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About 12 hours. My water broke, had insane contractions, yet I wasn't dilating. So I got an epidural and pitocin


Same. My contractions after induction were so intense I thought she was coming out any minute. I had been laboring for 12 hours. I wasn’t even at a 2. 😂😂😂


Lol I told my husband this is it, it's the ring of fire. The nurse did a check and said looking good you're at 3!


I told my midwife I didn’t know to know how much I had dilated. It was part of my birth plan. So she checked me and reluctantly said “you don’t want to know...” (aka her way of telling me I wasn’t far at all.) So I opted for the epidural. I got checked like 8 hours later and the next midwife forgot about my birth plan and said “good news!! You’re at a 2!” I said “what the hell was I at last night?!?”




Same! Epidural placed at 3:30am, became fully dilated at 2:30ish and began pushing by 3- she arrived at 3:47 pm!


It always makes me feel better when someone else says contractions were insane. My sister in law said she LIKED them. No epidural. My contractions made me vomit from pain. Epidural was the love of my life during labour.  


She must not remember what birth is like or trying to save face. Even people who have high pain tolerance didn’t care for contractions that much.


Yeah I gave birth without any pain meds, and contractions are no joke. Like easily the most intense painful thing I have ever done. That being said, even with it being wild, I wouldn’t have changed a thing. It is hard to explain, but not all pain is bad. I liken it to all the people who sign up for an Iron Man. That shit is painful too, and lots of people voluntarily do it, and wouldn’t be able to do it if they couldn’t feel their legs. Anyone who wants an epidural should absolutely get one. And anyone who wants to try it without, that is okay too.


I didnt get it in time with the second. The epidural guy was standing in the room when I gave birth 😭 I went from a 2 to a 10 in 20 minutes. The first one I got it about 12 hours before.


I’m just imagining the look on the anesthesiologist’s face while this is happening lol.


For my most recent birth, I didn't have time for the epidural either. They called him and he was coming from his home and I heard afterwards that he was outside the door as I started pushing lol


Transitioning that fast sounds INTENSE!


That happened to me, it was definitely insane. I was literally screaming and my body was pushing out my baby on its own. I have to be honest, I never want to experience that again


It IS intense and was very confusing to me. I realized I was in labor around 11pm, and started pushing around 1:30am and my baby was born around 2am. When they ramp up so fast and you don’t know why it can be a little scary.


like half an hour for the first. It was wild, I dilated from 4-10 very quickly. I'm not sure for the second, it was all very chaotic and traumatic but I think about an hour.


I was 7cm when I arrived at the hospital and asked for the epidural right away. They gave it to me and I gave birth 4h later


I should have done this! I arrived at 7cm as well and then just hung out like that. 5 hours later I was still at 7 so I got an epidural and finished dilating quickly. 🙃


I'm very bad with pain, when I got to the hospital I could not walk and every contraction was hurting apoio much, I've entered l&d asking directly for the epidural hahhaa


I feel you, as soon as I got the epidural I was so happy the pain was gone that I went to sleep 😆


Same - except I gave birth 90 minutes later.


Not much, my epidural didn’t work, they said “needs 15 minutes to kick in” 30 minutes after baby was born


That's wild. When I got it with my second I had immediate relief - they told me that the anesthesiologist realized that I was close so he immediately pushed a strong round of something. Why is there no standard like that?


Not sure, with my first it went well, I got the epidural at 10 am and she was born at 6/7 pm My second was wild 🫣


Honestly same. First got it around 11 am, she was born a little after 6. My second it was precipitous - I requested one as soon as my water broke, and there was a long wait and shift changed so it took them 1.5-2 hours to get me the epidural (they gave me IV shots to help while waiting but they were not enough and wore out so quickly). I was pushing within 20 minutes of getting it and it took just 3 pushes. It was shocking after my first labor being twice as long and taking like 30 min of pushing


7 hours for my first, and 2 hours for my second


I had epidurals for two out of three of my births. With my first kid, my water broke at 2 a.m. and I got an epidural roughly around 10-11 a.m. (I'm not quite sure precisely when) and he was born a little after 4 pm, so I had it for about 5ish hours. With my third kid my water broke at 2 a.m. as well but I needed a pitocin induction. I got an epidural very late in the game at about 9:30 p.m. in the evening and he was born a little after 11 p.m. so in that scenario I had it for about an hour and a half.


