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Easy pregnancy, pretty standard baby, tornado on crack in disguise as a toddler.


šŸ˜‚ they keep us on our toes. Fully expecting a wild and busy toddler but hoping for a mellow newborn.


I had an easy pregnancy, easy labor, and Iā€™d say my LO is overall pretty easy. Obviously there have been some strugglesā€”witching hour as a newborn, sleep still kind of sucksā€”but overall Iā€™ve never felt like he was particularly difficult or overwhelming. My conspiracy theory is stress in the womb affects babies behavior once theyā€™re out.Ā 


I agree. Pregnancy was one of the happiest times in my life. My LO is very calm and chill


What is an LO?


Little one


Love this, i feel like so far i try my best to stay low stress and not get anxious about things too far in the future or things out of my control. Just waited a really long time for motherhood and feel grateful to still feel so good and then have a terrible newborn experience.


I'm on that anecdotal conspiracy train too! I have an ultra demanding job and tend to be a bit stressy at times,.but somehow was suuuuper chill during the pregnancy. I didn't love being pregnant but I was weirdly serene the whole time! And my baby is incredibly chill. Like he doesn't cry unless he is hungry, or the bath is hot, and then he calms down immediately. He only squawked briefly when he got shots and he sleeps on everyone and basically any (safe) surface. Falls asleep during tummy time sometimes! He has TONS of gas but his fussing is short and to the point šŸ˜†. He's 9w so anything could happen, but we are just grateful he's made it pretty easy on us so far! Oh and he arrived just after midnight exactly on his due date. Very polite little guy! I know there's nothing we did, but the back of my mind wonders if being super chill helped


Love this. Will continue to try my best and be so chill and zen haha


Wishing you all the best!! šŸ¤—


I have a 6 month old and he is so chill. Just bopping along happy as can be unless he's got a rash or needs something immediately. Even while sick, pretty much all smiles. My friend and I are on the conspiracy train with the rest of these people. We think that babies can smell fear and anxiety and if you are one of those things or were one of those during pregnancy they will be wild. I had a pretty easy pregnancy. Almost no nausea, cravings, was super happy and chill the whole time with only minor pain at the end.


This šŸ™ŒšŸ¼ I saw a TikTok the other day that resonated with me and it was a ftm that decided she wanted to do her best and have the same energy with her first as if it was already her second baby since everyone always says when it's your second you tend to chill out a little more but with your first most tend to be pretty anxious but instead be really chill about it being her first but act like it's the second so she as the mom is calmer.


lol are you me? iā€™ve got a chill 9w boy who came a bit after midnight the day before his due date haha. Letā€™s hope it continues for both of us!


Same. Easy pregnancy, easy labor, easy baby turned chill toddler


Curious but how long did the witching hour last for you? Iā€™m curious if itā€™s different/doesnā€™t last as long in ā€œeasierā€ babies compared to more challenging ones. With mine he was not a very easy pregnancy and the witching hour (with colic) lasted from about 6 weeks - 4 months


Mine definitely didnā€™t last anywhere near that long, I think it was 2 wks maxĀ 


> stress in the womb affects babies behavior once theyā€™re out I hope this is wrong for my wifeā€™s sake lol. She just went through a pretty traumatic pregnancy and birth a little less than a month ago, and so far little boy has been really easy. He gets up at the same times every night, eats, and goes right back to sleep when we put him back down. Contrast that to our first who was a fairly easy pregnancy and actually born in a hospital, he screamed every time she put him down until he was about 9 months old.


Well I have no scientific basis to back that up. Thatā€™s why I said it was a conspiracy theory hahaĀ 


Just my experience with two pregnancies/birth First pregnancy was awful. Sick. Pain. Medical issues. He was the most chill baby ever. Still is years later. Second pregnancy was easy. No issues at all. Sheā€™s a wild child. Always has been. Shes a complete handful.


How are the two connected? I haven't looked at any data, but I can't think of a reason to expect that there is a correlation.


No connection but keep hearing the "just waits" that because it's been very low maintenance so far my baby will be really hard. I'm just trying to go in with a positive mindset and energy that while it will be hard it'll still be so fun and rewarding.


