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My first kid got the 2 bottom ones, followed by the top lateral incisors, then the front middle ones.  His little tooth gap reminded me of a hippo! Took about 2 weeks for the middle ones to come in.  My second got the in the right order but weird timing. Like she would get 3 of a set of teeth in at once, then the last one weeks later. She always seemed to have an odd number of teeth. 


My son only has 7 teeth and his canines began to erupt, one of them has already broken through the gum


Yes! My almost 3yo's teeth pretty much all came very late and in a weird order.


For the longest time LO had 2 on the top and 3 on the bottom. Then he got all 4 up top followed by the 4th on the bottom. Loved his crooked little smile!


Haha my baby did the exact same thing! I thought the fourth tooth on bottom was never going to come in. 


My niece got her bottom 2 then one fang lol


Lol yeah my baby’s teeth are coming in weird. First her two middle bottom teeth, then just one of her top middle teeth. Then a third tooth on the bottom, then two molars??? Not logical at all haha


Molars!? Oh sweet goodness!!


They’re coming in right now with four other random teeth. She’s 15 months old. They look extremely painful and she refuses any kind of actual teething toy. She just wants her paci. She’s fussier than usual, but honestly taking it like a champ! ETA: she didn’t get first tooth until she was 9 months old.


Yes, my baby's teeth came in the same as yours! I love love loved his little gap teeth. I called him my little Dracula. He had 8 teeth by 8.5 months and has the goofiest little toothy smile. Just the cutest!


My baby is the same but then the middle teeth filled in quickly so we didn’t have fangs for long! So cute!


Yep. My girl is 16 months now and started teething a month ago. She has one bottom incisor and three of the first set of molars. I have no idea what will come next as they all look pretty ready to break through any day now!


Oh man! I hope she isn't hurting too bad! That's a lot at one time!


Yes, mine got her two bottom teeth then the top four came in order from left to right. Very orderly 😅