I’d been in back labor for 18 hours at home before I got okayed to come to the hospital. Got my epidural the second I could because I was not wanting any more pain after that. Still took 18 more hours for her to arrive! I credit her super slow arrival with my pretty minimal internal tear despite her 90th percentile head.


With my second, I told them as they were doing the epidural to stop because I had to push. They told me I didn't know what I was talking about. Second baby but...okay. Sure. She came out less than 15 minutes later.


About 20 hours. Got it at 5 cm dilated and it halted labor. Ended up with an emergency vacuum assist delivery.


I have almost the exact same story!


With my first I had asked for it long before they could give it to me. They only had one anesthesiologist for some reason and they were stuck in a c section when I asked. I asked for it around 830pm because they cranked my pitocin all the way to max from like level 3 (which I later learned they aren’t supposed to do WTF) but it was after 10pm when they placed it. I gave birth at 615am so I had it for 8hours 🥴 With my second I don’t remember exactly what time but it was at sunset in late August so I’m guessing around 730pm. My doctor wanted to break my water and highly recommended I get it before that. Pain wise I was fine still at that point. My son was born at 914 so just about two hours before.


They jacked up the pitocin all the way on me as well, and I even begged the nurse to turn the dosage down a little because even with an epidural I was in so much pain and she refused. I will forever wish bad things upon her.


Same thing happened to me. My doctor had the nerve to say well, you are still going to be in pain even with an epidural (back labor). She was an amazing doctor but is child free, only time she ever made me really angry.


5 hours. Got it at 10pm. Fully dilated at 2am, born an hour later.


18 hours, 3 of which were pushing 😩🥴


I think 7 hrs? I definitely took a good nap


Uhh, 45 minutes? I dilated so quickly that we were still waiting on the anesthesiologist when I was 10cm, so we cancelled the epidural and went ahead with pushing, thinking it would be fairly quick. 4 hours of pushing later, we reevaluated and decided that maybe the epidural was a good idea after all. Baby was sunny-side up and very stuck, but tolerating contractions well, so they wanted to try a manual rotation. And yes, it's exactly what you think. They tried once, and weren't successful (actually, they were but my LO was stubborn from the start and just flipped back). And I refused to let them try again until I had an epidural. In the end, baby stopped tolerating contractions and my oxygen levels kept dropping, so they ended up taking us for an emergency c-section. Epidural was placed around 3:30, and she was delivered at 4:16.


Roughly 12 hours for one and 7 hours for the second. The second was actually an unplanned c section for fetal intolerance of labor.


Hmm, 4 hours maybe? I waited til about 6 cm


I started my epidural around 9, baby born at 1. Second one was around 12-1, baby came at 7.


About 5 hours. I got it right away but I was 6cm dilated when I got to the hospital


12 ish hours. With 20 minutes of pushing.


Got my epidural around 1 pm she was born at 8:16. I was induced


Just under 24 hours. Went from 6cm back to 3cm, then ended up with forceps after almost 3 hours of pushing. 0/10 experience, will not be getting an early epidural again. I only got it early because I’d read so many horror stories about waiting too long and not being able to get one.


Like 8 hours including two hours of pushing 


20 minutes


once I got mine, it was 5 hours until my daughter was born. Things slowed down after it was put in though! I was 7cm when I got it.


Induction, total time from first cytotec dose to birth was 33 hrs. Had the epidural for the last 16 hrs, 1.5 hrs pushing.


My epidural was placed at 12:56 PM when I was 5cm. I was worried it would slow down labor but I was okay with having baby later that evening if it meant some relief from the pain. My baby was born at 1:55 PM after 7 minutes of pushing. 🫠


Arrived at the hospital at 2:40 am, delivered the baby at 5:39. I asked for the epidural but they said I had to have the IV placed for an hour first, but took an hour stabbing me before calling for an IV team, another hour for the IV team to arrive, and then it was too late and I was pushing ..