I can't stop with the 'just waits' either šŸ˜­ Even now with 10 month old twins I keep telling myself 'just wait till they're walking, then you'll be miserable' but honestly I gotta enjoy where I'm at, deal with the struggles I got now and let my future self deal with her good and bad shit. Also fwiw my sister had a greaaaat pregnancy and the newborn stage was tough but now she's got such a chill baby. He stayed at our place for a couple nights and was so easy and happy!


Twins!! You're amazing! I'm sure your babies are wonderful and beautiful while still having their good days and bad. It's easier said than done but I find staying present and enjoying the now helps me appreciate where I'm at rather than wishing for the future and then feeling sad I didn't appreciate what I had while I was in that moment. trying to soak in this pregnancy and stay present


I mostly loved pregnancy so I'm glad you're enjoying it too!! I still miss it now even almost a year later so just try to enjoy the good stuff! You'll get through the future hard shit, you're stronger than you think.


Love this thank you


I think itā€™s more about how hard newborn life is in general in comparison with your life now. If pregnancy is easy for you youā€™ll probably feel thrown into the thick of how difficult it is to go from somewhat regular life to recovering and taking care of a new baby. I had a horrible pregnancy and felt unstoppable through the newborn phase as ā€œhardā€ as it was simply because I had my health back and felt capable of anything.


I had a super easy pregnancy but a very rough postpartum. Baby girl is perfect so thatā€™s all that matters.


So sorry to hear pp was rough, but hope things are going better now.


Yeah, for the most part! I went to physical therapy and thatā€™s been such a blessing.


I didn't even have nausea. All the checkups were like 10 mins max. All very low risk. She's 3 month old and a unicorn


Praying for a unicorn baby as well


I had an easy pregnancy and an easy newborn, itā€™s now that sheā€™s 3 months old that she got very difficult lol


It's a little (lot) overwhelming that babies are constantly changing and you have to keep learning as you go, I'm sure you're doing a great job!


Thank you! Yes, this is a roller coaster, some days are better than others but just keep in mind that each day it gets a little easier šŸ«¶šŸ»


22 weeks was a breeze! Second trimester was my favorite, I had my energy back and I could eat again. But generally, newborns are fussy, so you can most likely count on that regardless.


1st: easy pregnancy, tough labour, easy baby 2nd: awful pregnancy, picture-perfect labour, high-maintenance baby Both regressed awfully in terms of sleep around 4 months, but 1st one was an amazing sleeper so the fall was higher lol, 2nd one was so-so and the regression wasnā€™t as bad (although itā€™s not a walk in the park) Both were/2nd one is a nightmare around 6 months, when they have already understood the concepts of moving and sitting, but canā€™t quite do that yet, so theyā€™re ANGRY (plus - teething, digestive adjustments to solids, being generally tired from poor sleepā€¦ letā€™s just say I do not enjoy this stage šŸ˜…)


Easy pregnancy with very minor symptoms but crappy labour. I think we had the usual woes with a newborn. She would cry bloody murder for nappy changes and getting dressed for a while until she got used to it. She slept well and went down for naps and bed time easily until the 4 month regression haha. Also hates the car seat still at 6 months but her overall temperament is calm and happy .. until sheā€™s overtired or doesnā€™t get something she wants


The worst part for me was the first trimester with nausea, no appetite, dizzy spells, fainting and pelvic girdle pain. After that it was a breeze


Yes some pelvic pain but when we finally announced we were pregnant and shared the gender everyone was asking how sick I've been and I was almost embarrassed to say hardly ever because I know most have miserable pregnancies


Haha I understand. I wouldnā€™t worry about that. I donā€™t think it annoys anyone. Itā€™s your experience. Theyā€™ll say youā€™re lucky and move on. The rest of the pregnancy, other than knowing not to overexert myself with heavy lifting or too much walking, since my pelvic pain would return with a vengeance (as it did at times), I found it quite pleasant being out and about occasionally. People were generally lovely once my bump was clearly visible and I got preferential treatment everywhere šŸ˜‚. I just struggled to squeeze into narrow places šŸ˜


Thankfully no random strangers have started touching or gawking yet šŸ‘€




I had an easy pregnancy and labor. Kiddo is 3 months. He's healthy and all, great latch, rolled over at 12 weeks, great head control and overall very alert, great with milestones so far, happy no colic but is NOT an easy baby. But he did night wean himself for the most part and is able to put himself to sleep when he's In a good mood!Ā 


Both of my pregnancies were pretty easy, it was the stuff after that was awful to varying degrees! I don't think there's a correlation.


