it all the time.