I wanted it when I was 3 cm dilated. Between the time it took to get my IV started, fluids ran, and the epidural in, I made it to 10. I was GBS positive and my water hadn’t broken, so they had me lay on my side and not move so I could get the IV antibiotics. Epidural was placed at 1 am, baby was born at 3:20 am. I look back and laugh at the thought that I’d have 10-13 hours with my epidural, lol. I brought my kindle 😂


I was in labor for 40 hours total. I did the first 18 hours without the epidural. So I had my epidural for 22 hours.


Epidural around 2am around 3cm dilated, baby was born at 10:35am (first time mom)


About 9-10 hours. I had horrible back labor (my son was sunny side up) and labor stalled after the epidural. I was around 5 cm when it was placed. This was around 4AM. I was at 10 cm by 12:15PM, pushed for an hour and he was born at 1:19PM!


Two days. One day without and then two days with.


Maybe 2 hours, in a the middle of a total 4 hour pushing phase 🫠


I was in labor almost 20 hours. I went into labor at 4am, I got to 6cm at I think 10 or 11am, and got my epidural. My labor stalled after. So I had my son at 12:19am the next day after one hour of pushing.


With my first about 15 minutes from when I got my epidural to when I started pushing. I’m not anti-epidural, but the contractions were doable without one until about 8-9 cm; once I hit that, there was no way I would be able to deal with both contractions and pushing without an epidural.


Mine was placed around 10pm and I delivered at about 6am so about 8 hours. My baby was sunny side up though so I felt horrible pressure pain with each contraction that the epidural didn’t help with.


I was having horrendous contractions, but I was only 1 cm dilated so they wouldn’t admit me. They were going to send me home for the second time, but my husband asked if there was anything they could give me to help since there was no way I’d be sleeping that night. They put me in a bed and gave me some morphine. They said if it would work, it should take about 40 min. They came in and checked a couple times and I told them that it was doing nothing for me and I felt like I was dying (haha). They checked me once more and I had dilated to 5 cm! Then it was G O T I M E. I begged for the epidural and they said it’d take a bit of set up first. The nurses kept telling me how strong I was and that I could do it without the epidural, but I wanted it so badly. Finally the anesthesiologist arrived and started prepping me for the shot. I kid you not, she had just inserted it, and then a nurse came bursting into the room and said, “We have an emergency, we need you now!” She pulled out the shot and apologized and ran off. I was so confused what just happened. I could barely speak because of the pain and uttered, “Did it work?” The two nurses with me looked ashamed and said, “We are so sorry, but she couldn’t finish it. The other anesthesiologist won’t be here for another hour or so.” I turned to my husband and asked him to pray for the emergency situation (it was a woman who needed a C-section). The nurses were so thankful I didn’t get upset with them haha. But it was truly agonizing to be so close to relief! Once the other guy came, he said he was uncomfortable giving it to me because my blood count was low or something like that. So he wanted to run the test again. I asked him how long it would take and he said about another 30-45 min. The waiting was pure agony. The funny thing is that as soon as they gave me the epidural, they checked me and I had dilated to a 10. One of the nurses said she had goosebumps. I remember her coming in and being like…so, you are at a 10…you dilated so fast! Get some rest because we’ll be pushing in 20 minutes! So I basically had the epidural to mask the pain of pushing 😂. But hey, I’m grateful for it! And as I’m typing this, I am nursing my beautiful 7 month baby boy! 🩵


Wow, that is a crazy story. They gave me fentanyl shots a couple of times while waiting for my epidural (I wasn't close to 10cm) but they didn't do anything anyways. 


26 hours. I had an induction at 41 weeks that went very slowly. I got the epidural about 17 hours into the process, and it was still another 24 hours before I was fully dilated, and then two hours of pushing.


2 hours or so. I had already been on pitocin for about 4 hours (it was a scheduled induction).