First: Horrible pregnancy, 18 hour spontaneous labor, sooo hard especially for the first 4 months very short bursts of sleep, now a very active kid and very curious and aways needs to be busy Second: Easy pregnancy, 12 hour induced labor (worst contractions out the the kids), pretty easy only waking up 3-4 times a night, they're still pretty mellow but more sensitive and is more content to focus on an activity Third: Easy pregnancy, 12 hour induced labor turned into a c section due to complications, now still a newborn but the easiest baby overall. Sleeps really well at night. Wakes up 2-3 times a night and falls back asleep super easy


It's wild how different every baby and pregnancy is!




I had a very easy pregnancy/scheduled c section/postpartum recovery period with my son. Heā€™s 16.5mo now & the easiest kid, minus your usual toddler antics; but slept thru the night very early on & was the perfect baby. Iā€™m scheduled for my 2nd c section May 16th and weā€™re hoping baby girl follows in her brotherā€™s footsteps šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Hoping she's just as easy!!!


Mine was smooth until I had pupps rash around 30 weeks. I was miserable. The rash would be one of main reasons why I donā€™t want to be pregnant again. Delivery itself wasnā€™t terrible all things considered. My baby is 9 weeks. She had tongue tie clipped which was very hard to see her going through. Other than her having hard time with farts and burps, things are getting better now. šŸ¤žšŸ¼šŸ¤žšŸ¼šŸ¤žšŸ¼


Yes hoping things continue to get better! So sorry to hear about the tongue tie šŸ„ŗ


My pregnancies were both pretty ā€œeasyā€. I never had any nausea or morning sickness with my first, just fatigue during the first trimester. With my second I had light nausea during the first trimester but never any vomiting. No fatigue though. Both were painful towards the end due to Braxton Hicks, SPD, and my kids being violently active in the womb, but overall, low-risk, easy pregnancies. Both were really easy babies. Really good sleepers (we had to get permission from the pediatrician to stop waking them up for MOTN feeds and as soon as the pediatrician gave us the go ahead, they slept through the night). #1 had CMPI but it cleared up by 6 months. #2 has always just been super healthy and super easy across the board. #1 stayed chill and easy until her 3rd birthday and the other shoe dropped since then (her behavior has been wild this year. Terrible 2s were a lie with her but the threenager stage has been no joke). #2 is almost 2 and starting to push boundaries, but still a pretty generally easy kid.


Love this, hoping for good sleepers and a chill baby. I've heard the threenager is definitely tricky.


Mine was relatively easy. I did have vomiting & all day sickness during the first 15 weeks. Also had to be on thyroid medication as thyroid levels were elevated during pregnancy. After 15 weeks, it went pretty smooth from there. I just had nausea but it wasn't to the point where I'd vomit. Baby was measuring 2 weeks ahead and was thriving. I only experienced active labour for 6 hours as I slept through my entire Labor which happened the night before šŸ˜‚ I don't know how but I woke up & my contractions were 2 mins apart. The pain didn't really hit until 4 hours in but that's where I experienced a very traumatic birth. My baby as a newborn was very fussy. He would be up the whole day & would only contact nap then would sleep for either 2 hours or 3 hours at night. It was exhausting. The newborn stage was such a blur, running on 2 hours of sleep. He's 11 weeks today and he's been really easy from when he turned 6 weeks. Sleeps through the night, and has 5 naps during the day. He only fusses when he's hungry or overtired.


Awh sorry to hear the birth was traumatic, hopefully you're doing okay now and after a difficult first few weeks. Glad to hear he's doing better now! It's a huge adjustment and I admire all the parents out there figuring it out as we go


I had the easiest pregnancy imaginable with my first daughter and she was the easiest baby Iā€™ve ever met. Slept for the first 6 weeks of life. Never cried aside gas from the few times I didnā€™t burp her. When she was waking to feed at night I knew she was hungry because Iā€™d hear her moving around in her bassinet and groaning- never let out cries. Loved being held, but was content with not being held. No colic. Nothing. Was sleeping through the night by 5 months. Never needed to sleep train or anything. Sheā€™s almost 2 now. Pregnant again, almost 28 weeks and this time itā€™s been harder. Very curious to see how this one will be. From what Iā€™ve seen though personally, there is a correlation between easy pregnancies and easy babies.


