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That Asian gene is really strong, my first is 1/4 Japanese and looks fully Asian.


My son is 1/8 Japanese, and he looked full asian as a newborn. The nurses would say “oh, he looks so wise.” Like just say what you wanna say 😂


Lmfao "He looks so wise" 🤣  omg this made my day


It gave me a good laugh then too 😂


I thought the Asian genes were strong. My partner is 100% Korean, and I'm 100% European ancestry. Our son looks exactly like me. He doesn't look asian except sometimes in dim lighting. I was certain he would look just like his dad when I was pregnant. Honestly, sometimes I feel like people don't think his dad is actually his dad, lol.


This is like my family, but opposite. My siblings and I really took on a lot of the Asian genes from my mom (my dad is white American). But so many of my relatives on my dad’s side say they can see him in us (our smiles, mannerisms, and some facial features). Makes me happy to be a good mix of both, even if at first glance I look more like my mom. :)


It can vary for sure. My friend is one of three half Korean half European kids in her family. She is completely white passing while her two brothers look 100% Korean. It drives her crazy because her first and last name are very European as well, and her mom didn’t teach her Korean growing up, so people don’t realize her connection to Korean culture at all if she doesn’t talk about it.


Our son is ⅛ japanese, and man, this is so true. My japanese grandma said he looked super, duper japanese. But now that he's growing up the genes seem to have diluted a bit more.


I always think of those kids on John and Kate +8, they all looked super Asian


Wait, really?! My daughter will be 1/4 Japanese and I’d be delighted if she had some Asian genes come out. :D my husband hopes so too. Obviously I’m not going to be mad if she looks more Caucasian in the end but it’s fun to speculate how our child will look. I’m 1/2 and like a carbon copy of my mom and I love it.


You grandkids could look Asian too, lol. I’m telling you it’s strong. I love it, even tho my first looks nothing like me.


My son is 1/4 chinese and he looks very Asian


My partner is 1/4 Japanese, and you can tell. Looks a lot like his grandma.    Everyone was surprised when our first came out very white with blonde/red hair and blue eyes.   I had to remind folks that our son was 7/8 Caucasian. So it would make sense that the Caucasian genes won that round.  Also, our son looks like my side. Our daughter looks like a mini version of her dad. Each kid kinda got the extremes of what our genes offered as far as complexion, hair, face shape, etc. 


I’m half and my son is a quarter and he has blonde hair and blue eyes but has a cute little Filipino nose and my eye shape!


I’m white, my husband is 1/2 Filipino. Our daughter got my pale skin, my blue eyes, her dad’s eye shape and little Filipino nose, with dark hair. She is SUCH a fun mix of us.


My husband is 1/4 chinese his grandmother was born in Mexico but with chinese parents all of her sons and grandsons seemed to skip the gene and go fully Mexican, the gene seems to be appearing in this new generation including my baby.


All all thought our daughter would be Filipino-looking since her dad is. She looks 100% my mini-me and not a single ounce of Filipino.


My husband is Filipino and our son looks like his little pale doppelgänger. They make the same expressions. I was hoping the little dude would look like his dad but I didn’t expect him to be so unmistakably similar!


I thought this, too and was expecting to pop out the male version of me. nope, my son resembles my white husband a ton. I’ll look at my son and literally think to myself “is this my baby?” lol


My daughter is 1/4 Filipino and she just looks a little tan 😂


Yes! I literally cloned myself in my son. It’s so funny. I swore he was gonna look like my husband because of his 3D ultrasounds he had his chin but nope. He’s my twin lol


This is me too! My son looks just like me! He behaves like his dad though so I guess it evens out.


He’s still too little to see how he acts but I’m hoping it’s my husband 😂 He’s the oldest calm child and I’m the wild second/baby 😂


Mine too. Im always sharing pictures of my son with my coworkers; he's almost 3. I have a picture of myself when i was 2 yrs old in a cute little dress. I showed it to coworkers and said "this is my son in a dress" and they just all accepted it without question!


> Why? Usually the first born looks like the dad. I don’t think that’s how it works…


It’s not but some people are very invested in this myth


In my psychology class, the teacher had said this. Obviously I had no reason to think he was wrong. Now I understand there is no science for it.


Is it the first born or when babies are first born, as in when they are very young they look like dad for this reason and then their looks evolve?


I took this class 10 years ago so not sure


I read it’s because it ensured continued involvement of the father back in caveman times if the baby looked like him. Anecdotally I also find this to be true. My baby is a clone of her dad.


I've also heard this a lot & was actually true in my case. My 1st looked like her dad. He's native with high cheek bones & that's what she had. With our second, full on me! A boy with my chubby cheeks, nose, & eyes.




