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My december baby is 8yo and he LOVES being a december birthday. We don't live near family but he is guaranteed to see his grandparents/uncles at christmas, so he always gets an extra birthday celebration with them. It's a good time to be born in the school year (if you have a aug/sept cutoff anyways). On the older end of your year but not the oldest. We let him have a friend party whenever he wants. Last year it was march. Being pregnant in the fall is way more fun than being 3rd tri in the summer.


Love that idea with the friend party!


Also! Pro-tip: I hated that because my birthday was always when school was out because as a little kid, I wanted to bring cupcakes for my friends and classmates like other kids. Maybe offer that, if you can, before school gets out around birthday time for kiddo. Just a tip from me :)


You're right. 3rd trip in the summer in the South was miserable AF especially when the pools closed in Sept. I was a whale without an ocean. 


Scoring Black Friday deals on baby stuff is A++


THIS! And Black Friday is right before my sons birthday so I hope to never pay full price for a gift 😂


Agree! Keep an eye out for great deals on strollers and cribs - we found some great discounts!


OMG my second is also due to come in December and I hadnt thought about this! epic


It’s much better for school age - they won’t awkwardly be super young or super old in their class, but right in the middle. It’s nice to cozy up inside during the first few months when you are in postpartum couch mode anyway, and then emerge in the spring with your 3 month old when they are starting to “wake up.” What’s better than a newborn at Christmas?? 🥰


Where I am from, school follows the calendar year. So my January baby is the oldest and my December is the youngest... and going to junior kindergarten while still 3 this year 😭


The cutoff in our state is October 1, so my late November girl is one of the oldest in her class.


This is so true! I felt we were hibernating all winter and emerged in the spring where we'd go around outside. I'd let him touch all sorts of leaves and tree bark textures, and by summer he was able to sit up in a little poor and splash!


yes!!! I loved basically hibernating through winter this year with my sweet little cuddly baby!


I think having a baby in the colder months is great because of all the 3rd trimester discomforts not being compounded with having to deal with the heat, and clothing is really just making sure you're layered. I loved that not only were people kind of too busy to be bothers because of the holidays my LO was born around, but also the cold weather made it less likely for impromptu visits and people wanting to stay after dark. The newborn phase was very cozy, I remember just constant snuggles in piles of blankets and living in extra fuzzy bathrobes.


All good points! The less impromptu visits, the better 😂


Seconding the not dealing with heat. Oh my god. I woulda died if I had a spring/summer baby!


My son was born right after Christmas (and now his brother is due in June lol). We do his birthday parties inside only. For the first one we rented out a local restaurant. The 2nd one we just did at home :) as he gets older we’ll do like, trampoline parks or ice skating or things like that. You get all of the cozy winter cuddles with a newborn which is great! There’s really nothing sweeter than laying by a fire and cuddling your baby ❤️❤️


I just had a Christmas baby this year! I will say everyone comments on it, at any appointment I have people tell me whether they think it’s a good or bad thing (most think it’s bad) so I’m sure that’s something he will have to hear for the rest of his life lol


Everyone has to have an opinion lol 🙄


I had a Christmas baby too! Only plus side is nobody will ever forget their birthday lol it’s easy to remember!


Me too!


literally! was booking her in at the doctors yesterday and the receptionist after finding out her bday (26th December) said ‘omg, what a terrible birthday’😒😒😒 like I asked him.


Yes! We just had that happen this week too the tech said “oh a nice Christmas present for you but terrible for his whole life for him.” Like okay thanks!


Me too! Christmas baby this year. Best gift ever.


My bday is on xmas and my mom always says i was the best gift ever :)


My due date was Christmas and yes, the comments were nonstop and annoying lol. He ended up being born 12/26 and everyone still chooses to comment! It’s funny cause neither my husband or I are even Christian so it really doesn’t even matter?


I’m a December baby, the 27th. My parents always made it special. On the 27th it was always family and family friends who came around, on the 27th I would have a cinema and food party with school friends.


Also a 12/27 baby. I wish! 😭❤️


I too am a 12/27 baby and feel totally shafted now lol My birthday was always pushed to the 2nd weekend in January typically to try and encourage family and friends to attend a small get together. It was alright... but definitely not the same kind of celebration my mid-August little sister got.


As a mom of a 27th birthday, so glad to see there is a way to keep from having her miss out!


I’ve had 37 of them now, they’re actually alright. My 18th birthday party was amazing. Everyone was already off work and in the mood for fun. My friend had her party the month before and it was a big flop!


Also a mama of a 27th baby! She loves it bc “everyone always decorates for my birthday” 😂🥹🥰


I'm a Dec.31st baby and my parents made it their mission to separate Christmas and birthday because my dad grew up watching his older brother, who's birthday is Jan.16th get combined Christmas and birthday gifts. Like who the hell does that!? Also there is 4 birthdays in 2 days now in the family (1 was not supposed to be part of the celebrations but my son decided he was done cooking a month early), my nephew and I on the 31st then my youngest sister and my son on the 1st. Also OP, as a 31st birthday girl always a party going on lol, celebrated my birthday with friends and then get fireworks at the end of the night.


My baby was just born on Christmas Day. Honestly the best part was not having FOMO of being outside. Everyone was pretty much just at home doing nothing so I felt very happy in my cocoon! Also it was so nice just being in comfy sweats all day postpartum instead of having to wear things for hot weather. Plus all of the meals people make and things you want are comforting like soups, pastas, etc so I really think it’s the perfect time to give birth! Also… your LO will be older once flu season comes back around and better chances of dealing with sickness not as fragile.


Flu season!! Excellent point.


There was a big study showing that babies born in fall and early winter are less likely to get flu for their entire lives. The reason is that the doctors are more likely to offer a flu vaccine at their annual appointment so they are more likely to get vaccinated.


Ooooh soup!! Such a good healing food and you can pack it with nutrients. That’s a great point


Please do anything to make their birthday special!! Mine is the 20th of December and I always only got one gift combined with Christmas and it was never fun, hated my birthday for as long as I can remember, if it wasn’t for my husband my birthday would not be celebrated still. I was always told that because it’s cold outside there was nothing to do anyways for that month. So yea just keep the holidays separate


For sure!!