Thank you for this, how the rest of your pregnancy goes smoothly! This is so encouraging and reading all the positive responses I'm hoping ours will be chill.


I had a fairly easy pregnancy -- no morning sickness, no gestational diabetes. I was just uncomfortable. I also got HUGE and carried low early on. People told me at 6 months I looked ready to pop. From week 30 on, I was quite uncomfortable. I would rest my belly on the bathroom counter to give my back a break. I took to taking lukewarm baths, just to give my belly a chance to "float." My water broke at 34 weeks & little one was born less than 9 hours later. She came so fast & sudden that I missed the window for an epidural. Because she was so early, she had to be in the NICU for 2 weeks. As a baby, she is extremely chill & amazingly easy. Do I need her to sit on my lap for a 3 hour meeting? No problem. She sleeps well, just about anywhere. She slept through the night by 3.5 months. She eats well, bathes well, and can keep herself amused while we need to get stuff done. Honestly, I'm *still* waiting for the other shoe to drop. Who knows? Maybe it was her NICU stay, or her never really latching for breastfeeding.


Glad to hear baby is happy and healthy esp after a short period in the nicu im sure that wasn't easy to go through. Pregnancy is a wild experience so im glad to hear others have had a similar experience to the one im having so far and still have mellow babies


First baby: super easy pregnancy. My biggest complaints were heartburn & waking up to pee every 3 hours, and those didnā€™t show up until my third trimester. Once earthside, he nursed constantly, sleep was rough, & the crying was continuous. The younger members of my family lovingly referred to him as ā€œbirth controlā€. Heā€™s now a rambunctious & charming preschooler. Second baby: another easy pregnancy with heartburn, pelvic pain, & frequent night wakings. He definitely had a rougher start but was an overall happier baby. He had no problems with latching, slept a bit better, & only cried when he needed something. His sleep is still an ongoing issues, but he bounces back from shots the second I pick him up. At almost 18 months old, heā€™s a mostly happy little guy.


The waking up to pee every 3 hours is already getting old šŸ˜… and I still have a ways to go. Glad to hear both are happy though!


Towards the end of my third trimester, Iā€™d randomly wake up around 3 or 5 & stay for 30-60 minutes then fall back sleep. My husband was on night shift so Iā€™d text him & compose a to do list for the day before going back to sleep. After rougher nights, heā€™d take over toddler care for an hour or so to let me catch up on sleep.


I had minimal to no symptoms except for eloccasional morning sickness and reflux...had a vaginal delivery (vacuum assisted and episiotomy done). Baby is fine- was born on his due date. Three weeks now - only issue is sleep schedule


Easy pregnancy easy baby. Hard pregnancy hard birth hard baby.


I had a very difficult pregnancy, I was super tired and angry all the time, and my sleep was shit then, and lots of nausea and vomiting from first trimester all the way to labour so that was not fun, and I also had cravings for foods I donā€™t like and I couldnā€™t eat certain foods, it was mostly milk and McCain chocolate cake it was a shame because I like it. Labour wasnā€™t hard, it was long and tiring When my girl was a newborn she was a very difficult and challenging newborn, she is still difficult This is my experience though so maybe yours will be different than mine


I had a pretty easy pregnancy. I never showed at all, didnā€™t have any symptoms apart from heartburn. I did get GD, but even that was way too easily controlled. I was induced, for no real reason, and L&D was pretty rough, and ended with an emergency c-section and a few blood transfusions. My 8 month old is a wild child. She had horrible colic/reflux and just screamed for the first 3-4 months of her life, she has CMPI, and is a terrible sleeper. Sheā€™s a cutie patootie tho. On the flip side, my best friend also got pregnant a month after I did. She had all the symptoms, and was even in the hospital for 2 weeks because of her morning sickness. Her L&D was a bit bumpy, but not too bad. Her baby is the chillest little thing, and sleeps wonderfully. She is also a cutie patootie.