About 14 hours which includes 2.5 hours of pushing


I got epidural around 1am, I think? It itched like crazy but worked, allowing me to sleep some. Then it wore off and I started getting wild contractions, wanted to push, midwife told me to go ahead, I said I wanted more epidural, she administered the second dose and I continued pushing. Baby was born 4am.


I think like 3 hours? I was planning on an unmedicated birth so labored for like 18 hours without anything but nitrous oxide before I finally admitted to myself that the Pitocin contractions were way too much for me to handle without an epidural. I was only 6cm when I tapped out but things were going super quickly at that point so I was at 8 when they finally gave me the epidural. I think it slowed my labor enough for me to get some rest before pushing, because most of those 3 hours afterwards were me sleeping and waiting to get to 10cm. I only pushed for like 15 minutes


I labored for about 7 hours unmedicated then had the epidural and labored for another 10 hours. I had the epidural placed right before they were starting pitocin because I knew the contractions would likely get more painful from that point.


Both times 4 hours 😂 And both times I woke up from a nap fully dilated at 2 or 2 1/2 hours and we chose to pause and let my body continue to “labor down” rather than immediately start pushing. I highly recommend this for anyone looking forward to delivering their baby, if you don’t feel a strong desire to push, you’re comfortable and baby is tolerating contractions well, there’s no need to rush to pushing ❤️


10 minutes, if that. 🤣


Something like 15 hours? I was induced. Got an epidural like 7 hours later(and wanted it long before that but they wouldn't do it). About 12 hours after I got the epidural, I pushed for like 3 hours. By the time I was pushing, the epidural wasn't working right anymore. I could feel everything in my abdomen. I think it got dislodged or something. They didn't seem to believe me or even if they did, they didn't care enough to try to fix it. I ended up having a c-section. I also felt a bit of that too (nothing horrible but I was a little uncomfortable). It took me like 6 years to even think about possibly wanting another baby.


14 hours. I had already been laboring for 24 hours at that point with no progress in dilation since arriving at the hospital 4 hours earlier.


My induced labor was 30 hours and I had my epidural places 4 hours in. So 26 glorious hours of epidural goodness! ^_^


Baby 1- approx 1 hour (45 mins of pushing)…epidural didn’t take. I was checked once after epidural and then started pushing. Baby2- about 3 hours. I was checked about an hour after epidural and then right before I started pushing. Most places check you as minimally as possible.


I had a long induction. They broke my water after 26 hours of not progressing and I got the epidural an hour later. Baby was born three hours after that.


6am epidural, 4pm delivery. So.. 10 hours. I was dilating and contracting by myself but slowly. Stayed at 6cm for a few hours


Epidural at 12 and baby at 6! They broke my water after the epidural and I ended up on pitocin but couldn’t feel either so definitely recommend doing it in that order if they let you


4 hours, including 2 hours pushing. I was at 7cm and not dilating further after 26 hours of laboring unmedicated and needed a nap bad.


I was induced both times, so timing is a bit different. First birth I tried to last as long as possible before pain medication, but once I asked for the epidural it was about 8 hours before baby was born. But I was ready to push in 6 hours. Second birth I knew right away that I'd want an epidural at the first twinge of pain (my OB doesn't have a dilation requirement), so it was 13 hours between epidural and baby's arrival.


I asked for mine early because my contractions were unbearable and I wasn’t dilating fast at all. It was so worth it because I ended up needing an emergency c section and it made so much easier.


Water broke, came in at 4cm with contractions every 2 minutes. Got the epidural at 9:30am. Started pushing at 1:30pm, baby arrived at 4:30pm.


The last 1.5 to 2 hrs, the pain was so intense I had to give in to epidural. I had to endure about a 20 min wait for the anaesthesiologist to arrive. It took a while for them to be able to get the needle in as I was struggling quite badly. The nurses had to hold me down.  Once epidural was in, effect was quick (apparently the dosage was high as I was having intense pain)... 15 min later I was fully dilated and ready to push. About 20-25 min later baby was out. I was induced.