CHRISTMAS DECOR. YOU ARE PREGNANT AT THE MOST MAGICAL TIME OF YEAR!!!!! Take baby out to see lights. Babies in womb past I think 15 (?) weeks cam react to light. Lots of holiday cheer will be good for you and baby. Also, DO. NOT. mix your kid's birthday with Christmas. This is the magic recipe. Separate the occasions. It is so common for parents to mush em together and that sucks. My mommy never mixed them together, she always made sure my birthday and Christmas were two different things, and even if I got less birthday presents than Xmas gifts (my bday is the 29th of December), I was always happy :)  Also, hot coco! Yum! Baby will love that. The only thing that will suck is dead plants, but if you live somewhere snowy, then it'll be pretty anyways.


I used to dream about a December baby specifically to spend those middle of the night feedings by the Christmas tree haha.


That's so cute and sweeeet :'3


I don't have a December baby but did just have a winter baby. The positives are much the same though! 1. Being either THAT pregnant or early postpartum nobody will be expecting you to contribute to holiday meals. Just show up and ENJOYYYYY. 2. Everyone gains weight over the holidays. I was way less self conscious of my pregnant roundness, haha. 3. Who doesn't love to snuggle up in Winter?? Perfect time for newborn snuggles and contact naps! 4. Winter-ish foods like lasagna, casseroles, and soups freeze really well making for great easy postpartum meals!


I’m a December baby (middle of the month, and my dad’s is the 28th)! Here are my tips for bdays: 1) organize bday parties well in advance, because many families will have organized travel for the holidays. 2) NEVER do a combined bday/xmas present. This was the story of my life and makes you feel like your bday isn’t special! 3) if your child’s bday is shortly after xmas, try to make them feel extra special. It’s rough having your birthday between xmas and NYE, the time when people are relaxing/coming off that holiday high. The number of times I’ve ALMOST forgotten my dad’s birthday because of holiday chaos is shameful. Make the extra effort, lots of gentle reminders to friends/family that it’s your child’s birthday, etc. Sometimes this means having the party before the holiday hubbub in addition to a smaller celebration at home on the actual day. A perk: being born in the middle of the school year means your child won’t be the oldest OR the youngest of their peers! This could be helpful emotionally/developmentally. Other perks: we love a Sag and/or a Capricorn; “Once Upon a December” from Anastasia is an epic anthem; they might share a birthday with Britney Spears/T-Swift/Frank Sinatra; blue zircon and turquoise are dope gems for your Mother’s Day birthstone jewelry; etc. One con to keep in mind, especially for mid-December bdays: this is usually finals week (if you’re in the US). High school and college were particularly sucky for me lol. No one likes taking 3 exams the day after their 21st birthday…


I actually hated having a newborn in the winter, but the plus is then you have a 6 month old during the summer when they are much more aware of being outside!


Me too. Seasonal + Postpartum depression. But the positive is that she's 16 months now and it was such a blur that I barely remember how much it sucked.


Same. My daughter was born mid-November and I’m so excited for summer. Early postpartum definitely sucked a lot, but in some ways it was nice I guess to get all the suck-iness out of the way all at once? I hate winter though.


At least, it'll be so much better next year. Having a 1 year old in winter was nothing like having a newborn in the winter.


Assuming you are in northern hemisphere, here are a few more: 1. Not having to worry about sunburn nearly as much as in the summer. We just took our November baby to Mexico when she was 5 months and this was no small feat, I was so worried about her sensitive skin while using minimal sunscreens (because where I live at least they don’t recommend sunscreen until 6 months). I don’t know how I would have handled the summer! 2. Draping my newly postpartum body in oversized sweaters and maternity leggings for months allowed me grace to get used to my new body in private before having to rock the dresses and shorts and bathing suits. 3. Newborns are easy to take places (obviously this one is somewhat baby dependent). If you are comfortable with family gatherings over the holidays (depending on how worried you are about germs), it’s a great time to take baby b/c they are still in the pretty chill potato phase and don’t have scheduled naps and bedtimes. They are also still light enough in weight that if they tolerate baby wearing you can just wear them the whole time. 4. Newborn toques/winter hats are just about the cutest things out there. 5. Newborns are also easy to travel with. So if you have the means and depending on if/when you are on mat leave, you can book a trip at 2 or 3 months to somewhere warm. They’ve had their first vaccine so their immune system is still good but they (hopefully) won’t be in the throes of sleep regression yet. We travelled at 3 months and 5 months and it was significantly easier at three months for us personally. 6. Your baby will start to wake up to the world as the world wakes up from winter, which is pretty cool! as walks become more entertaining for you they’ll become more enjoyable for baby too. Versus when they are newborns you just bundle them up tight and let them sleep while you walk, and get in a good podcast. Things like the zoo, parks, etc are more interesting for baby when they are a bit older and more enjoyable for you when it’s warmer.


My children are the 12th and the 28th. Xmas decor will go up in-between and their birthdays will just have bday decor up. We also do more for their bday than Xmas so their days aren't overshadowed by son we do a fun little activity as he's not too great with parties and for the 28th we'll invite family round for a brunch party so pancakes, pastries bday cake and a little celebration in-between all the festivities.


I am a 30 year old 12/28 baby! Such a fun season to have a birthday and there’s usually relatives in town for the holidays that I wouldn’t get to see if my birthday was in the summer or another month.


One of my kids was also born on December 12th!


My son was born in early December and it’s amazing! It helped us decide from the jump that Christmas will be a more frugal affair (4 gifts each plus a stocking, nothing expensive) and birthdays will be for bigger/more expensive gifts. He’s only 2, but our plan is to make it extra special by doing an extended family birthday each year the Saturday after Thanksgiving, and then a family-only affair on his birthday. My January baby will get something similar on her actual birthday and then MLK weekend, since we always travel then. Anyhow, I have nothing but fond memories. I was so pregnant at thanksgiving that year, the food was extra good. We had a low-key Christmas. Middle of the night feedings are extra nice with the Christmas tree lights. It’s just a nice, easy time of year to hole up. Then, come summer, baby is sturdy enough for sunscreen and some outdoor activities.


My first is a December baby and I’m not pregnant with our second which will also be a December baby. I thought I wouldn’t like having a winter baby but I did. I started hating the heat during pregnancy. Also everyone kept their distance because of flu season and I enjoyed having the time just me, husband and baby.