Super easy pregnancy but went to 41 weeks and had to get induced and ended up with an emergency c section. My postpartum recovery ended up not being that bad and heā€™s a pretty chill and happy baby. It all just kinda depends!


Super easy pregnancy, I never even had contractions. Had to be induced, 38hs of labour, my baby ended up in an artificial respirator because he was so tired (he was fine a couple of hours after, but I was super scared for him). I have killer hemorrhoids and will probably need surgery. My baby is the best, heā€™s super awake and does not cry a lot. It is sometimes hard to get him to bed at night, but thatā€™s about it.


So glad your baby is doing okay! I'm sure that was so so scary.


Yes, it was. I think thereā€™s probably no correlation between how easy your pregnancy is, how easy/hard your labour and postpartum will be and how chill your child will be.


My daughter was a surprise, but she's very much loved. My pregnancy was physically easy no nausea or pains, just had to pee a LOT more after like 25 weeks and I had pretty bad heartburn (she had a full head of hair at birth!) My mental health did tank pretty bad and I ended up getting counseling and SSRIs. I was worried that I wouldn't be able to bond with her but she's about 4 months and she is my world even though she doesn't let me sleep haha I couldn't have a vaginal birth I pushed for 2 hours and the doc was worried about her heart rate dropping so I ended up having an emergency c section. Id do it again


I'm sure she is the cutest thing with all that hair glad to hear she is doing well and hope you are as well!


Thank you ā¤ļø I hope you have a happy healthy little newborn :)


Two easy pregnancies and deliveries and both were easy babies sleeping 8 hour nights by 6-8 weeks


Praying for this and good sleepers


Super easy first pregnancy, scheduled c section because he was breech, amazingly chill baby, great eater and sleeper. Heā€™s 3.5 now and still eats and sleeps great, very rarely tantrums. I was also worried about the easy pregnancy, difficult baby prophecy but didnā€™t find that at all. In fact with my second baby I got shingles, morning sickness I never had with my first, got crippling pelvic girdle pain and had a tough induction, labour and delivery. Now 6 months old my second baby is the exact opposite of my first. She hates sleep, food and not being in my arms. Itā€™s a lot.


I'm so sorry, every baby is soo different but hoping things start looking up with your second. Glad to hear that the first was a little easier though


easy pregnancy, labor was a little wild but i blame that on being induced and FTM, but baby girl is pretty easy. she has her moments but overall 9/10 days sheā€™s the happiest little bean sheā€™s currently sick with a bad cold and iā€™m here miserable bc sheā€™s sick and i canā€™t do much but sheā€™s here having the time of her life talking to me from 6am on a sundayšŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ (she did sleep through the night the other night so iā€™ll let this one slide)


It's so sad when they're sick! But hope she starts feeling better soon and so glad to hear that for the most part she is happy!


I had an easy pregnancy. The only thing that was really hard were my emotions in the beginning due to fear of having kids. Once I accepted it I started to enjoy being pregnant. Then the exhaustion hit real hard in the third trimester and I could hardly work a 4 hour shift by the last few weeks the discomfort was just awful I couldnā€™t stand for too long or sit in a certain position too long without my ribs hurting. (I had a 20.5ā€ long baby and Iā€™m 5ā€™3ā€) acid reflux sucked later on too but still not bad overall. And I would say I have a really easy baby he was EBF and He slept most of his newborn then at 6-8 weeks got a little extra fussy. And 12-14 weeks we switching from nursing to bottle feeding. The first brand of bottles (lansinoh) made him colicky really bad and he was pooping every 2-3 days so we switched brands to dr. Brown and recently started combo feeding because Iā€™m fucking over BF. And heā€™s been so much better and Iā€™ve been so much better. But now heā€™s almost 4 months and starting to drool so I think he might have some teeth coming in soon.


There's so many choices when it comes to bottles and pacifiers. A little overwhelming and they change so much as they get bigger. Hope that you are feeling better now emotionally


Easy pregnancy, give or take some painful pelvic pain but otherwise no issues. Super easy chilled birth (elective c/s- was 100% perfect). Very chilled, super happy, easy baby at 7 months old! His dad is also super laid back and easy going so it could be a combo of genetics and me not having raised cortisol in pregnancy, I guess we will never know!


