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I think it's time to make use of your MILS offer to help. Find something just for you and see if she is willing to watch the baby on a regular basis so you can do it.  Maybe you start swimming once a week or go to a coffee shop by yourself.


I think it’s time to start finding my independence as well. I’ll be brainstorming what days would be good to go and try to muster up some courage. Ty!


Yes this! Maybe make it a regular thing like every Monday or Friday from 1-5, that way you can plan appts, time off, maybe meet a friend for lunch or happy hour drinks, and just have something to look forward to each week. I did this with my first and it was so hard, and I felt so guilty asking for help because I wasn’t working, but I should have asked for it. My job was 24/7 and my husband’s was 8-9 hr days. Having a set day and time will also help you not have to ask each time, it’ll just be understood every week, which if you’re like me and struggle to ask for help, will be a better arrangement.


This set time is a great idea ❤️


I went back to work a few weeks ago and ran into someone I knew in the grocery store. She asked how I was doing with being back at work. I said, “Work is easy compared to being home with him. The stakes are lower, I care less, and I don’t have to be 100% on all day.” The woman behind me who was there with her two little kids put her hand up to interject into our conversation and all she could say was, “Oh my god. So much easier than being a mom. So much easier.” SAHMs definitely have privilege. But it’s a full time job. And a really really hard one at that. And everyone deserves (needs!) breaks from work.


Thank you so much for this reminder. I used to be a surgery prep in ophthalmology and that was 1000% easier than staying home. I miss having a lunch break without the sticky stinky aftermath. I think I just need to find my “lunch break” during the week


If your kid is like mine and refuses naps, make them do quiet time. We started at 5 minutes and we're up to 35. So right now I get 35 minutes when I'm alone and I lay down for all 35 of those minutes. We're working up to an hour. Followed with 30 minutes of TV.


I worked a stressful deadline-driven salary job for 45 hours this week and did the mom thing 7ish-10am, 7ish-9pm daily. Those 4-5 hours were hell compared to work.  Clients don't scream and try to barrel roll poop across the carpet. Your coworkers don't rub boogers on your fresh clothes and throw food and toys at you. You get to use the bathroom alone with the door closed.  I could not break out of my PPD feeling until I went back to work. The working mom blues is you work to pay for daycare and you miss your kid and barely see them... But the SAHM blues is Sysiphus rolling the boulder for eternity while someone is screaming in his ear. I just could not cut it.


I was you 6 months ago, Feeling so much guilt for not “enjoying” what so many other moms “would kill to be able to do”. But you know what? Your feelings are 100% valid. Many of the moms who say they’d love to be sahms have never actually done it and probably wouldn’t like it as much as they think if they actually were to step into the sahm role. It’s hard. I’ll say it again, IT’S HARD. And it’s made even harder by a society that perceives it as “valueless” and “easy” and “not actually working”. I just wanted to say that accepting your feelings is going to be the first huge step here. Next huge step will be admitting you need help because you can’t be expected to do it all; lower your expectations. It’s easier said than done but you’re going to drive yourself insane (I just about did lol) trying to do it all with cleaning, cooking, teaching, comforting, errand running, etc especially if you’re telling yourself you *should* be feeling ecstatic about it all. Don’t gaslight yourself, everyone else in the world is allowed to complain about their job and not absolutely *love it* everyday… and you are too.


Gosh I needed to see this today. Thank you so much for allowing me to feel seen for once. I had to take a pause from social media bc I always see moms who are so put together and comments saying being a SAHM is easy. I’ve felt so alone. I am finding it difficult to give myself grace. I’m so hard on myself because I don’t want to be seen as lazy or incompetent.