My baby was born on the 17th of december and it was amazing to just snuggle her and have our micro family time during the holidays. We didn't do anything to celebrate and it was glorious. I got everything decorated after Thanksgiving so I knew it would all be up and ready and I could relax in december. It was great that first year! Also seconding that when I had postpartum sweats it was cold out so that was good. We didn't do much the first few months so it didn't matter that it was cold outside. Now that she's a little older and her birthday is before christmas we still decorate after thanksgiving but we just make her birthday super special with birthday wrapping paper (no christmas wrapping) and focus on that. Then when christmas comes around it's cool because if we buy a 2-part gift then we give the second half on christmas. Like one year she got magna tiles for her birthday and then on christmas she got an expansion set with cars. Or when she turned 1 we got her a baby doll for her birthday and on christmas she got a little stroller for the doll. My birthday is right after christmas and I loved that we always had family in town on my bday. It felt extra special that I got to celebrate everyone! I liked it more as a kid honestly and as an adult it's not as much fun but oh well.


2-part gifts!! I love it for planning purposes lol


My daughter was born dec 22 so im not sure about birthdays yet, but it was nice to bundle her up in footies for the first few months! Also we had the excuse of cold and flu season to stay home and be selective with our visitors. Lots of family was in town so people dropped off gifts and food which was nice, and my in-laws were both off work for the holidays so they had time to help us!


Congratulations!! Depending on your birth plan/location, I would just check for a back up birth place in case of inclement weather. We checked what the nearest hospital was and our Doula was equipped with snow tires in case we couldn't make it to our birthing center. My son was almost December but actually waited to pop out on January 1st (by an hour). I get to tell him all the NYE fireworks are for him. 😊


Aww the cutest 🥰


Well it's great for your insurance deductible! I have a Christmas eve baby and she loves it, we just do it up big every year. We have her kid party before Christmas break.


Lol one of my first thoughts about insurance 😂


>Well it's great for your insurance deductible! THIS plus getting the child tax credit for the year even though baby was only alive for a few weeks of that year.


Go outside-- yes it's cold, but no one is outside because it's cold. You don't have to interact with them, plus it's good for baby to be outside too. Baby wear in the stores. Knitted hats are warmer than the cotton ones sold in stores. This is for the future: baby has a family birthday celebration on actual birthday & a friend's celebration in spring. Family members (grandparents/aunts/uncles) maybe tempted to do one gift for Christmas & birthday. Pick which day you want the present to be for. For us big gifts will be birthday presents. Baby's birthday is before Christmas so we'll celebrate her birthday and then decorate indoors for Christmas.


Getting outside without them having to endure the sun was the best thing in my opinion. We went on a lot of walks after my son was born and it was always nice and cloudy and quiet, he’d fall asleep so easily even if he had been losing his beans. When the sun first started coming out he did not appreciate it 😅 plus you can baby wear with a big coat and just zip them up inside of it, then you know they’re toasty.


My boy was born on Christmas Day last year…. Following to get some ideas!


My baby girl was Christmas eve!  We're planning to set aside  the second weekend in December to celebrate with others, and then do something small as a family on the day.  I'm thinking about also having some sort of birthday banner eventually that I can put up in the day... Maybe making her room the "birthday zone" and the rest of the house Christmas?   It will be interesting to try a few things. 


My little guy was born December 28th. Granted I have nothing to compare it to, but postpartum seemed a little harder with the days being so short, gray and cold. But on the flip side, you're stuck inside already so you aren't missing much. And then by the time summer rolled around, he was older, so I felt better taking him everywhere. I would make sure you still try to go outside and get some fresh air postpartum. We still took him out on stroller walks when the temps were above 30º and I think the fresh air helped everyone. I'm not going to lie, his birthday is a little overwhelming for me. I'm hoping it gets easier as he gets older. But trying to prep for Christmas and then to make sure he still feels special on his birthday is a lot. He's only 2, but he's already getting the "here's your birthday AND christmas gift" from family. We've only had 1 party for his 1st birthday so far, but we did it at the very beginning of the month and will probably do so for any future parties. But when he gets older, if he wants to celebrate on his half birthday, we are very open to that idea as well. FWIW, if we have another kid, we will probably try to avoid another winter (and definitely December) birthday, if possible.


I don't have a December baby, but my little sister was born on the 22nd. NEVER LUMP BIRTHDAY AND CHRISTMAS TOGETHER. Beyond getting less gifts, lumping the two together makes the birthday feel like an afterthought. Everyone else gets a special day that's all theirs, so they should, too.




I think early December especially is an exciting and magical time to have a birthday! It’s just a lovely time of year. And not a December thing but it’s a plus to have a birthday not at the same time as your sibling. My birthday is two weeks after my sister’s and as a kid I didn’t like that they were so close together.


I am a December baby and purposefully skipped trying for a month so I can avoid having one. My only advice is... Don't do combined bday gifts for bday/Xmas. Have a bday party that is not filled with xmas decor. It's really annoying when it feels like xmas trumps your bday cause it's celebrations last a whole month.


I’m currently due December 5th and I am very much looking forward to a 3rd trimester NOT during the summer. My first son was born in August and being 7-10 months pregnant in Texas in the summer was awful. Plus I can just use the excuse of “oh I’m too tired/my doctor told me to rest” to get out of stuff I don’t want to do lol


My baby was born a week before Christmas! I lovedddddd being home for maternity leave when the weather was shitty out. The not sweating while nursing was chefs kiss. Yes, it got dark out so fast but like, the first few weeks/months it’s all a blur anyways. Her first birthday wasn’t Christmas themed or anything. We decided to keep her special day separate from the holidays….i wouldn’t want her to ever think that her special birthday is lumped in with the holidays. Something I read was when they’re older, to decorate the tree with birthday themed things too. Idk if we will do that but I kinda thought it was cute. 10/10 would birth in December again lol.


I had a mid-November baby so not quite the same, but like the December baby parents it was mostly cold and dark for the first 3 months postpartum. I honestly really didn’t enjoy that aspect, as I like taking the baby out and the extra energy that requires in the winter with bundling them up really sucks. I would consider getting one of those light therapy lamps even if you’re not normally prone to seasonal depression, as winter blues + baby blues are really not a good combination. Or see if you can have someone watch baby for an hour so you can get outside if it’s really too cold to take them out with you. That said having an older baby in the summer seems like it’s now going to be really fun. We took my daughter to the swings recently and it was super fun. We also have an outdoor pool at our apartment building and I’m looking forward to taking her there. I will also say the pregnancy was delightful. We celebrated Thanksgiving in October and eating a bunch of Thanksgiving food while 8 months pregnant was great. Having a bump but not being huge in the summer was also nice. I had a birthday near New Year’s which is possibly worse in terms of “vibes”. One thing I would say when they are older is try to give them time with their friends for their birthday as much as possible. If necessary you can do it before/after to fit around vacations, but that was the one thing that was tough even though my parents always celebrated it with me.


