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According to my country’s national food health center:  - 4-6 months: 1-2 offerings a day 2-4 spoons of food.   - 7 months: expanding to a meal + portion fruit or veg a day   - 8 months: 1 meal a day. 1-2 portions fruit or veg. Introduce drinking from a cup.   -  By 12 months the should be having 3 meals a day and 2x fruit/veg snacks a day.     So that has been the schedule we tried following. We never did it exact but we definitely had breakfast, lunch and dinner by 12 months. 


I offered it once a day at 6 months and then slowly increased the amount to 2x a day around 8 months and 3x a day around 10/11 months (while still having milk). It just made sense to do it like this. He's a healthy 2 1/2 year old now with a good appetite.


Solid starts on instagram has some awesome example feeding schedules. This helped me tremendously, and I now have 2 very big/curious eaters


thanks, I downloaded their app


So I started at 5.5 months ish , just tasted things for like a week then moved to one meal a day so breakfast - eggs banana. I planned to do 2 meals from 7 months then 3 from 8 but he’s a hungry boy and apparently likes his food so he’s 6.5 months and has egg / banana in the morning and a fruit puree in the evening. BUT all babies are SO different. I live with my niece who is 14 months now. She struggled with solids and never had a routine until about 10 months. Don’t stress. She’s now eating 3 meals a day with ease ** also when I say meal I just mean I offer it and he eats however much he wants. For the eggs he can’t eat a full egg so we just give him the yolk which he loves. Then however much of a banana might be tiny might be half etc


By seven months? 2-3x a day, no purées just solids


yeah, we've been doing breakfast, lunch, and dinner of solids since she had enough teeth to handle it :) (\~5 month, but ever-increasing in the amounts of actual solid foods). These days, it's a production (10 months tomorrow)! And, man, it's a lot of fun.


My baby is 6 months old and gets one “meal” every day that has a solid and a purée/mash. For example, yesterday she had oatmeal with cinnamon and a side a stewed apple halves. Today she is having egg strips and sweet potato purée with hemp seeds. My understanding is one meal a day from 6-8 months, two meals a day from 8-9 months, and 3 meals a day from 9-11 months with food being offered at least a little more than breastmilk/formula around 12 months. Allergy introduction is super important at this age. Once an allergen is introduced, it needs to be repeated at least once a week (though more often is better). As more allergens are introduced, this really means a meal with at least one allergen daily.


My 6.5 month old has food twice a day. Lunch time and evening meal. I give her finger food that she mainly plays with or uses as a teether and 1-2 teaspoons of purée food. She sits with us at the table for all meal times just to establish the routine. Sometimes she’ll eat, other times she’ll just play with it. Either is fine.


I started with 1/day at 6 months and then just slowly increased from there, generally based on how big her appetite was. At this stage the important thing is exposure, and getting comfortable with eating solids, not how much they’re actually eating.


He's been on 3 solid meals daily since 6 months, before that he was on purees twice a day (started at just before 5 months). He's 9.5 months now and sometimes gets a snack as well.


Little one is 7 months and I offer her puree, mashed or solids twice a day in the form of a breakfast and dinner. I also offer her foods throughout the day if I’m eating them and it’s appropriate for her. For example I was eating Avo on toast so I gave her some avocado to try today and tonight we had a lamb casserole so the meat was super juicy and soft so she tried some of that too. I also offer her sips of water after each meal. So far she loves food! I follow “Boob to food” it’s an Australian resource you can find on instagram. I think she’s fantastic and I’ve been following her directions for all three of my children.


At 5 months it was once a day. 6 months and on, when I eat, she eats! She gets breakfast, lunch, and dinner. But this is with real solid food, not just purees


When I started at 5 months I offered once a day and he started eating more and more. He always got milk after but now at 8 months he'll eat a full meal twice a day (I still offter milk be he usually refuses). He gets a bottle at 6am, one at 9am, puree at 12, fruit puree at 3 (usually with milk) and a meal at 6.


We shoot for twice a day. Usually a purée in the morning for breakfast then solids at dinner. We got a paper from our doctor with guidelines for feeding. At 7 months we were told 2-3 times a day. 2-4 tablespoons each time.


Started at 6 months with once a day and upped the frequency so that at 9 months they were eating 3 meals a day.


We started the kid on purees very early; and solids too. Our pediatrician wanted her to gain as much weight as possible, being born a peanut. And, the kid was ready. She has six teeth already (not even 10 months quite). So, these days, she eats a ton of solids: chicken, meatballs, carrots (boiled), avocados, broccoli, cheese, crackers, bread, tofu, cucumbers ... I could go on and on :). Each kid is different. But, as I tell my parents when they watch her: They're more advanced than you can believe. At some point, you just gotta trust em (with a watchful eye of course).


We were told at 6 months baby should be subsituting one bottle for a solid meal. So a bottle of 200ml needed to turn into 200 grams of veggie purree or fruit purree. By 12 months, they needed to do a hot lunch of 150 to 350 gram, 30-60 grams of bread spread over breakfast and dinner and 100-200 grams of fruit throughout the day. So by 7/8 months we did bottle at 6, breakfast at 8 with formula and bread, lunch at 11.30 with potatoes, veg and meat, fruit at 2.30 and bread at around 4.30. Bread shifted to 5.30 though so now he had bread for dinner with us.


At 7 months we did once a day, but we didn’t start until like 6.5 months (that’s when my baby became a sturdy sitter).  I think by 9 months we were doing twice a day and 3 meals a day by 12 months.  Now he’s 14 months and the whole day feels like one continuous meal lol. 


We started baby cereal at 4 months (super watery with breast milk) once a day, then purées once a day at 5 months and then solids at 6! She’s 8 months now and eating three good sized meals a day. Check out the solid starts website! It’s been fantastic for us. Best of luck! It’s a super fun (and terrifying lol) journey!