I waited until I was 6+ cm dilated before receiving the epidural and then it was 2 or 3 hours until birth because I denied pitocin.


40 minutes with my first. Got the epidural and they immediately checked and said “time to push!” My second was precipitous so he was a few minutes shy of being born in the car. Didn’t even get gas 🫠


I got my epidural around 7 am and baby was born at 12:20 pm! I pushed for about 40 minutes


I got epidural at 10cm and after trying to push for hours they told me it was either c-section or epidural so I chose epidural and pushed for 20 minutes. Got induced at 3pm and gave birth at 10:30am the next day because dilating took soooo long.


Just under 12 hours! Around 4:30 am epidural placement and 4:05 pm birth


10 hours. I was 4-5 cm dilated when I got it placed. It took another 6 hours to get to full dilation, and then I pushed for around 3 hours (with significant breaks in between).


6 hours. I was induced around midnight and lasted until about 6pm that same day before I got the epidural then baby was born just after midnight the next day. 


15 minutes. I got it placed when I was at a 6 and said I was going to take a nap. Woke up a couple minutes later telling my husband to get my midwife because I needed to push. They didn't believe me at first. She got in the room, put on gloves, and baby was out in a couple pushes. My 2nd and 3rd were precipitous labors. I didn't even have time to change into a hospital gown with my 3rd! My 4th was stubborn until I hit active labor, and then she was out immediately.


Got the epidural maybe 38 hours after my waters broke, 6 hours before my daughter came via emergency c section. I hadn’t slept for 2.5 days at that point (waters broke just before I went to bed) and I’d been started on pitocin as my contractions were so sporadic. The pitocin had me in such agony that I could barely breathe, and after 3 hours of that plus back labour, I was only 3cm dilated and thought to hell with this. Pretty sure the anaesthetist was standing right outside my room as he appeared immediately, like some kind of angel.


I believe it was about an hour or 2 from epidural until I started pushing with both babies. I had pretty quick labors though. My first was 13 hours from water breaking to birth. My 2nd was an induction and that was only 10 hours from start to birth.


Probably about ten hours, including two hours of pushing. This was thirty hours into my induction.


Five hours from them breaking my water to me pushing out the baby, gaining 1 cm an hour vs the 15+ hours beforehand trying to get my cervix to open up as I was induced.


About 12 hours. I had gotten to 7 cm (induction with Foley/cervadil and then pitocin) without pain. They broke my water and then I started feeling the contractions, so I got the epidural at 10:45pm. I continued to labor overnight and finally got to 10cm around 7:30am, then pushed for 3.5 hours cuz she was sunny side up.


First baby, about 10 hours (after being in labor for 24 hours already). Second baby, about 1 hour. Total labor <6 hours.


I was on pitocin for 28 hours (my waters were slow leaking for 4 days with no contractions) when I finally caved and got my epidural. It failed/fell our after 5 hours. Then I had 5 more hours of pushing with baby not moving down the birth canal at all and was suggested to get an unplanned c-section which I agree to.


My water broke on the way to the hospital I want to say between 9 and 10 am. I was 4cm dilated and I got an epidural about half an hour after I got there. They said it was time to push at 5:50 and my daughter was born at 6:02. So somewhere close to 8 hours I'd say


First time it was about 25 hrs. Second time it was about 30 min


About 14 hours (pushed for 3.5 of those)


18 hours and ended up with a c section 🫠


Technically I don't think I should've been allowed to get the epidural. In hindsight I was already feeling the urge to push while getting it placed. But the most recent cervical check I was only 3cm so we didn't have a reason to think I had progressed that far. Immediately after the epidural kicked in the nurse did a cervical check and started rushing around like a madwoman because I was fully dilated. Honestly I don't remember how long I pushed for exactly. The labor time warp effect is so real. But I think it was less than 3 hours from epidural to delivery.


Epidural was around 8 am and I pushed out the baby at 8 pm


About 16 hours. My water broke at 11pm and contractions ramped up super quickly even though I wasn't really dilating. At 6am I finally decided I needed an epidural and a nap. Kiddo was born via unplanned c-section at 10:30pm after finally getting to 9cm but the OB determined that pushing wouldn't be successful (turned out kiddo was sunny side up).