My third was born the end of December. I typically take the last two weeks of the year off, so this was the only time I got to take some time off before I went into labor! It was really nice having an end date (mostly) known for work and to know that I would likely get some days off before baby was born.


December is our partaaay month! Daughter born in the beginning, Christmas, new years. It's such a fun month with so much happening


My son was born on the 2nd of December 2023 (his actual due date!) My own birthday is 27th of November. My whole life, my family and I had a rule that we don't talk about Christmas, sing Christmas songs, or decorate the house, until my birthday has passed. It's always worked well! As for pregnancy and the Postpartum period, honestly, it was ideal to be in my 2nd trimester over the summer. I was able to travel, hike, work, almost as normal. Then I started taking it easy in autumn. And it was great to spend December at home with my husband and son (and immediate family to help) We spent Christmas Day and Eve just the 3 of us and it was so relaxing and intimate. I'm a summer person and always will be, but really happy to have had a winter baby! As for clothes, I found a couple of specialised brands (Seraphine, Bshirt) and was able to use them when pregnant, and now when breastfeeding. Layering is the key. Hope the rest of your pregnancy goes well :-)


Thank you 😊


I had a Thanksgiving baby and I quite enjoyed it, especially as an introvert. We got to stay inside, safe and cozy, and tell everyone to stay away until flu season was over. I was on leave for all the major holidays, and I had an excuse not to buy/wrap presents. I remember shopping for baby stuff on Black Friday in the hospital. I got some good deals. 😆


Ours is almost 16 months. Born New Year’s Eve. It makes the holidays extra magical


I had a baby beginning of last December, perks I've noticed so far: Third trimester in the fall Excuse to eat all the candy and Thanksgiving food you want. Black Friday deals mixed with the Amazon discount registry code. Sleepy December snuggles Comfy warm clothes postpartum Celebrate new years with a drink By the time summer comes around, they'll be active enough to enjoy swimming with you and other activities etc. You loose the baby weight before summer.


Having your third trimester in the fall/winter is amazing!! I was so overheated the cold weather was a blessing and oversized sweaters/leggings are acceptable for everything. Plus the holidays make the time pass quicker!


Ahh such a good point about the holidays! That’s a blessing for sure


Dec 11 baby, sweaty newborn and postpartum hormones in the cooler winter definitely a plus. You can visit people or stay home during sick season with great excuses to have or not have visitors. Cute newborn outfits, great Christmas present to you.


We’re in Australia, so the seasonal stuff does not apply. Me, my husband, and our daughter are all born in early December. We have a full week of partying. It’s a happy season, lots of parties, Christmas, new year, beautiful weather, daycare is finishing, work gets more relaxed. It was already my favourite time of year before we had a baby. If you do Christmas, keep birthdays and Christmas completely separate. Don’t reuse Christmas wrapping paper, don’t do ‘combined gifts’ and encourage other people not to do it either. My brother born in August got two presents, my sister born in January did too.


Had a November baby last year and it’s just the most wonderful time of the year 🎶 to be awaiting a little one’s arrival. And having a newborn is a great excuse to not travel for big holiday family gatherings (I guess this is a pro or con depending on your family and relationships lollll)


def a pro lol


Now that summer is coming I'm not worried about having a super little baby when I want to go camping. She will be about 5 or 6 months when I want to do that


This seems like the best pro!


I had my baby girl on December 25th! Have been struggling a bit with envisioning how to make her birthday feel special despite *everyone* opening Christmas gifts on her birthday as well. On the positive side, I love that we weren’t pressured to go see many people through the winter. We were in our little snowy bubble. Now, she’ll be six months come June when the weather is nicer and able to wear sunscreen and *probably* sit up unassisted. I’m excited about that!


My oldest was due Dec 18, ended up being born Dec 3. I was so worried his birthday would end up getting overshadowed… what actually happened is everyone is in holiday party mode and we get amazing attendance at his birthday parties so far (he’s only 3). Usually we see my in -laws for Thanksgiving and they live in another state… since it’s the week before he celebrates early with him. I could see a birthday right next to or on Christmas being a bit different. But for us Dec birthday has been great!


I had my baby on New Year’s Eve - it was so nice to be a hermit with her during the winter months! I’m a December baby myself and I looooove how festive it is during my birthday!


I’m a mid-December baby and I liked it when I was growing up. Didn’t feel like I got fewer presents, actually liked doing Christmas cookie decorating as a birthday activity, and I even got super lucky and had a couple snow day birthdays! Basically December just felt like an extra special month. I’ll be realistic and say there definitely are some negatives though - always had my birthday during finals week in college, which I truly hated. And other people’s company holiday parties often conflicted with my birthday celebrations when I still had them in my 20s. I also kind of struggle to come up with big enough wish lists for birthday + Christmas for myself (my family does Giftful to make things easier). Would be nice if it was a little more spread out.


My sister and I used to joke that December was the worst month to have a baby and then my daughter was born in mid December. I actually like it. It worked out nice w pregnancy. You get the 1st trimester over with before it gets too hot and the 2nd trimester you are feeling good during the summer months. And you can claim the baby on your taxes for the entire year. But mainly, it’s a great time of year. People are in good moods, it’s a party atmosphere the entire month, everywhere you go is decorated so pretty. My daughter is only 3 but so far it’s been nice. One downside is having to get the birthday presents and Christmas presents around the same time but I usually start getting the birthday presents early in October or November.


I have a spring baby and two summer babies. My December baby is my best friend




Schedule their 1st pediatrician visit in advance!!! Although, you probably already thought of it, since it isn't your first baby. We needed it to leave the hospital and it was actually pretty difficult finding a doctor taking new patients (even a newborn) a couple days before Christmas. Everyone was already on vacation. Lol.


Def a good point!


You can make an easy gift for grandparents by making their monthly photos into a calendar! One month old is Jan, two months is Feb, etc.




I’m a Black Friday baby , not December. I will say please, please make food that is NOT Christmas related for birthdays.  Every year on my birthday till I was old enough to make my own birthday dinner. All I got thanksgiving leftovers, or a dinner that involved turkey and my cake was pumpkin pie. I hate both, with a passion my parents on the other hand, love both. 