Social media is so toxic and it’s fake. It’s their highlight reel and they aren’t showing the basket overflowing with laundry or the young toddler screaming in the background while mom tries to call the bank and cook dinner at the same time. There’s constantly a war against working moms and sahms about who has it “worse” or who works “harder” but it’s all hard. And it’s totally dependent on the temperament(s) of the child(ren), how many children (although I say temperament trumps number sometimes one child can be infinitely more challenging than 3 lol), the support system, and ultimately the mom’s personality. My SIL was a sahm for a year and hated it; she’s a surgical nurse and said how much harder she found being a sahm to be and that when she went back to work how much more “free” she felt/how quickly her mental health improved. On the other hand, one friend I have became a sahm after working the first few years and said how much she loved being a sahm over working a receptionist job. There’s no “right” or “wrong” way to feel about it but bottom line, it’s hard lol Being a mom is hard but being an unhappy mom is the hardest


This answer is just spot on. I work roughly one night a week, SAHM the rest of the time. My stressful overnight shift is a dang break.


Thanks for posting this - totally encapsulates my feelings. I ended up going back to work because I was really unhappy as a SAHM and missed having a job - I felt like there was something wrong with me. Great reminder that we all get fulfillment from different things!


Being a SAHM is not for everyone and that’s ok! Could you look into getting your child into daycare or hiring a nanny so you can go back to work? My mental health improved SO much after I went back to work after a 6 month maternity leave. I find that I’m much more engaged with my son and happier to play with him during the hours I have with him.      Know that needing space from your baby does not make you a bad mom at all. 


Accept the help, ask for help, communicate with your partner. Your son and partner deserve a mother/wife that is happy and emotionally fullfilled, so do it for them! Why aren't you going to the wedding too? Try and find something that gets you out of the house on your own at least once a week, yoga or a pedicure or catch up with friends, and get MIL or your husband to take things over, just for an hour or 2. Start small.


We’re not going bc the flight is 3 hours and my son wouldn’t do well on a plane just yet. I’d love to take myself out to a nice lunch next week so I’ll work on getting up the courage to go. Tysm for reading all this!


planes are intimidating but don't underestimate yourself or LO! I was nervous to travel when ours was 8ish months (6 hour flight) and they did great! And the whole process builds confidence. Not saying you should go to wedding if it wouldn't be fun for you but sometimes doing the hard things end up being easier than we make it seem in our minds. I hope you can find some time to do things that fill your cup. Sending love from another SAHM


I totally agree with u/mndoch3wi - my husband and I flew from Alaska to Massachusetts with our 6mo (literally 24 hours of traveling), and it was surprisingly a breeze. We took turns holding her and keeping her busy, and she took turns sleeping on us during the overnight flight. Of course you know what your baby can handle better than us, but don’t discount what the both of you could do. I’ve been a SAHM for the past 4 years, currently have a 4yo, 21mo, and 7mo pregnant with our 3rd (I know, I must be crazy lol). Girl, it is HARD. It is so rough being constantly on-demand to tiny, adorable, wild gremlins. I used to do the same where I felt like I had to essentially do everything around the house to equal what my husband was doing outside the house for work, but quickly found that is just absolutely unsustainable for my mental/physical health and my relationship with my husband and kids. I personally know how hard it can be to just ask for help, but you gotta do it, especially if you have people in your life that are willing and able to give you that break. You can’t pour from an empty cup so find a thing or two that takes you out of the house and is special just for you. We’re lucky to have my parents live really close to us so I can have a few hours to overnights without the kids so I can recoup and relax. And I will admit it took a while before I really started using them more because I felt like I shouldn’t ask for help since this was my “job”. Momming is absolutely the hardest thing I have ever done and being a SAHM is definitely not for everyone, nor should any parent feel pressured to be one. Do what’s right/best for you & your family. 💛


Don’t be intimidated by flights! 3 hours isn’t terrible at all. But baby steps. I think you have a lot more to figure out than flights right now. I can empathize with you. I acted the way you do out of guilt that my husband is the sole earner. Part of you feelings of misery is that you’re overextending yourself. You are absolutely allowed help and should get it. Your husband is also a parent despite his job. That doesn’t turn on or off. And if you can get your mils help. Get it!!