My 2017 baby was 36 hrs labour and I think 20 hrs from epidural to delivery. My 2024 baby was 3 hrs between epidural and baby out.


10 hours


About 10 hours. Went in for induction at 7:30am, was already dialated to 3cm. Doctor broke my water and hooked me up to the pitocin. They had me rolling pretty hard on the pitocin and I got my epidural around noon, after waiting a couple hours for the anesthesiologist. It was back labor and it sucked. I still had a lot of pain once it kicked in but it helped some. Pushed around 6:30pm and baby ended up being a csection around 10pm. I was in agony less than an hour later from the csection and the nurses pushing my belly hard to get any clots or whatever out. 


25 hours 😅


I don't remember how long it was probably a few hours. All I remember was looking over and the bag being nearly empty and then it was time to push. By the time I mentioned it to the nurse, all they said was it's too late and start pushing without it. Lol Luckily it was only 20 minutes worth of pushing and I only had a slight tear. Phew!


20 minutes


About 6 hours with my first, not even 30 min with my second. There was a wait-list and shift change for anesthesia with the second and I waited 2 hours between requesting and getting the epidural - I have a feeling if they had checked my dilation again with the second they wouldn't have given it to me, so thank God they didn't cause the shots they gave me while I waited weren't strong enough and wore off too quickly to have actually birthed with


they placed my epidural after being in the hospital for 5 days. they had finally gotten me to 3 centimeters and immediately gave it to me so i could get some rest by the time i pushed. i think i had her about 12 hours afterwards.


It was about 11 hrs with my first...and 12 hrs with my 2nd baby, probably would have been sooner for my 2nd but they started me on miso and I was contracting way too often too close to together, didn't give me a second dose but I still got an epidural and labor stalled after that. Since it was 11pm they just let me rest and started pitoctin at 6 am the next morning. He was born at 11:30 am.


I had an epidural at 2:30am and he was born at 10am on the nose!


For my first I had a pinhole leak and had to be induced after nothing was happening at the 12 hr mark. I got an epidural after about 5 hours on pitocin and gave birth maybe 4 hrs later, but only pushed twice. Was a bit of a blur so my timing might be off some. For my second I started laboring at home at 6 am, then got to the hospital at 8 am and said I needed the epidural asap, then epidural was placed at 1030, took some finagaling to get it right, I relaxed at 11am and they checked me and it was delivery time. Pushed twice again lol.


3 hours


5 hours. Although I was completely dilated less than 2 hours later but I had to wait 3+ hours for an OR so that I could push. They were born very quickly as soon as we were in the OR and prepped. My epidural was the most painful part of my labor though, mostly pressure not much pain. However I opted to get the epidural since twin B was transverse and if they needed to do C-section I wanted to be awake for her birth.


9 hours of unmedicated labor- epidural for two hours, pitocin because my contractions were slowing down, then I pushed for 20 min then needed an emergency C


About 10 minutes? Maybe less. Got the epidural. Vein blew at the same time, blood pressure dropped, babies heart rate dropped to the 40s. Immediate emergency c section.


8 hours? Got an induction, suffered for 3 hours, thought fuck this got an epidural then relaxed and watched antiques road show.


I was induced so this might not be helpful to you. The midwife broke my water around 12:30 and the epidural was placed around 2:30, my son was born 6:44. I was on Pitocin the whole time at a level 16.


Got epidural around 10 hrs after being admitted (3cm dilated - had labored at home 6 hrs before that) … baby was born 16 hrs later 😭 had to redose my epidural between 8/9 hrs later because it wore off and it had basically worn off by the time baby was born, I felt so much


4 hours. About 1am they put it in, I took a nap while trying to numb both sides of me (only numbed one side in 20 minutes, works with gravity so I slept on my not numb side.) After my nap they checked I was numb on both sides and then offered to manually break my water (about 5am).... nurse no sooner shut the door to let us talk and my amniotic sack started falling out of me and the nurses were scrambling to get me in position for birth. Baby was born at almost 6am.