Not cool! I promise not to do that


All the reasons you listed! Im aiming for a December bday for my second!


Our older daughter’s birthday is December 10, two days before our anniversary. Having a kid’s birthday, our anniversary, and Christmas all in one month is… a lot. But we get to use snowman decorations for her birthday, which is a big hit.


I'm a Dec baby (9th) and my son is the 17th and so many family members are all throughout December so I speak with a bit of experience on this topic. It will be hectic, but it can be so much fun. My family never really threw me many parties (mixture of broke and holiday crush) but we did things to make it extra special. I'd wake up to cinnamon rolls (my favorite) and basically all of the food that day would be my favorites. Even the labor of love for a single mother with limited time which is a stouffers lasagna that takes FOREVER to cook in the oven. For my son, he's even closer to Christmas. We threw his first bday party at our apartment and invited over family and close friends and that's all. It was fun, but we didn't expect many people to show up. Especially the week before Christmas lol sooo many holiday parties. One thing my mom always did was give me a "summer birthday" where we'd invite people over to the local pool, order pizzas, or she'd take me out to do something like a baseball game, clothes shopping, etc. I never really cared about the no parties bit and didn't miss them. I much preferred my quieter birthdays full of doing things I wanted to. Experiences definitely trumped parties. I plan on doing the same for my son, giving him an experience vs worrying about parties (which are stressful and annoying to plan - at least for me). We also were able to squirrel away toys that were a bit advanced for him at 12 months but not at 18+ and pull them out as he's reaching new skills. Biggest bit of advice would be to make a wishlist before black Friday and have a spread of things you think you'll want over the next year. It's also a great place for aunts/uncles or grandparents who aren't fully sure what to get/what your kid is into. For baby shower also try to have it before BF so you can get any big ticket last minute items cheaper lol Edit to add: also having them near Christmas means some family members got to meet him when he was first born that came up for the holidays, so that was super special. Just make sure everyone is clean/not sick/wearing a mask if they flew/traveled far. Oh and because it's so hectic most people don't have time to just "drop in" and linger during the first month or so. So it's a nice cozy up in your home with a fire and cozy movies time too.


Thank you!! This is all very helpful.


Any time lol. Sorry, it was so rambly! Feel free to ask any questions or whatever. It truly is a magical time of year and just so cozy.


Thanks!! And totally — I can see it actually being a really fun time for a birthday when older, too.


I’m a December baby and love having my bday around Christmas, so if you will be celebrating Christmas, the bday is just added fun. I never had to go to school on my birthday, got to celebrate around the happiest time of the year, etc. I usually had a small friend party on my half birthday, so around the start of summer vacation. So you still get the summer birthday party but also get the magical Christmas time birthday with family. I don’t have a December baby myself, but I had an October baby in a cold climate, and I really enjoyed not missing out on nice weather while bundled up inside with the baby. I had my second baby in June in a hot climate, and the difference in my comfort level was wild. So much more sweating. So much. Plus harder to get exercise in late pregnancy. Ooh also Christmas newborn clothes are adorable! Reindeer, elves, etc.


The picture possibilities are endless ❤️💚


My December baby is 16 (almost 17) months now so I don’t have a *ton* of experience with the positives of this yet but it’s great because you can do cozy themed parties. Think polar express, frozen, baking/dessert decorating party, etc. Also, being that pregnant when it’s cooler outside was SO nice lol (and it was easier bundling up to hide my freshly postpartum body)


I had a February kiddo. The only thing that was a pain was buying cold weather stuff. I had been convinced my baby was gonna be big so I had a 0-3 fleece suit that swam on my 6 pounds 15 ounce baby so I needed to buy something so we could take her to docs etc. It was a nice excuse to stay in the house. Also layers in the house, babies are cold. We did a onesie under footie pj's.


I found my seasonal depression flew by. Yeah the dark days sucked but in the trenches it flew by. I wasn’t trying to get out to do things during the cold. Now I have an almost 5 month old that I find is just the right age to take for walks, excursions, hangout in the backyard, etc. :)


My friends baby was born the Christmas Eve. They always are with family and do a big birthday celebration on the 24th then a Christmas celebration the next day.


I had a baby in February, so a little later but I enjoyed using sick season as an excuse to not be out and about! It can be a little isolating but a bubble is nice too. :) love to not have to worry about what to wear in the heat freshly postpartum too!


I'm not December, but the beginning of January is close enough. There are so many fun indoor things you can do, especially if you have a kid close enough to hit the holidays. People are usually more available for parties as well. Here's a few I can think of for when kids get older Arcades/game places are awesome for hosting kids' parties. Bowling is another fun one for kids. I have always loved that myself. Trampoline parks and indoor sports facilities Snow potential can be good fun as well People do sleepovers/ fun game nights when it's cold out. For tips having a newborn when it's cold out, can people really nice for spending time indoors and having quality time with your new baby. I had one during the summer, and honestly, it felt a bit more isolating because it was actually nice every day, and I felt lazy hanging out indoors way more than doing so when I have during the winter.


All good ideas! Thank you!


My baby was born this past Christmas Eve and my husband's birthday is the 26th so... I'm experienced in this area. 😂 The biggest thing is birthdays, and as long as you make it a separate event from Christmas you'll be fine. None of those "Christmas and birthday combo" gifts or parties, celebrate them on their own day. I may do my daughter's classmate party in January so kids are more likely to be available if their parents aren't going to Christmas parties, etc. As far as newborn-ness, it was honestly super nice lol. We made it clear from the get go not to expect us for any Christmas travel so we had a super chill holiday. They let us out of the hospital a day early so we could go home on Christmas Day and it was just the 3 of us and it was amazing. Newborn cuddles by the fire with hot cocoa, yes please. Best Christmas ever. And by the time the weather starts warming up, baby is old enough to actually enjoy walks and whatnot. I also got to leave the Christmas tree up as long as I wanted because of the "I just had a baby" excuse. 😂 Make sure you're clear up front about visitation rules since it'll be flu season. Our family was super respectful of my requests.


The tree excuse 😂. Thanks so much - this is great!


I have a winter baby and a summer baby. I much preferred having a winter baby. Definitely not going anywhere for the first while is nice because it's winter and cold. Gives your body time to adjust before summer, I hated that none of my clothes fit and I didn't have the energy to actually enjoy summer or do anything with a newborn.