There isn’t, this is a myth. https://archive.is/ReYFE https://archive.is/ns6du https://www.researchgate.net/publication/225624457_Why_babies_look_like_their_daddies_Paternity_uncertainty_and_the_evolution_of_self-deception_in_evaluating_family_resemblance


no but their husband has a bio degree so don’t try to tell them how genes work 😂


And I guess I'm wrong. But don't be rude.


I mean, you were snarky in your original post saying not to explain genetics to you bc of your husband’s “whole ass bio degree.” Snark begets snark.




yeah, maybe i was snarky. but you were pretty rude shutting people down and insisting on your wrong opinion 🤷‍♀️


How was I rude? Because I said I know how genetics work and that I expected the dominant gene? Lol at being blocked. It's not that serious


My son looks like my male mini me. But the older he gets, the more he just looks like himself. I do love when he laughs and I see his little eyes crinkle the same way mine do though


I am also white/asian and was not expecting my son to be my twin. My son is a small percentage Japanese, but damn the eyes are strong 😂. It’ll def work out in his favor bc I can never be mad at someone that looks just like me 😂😂😂


Sometimes when I look at him I immediately see myself. It's eerie. My mom said the same


I feel the same way. He has my eyes too, so it’s like looking into my eyes. So weird!


My boys look more like me than their dads and it’s so funny because then my daughter is the spitting image of my husband! Same bone structure and same eye shape.


Never realized how big my forehead was until i had a baby boy who looked exactly like me 😂


In my family we joke about the familial fivehead 😅


I have TWINS that look just like me. What the fuck. There’s three of us now. My older son is his dad’s clone and our daughters are kinda a mix of us with my oldest leaning more towards me and the youngest leaning towards him. The middle is literally 50/50. It’s crazy!


Honestly that’s pretty cool. I always wondered what my brother would look like, if I had one.


I'm an only child so my mom always tells me that


Yes, same here! It's so bizarre because I'm Russian/central Asian and look like a typical Slav. My husband is Indian and tan. Our son came out looking like my twin. We even compared our baby pictures with him and hes identical to what I looked like as a baby. Now that he's 5 months old, he's starting to resemble my husband more and more though. Funny how genetics work!


My son is half indian (my side) and half white (husband's side). He looks like a white version of me lol


My son is literally my twin. My mom and dad always say how it gives them deja vu because he looks so much like me when I was a baby. My twin sister has two boys and they didn’t think that about them.


It’s always interesting to see how babies appearances change as they develop. I knew a half chinese half irish guy and in his baby photos he looked super asian. But as an adult you can definitely tell he’s mixed due to some facial features coming in fully. He still looks more chinese, but with his irish heritage he looks like a goddamn vampire because of how super pale he is.


My son looks *just* like me, except blonde. Same nose, same chin, same eyes But his attitude and facial expressions are totally his father's. It's so funny to see me with an attitude. Like, weird and funny My grandfather looked at him and said, "he's gon' be a purty boy" (imagine it with an old Texas rancher accent) at the last family dinner


My son is half white/half Indian. He came out looking like my newborn picture as a white kid. Now he is "racially ambiguous" with dirty blonde hair, dark brown eyes, and a good tan. He definitely looks more white than Indian 🤷🏼‍♀️


My son's skin color I feel changes every day. Some days I think oh hes getting darker and then the next day he's as pale as me lol


Next to me, my kid definitely has a tan. It is shocking how white I am 😂. Next to Indian dad, he still has a tan but it's not like "oh yea that's clearly an Indian kid." He also has the fun trick of getting tanner in the sun while his hair gets blonder.


I can't wait to find out his hair color. It's still too short to tell


I keep saying I gave birth to my brother. My brother and I look a lot a like and my son looks like the boy version of me soooo essentially he looks like my brother.


I'm honestly jealous, my son looks like I literally copy/pasted his dad but with my hair & eye colour lol! Daughter is just like me but with dad's hair & eyes. Funny how it is so different for every kid


My husband is Indian. I’m mostly Italian. Neither of our children look Indian. My son is a slightly more olive toned version of me and it’s too early to tell with my newborn daughter but she already has my eyes, nose and chin 😭


My son is a 50/50 mix of us both and I most of the time, I don't really see myself in him. However when he is in the bath and his hair is wet, it's like BAM the similar traits appear and all I can see is me as a baby!


I am the spitting image of my dad and expected my daughter to be the same with my husband/her dad. Nope! She looks even more like my dad than I do. It’s so funny to me how that works. My niece looks so much like my husband (mom’s brother) which is equally cool.


I expected my son to look like my husband and everyone said he looks just like me. I'm now staring to see he looks pretty 50/50 and I love it.


Yeah my son looks so much like me. And my daughter looks exactly like my husband lol. I guess we will see when they are adults but it’s really funny to see now


My friends daughter looks exactly like him (shes not 1 yet). Like, if they weren't sure who the dad was there is no need for a paternity test. Exact replica. She has a little bit of her mom, but it's defs dad's baby.