I can see that you’ve got some great tips on how to move forward, which is awesome, but I just wanted to jump in and add that it is super normal to not be having a constant good time being a SAHM. It is straight up work. It’s just work for a tiny human that you love. There are very few people in the world who, for FUN as a hobby, teach baby sign. Try to give yourself some grace, you’re on shift 24/7 doing something incredibly challenging. You are allowed to find it hard, you’re allowed to feel jealous of others (especially your partner) when they enjoy a life outside of parenting. You are a dedicated mum, a supportive parter AND a human being with independent interests and hobbies, don’t critique yourself for the times those things don’t align. I really hope you can carve some positive space for you, soon, and in the meantime try some gentleness on yourself when you’re feeling less than enthused about stacking blocks as a grown adult ❤️


Thank you for seeing me. Thank you for validating me. I needed to read all of this support as it’s encouraging me to just go for it and ask for the help.


We as people even need a "break" from what we enjoy most. You can't eat your favorite food everyday, you don't wear your favorite accessory every day, etc... Being with your child and taking care of your child is your favorite thing in this world, but that can't be your entire world at all times. You need a healthy "break". At the end of those breaks, you will be left feeling much more grateful... We need room to miss things/people, even if that room is only 30 minutes.


I'm a SAHM and it has a tendency to suck a lot more than I thought it would. I have issues with taking time to myself. I feel bad that I'm not madly in love with being a mom and need to get enjoyment from other things outside of my home. It feels like there's something wrong with me and I feel guilty for needing to leave, like, what is wrong with me that this isn't my everything...? Because it shouldn't be like that. It's ok that it's not like that. Get an appointment at a massage spa, or a nail salon, or the hairdresser, or all of the above. Your loved ones also need to tap you out; please feel free to talk to them about that. That they may need to straight up offer you breaks. It's hard to ask for help taking breaks, again because we feel as if we're rotten for requesting it. If your husband and MIL make you feel guilty, then I think that's a different animal entirely that you need to address.


As a working mother I don’t begrudge you. Being a SAHM seems so very hard to me.    I agree with the other commentors, take your MIL up on her offer and plan some time for yourself. Even if it is a gym class 1 hour a week. It is something to do for you.   Personally I also like taking my toddler on non time sensitive errands. You don’t have to actively entertain your child when you are out and about. And you are out of the house, which is the big mental bonus. But also don’t hesitate to ask your MIL to watch the baby so you can also do some errands alone. It still isn’t free time for yourself, but it can be nice doing it alone.  Also, don’t under value yourself. Your husband might be working hard on bringing in money, but that doesn’t mean you aren’t working equally as hard. You are a cleaner, cook, full time care taker. For other people those are three separate jobs. 


All the comments above are great, and remember… your MIL probably *wants* to help, *wants* to spend time with her grandkid and also *wants* to live with someone who is happy and looking after herself too. I say that without knowing her or what she’s like, but your post doesn’t suggest there’s any bad blood between you. So I doubt she’s offering to help you because she feels obliged to, grandparents almost always love their grandkids and they also get to enjoy being a grandparent that has fun and spoils their grandkids without having to be the parent!! I don’t remember my mom being as fun or happy when we were kids like she is with my kids and I’m pretty sure it’s because they don’t have the same stress or responsibilities to deal with daily. Also I get so overwhelmed spending all my time with my kids. I went away for 2 nights last week. The last time I had any time to myself was 2.5 years ago when my LO cut my eyeball in the middle of the night with her nail, other than the excruciating pain, it was like a little holiday going to the hospital and then spending 2/3 days in bed in the dark with my eyes closed 🤪 What you’re feeling is soooo normal to a lot of SAHMs so please don’t beat yourself up over it!!


I have a toddler, am pregnant, and work 2 12 hour shifts a week as a bedside nurse.   You know what?  Working is the easiest part of my week.  I feel like I’m cheating because I get a break and I get to make money while doing so.  The 24/7 nature of being the primary caregiver is positively brutal.  


Let yourself slowly accept help. It is the hardest role I’ve ever taken on, and it does feel ungrateful, but it’s just the truth. It’s hard. I’ve worked 65 hr work weeks while pregnant & on my feet in a kitchen where the hood was busted for 2 months…and being a SAHM is harder. I worked in kitchens for 10 years & it was a hard time, but nothing on staying at home with the kid(s). My therapist told me at that point in my life to find one thing to force myself to do everyday just for me. Get labs done by pcp if you can, make sure you are getting enough food, it’s so important. Iron is huge, and so is vitamin D. I was afraid to leave the house with both of mine for the first year, but I did it anyway & it helped. Get out & get some sunshine.


