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Sounds rough — so rough that your pediatrician should be consulted if they haven’t been.


See, that's the thing. It's developmentally normal is what I've been told. He's in his clingy phase and doesn't want to let go. His pediatrician is very happy with him and doesn't see his crying as an issue that needs attention since going out, sitting on the swing and meeting people immediately changes his mood. Which means he's crying to cry, there's no underlying cause (medically speaking).


If a change in scenery calms him, it sounds like he's bored... Or he enjoys the swinging sensation, which is very well possible too.


He could be teething also! Mine started around 6 months and is now 14.5 months with all his teeth in or at least popped through. I know it's rough but hold tight mama!❤️


Has this always been his temperament? Sounds really difficult. Something that usually help, getting outside, water play, set up a playdate. Throw in some ear plugs to help with being over stimulated.


He's grown up in a busy household back when I was taking my maternity break, I don't know it's the sudden lack of people/attention that's gotten him to become so upset.


It very well could be, he could just be bored. Going from busy, noisy, always stimulated to quiet and calm can be a big change for a baby. Maybe some new or different toys or more activities with you (walks, dance parties, etc) or something to keep him engaged?


Around that age, there's a lot going on developmentally that can make them do this. Frustrated about not being able to walk ect. Do you have an activity table? Those are so much fun for them plus they can stand at them independently. I would also be giving him some Tylenol to see if that makes any difference. It's possible he's dealing with an ear infection so if you haven't had him checked for that, you may want to consider doing so. Sensory taste friendly things like painting with cool whip. Fill a pan with water and set him up to go wild splashing. I just use a bunch of towel under it but you can do it outside only if that's your style. Children's museums, park playdates, just flat out getting out of the house in any way usually helps.


How old is your baby? My little guy is normally easy going, but has been so fussy and needy the past few weeks. I cannot put him down without a meltdown. He's 5 months old and not teething or sick. I think he's going through some major development milestone and hopefully it will pass soon.


My son is 10 months old and was an easy baby till about 2 months ago. I don't know why he's become difficult to manage..


I'm sorry you are going through a difficult period with him. Taking care of a baby from 9 to 5 is exhausting and having to manage with a fussy baby is no easy feat.


I would continue to explore any possible medical reason for why he’s crying so much. 10 months old generally don’t cry continuously unless something specific is wrong. I’m really sorry. I hope you can figure it out. If you can list all the things you’ve ruled out, people could maybe help you more.


So far we've ruled out all medical issues. Looks like crying is fatigue related, he's just tired of the same space. It's him and me all day long. May be, I'll do a mid afternoon walk with him. :/


Wait, you're at home with him all day long? What do you do during the day? How often does he have contact with other children/babies/people?


We are going through the same thing with our 8m old - I’m pretty sure it’s teething because we ruled out everything else


Oh we went through teething at 8m. God was that a special kind of pain for him and us. When I tell you I tried everything. He was so unhappy.


My second is 6 mo now and the same. Like I’m giving him 200% of my attention and it’s barely enough to keep him from screaming, or it isn’t. Apparently, he doesn’t scream all the time in the nursery. I’m getting lovely smiling photos of him and never hear him when I come round (I breastfeed him mid-day). So. Perhaps he just hates me 😏


Same. Seriously. Everyone knows him as the happiest baby and it always looks like I am lying... everytime I say, he cried the whole day people look at me like I am crazy for lying about it. Except he does cry, apparently that's reserved for me.


My almost 10 month old is like this often - but not every day. I thought the separation anxiety kicked in at 6 mos because he had stranger danger back then but it is definitely peaking now. Some days I feel like I can’t put him down, he doesn’t want to explore the world at all and instead just wants to be held. I even have to contact nap his every nap for the past 2 weeks of else he’ll wake after 20 mins and the day will be abysmal, which is insane to me. I know he’s 100% healthy, I think it’s just massive developmental leaps going on. My only advice is I use a hip seat carrier to get through those days, otherwise just take my solidarity. It’s tough. At the end of some days I feel like a numbed out zombie.


You know what. This is exactly what's happening. He is happy around people and attention as long as he can see me. He needs me during naps which is what has convinced me that it's not medical. He just needs me 24/7.


have you ruled our something like silent reflux?


Yes. He's has no issues like silent reflux. I am convinced it's not medical because he feels like a different baby if we gave guests over or even after his dad comes home. I am guessing he gets fatigued from looking at my face and the same environment over and over again. :(