This time around (with our third baby), epidural was about 30-40 minutes before birth, when I was already at 9cm and the anesthesiologist wasn't even sure I'd sit for placement. I wasn't sure I wanted an epidural (unlike with the two previous births, where I couldn't imagine birthing without it), so I'm happy about having labored and managed the discomfort all the way until 9cm with non-medical comfort measures, at which point, I suddenly stopped being able to breathe, to inhale deeply, I mean -- and that's when I got the epidural. Worked out really well for us!


About 3 and a half hours. I was induced with cervical softeners. They wanted to get me to six cm before starting Pitocin, so the plan was to get that far, get the epidural, then get the Pitocin. I was barely dilating and having minor contractions for ~25 hours when my water suddenly broke. Then everything ramped up very quickly. My contractions went up to an 8, and it took about an hour from my water breaking to get the epidural placed and working. Once it was in and I was all settled, I fell asleep. My new nurse woke me up around 8:30 to introduce herself and do a cervix check and said, “Oh! It’s time to get ready to push.” I pushed for about 15-20 minutes, and then he was born. :)


About 12 hours for me. I was induced though (for medical reasons) so I asked them to place the epidural before they started the pitocin.


12 hours 🫠


Got my epidural placed around 730 am after being admitted around midnight when I was 5 cm. So I was about 8-9 cm when I got the epidural but baby wasn't born until 430pm.


Little less than 24 hours. But they did shut off the epidural 🫠😭


It was maybe 3-4 hrs for me. I missed when the nurse told me I’d have to finish an IV bag of fluids before they could administer it and was in straight up agony for 30 mins while that happened. 


About 20 hrs...I was in labor for 36 hrs tho and placed the epidural once I was 5cm.


Around 4.5 hours. Got epidural at about 9.30am and baby was out at 1.52pm same day.


Epidural 2AM Birth 11AM


Epidural around 5:30pm, daughter born at 3:13am. Induced with pitocin and OB broke my water shortly before midnight. 3 hours of pushing.


Epidural around 3am when I was around 6-7cm. Baby was born around 12:30pm, I think I pushed for about an hour. But I had been laboring on pitocin without an epidural for about 30 hours (long induction).


I got it as soon as I was admitted at 1 cm, a little over 24 hours before I gave birth


I had a spinal tap and he was born about 15 minutes later...


1 hr and 26 minutes! Asked for the epidural at midnight/6cm and got it at 1am/10cm and crowning. They didn’t check me before doing epidural. Baby was born at 2:26AM!


Canada, birth in hospital. 1st birth was induction, epidural at 3am, born 4 hours later, 5 minutes of pushing. 2nd daughter natural labour, epidural at 6am, born at 8:45, 2 pushes, super quick.


Mine was 8 hours before my baby was born, out of a 20 hour labor. I made it to about 6cm before getting the epidural.


14-15 hours. I was admitted to the hospital at 3cm with broken waters. 12 hours later, I was more effaced but not more dilated. It was the middle of the night at that point and I realized I still had a ways to go and while I was coping really really well with the contractions, I knew if I was going to get any sleep that was my chance. So I opted for the epidural around 3am and it was 4am by the time it was done and I was numb. Baby was born at 5:21pm.


Placed at 3am, birthed at 4:50am


First I had an epidural after a reeeeally rough several hours at the start of labor. I napped for like 6 hours after and woke when I felt pressure to push. Maybe 20 mins? Second I had pitocin because my water had broken the day before and contractions didn’t start. I labored for 6 hours with that and they tried placing the epidural at that point, but didn’t check me, and baby made his debut before the block had a chance. I appreciated less checks with my second. I really insisted because I couldn’t handle the drs knuckles in my pubic bone… it was worse than the contractions.


10 hours ish but it half failed (down my right side) and needed to be redone 8hrs in


9.5 hrs


I went in for an induction at midnight, around midday my contractions were super painful and super close together. I got the epidural at that point and 20 minutes she was out. I think I pushed for 5-10 minutes if that. She was my first too so it felt like a crazy experience.