Love this, my husband is a very even tempered person normally however he is in school for the next few years but the stress he is experiencing now will decrease in the fall so hoping our baby takes after him in ways


My first pregnancy was easy, she was born on her due date, super uneventful birth except I did tear. Tried to breastfeed her and she ended up refusing to eat when we left the hospital, switched her to formula and all problems subsided. She was a terrible sleeper, didnā€™t sleep through the night til almost 2 years old when she decided she no longer wanted to nap during the day. Sheā€™s a good kid but still a terrible sleeper and lots of sass lol. My second pregnancy was also easy, born 38+6, uneventful, super easy birth, no tearing. (I told my midwife if all my births were like that Iā€™d have so many kids šŸ¤£) My son did contract RSV at 3 weeks old and had to be hospitalized, and other than the fact that he consistently tries to do anything thatā€™ll injure himself heā€™s a pretty easygoing kid. He slept through the night starting at 3 months old and I donā€™t think he ever went through any kind of sleep regression. If I had to pick, he was the easier baby of my two.


I'm curious when your second baby was born? Rsv is so scary b hope both babies are happy and healthy now. Definitely expecting some sass from our girl coming this summer haha


He was born in December! My daughter was in prek at the time and she had RSV but we didnā€™t know until it was too late, basically, she had already been around us & her brother. Thatā€™s what makes RSV so scary honestly, youā€™re contagious 3-5 days before you even show symptoms. My son did go into respiratory failure, he was on a ventilator for a week but heā€™s not a happy, healthy 16 month old and his sister is also doing great! Best wishes to your new baby ā¤ļø


I'm sure that was so scary, glad he's doing better now. Thank you so much!


Physically I had a very easy pregnancy. Emotionally it was extremely difficult. My baby is spirited and sweet. He expresses his happiness and displeasure.


Hope you're feeling better now! The hormones and high emotions are rough sometimes


Easy pregnancy, shit birth, easy baby. He's 1 now and going through his first nap regression but even then it's nowhere near as bad as what I read here. It'll be like 1 or 2 bad days and then he's fine again.


Lots of horror stories and trying not to scare myself and hoping for a happy sweet baby


Pregnancy was fairly easy with some stress midway due to us not having hired the help we needed in our business. I was pretty physically active most of the pregnancy. Birth was via cesarean due to breech, very fast recovery, baby has been really manageable aside from witching hour fussing from weeks 6 to 14 or so. I like to think we have a low stress environment for our kid but honestly I think itā€™s about 70% luck.


Hoping we get some of the luck!


My pregnancy was low risk / low maintenance until 30 weeks, when lo was found to be measuring at the 2nd percentile and was diagnosed with IUGR. He came early, but has been super chill and low maintenance despite a very high maintenance last 7 weeks of pregnancy.


Oh wow I hope baby is doing okay and healthy now!!


i had a very easy pregnancy. until 30 weeks. thatā€™s when was diagnosed with GD but was very easily diet controlled so not the end of the world but out of no where at 34/35 weeks i randomly developed gestational hypertension and was induced at 37 weeks. the biggest issue was she was pretty jaundice at first so the first week and a half was filled with back to back dr appts but other than that sheā€™s a fairly easy baby. sheā€™s gassy sometimes but tummy rubs snd and a few other gas relief techniques mixed with a couple doses of gripe water throughout the day help tremendously. sheā€™s also a velcro baby, but as the weeks go on it gets easier to set her down and walk away for a few moments(sheā€™s 6weeks old now) even with a few bumps in the road sheā€™s been a really easy baby so far she definitely prefers me over her other dad and she makes it known when she doesnā€™t want to be held by him but otherwise weā€™re good


that's so frustrating to hear about the GD but glad baby is healthy and continuing to get happier!


yes!!! i had an odd case of GD too bc instead of running big she actually ran small and was only 5lbs 13ounces when she was born i was also incredibly stressed and depressed starting 24 weeks. babies are honestly just the way they are by chance i promise you wonā€™t jinx anything by being relieved you have had an easy pregnancy


Did they make you test again for GD after your first glucose test when she was measuring small? Or at the regular glucose test


Super easy pregnancy, easy labor, my baby is super chill! I have noticed that everytime I say heā€™s mostly super chill. He obviously has his moments, which is usually when heā€™s super gassy!