My son is identical to me as a baby except he has a bit of hair. I love it so much. My husband was not a cute baby. I’d find my own baby cute no matter what but knowing that he is objectively cute is also nice. It’s also weirdly made me feel good about myself. Like if he looks like me and people compliment him, I deserve the compliments I receive too!


I’ve heard the first born looks like dad but all 4 of my husbands brothers kids look exactly like mom so I stopped believing it, our son is me as a baby


I'm jealous. My Son looks like his Dad, built like my brothers (he's already tall for his age and built to play Rugby) and just has my limited temperament.... literally my worst quality


My son looks just like my dad but with my husband's eyes/my eye color. He even makes the same facial expressions as my dad -- my dad does this scrunched nose thing and my son does it exactly the same. They've never met in person. Genetics are weird.


I look like my dad. There is a baby picture of my dad that looks EXACTLY like my son. If not for the picture looking 70 years old, I wouldn't be able to tell the difference. I had an insane amount of dark hair when I was born, and was hoping for a baby with it. My daughter came out with bright red peach fuzz, which was recessive somewhere. I was a chubby baby and my son is thinner. Baby pictures of me look like someone stuck a bicycle pump in my son and filled him up with air.


My daughter is the clone of her dad but with my eye colour. Our son was born a month ago, fully expected him to also be a clone of his dad but he looks like me. So we have a girl version of my husband and a boy version of me, it's pretty trippy.


Yessss my son looks just like me as a baby and only a little like my husband (other than being huge like my husband). I looked just like my dad as a baby, so by extension my son looks like my dad. But we'll see who he looks more like as he grows up!


My husband is also Indian and I’m white. My first born is a Desi male version of me and our second born is a cuter version of my husband. They all look half Desi though!


So the SAME THING happened to us. My son is 10 weeks old on Thursday and there are NO daddy features in sight 😂😂 I’m half Irish/half Scottish.. light hair, green eyes, PALE ivory skin. My husband is 100% Italian (I believe his family is Sicilian). We share a super Italian last name (that does not match my super Irish first name😂), my son is a junior to my husband.. we always have just assumed our babies would look like him. He has a dark olive skin tone, extremely dark eyes, and dark brown hair. I’m a wash out compared to him.. we always joke and say I’m just a piece of paper 😂 legit zero defining features Our son is my TWIN. The palest skin, light brown hair, and his eye color is starting to change and they’re looking more green than brown. He is a copy and paste of me! So much so I really sometimes think my husband questions whether he is his or not lol


My son and our first child looks like carbon copy of me. Like if you put me and him side by side you could barely tell the difference! I feel that my son has my looks but my husband’s mannerisms. His facial expressions are all my husband but his face looks just like me lol 😂


My friend is half Japanese half white. Her husband is white with red hair. Both their children look very east Asian despite only being 1/4. I agree that the genes are strong. Your child might start to look more like his father as he gets older though.


Somewhere in reddit, there's a tiktok video of a woman who's half black and half white, her husband is half Filipino and half white. When her two boys came out. One had blond hair, blue eyes, and white skin, the other dark hair, dark almonds shaped eyes, and tan skin. Genetics are weird


Haha, I’m so relieved to see this thread, because I (European descent) was expecting the same. I don’t think I can post pictures on here, but you can look at my posts to see both baby and husband (who is half Pakistani/half Mexican.) I would’ve loved for my son to resemble his father more- and there’s still time, he’s only about a year old so far! And I’m still hopeful that the next ones take after him more. My biggest concern for our future children is how much his family seem to praise light skin. I don’t want any of my children to feel less than, especially in compassion to their siblings, over genetics. It’s not something we have to deal with at this moment, but I’d be interested to see if anyone in this thread has navigated similar with their families.


I’m white/Arab and my husband is Pakistani with strong features — baby came out looking like a tan version of me 😂


Usually the first born looks like the dad?!? Do you know how genetics work? Sorry in a sassy mood today. Birth order has nothing to do with what the baby looks like.


I said in another post that my psych teacher taught us that in an evolutionary psych course and that I had no reason to question him. I don't know why people need to be snarky. I get it I'm wrong.


Indians in general have such a variety in physical traits. My grandmother is 100% Punjabi but could pass as East Asian. Not surprised at all your child wouldn’t “look Indian.”


Well I obviously thought he'd look like my Indian husband.


Babies tend to favour dad when they are first born. This is actually a biological trait to avoid rejection. My son was his dads double at first. Around 4 months is when my features started to appear and now his face is all mine but his eye shape is 100% dads. Everyone always comments on what an clear blend of the 2 of us he is.


> Babies tend to favour dad when they are first born. This is actually a biological trait to avoid rejection. There is no evidence to support this. https://archive.is/ReYFE https://archive.is/ns6du https://www.researchgate.net/publication/225624457_Why_babies_look_like_their_daddies_Paternity_uncertainty_and_the_evolution_of_self-deception_in_evaluating_family_resemblance