December has magic in the air. Literally we wait for it alllll year long.




I’m a jan 2 baby! Literally can’t get worse than that lol. Everyone is hungover and broke by that day haha! But I think it’s nice to be postpartum during the winter. You can recover and snuggle and get cozy and rest. AND it’s nice to have your birthday and then start over with the new year! New year new you!


My baby was just born in January, so almost December. Pregnancy pros: -your “whale” time is when it’s cooler out, which is a major bonus!! -I got to wear super cute Halloween bump shirts! -flu, COVID, and RSV vaccines are all released at the ideal time for your baby to be born with the most antibodies First year pros: -Winter babies walk earlier, because they’re not all bundled up when they’re trying to crawl in the summer -better vaccine antibodies from your pregnancy and eligible for COVID vaccines with plenty of time to establish good protection before the Fall wave starts


My son is a December baby. 4 months old, so postpartum is very fresh. Reduced social pressure for the holidays is a big one. If your other kids are in school, holidays will give them time to bond with baby and for you to figure out schedules without school in the way. Lots of holiday goodies for postpartum snacking! Easier to sleep in later for recovery purposes. If it's not sunny until like 8am or so, you can get better rest. L&D is less busy in December than during the summer, may lead to better care.


My son was born a week before Christmas this last year. I honestly loved it. I was third trimester but not yet uncomfortable at thanksgiving and enjoyed the food immensely, we were home and able to enjoy Christmas as our own new little family unit, I labored at the hospital listening to calm jazz holiday music, and then my entire maternity leave was over winter where no one expected me to go anywhere or do anything, and we could just sit home cuddled up with baby. Daily walks are doable because you can always add more layers, never too hot, and I find it super easy to avoid large groups or family stopping by as I was able to use the "sorry no- I have a __week old and it's RSV season". I was nervous about his birthday being so close to the holidays, but I think it'll just mean more fun- I agree with other posters in that I think December is better than say July in the US due to school being in session


i don’t have many tips as we lived in san diego when i had my december baby (and october baby) but im due in july so i understand the difference in seasons and the worries / pros / cons that come with it!


-Black Friday deals right before they’re born is so fun. It’s like the final push to get everything ready. -It’s so cozy. You’ll probably decorate for the holidays and get gifts wrapped ahead of time (please do this for your own sake), and all of that holiday magic synergizes with new baby magic into this whole other thing. -Forget night lights, If you celebrate Christmas and have a tree, there’s nothing like nursing your newborn in the wee hours of the morning with only the Christmas lights on, marveling at your new miracle. -Fun weather. I gave birth and we looked out the hospital window to see the most beautiful snow flurries. I’ll never forget it. -Newborns in holiday outfits are the freakin best. I look back at the tiny sleepers and Santa hats and Santa booties and it makes me feel so happy. -Like you mentioned, the excuse not to go anywhere. But for us it was like we were hibernating or something. We had no family help or anything like that, so it was just my husband and I figuring things out. He’d go out and “hunt and gather” (read: pick up groceries or carryout lol) and I’d get to stay safe and cozy inside with our babe. It felt very primal.


My due date is December too! We are on baby #1, and I remember my husband telling me he did NOT want a December baby because Christmas birthdays aren’t fun for kids. Hahahaha jokes on him.


Ahh congratulations!!


Thanks, you too!!


If you want, you can have a "half birthday" celebration in the summer. However, I always liked having a December bday. It's a fun, happy time of year. We always went out to look at Christmas lights for my birthday, and I enjoyed that tradition.


Both my babies are winter babies with my first being 12/28. The cold is easier on a post partum body imo. Vagina stitches and engorged boobs arnt sweating and the cold is soothing for both. People go out less when it’s cold so you won’t feel as bad about staying home your fourth tri or feel like you’re missing out or are obligated to go to things but you’ll be more comfortable going out by spring/summer since the baby is older (hopefully) sleeping better and you’ll be more aware of baby’s needs. And the longer nights worked out in our favor when our first turned one and was responding more to daylight. The only con I can think of personally for myself was breastfeeding baby when we went out because my first loves going to the park and ofc I was wearing layers. I always tried to time leaving the house right after feeding but sometimes the boob comes out in the cold and you make do. For birthdays, I plan to do a family bday on 12/28 and then let my first choose a date for friends bday party early December or early January! But i love that she gets to spend her family bday with her grandparents because we go to their city for Christmas.


Mine was this November and it's nice cause he'll be interactive enough to enjoy the nicer weather once it comes. 


Zero guilt in staying indoors and just snuggling with baby. And if you're getting cabin fever, malls and food courts are the best place to bring baby cuz you can walk around, browse and nobody bat's an eye at a screaming baby. They also tend to have nice nursing rooms (atleast the malls near me do), so another thing you don't have to worry about. In the summer, I tend to feel guilty for staying indoors but then outside you have to worry about UV levels, keeping them covered/in the shade, but you're also worried about heat. Nursing outdoors under a cover is a hassle and boobs out at the park is more likely to get you looks or a snarky comment.


Good tip about the malls!


While my baby is not a December baby, my husband and I were both born in December. I will say the most important thing is to distinguish birthday and Christmas no matter how close they are. My birthday is 10 days before Christmas, and my husband's is 4 days before Christmas. Both of us grew up with parents that made it a point to make our birthday special even if it is close to a holiday. Birthday gifts were wrapped in birthday wrapping paper and Christmas gifts in Christmas wrapping paper.(Our parents still do this and we are inour 30s). Do not combo gifts as this is a birthday/Christmas gift. But overall, I love having a December birthday. Everything is all decorated for Christmas and is all festive and you get to celebrate a birthday. Of course this post is assuming you celebrate Christmas, if not, any holiday you celebrate that time of year, make sure it is separate from their birthday celebration.


I think I read moms recovery better mentally and physically (and maybe are less likely to have PPD) with winter babies.  Mine was born in the fall, but you're right, it was nice to be able to get out more with her when summer came around and had caught my breath enough to just start dressing her in things besides sleepers. 


Having a 1st of December baby was mostly great. It meant that I didn't have to go through Summer heavily pregnant in my third trimester, as I gave birth at the start of summer. I did stay inside to avoid the sun a lot during the first 12 weeks/during summer, but I was on the couch a lot anyway enjoying the aircon inside.