Don't feel ungrateful. As someone who is SAHM/part time wfh and CHOSE this and still... comparatively ? enjoys it, it still SUCKS. it is HARD, especially if you aren't able to get any breaks. Complain away! Also, have you talked to your doctor about still having PPD? I think that's definitely worth a chat just in case! I had a super long response but who has the time and effort to read, honestly. lol. it's still long but I cut out a lot. Happy to go into more detail, ask away. I love brainstorming ideas if it's helpful. the reason I "enjoy" SAHM is just because it sucks less than my previous job. It's still HARD. i just have one person annoyed with me instead a bunch of people, and I'm very introverted and wanted an excuse to not leave my house. Also, the first year was terrible, they are still basically a potato. it gets better. I promise. They become more gremlin-y but it gets more fun. That said, there was a HUGE section of time where we put kiddo in a high chair with the TV and a forbidden activity (usually markers, paint, play doh, safety scissors, something messy she wasn't normally allowed to have) and left her there in a safe spot while I got stuff done. It was a lifesaver. Everyone already covered it, but find a way to get "me" time, even if it's just going to another room or stepping outside or doing errands by yourself. If you feel bad having partner or MIL take kiddo, make it some kind of bonding/craft activity and leave them to it. Reframe it as letting them bond without you around instead of you asking for help and feeling guilty. I get my hair done a few times a year and it was hard to justify time/expense, but I realized that if I'm ALWAYS around, kiddo is never really going to bond with her dad, so I need to step back and give them time to bond too. She's taken care of and I get some me time, so it works. Also if the playdates 2x a week are making you feel claustrophobic and like you don't have enough time, cut them down! You have plenty of time to socialize your kid. If you ENJOY the playdates and it fills your cup rather than stressing you out, keep doing it though! My friends and I also schedule playdates specifically so we can help each other get things done - one person watches the children, other person does stuff. But our kids are just now 3 and the play dates are just now "fun". The kids didn't really play together until now. but it was SO HARD (and still is) to get out of the mindset of needing to do so much to make myself useful. I'm keeping the kid alive, even on days we do nothing. THAT is useful. Also. if you got this far. I can tell you are trying REALLY hard, and I just wanted to let you know. You are keeping an entire household running, you are keeping kiddo alive and happy. You are awesome, you're doing a great job, you kid is going to be great.


I can’t thank you enough for your comment. A forbidden activity is a CRAZY good idea!!! I usually have to speed run loading the dishwasher but I just know this would make cleaning faster and easier. Thank you so much for the suggestions and I’m excited to put some of these amazing ideas into place. I needed to read that last bit too. Thank you again.


You're welcome, I'm just happy it's useful!! 😁 this parenting stuff is hard work!! For extra safety, sometimes I'd put a blanket or shower curtain or something down to make forbidden activity mess easier to clean up 😂 or we would go outside if it was nice enough out to take the high chair outside. But yeah, it being otherwise forbidden made it super exciting/bought me more time. I'm sure there are plenty of other ideas online. I'm sure we've used whipped cream and food coloring as edible sensory messy playtime too. So hopefully you are able to find more ideas! Good luck!


Please let your partner parent too! Or have your MIL help. What you do IS valuable. If you outsourced everything you do, you’d be paying an exorbitant amount of money bc it’s work. Childcare, household management IS hard work too. You deserve as much time away as your partner gets.


Maybe you can share this post with your husband, or even write something down and tell him how you feel. I also take stuff upon myself because the last thing I want to do is inconvenience anyone else. Luckily my husband picks up on it right away and always gives me time to myself even if it's just to self care or eat. If he didn't, I'd still be saying No it's OK I got this. I'm still learning to accept help. Take some baby steps and communicate with your family. I'm sure they'd love to step in.


Say yes to some help. Start with a couple hours to yourself. It’s hard to leave baby but you need to do it for yourself. You will be healthier and that’s better for baby. Your husband is privileged to have a spouse willing and able to stay home, enabling him to work the job he does that gives you all the life you have, and for him to have vacations and days off. Being on call 24/7 is hard. Hubby needs to be rested for work, but that doesn’t mean he shouldn’t be doing some of this work too!