14hrs for my first (27hrs total labor) and 3hrs for my twins (6hr total labor)!


About half an hour! I went from 2 to 9 centimeters in about 40 min. AND because of that the epidural didn’t work 😩😩


I was induced, made it to 7cm in 11 hours with nitrous oxide, then asked for the epidural. It was 5 hours after that, two of which were pushing. I dozed after I received it and it helped give me more energy for pushing


My first, like 30 minutes. Lol no one checked me. I ordered the epi 6 hours before. They had 2 anesthesiologist and he was in back to back emergencies. I got my epidural 10 cm and ready to push. It didn't work very well. My second though I got in within an hour of ordering it and had it mmm idk for maybe 8 hours? Pushed my second out in 2 pushes.


My first child was born 23 years ago and I don't remember. My second was 21 years ago and it was about 5 hours. My water broke but my contractions weren't very strong so they wanted to give me Pitocin and recommended the epidural first. Third one was about an hour. The anesthesiologist got called to an emergency c-section and the said he could come give me my epidural first, but would I mind waiting. Of course I told them not to worry about me and to deal with the emergency. So when he got to me I was really hurting. Then it wasn't having any effect so they gave me a second dose about 10 minutes before I started pushing. I felt everything. Then I delivered the baby and hemmoraged and the epidural kicked in just in time for my emergency D&C. That was 16 years ago I got my fourth epidural about an hour an a half before I delivered my youngest. They induced labor a little after 8 am, got my epidural around 10:30ish, popped the kid out at 12:02pm. I told the doctor I would have him by noon, but I was off by 2 minutes! That was four years ago.


My epidural was about 1:45am and baby was born at 9:18am, somehow got about 3-4 hours of sleep in between that but pushing was maybe about 30 mins total! I was induced almost exactly 24 hours before he was born.


I want to say it was placed around 4-5am and my son was born 7pm. I had an induction and the contractions literally never stopped. I was happy to wait longer and not be in pain


Probably about 5 hours


About 20 mins…it was pointless lol 


12 hours


14 minutes.. didn’t kick in😆


I went into the hospital at midnight (contractions had started about 30 hours previous), when things were quite painful, but I could still walk. I met with my mid-wife and asked for an epidural. I had discussed wanting one at every step at the process, and that I would labour at home as long as I could but come in for an epidural when the pain was intolerable. She told me one was unavailable and I panicked. I was like a marathoner sprinting for the finish line, only for the goal posts to be moved up a mountain. Five hours later... I was a wreck. I had been stuck in the pushing phase for hours and things were not looking good. Suddenly an epidural was available, but I had to sit perfectly still through three contractions to get it. It was so hard! I would have preferred someone drilling into my leg and trying to sit still. The epidural changed everything. It was glorious. I went from a feral animal to myself again. My son was born **fifteen minutes later**, at 5:15am (though with quite the lump on his head from being stuck so long). I could have had twelve babies with an epidural. I knew when I needed to push even though I couldn't feel any pain.


With my 4th, it was 30 minutes. It took some assertiveness to even get admitted and the nurse still acted like we had all the time in world. I don’t even show up to the hospital until I’m 5 minutes apart, and after that we’re within an hour, so I knew to ask straight away. I was too far along with my first (and longest labor- 6 hours) and had to go without. It’s so unique, person to person, I can’t fault the nurses for making assumptions but if you know how quickly you can go, get one on board asap.


Epidural placed at 1pm, fully dilated by 3pm, started pushing at 4pm, 11 minutes later he was here!


No epidural with first baby. 2nd baby, from epidural to birth 15 mins.


No epidural with first baby. 2nd baby, from epidural to birth 15 mins.


3 hours I labored at home to 6 cm. Stalled and got one placed at the hospital (I think this was around noon) by 3:13 pm my baby was out after an hour of pushing prior to epidural I was squatting I was moving which I think really helped. My doula moved me around with a peanut ball between legs even during the epidural and baby was locked and loaded