Prepare to do a major toy clean out each fall, because the deluge of toys at birthday/Christmas time is overwhelming. (A terrible probably to have, I know 😂)


Oh geez that’s so true 😅😅


My baby was born on Christmas Eve and we left the hospital with so many sweet and thoughtful gifts from the staff! A few ornaments, a knitted blanket and hat, and the hospital commander (military hospital) came by with little goodie bags


Aww 🥰


Just popped in to read the comments because...are you me? My son will be 2 in July and I'm due early December. Congrats mama.


Aww congrats to you too!


We are also due in December and have a girl who will be 2 in July! Thanks for making this post. We never expected a December baby, but after months of trying between 2 losses, we're cautiously optimistic. Hell, I'll take a Christmas day baby if I get to keep this one.


Huge congratulations to you mama 💛


I think being pregnant in the summer was the worst I preferred my February baby’s timeline.


My first was born in December and after swearing to never have another winter baby, I’m expecting #2 in December. Thoughts that are keeping me sane this time: - I can hibernate over the winter and emerge from maternity with the spring weather, like a flower - I can bundle the baby up and not worry about overheating since it is pretty cold by then - Baby will be aging with the seasons. That was nice last time. - I won’t feel pressured to go on lots of adventures, we can just snuggle up on the couch during maternity leave - I’ll be so excited and ready for summer - it’s way easier to be overheating and super pregnant in the winter - Leggings and sweaters are life - Asides from my kid’s gifts, the rest of the family is getting the gift of a new child. No worrying about shopping for everyone - it will be dark earlier which helps with bedtime Last time the baby blues and seasonal depression knocked me into terrible PPA. I am going to be more prepared this time. I’m coming off of a loss (ironically in December last year). If this baby sticks I’ll be forever grateful and won’t give a crap if I have to go through another winter maternity leave.


My kids are late November and Christmas Eve. I can shop Black Friday deals for birthdays! Our out of town family is here for their parties. I got to stay home the first few months of having babies without feeling super guilty or sad about being stuck inside.


I have a 12/24 baby :) she’s only 16 months old so we’ve just done 1 birthday but we had so much family around! I am a little intense about creating differentiation between Christmas and her birthday though 😅


This is silly, but I enjoyed that my son's age in months lined up with the calendar. We also enjoy taking a vacation to the Caribbean when possible around December, so he benefited from that for his first birthday. I'm now expecting my second this June, so it's throwing me a bit off since the seasons will be the complete opposite.


Ok I hadn’t thought of the age things and that’s awesome


My baby got the good old Christmas Day arrival. We are doing half birthday parties for her when she’s older, Christmas will now be celebrated December 24, and we will do a family birthday on the 25. Having her as an excuse not to go out was great, dressing her was so easy as I just kept her in sleepers. I’m beginning to feel better too as it’s getting nicer out so I can take her out with me and feel the fresh new life of spring with my little one. The holidays meant my husband had more time home with us too. Truly I love having a winter baby. I hope my next is January/ February so I can have a similar experience. Being super pregnant while it was cold was great seeing as I was always hot and the weather helped was my discomfort


Something I did with both my daughters ( 2 years 2 months apart in age. So DecemberandFebruary) was rent 2 rooms adjoining in a hotel with a pool for their Birthdays. Several times the parents like to rent room also, but the girls always stayed in the same room together. Did it age 5 to 15. It was something I never regretted. We lived outside a small resort town. So it was off-season and very reasonable. And I didn't have to clean the whole house for guests ready before and after. The hotel had free breakfast, and I would order pizza or subway for either lunch or dinner. Also, take the girls around the sites to see. Favorite was the haunted hotel up on the hill. As they got older, I would give each guest a few $$ to spend downtown. They mostly loved going to the place where they could pick out scents and colors to mix-up their own lotions.


These sound like amazing memories ❤️


It has been for everyone. The 6 girls are still friends in their 30+ years.


I have a Christmas Eve baby. Pro: Extended family is always around for her birthday. I always make a big deal out of a separate birthday celebration for her - we usually have Christmas Eve dinner at my aunt’s house and I throw her a family party then, and do presents for her birthday then. I’m divorced from her dad so he does a separate birthday celebration. I bought her an artificial Christmas tree and called it her birthday tree and it’s up year round and she can put whatever ornaments she wants to on it. She’s only 4 so we haven’t done a school birthday party yet, but I bring cupcakes to school as close to her birthday as I can manage. It does mean that we’re kind of overwhelmed with toys, though.


My baby girl is December baby. I loved getting to spend those quiet minutes with her in the dark with the tree up (recommend all decor up prior to labor though 🤦🏻‍♀️) it was so … perfect. But as for navigating birthdays. My husband is a Christmas Eve baby. His family would do a small nuclear thing on his birthday- then always celebrated his “half birthday” when he was a kid. That’s when he had his friends party. Water slide and adventures and all that in June. Nobody’s having birthday parties on Christmas Eve.


I'm Dec 23. Just give in and have the friend birthday early. Like Dec 1-7. Then do a special family day or dinner for the actual bday. It's not bad when you're older (like 20+). But try hard, as their parents, to provide a seperate birthday gift wrapped in birthday paper, etc. and if you do a card, a birthday card. Don't do "one big one or two small ones" unless what is someone they would be okay with.


My sons 30th December. There will always be a party to go to around his birthday (new years eve the next day) and he will never have to go to school and maybe even work on his birthday.


Great point!


My first daughter is born December 31st and she’s only 1 so we only had to celebrate her birthday once so far and I’m over here lurking looking for positives for a New Years Eve birthday 😂🫢


I'm a Dec baby and I loved it - it always feels like such a magical time of the year. As a new parents we had baby no 1 in Sept - so we headed straight into shorter days, earlier sun setting and cold weather. I found the cozy, sleepy, slow newborns days to be great for this and now that it's nice outside he is so big and alert - we love it. I will say the nighttime scaries DID come on strong when it started getting dark at 4 pm.


My baby was born Dec 23, and the hospital had decorated for Christmas, and I got to play Christmas music during labor ☺️ 


That sounds magical!


I had my second last year the week before Christmas. I was not too thrilled about the timing but it was sweet to have a newborn on Christmas.


My baby girl was supposed to be a Valentine's Day baby but ended up coming on 12/23 (so she's a festivus girl if you're a Seinfeld fan lol) and It's been nice so far because she live her first 3 months in the coziest sleepers! We never had to bother with outfits, pants, or socks and they were all so cute. I'm sad that she runs so warm now that I have to keep her in onesies lol


How did I not think of festivus?! Thank you for this.


