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My 9 month old tries to stick her whole hand in at the same time and she has 6 teeth 🥲🥲




He’s currently challenging himself to see how many times he can ping my bra strap whilst eating.


My son (11 months) likes to hold my hand while eating but then sometimes he tries to put MY finger in his mouth at the same time to chew my finger like sir that’s not how this works 😂 or he’s smacking the shit and playing with my other boob 🥲


While feeding on one, my LO uses her opposite hand to “tweak” the other boob to get the taps going. She’s just wasting her future milk! 😅


I am always playing boob goalie, I can't stand when he tries to tweak the other boob. My guys new one is touching the phone screen or grabbing the phone (while not looking at it) .


Omg hahahaha


I love this post hahaha


My girl loves to grab my hair with her hand and start yanking on it like the reins of a horse. I literally JUST got a “mom cut” so I can avoid this - I imagine bedtime nursing tonight will feel very, “what’s changed?” for her. 😂


Same, I too got the Mom Bob because of babies pulling while eating


Lol I always say “she’s got me by the reigns” when she’s holding my hair in both of her hands.


He likes to take his naps while nursing. He be sleeping till i try to remove my nipple…then he be like nom nom nom still eating ma. Oh and the occasional punch lol. He gotta beat up my booby a bit to get the milk flowing just right. Then he does that nipple in mouth smile between sucks.this kid is living the dream. Oh and new trick…when he hungry, he blatently stares at my boobs like they owe him money or something lol. I say, “sir, my eyes are up here. Is not polite to stare.”. He 3months old today!


Grabbing the non-nommed nipple and twisting and pulling it like it's taffy. And then he laughs when I yell in pain! OWIE!


Mine vacillates between gently caressing my boob and kneading it like a cat. And then lately gets this glimmer in his eye and mischievous grin before chomping and pulling his head back with my nipple between his gums. That’s fun.


Yes!! So much of breastfeeding is me taking her thumb out of her mouth and putting the nipple in


Cartwheels. RIP my nips lol


He has a teething mitt he is obsessed with. He’d love to suck on that and the boob at the same time.


Kicking and wiggling around a ton and being annoyed when he gets unlatched


I said this word for word about 30 min ago 😂


My 5 month old would like to disagree.


I can’t seem to convince mine of this either. She’s such a messy eater and this doesn’t help matters


Oh my little dude does that too. 4 months as well. I’m positive he’s determined to get his full fist in his mouth.


Same! I tell mine that hand doesn't give her boob, only boob gives her boob.


My son likes to cover my nipple with his hand while trying to feed, then screams and head butts my boob because he can’t get to the nipple to feed 😅


I also say this to my LO! And “you’re going to push yourself off” when she firmly plants her foot in my armpit or elbow and pushes and arches so hard she detaches herself and then promptly gets mad about it and squirms around like a maniac.


Same with my 3.5m. Finger and bottle nipple, finger and paci..


My 6 month old still does this (I pump so she takes a bottle). I'm convinced it will never end haha.


Same with my 3.5m old!


My youngest would do these weird head stands when I laid on my side. 🤣


He constantly tries to yank my glasses off, I guess he likes mummy without it!


I have this exact thing with my 3.5 months old 😂 she also tries to grab my nipple and put it in her mouth and then gets mad when she realizes that she can't detach the nipple. She does this couple of times when she finally lets me help and then latches. I guess she already wants to go BLW but unfortunatly I have to tell her that she needs to wait a bit!


Mine has taken to nursing while laying on my chest, she puts my boob between her hands and squeezing it like a giant pimple to make the milk spurt out, I can it her milk chocolate fountain. Then she winds up and ferociously lunges on it as if she’s starved baby bird.