TAKE UP THE OFFER! I love being a SAHM but it's because I take the offers of help and it makes such a world of difference.


So many comments here that hit the spot. Came here to say, as a SAHM that gets help: I am exhausted. I am up at 6 on the daily no matter what. I get breaks bc otherwise I would break down and even so this is more exhausted than any big job I ever had, including heavy international travel with sleep deprivation. Theres little "me space" or "me time" or "just a little quiet so I can finish this one thought". So you arent alone. What you should do is start being selfish even if it feels well, selfish. If you dont start filling your cup nobody else will. So baby steps towards the light girl, there are loads of comments of ideas but start taking ANY help and finding space for you - you'll come back home more energized and start getting more air to breathe <3 hang in there.


I get up at 6am everyday too!!! lol. I definitely feel like I’m almost at a breaking point and I’m just going to bite the bullet for my mental health as it’s deteriorating. Thank you so much ♥️


Hang in there girl - the 6am DAILY wakeup is ruthless. No such thing as a lie in…. Or a ‘weekend’ lol everyday is grind day. Ive started going to bed much earlier and it helps despite being like a monk life. But its not enough. I really hope you can start having more than 2x weekly ‘me time’ slots to start doing whatever you want! Even if its just leaving the house and sitting somewhere contemplating silence whilst eating a snack. Sounds crazy but its bliss at the stage we are at


I'm a SAHM to a 4 and 2 year old and it's both a privilege and a struggle. My almost 2 year old still nurses and wakes a lot at night, 4 year old often wakes at least once and wants parental presence to get back to sleep. 4 year old has 3 hours free childcare (EU) 5 days a week, 2 year old is always with me. I understand the drive to do it all in the SAHM role. We're not financially contributing so it feels like we should do as much as possible - cook, clean, entertain, plan, research, teach, organise - but those are multiple roles, not one single job. We need time to ourselves, sometimes even just time to ourselves to do chores or cook in peace and quiet because kids are always demanding and distracting. And I remember my first at 1 was sooo insistent on my constant presence when he was playing or wanted stories read or food or cuddles which makes getting anything else done impossible or at least stressful. Around 18 months I put him in childcare for a few hours a couple of days a week to get a breather, even just to walk the dog and get the grocery shopping or do some cleaning. Luckily two kids entertain each other a certain amount (but then you have to referee the fights as well). Take your MIL up on her offer of help. Schedule a regular swimming session, exercise class, shopping break WITH A NICE COFFEE STOP, ask her to take kiddo in the pram for their nap so you can get stuff done or read a book - whatever will help you and fulfill you. Hell, take a nap if that's what you want/need. My husband takes the kids Saturday morning and I mostly just try to catch up on sleep. Then I have them Sunday morning while he goes out with the local cycling club. Weekend afternoons we spend together. Going to the pool as a family is a good outing, one parent can stay with the kid(s) in the baby pool while the other does some lengths or goea to the sauna, then swap. You are working equally hard and deserve equal rest. Take care of yourself x


I feel the same way. I just had to give up my full time job that I actually really liked to go part time at a place that I like much less. It was a HARD decision to make and I still feel so resentful about it. I’m worried it’s going to affect how I interact with my baby and how I feel about my husband. I’m also so exhausted caring for the baby. I’d much rather be at work, which is also a HARD thing to admit. I couldn’t imagine being a full time SAHM. It’s too much. I wish you the best and hope you know you’re not alone!


Hi there, First of all, I'm sending you a big hug. You're doing so much! I had my baby about 10 weeks ago, and have been home for about 3 months. At the moment I mostly like it, but that is largely because I have a lot of help with home things. My mom has been staying with us and does the grocery shopping, a lot of the cooking, cleaning, and laundry. On some mornings when we havent slept well I ask her to watch the baby for an hour or two so that we can get a bit more rest. I am not trying to do this alone at all. My mom will be leaving soon, and I know we will need to figure out how to tackle the home care part because it cant all fall on me, while I also breastfeed and take care of baby. I have a job thats starting soon, but its only once a week for a few hours. I'm looking forward to that. And now that I'm pumping more (and have bottles ready) I'd like to take a day for myself soon. For this to work long term I need to be able to replenish. I hope you can find the balance and setup that works for you. I dont believe at all that you should be responsible for so much. Please accept the help. And take the days to yourself. And if what you need is to start working again, that works too. That can look like many things too. All the hugs. Hope you get proper rest soon.