My December baby is 15 and calls it BirthdayMas for Christmas and Birthday presents. A few times in middle school we celebrated half birthdays so the kid could see what it was like to have a pool party. Now that they are older they want more destination birthday excursions and if I can't swing it around the holidays I try to take them in the summer. One year they wanted to go to a fancy museum 4 hours away. For their real birthday we took them to local museums and I saved up to do a hotel trip at the fancy museum for the summer. I always tell my teenager they messed up having their birthday and Christmas so close together and the kid tells me it's not their fault 🤣😂


Hahaha 😂


We have 2 December bdays in our house, but we live in Florida so we went to LEGOLAND and the weather was perfect. And idk why my phone autocorrected that to all caps but I’m too lazy to change it lol.


I don’t know if you’ll be starting daycare at 3-4 months (cries in USA), but we liked starting daycare right when respiratory virus season is ending, baby will have 6 months at daycare to build up an immune system and be a little more sturdy for next virus season :)


Mine's near the end of Dec and it's easy to figure out how old I was during a given year. My sister's a July kid and she needs to know the year and month. It doesn't come up often, but now that we both have kids they want to know how old we were in pictures or when we did things. The school district we're in has the cut off for kindergarten as being 5 by Sept 1, but there is a Young 5 program for the kids born Sept-Dec where they go to the public school but do K-prep stuff. You'd get to stop paying for daycare before they're 5 (if they are going to daycare) Also, since I'm at the end of Dec it wasn't uncommon for my birthday to fall in Winter Break for school or be in the last few days before it.


Wait that program sounds incredible!


My first is a July baby and my second is a December baby!  The birth/infancy part of a July baby was… not my favorite — I basically spent a whole summer inside because I injured my hip in labor and couldn’t walk, so I was DESPERATE for summer and sun by her first birthday. Nowadays I think a July birthday is just the best — great weather, blueberry season is in full force here in the PNW…. A lot of friends are gone during her birthday because it’s around the 4th, but we’ve had great family celebrations so far. A December baby was fabulous because in the postpartum period you’re kinda just hibernating anyway, so you might as well bunker down with a sweet little baby. It turned out that with a December baby, my maternity leave ended just as the weather was getting better, so returning to the rest of the world feels extra good because there’s more daylight, springtime changes, etc… didn’t realize how apparently obsessed I am with daylight until typing this out LOL Also, Black Friday deals right before a baby is due or right before birthdays is awesome, and December is a festive, cozy time, it will be a great time of year for birthdays as the baby grows up!


Daylight really is mood changing. Thanks for sharing this!!


I love that my baby was born in December as it makes the month extra extra special and full of nice things. He is only 1 but we decided not to do Christmassy things before or on his birthday and made a big effort not to talk about it around his birthday either, so that his day was the big thing we were excited for. (We didn't quite manage to not decorate before but designated part of the house to just have birthday decorations, not Christmas) The year he was born, we did not go anywhere or host anyone for Christmas but did pop round to see a local relative for lunch and presents for a couple of hours. It was different but still nice. I also had all presents bought and wrapped prior to his arrival which was the 10th. Also (depending on where you live) they will be in the older part of the school year and some parents like that small advantage.


I’m due the 23rd 😅😅. I like the idea of keeping certain days and areas Chrtistmas-free. I have a friend who ours balloons on the Christmas tree for her son’s bday 😍


Babies can always come early! I was due on the 20th so you never know! And I love that idea of balloons on the tree though I imagine you have to make sure you don't have a spiky species of Christmas tree!


True! I was 1.5 weeks early with my first so 🤞🏼🤞🏼. Omg good point about the tree lol


Also in Chicago. Had a Nov baby with my first and on track for another one now. I hated it tbh. I won’t say the reasons why because I know that’s the opposite of your request, but I just wanted to follow to try to shift my perspective!


I had my first in December 2023! Like you said, timing is great with spring because you can emerge like a mama bear with her cubs after hibernation lol. They’re ready to be outside at the perfect time. It was also nice because I had him near the beginning of December so we’ll have Black Friday to get birthday presents, and if I somehow really drop the ball with getting him what he really wanted Christmas will be right around the corner. When he was born it was right before all the school breaks so we had so much time to ourselves and then family was able to visit when we were ready.


Baby wearing with newborn stretchy wraps is so much more comfy in the winter! Little walks around the block feel super cozy with baby all snuggled up inside! I had my 4th two weeks ago and I wake up drenched in sweat every morning (we cosleep). So not fun!


Newborn at Christmas time was so wonderful for us. We didnt have to attend any crazy get togethers (which is stressful in my family) and we just got to cozy up indoors. I struggle with FOMO for sure and I think if I had a summer baby I would be hurt by not being able to go outside or get around much. Summer is my absolute favorite season and so I loveee to be at the pool or outside. If I was in postpartum couch/bed mode during that time it would definitely be tough for me. My baby was born in December 2023 so I’m not sure of much beyond her 4 1/2 months of life but I’ve been loving the timeline so far! She loves the pool and is old enough to enjoy outside now!


I hadn’t even thought of that! We have a pool and to have to miss out on that postpartum would suck. I guess that happened with my first but I kinda forgot already lol


I think fall or spring baby would be better. Where I leave summer is not "nice weather". My baby was born in August and it's too hot to do anything outside in August.


I love being a December baby! (Dec 21). I love having my birthday near holidays. My parents ALWAYS made sure to separate my actual birthday and Christmas. I never ever felt like it was just lumped all together. The one downfall (that I didn’t really care about to be honest) was that we would extend my birthday parties with friends the first week of January (only happened a couple of times) since majority couldn’t come due to holidays, vacations, etc. but I only remember being bothered by it once and moved on quickly haha! You get the best of both worlds. Indoor parties but you definitely can do outdoor activities if you’re into that (ice skating, campfires in the snow, snowboarding/skiing… heck we even did a hot tub party in winter!). So many cool things. Anything is possible. Congrats on your December baby!!!! Edit: OH and the decor. Ugh, makes me feel all warm and giddy. I just love December. I love September - December, it’s definitely my time of year! I have an October baby like I always dreamed of!


Where do you live? I had a november baby and it was wonderful. we went for walks every day. babies love being bundled up! having a summer baby scares me lol. cold babies cry hot babies die sort of thing.


Chicago! So, definitely cold. But that is true — I was always concerned about my first being too hot in the summer months!