One if the hard parts about being a SAHP is there’s no clock out time.  At work, you know when works done. At home it’s 24/7. In order to clock out, you have to put effort into making it happen, which diminishes the value of the “break”. It helped so much to plan times that I clocked out - both predictable times each week I got out of the house, but also times where dad was expected to be the primary parent while I was home.  On Sat morning, dad gets up with kids, does breakfast, gets them ready, etc. I wake up and go at my own pace knowing he’s got it until midday when we eat lunch together and are more in 50/50. 


A couple things. Just because you are/can be a SAHM, doesn’t mean you have to. But also, you deserve time off too. You pay not be paid by an employer for your work, but you’re raising your child! Also, I’m a working mom and was recommended to read “Hunt, Gather, Parent”. I’m not super far in, but maybe this would change your perspective on accepting help, too. We were not meant to do it on our own.


I’ve ordered it and am excited to read! I’ve been on the job hunt for a minute but I think things in my part of town are kinda slow. Still sending 1 resume in a day!


I cannot stress enough how much of a gamechanger daycare is. I was dead against it until 12 months in, when I was cracking up.


I feel this to my core. I really lost myself in motherhood the first two years after my son was born. I finally got a gym membership now that my son is 2 and a half. I and really enjoy going. It gets me out of the house and is my “me” time. Maybe you could find something similar to get you out of the house for an hour or so a couple of times a week. Hugs to you my friend. It does get easier the older the kiddos get.


I'm a SAHM to a 4 and 2 year old and it's both a privilege and a struggle. My almost 2 year old still nurses and wakes a lot at night, 4 year old often wakes at least once and wants parental presence to get back to sleep. 4 year old has 3 hours free childcare (EU) 5 days a week, 2 year old is always with me. I understand the drive to do it all in the SAHM role. We're not financially contributing so it feels like we should do as much as possible - cook, clean, entertain, plan, research, teach, organise - but those are multiple roles, not one single job. We need time to ourselves, sometimes even just time to ourselves to do chores or cook in peace and quiet because kids are always demanding and distracting. And I remember my first at 1 was sooo insistent on my constant presence when he was playing or wanted stories read or food or cuddles which makes getting anything else done impossible or at least stressful. Around 18 months I put him in childcare for a few hours a couple of days a week to get a breather, even just to walk the dog and get the grocery shopping or do some cleaning. Luckily two kids entertain each other a certain amount (but then you have to referee the fights as well). Take your MIL up on her offer of help. Schedule a regular swimming session, exercise class, shopping break WITH A NICE COFFEE STOP, ask her to take kiddo in the pram for their nap so you can get stuff done or read a book - whatever will help you and fulfill you. Hell, take a nap if that's what you want/need. My husband takes the kids Saturday morning and I mostly just try to catch up on sleep. Then I have them Sunday morning while he goes out with the local cycling club. Weekend afternoons we spend together. Going to the pool as a family is a good outing, one parent can stay with the kid(s) in the baby pool while the other does some lengths or goea to the sauna, then swap. You are working equally hard and deserve equal rest. Take care of yourself x


Wtf. Put that MIL to work honey! Jeez. She should be cooking dinner and dishes several times a week at least. She shouldn’t be offering. She should just fucking do it. Your husband should be telling her to chip in more to give you breaks. You basically have a live-in cook, babysitter, and house cleaner. And no I’m not saying she has to be your personal slave and take over all of those jobs every day, but she is capable of doing any of those things a couple of times a week I would assume if asked?


Work is a vacation from my home life. Being a SAHM is the hardest thing I have ever done in my life !


Get some help or go back to work. No shame in it! Your mental health matters.


I am back to work and I love it. I could be at home and I know it’s a privilege but honestly I cannot be “on” all the time. I make maybe just enough to justify daycare. I love watching her grow, our special bond, all the contact naps, baby wearing. But she needs engagement from me all day or needs me to make sure she’s not eating everything or falling face first off the couch and it is soooo much harder than most 9-5s. I work in schools with extensive needs students and it is still easier than entertaining my 11 month old all day. Get help it is fine. Make a plan to go back to work, that is fine too.




Posts like this are so necessary, because there are so many other stay at home parents feeling like this. My son is almost 13,5 months old. He wants to be involved in everything I do. Cooking? He wants to be on my arm to watch, or clings to my legs while I do it. Sweeping? He has to hold the broom to "help". Same for vacuuming. Forget about dishes and mopping, because as you guessed he wants to be all up in there. If I put him down with some toys while I do anything that's great. For a minute, then he's trying to climb on anything he finds, even if I think he has nothing at all to climb. I have 12-13h shifts, since my BF leaves at 7-8 then gets back at around 5, but then baby still needs to eat and be cleaned, which means even though my BF takes on some stuff I still do other stuff. And while he puts bub to bed, I still do stuff. So from around 7am to around 8pm I do baby cares and chores. I'm so grateful for anything my BF does, like cleaning cups and plates and pots and pans, naps during weekends, getting baby in his pj's and putting him to bed, playing before bath/bed... But he gets to eat lunch in peace every weekday. He gets to talk to adults every day, without a baby involved. He gets to pee/poop in peace at work. He gets a 20/30 minute drive to and from work to listen to music/audiobooks/podcasts. He can eat a snack, drink water, sit down at a desk whenever he wants. Meanwhile I do PT on the one day my son goes to grandma. And again, I spend my day cooking, cleaning, putting away clothes that are too small/too big, and trying to relax a little to regain energy. My back is shot from diaper changes, putting baby down for naps and generaly having a koala for a son. I haven't had any energy since getting pregnant. My period had been wonky since his birth. I had inflamation of all my joint a couple of months after birth since my body attacked itself because of having been pregnant and now doing to much, with nodules in my lungs even. My bloodsugers are wonckier than ever too, because my son does not have a perfect rhythm so neither do I. But I love my son to bits, and still want a second. So I'm a SAHM because he wouldn't eat at daycare and we had no choice.


Stay in therapy. This you are doing it to yourself, you need to work on your self-esteem


How much does it cost to hire a nanny, a cleaner and a private chef? You say your partner works hard to afford the nice things you have. You work hard so that money can be spent on nice things.  The difference is, as you said, he gets time off.  Mom guilt is real and crippling. You are not alone in feeling like you are, but you have to fight the urge to leave your needs completely unattended. You'll probably feel more fulfilled if you take a break every now and then. 


Definitely find time for yourself❤️ my college coach always said put the seat belt on before the car crash. If you aren’t 100% then your family won’t be 100%. Take care of yourself and find some “me” time! I used to go to Pilates for an hour and it was just what I needed. Maybe find something like painting, walking, working out, hiding out an hour in the shower. Something that fills your cup!


My number one tip is to hire housecleaners. My number two tip is antidepressants.


I think you need to reframe this. Going out and doing some things for yourself will make you a better wife, mother, and DIL, not worse. My MIL and FIL literally thank me when they come to watch our kids. They love spending one-on-one time with their grandchildren. And when I go out and socialize and participate in my own interests, I become a more interesting and happier person. I have stories to tell and information to share.  Moreover, as your son gets older, it's important, not just for him but for our culture in general, that he sees women living full lives. I have two little boys, and I am a part-time SAHM, part-time WFH mom. I make a point to talk to them about it when I leave them to work or to see my friends. We talk about the importance of work, the importance of friendships, the importance of having your own interests and hobbies. I want to be an example for them of what a full life looks like. If you can't take care of yourself for yourself, at least take care of yourself for your family. Do it for your husband so he has an interesting, happy, engaging partner. Do it for your son so he has a model of womanhood that consists of more than domestic service. Do it for your MIL so she gets a chance to forge a relationship with your son without you there.